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REMANENSI DAN FLUX DENSITY DARI BERBAGAI BENTUK GEOMETRI MAGNET PERMANEN Nurdiyansyah, Lukman Faris; Tetuko, Anggito P.; Aryanto, Didik; Sebayang, Perdamean
Telaah Vol 32, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Research Center for Physics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/tel.32.1.176


dari berbagai bentuk geometri magnet permanen berbasis ferrite (BaFe12O19) dan logam tanah jarang (NdFeB). Nilai remanensi magnet (Br) diperoleh dari kurva histerisis (B-H curve) yang diukur dengan alat permagraph dan flux density Bz diukur secara langsung dengan menggunakan gaussmeter. Bentuk geometri dan jenis sampel uji adalah cube, ring, dan disk dari magnet permanen berbasis NdFeB dan BaFe12O19. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa magnet permanen berbasis NdFeB memiliki nilai remanensi yang lebih besar dibanding dengan magnet permanen berbasis BaFe12O19. Dari pengukuran magnet permanen berbasis BaFe12O19 didapatkan nilai Br = 1:17 kG untuk bentuk geometri ring dan untuk disk didapat sebesar Br = 1:78 kG, sedangkan dari magnet permanen berbasis NdFeB yang berbentukcube (tipe 1), cube tipe 2, dan disk didapatkan nilai Br = 7:5 kG, Br = 10:8 kG, dan Br = 5:2 kG. Untuk pengukuran flux density Bz sebagai fungsi jarak z didapatkan kesesuaian antara eksperimen dan teori. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa nilai Br dan Bz sangat dipengaruhi oleh bentuk geometri dan jenis magnet permanen.
Teknologi Indonesia Vol 39, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : LIPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jti.v39i2.265


Preparation of BaFe 12 O 19 powder containing varying amount of ZnO as 5, 10, 15 and 20 % by mass were prepared by a high energy milling (HEM) for 1 hour and compacted into a pellet using 80 kgf/cm 2 in compressive pressure. The samples were sintered at elevated temperatures of 800 and 1,000 o C for 2 hours, separately. The characterization results indicated that BaFe 12 O 19 -10 mass % ZnO exhibits excellent in physical and magnetic properties that can be potentially used for recording media and microwave absorbing material applications.
Karakterisasi Struktur Coating Fe-25Al Yang Difabrikasi Dengan Metode Paduan Mekanik [Structure Characterization of Fe-25Al Coating Fabricated by Mechanical Alloying Method] Nisa, Khoirun; Aryanto, Didik; Sudiro, Toto; Sebayang, Perdamean; Aji, Mahardika P
Metalurgi Vol 31, No 2 (2016): Metalurgi Vol. 31 No. 2 Agustus 2016
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi dan Material - LIPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.903 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/metalurgi.v31i2.129


Fe-25Al coating has been prepared on low carbon steel substrate by using a mechanical alloying technique. Structure of Fe-25Al coating before and after heat treatment at 600, 700, and 800 °C was studied by using XRD (x-ray diffraction) characterization. SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and EDX (energy disperse xray) were used to identified the morphology of cross-section of Fe-25Al coating after mechanical alloying process. The result of SEM, EDX and XRD showed that the Fe-25Al deposited uniformly on low carbon steel. The Fe-25Al coating formation has a solid solution Fe(Al) phase. Heat treatment caused the changing in the phase of Fe-25Al coating, where the Fe3Al phase with orientation of (110), (200) and (211) plane was formed. The optimum of diffusion process was occurs at temperature of 600C which was indicated by the increasing in the crystalline size and followed by the decreasing in the dislocation density and lattice strain. Increasing temperature on the heat treatment caused the changing in the structure parameter, such as lattice parameter, crystalline size, lattice strain and dislocation density. In this work, heat treatment on the Fe-25Al coating influenced the changing in crystal defect such as grain boundaries, vacancy and dislocation. It affected thechanges of lattice strain and crystalline size of Fe-25Al coating.AbstrakCoating Fe-25Al telah dipreparasi di atas substrat baja karbon rendah dengan menggunakan metode paduan mekanik. Struktur dari coating Fe-25Al sebelum dan setelah diberi perlakuan panas pada 600°C, 700°C, and 800°C dipelajari dengan menggunakan karakterisasi X-ray diffraction (XRD). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) dan energy disperse X-ray (EDX) digunakan untuk mengetahui morfologi dari penampang lintang coating Fe-25Al setelah proses paduan mekanik. Hasil dari SEM, EDX dan XRD menunjukkan bahwa Fe-25Al telah terdeposisi seragam pada substrat baja karbon rendah. Coating Fe-25Al yang terbentuk memiliki fasa solid solution Fe(Al). Perlakuan panas menyebabkan perubahan fasa pada coating Fe-25Al, dimana terbentuk fasa Fe3Al dengan orientasi bidang (110), (200) dan (211). Proses difusi optimum terjadi pada suhu 600°C yang ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan ukuran butir, diikuti dengan berkurangnya densitas dislokasi dan regangan kisi. Meningkatnya suhu pada perlakuan panas menyebabkan perubahan parameter struktur seperti parameter kisi, ukuran kristal, regangan kisi dan kerapatan dislokasi. Dalam pekerjaan ini, perlakuan panas pada coating Fe-25Al mempengaruhi perubahan cacat kristal seperti batas butir, kekosongan dan dislokasi. Hal tersebut berakibat pada perubahan regangan kisi dan ukuran kristal dari coating Fe-25Al.
Perlakuan Panas Ganda pada Fabrikasi Film Tipis AZO Nanokristal dengan Teknik Spray : Studi XRD [Double Heat Treatments On The Fabrication Of Nanocrystalline Azo Thin Films By Spray Technique: XRD Studies] Aryanto, Didik; Husniya, Naimatul; Sudiro, Toto; Hastuti, Ema
Metalurgi Vol 32, No 2 (2017): Metalurgi Vol. 32 No. 2 Agustus 2017
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi dan Material - LIPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (352.278 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/metalurgi.v32i2.320


XRD characterization was used to study the effect of single and double thermal treatment on the fabrication of nanocrystalline Al-doped ZnO (AZO) thin films deposited by spray technique. In the single thermal treatment, nanocrystalline AZO thin film with a wurtzite hexagonal polycrystalline structure was formed at temperatures of 500 °C and 600 °C. An increasing of treatment temperature led to the increase of crystalline size and the decrease of dislocation density.  The double thermal treatment on nanocrystalline AZO thin films resulted in a small change in diffraction pattern. This indicated that the crystal parameters of nanocrystalline AZO thin films changed after receiving a second thermal treatment. Nanocrystalline AZO thin films which was thermal treatment at temperatures of 500 °C in air environment and continued at temperatures of 600 °C in vacuum showed that the decrease of average crystal size and the presence of crystal defect (an increase of strain and dislocation). Different results were shown in the nanocrystalline AZO thin film after thermal treatment attemperatures of 600 °C in air environment then followed by vacuum condition. The crystal quality of nanocrystalline AZO thin films was improved, which was indicated by an increase of the average crystal size and reduce of the strain value and dislocation density. Based on the obtainedresults, the double heat treatment effected the crystal parameter and the quality of nanocrystalline AZO thin films deposited by spray technique.AbstrakKarakterisasi XRD telah digunakan untuk mempelajari efek perlakuan panas tunggal dan ganda pada fabrikasi film tipis ZnO doping Al (AZO) nanokristal yang dideposisikan dengan teknik spray. Pada perlakuan panas tunggal, film tipis AZO nanokristal dengan struktur polikristal heksagonal wurtzite terbentuk pada suhu 500 °C dan 600 °C. Peningkatan suhu menyebabkan peningkatan ukuran kristal dan pengurangan kerapatan dislokasi. Perlakuan panas ganda pada film tipis AZO nanokristal mengakibatkan perubahan kecil pola difraksi. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa parameter kristal film tipis AZO nanokristal berubah setelah mendapat perlakuan panas kedua. Film tipis AZO nanokristal yang diberikan perlakuan panas pada suhu 500 °C dalam lingkungan udara dan dilanjutkan hingga suhu 600 °C dalam kondisi vakum memperlihatkan bahwa rata-rata ukuran kristal berkurang dan muncul cacat kristal (regangan dan kerapatan dislokasi meningkat). Hasil yang berbeda ditunjukkan pada film tipis AZO nanokristal yang diberikan perlakuan panas pada suhu 600 °C dalam lingkungan udara kemudian dilanjutkan dengan suasana vakum. Kualitas kristal film tipis AZO nanokristal meningkat, yang diindikasikan dengan peningkatan rata-rata ukuran kristal, berkurangnya nilai regangan dan kerapatan dislokasi. Berdasarkan pada hasil yang didapat, perlakuan panas ganda berpengaruh pada parameter dan kualitas kristal film tipis AZO nanokristal yang dideposisikan dengan teknik spray.
Metalurgi Vol 33, No 3 (2018): Metalurgi Vol. 33 No. 3 Desember 2018
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi dan Material - LIPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (606.947 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/metalurgi.v33i3.450


High entropy alloys (HEA) MoCrFeSiB, MoCrFeSiMn, dan MoCrFeSiMnB telah difabrikasi dengan menggunakan teknik metalurgi serbuk. Profil struktur-mikro, kekerasan dan perilaku oksidasi dari paduan HEA tersebut dipelajari detil untuk mengetahui perbedaan karakteristik dari masing-masing paduan. Hasil analisis difraksi sinar-X menunjukkan bahwa HEA MoCrFeSiB dan MoCrFeSiMn memiliki kemiripan pola difraksi campuran fasa BCC, FCC, dan fasa yang kaya dengan Mo. Hasil yang berbeda ditunjukkan oleh HEA MoCrFeSiMnB, dimana fasa FCC menjadi lebih dominan, dikuti dengan kehadiran fasa yang kaya dengan Cr. Hasil pengamatan citra morfologi permukaan dengan mikroskop elektron mengindikasikan bahwa semua sampel HEA memiliki struktur berpori. HEA MoCrFeSiB dan MoCrFeSiMn menunjukkan morfologi yang mirip, dimana terdapat dua daerah dengan warna abu-abu gelap (dominan) dan abu-abu terang. Sementara HEA MoCrFeSiMnB memperlihatkan adanya tambahan struktur mikro dendritic yang tidak didapatkan pada sampel HEA lainnya. Hasil EDX mengindikasikan bahwa daerah abu-abu gelap, abu-abu terang dan dendritic secara berurutan merupakan fasa HEA, fasa kaya Mo, dan fasa kaya Cr. Hasil uji kekerasan menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai kekerasan HEA MoCrFeSiB, MoCrFeSiMn dan MoCrFeSiMnB setelah disinter pada 1200°C secara berurutan adalah 537,70 HV; 275,23 HV dan 627,31 HV. Perilaku oksidasi yang berbeda diindikasikan oleh masing-masing HEA, yang ditunjukkan oleh kurva oksidasi siklik pada suhu 900°C dan 1000°C. Produk oksida yang terbentuk pada HEA setelah dioksidasi pada kedua suhu tersebut sangat komplek, dimana unsur penyusun HEA sangat mempengaruhi ketahanan oksidasi dari HEA.
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA) Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jpfa.v2n1.p1-6


Self-assembled In0.5Ga0.5As quantum dots (QDs) were grown using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on GaAs (100) substrate with different number of stacking QDs layers. Surface study using atomic force microscopy (AFM) shows that surface morphology of the self-assembled QDs change with different number of stacking QDs layers caused by the previous QDs layers and the thickness of the GaAs spacer layers. PL measurement shows variation in the PL spectra as a function of number of stacking layers of In0.5Ga0.5As QDs. The PL peak positions blue-shifted from 1225 nm to 1095 nm and dramatically increase in intensity with increasing number of stacking QDs layers.
Aplikasi Penjualan Pakaian Secara Online (Studi Kasus: Tauko Medan) Aryanto, Didik; Tarigan, Feriani Astuti
Jurnal TIMES Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STMIK TIME

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Tauko Medan adalah sebuah  clothing  yang  bergerak  di  bidang  produksi  pakaian  yang desain-desainnya berbau Medan. sehingga toko medan memiliki banyak pelanggan dari kalangan anak muda medan. Dengan adanya sebuah website akan sangat membantu Tauko Medan untuk menambah lebih banyak pelanggan. Website e-commerce sangat cocok untuk diimplementasikan pada Toko Medan.
GROWTH AND PROPERTIES OF STACKED SELF-ASSEMBLED In0.5Ga0.5As QUANTUM DOTS Aryanto, Didik; Othaman, Zulkafli; Ismail, Abd. Khamim
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA) Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jpfa.v2n1.p1-6


Self-assembled In0.5Ga0.5As quantum dots (QDs) were grown using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on GaAs (100) substrate with different number of stacking QDs layers. Surface study using atomic force microscopy (AFM) shows that surface morphology of the self-assembled QDs change with different number of stacking QDs layers caused by the previous QDs layers and the thickness of the GaAs spacer layers. PL measurement shows variation in the PL spectra as a function of number of stacking layers of In0.5Ga0.5As QDs. The PL peak positions blue-shifted from 1225 nm to 1095 nm and dramatically increase in intensity with increasing number of stacking QDs layers.
Karakterisasi Serbuk Timah dari Sistem Atomisasi Gas Argon Panas - Sub Sistem Gas Alir Tabung Gas Basyir, Abdul; Aryanto, Didik; Jayadi, Jayadi; Widayatno, Wahyu Bambang; Wismogroho, Agus Sukarto
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 12, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jrm.2021.012.01.20


The tin powder was used in some applications and technology such as for part manufacture through alloying, pressing, and sintering process, mixing material for the pyrotechnic application, the main material for solder pasta, mixing material on tin chemical, and others. Therefore, the demand for tin powder with a small size, spherical shape, and high purity is increasing severely. Indonesia (PT. Timah Tbk.) is one of the world’s largest producers of tin raw materials. This raw material can be processed be as powder by the atomization method. In this research, hot argon gas atomization system was used to generated tin powder. Raw tin was melted in a melting chamber with temperature variations of 600, 700, 800, and 900 °C. This experiment generates powder with a dominant size of 37 – 150 mm. Meanwhile, for size powder of 0 – 30 mm, dominated by size range of 0 – 10 mm. Furthermore, the size powder of 0 – 30 mm is composed of tin phase, without tin oxide. The tin powder of melting chamber temperature of 900 °C produces the largest tin powder with a size of 0 – 10 mm and spherical powder.
Investigation of Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Zn1-xMnxO and Zn0.98-xMnxFe0.02O (x = 0, 0.05, and 0.09) prepared by Solid-state Reaction Method Sebayang, Perdamean; Kurniawan, Candra; Lubis, Ridwan Y; Priyadi, Ignu; N, Nasruddin M; Aryanto, Didik
Makara Journal of Science Vol. 24, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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In this study, we investigated the microstructure and magnetic properties of Zn1-xMnxO and Zn0.98-xMnxFe0.02O (x = 0, 0.05, and 0.09) powders prepared by the solid-state reaction method. The starting material, which consisted of ZnO, Mn, and Fe powders, were wet milled for 3 hours using high-energy milling. We then used an X-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscope, and vibrating sample magnetometer to investigate the effects of doping and co-doping on the microstructure, morphology, and magnetic properties, respectively. The XRD results suggest that Mn and Fe ions had substituted into the ZnO matrix, as illustrated by the resulting single-phase polycrystalline hexagonal wurtzite structures. The diffraction intensity was observed to decrease as the Mn composition increased. The analysis showed that the lattice parameters decreased due to Mn2+ and Fe3+ ion substitution in the ZnO matrix. The co-doping of Mn-Fe ions in the ZnO structure enhanced the magnetic properties, particularly due to the Zn0.89Mn0.09Fe0.02O composition. The increase in the Mn dopant and Mn-Fe co-dopant concentrations strongly contributed to the improved morphology and magnetic properties. Therefore, we can conclude that the presence of Mn and Fe co-dopants in the ZnO system contributed to its magnetic properties, as confirmed by high-saturation magnetization.