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Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan
Publisher : LPPM Press STKIP PGRI Pacitan

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This research is constituted by the application of teaching early reading literacy impplemented in some schools across ex-residency Madiun. The teaching should implement character based teaching as an introduction into the ability of early reading literacy. That is carried out for various reasons, for example, the demands of the students’ parent, the demands of the furhter school level, commercial reasons, and so forth. This study implemented a combination of research methods. Initiated into content validity analysis or analysis of existing learning contents based on theory of study the effectiveness of learning, then combined with observations and school interviews and literature study,narrowing the findings to lead the new concept for early reading literacy learning. 40 Schools being randomly selected were used in this research in the ex-residency Madiun. These research findings illustrated the true condition about the application of early reading literacy learning in the field. Referring to the findings of questionnaires and interviews, the teaching of early reading literacy was delivered in additional learning program. This made it possible to avoid infringement of the government rules about unpermitted learning at that level. Besides, those were found the lack of some language components that allows the imperfectness of introduction and readiness of children to acquaint the language. Furthermore, it lacked involvement of children playing environment both at home and at school for learning outcome optimality. Finally those findings were used as a reference to create an integrated learning tools in the children’s playground in the form of teachers and parents’ guide.Keyword: Reading, Young learner preschool, Playing, and Environment.
Book Sharing: Parents’ Read Aloud Activities in Supporting Emergent Reading and Arts for Early Literacy Chasanatun, Fida; Susari, Hermawati Dwi; *, Sunardi; Nurkamto, Joko; *, Asrowi
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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The golden age is an important period when children receive a wide range of knowledge. It takes place between two years of age to six.  The initial process of early literacy starts also here in which several components state meaningful supports; vocabulary, print knowledge, phonological awareness, emergent reading, and arts. Three previous studies for this article show that the integration between learning at home and at school for the supports is not yet integrated. Based on the research results that are relevant to this study, it was found that children whose parent were optimizing the chance of receiving a stimulus language well, will grow into adults who are capable in terms of language as well as having a tendency to more easily understand the readings five times greater than adults who in his childhood did not receive the same stimuli. The general objective of this study was to find the concept of activity-based meaningful language activities either through sub reading, storytelling, dialogue, as well as arts of toddlers. The specific objective of this study was to: Discover how the existing conditions in similar processes and guidelines that are applied in other countries as a comparison; Finding the design and guidelines for teacher and parent  in facilitating emergent  reading and arts;  Finding the effectiveness  of  on-going  literacy learning activities. Mix methods applied here took 40 teachers and 40 parents lived in Madiun and surroundings. The first questionnaire and observation for both participants showed what real emergent and arts activities for their children and also whether those acts were standardized or not. The second part was sharing the program and figuring the guidelines which lead them act as the target shared. And the last one was the evaluation which promoted observation, interviews and documents from the progress.
Urgensi Pemanfaatan Multimedia dalam Pendidikan Islam Setiawan, Achmad; Suryani, Nunuk; A., Asrowi
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pendidikan

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Teknologi pendidikan memiliki peran penting dalam pembelajaran pada era teknologi informasi saat ini. Perkembangan teknologi informasi sudah sangat luas sehingga perlu dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Peralatan teknologi pendidikan yang berupa multimedia merupakan gabungan dari beberapa media yang bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana pendukung dalam pembelajaran. Manfaat yang bisa dirasakan ketika memanfaatkannyaadalah mampu meningkatkan interaksi siswa, meningkatkan minat siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran, serta membantu dalam penyampaian materi secara efektif dan efisien. Pendidikan islambertujuan untuk mengembangkan semua aspek dalam kehidupan manusia yang meliputi spritual, intelektual, imajinasi, keilmiahan; baik individu maupun kelompok, dan memberi dorongan bagi dinamika aspek-aspek tersebut menuju kebaikan dan pencapaian kesempurnaan hidup, baik dalam hubungannya dengan sang Pencipta, sesama manusia, maupun dengan alam. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh para peneliti terdahulu  yang disajikan dalam artikel ini menunjukkan multimedia sangat bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar. Disamping itu multimedia juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk program mengatasi kesulitan belajar pada golongan berkebutuhan khusus dalam berbagai macam disiplin ilmu. Oleh karena itu, pelaksanaan pembelajaran dalam pendidikan islam sangat perlu untuk memanfaatkan multimedia pembelajaran agar proses pembelajaran bisa berjalan optimal sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dalam pendidikan islam bisa tercapai. Kata kunci: teknologi pendidikan; multimedia pembelajaran; pendidikan islam
Character Education in the Perspective of Humanistic Theory: A Case Study in Indonesia Hartono, Yudi; Haryanto, Samsi; Asrowi, Asrowi
EDUCARE Vol 10, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : EDUCARE

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ABSTRACT: Character education has been an important agenda since the beginning of Indonesian independence. This article, based on the qualitative study and historical approach, tries to elaborate the character education in Indonesia. Findings show that the government policy in later periods affects the character education models in the schools. In the Old Order era, 1959-1966, especially in the Guided Democracy era, the character education had tended to be indoctrinated. Similarly, during the New Order era, 1966-1998, tend to be indoctrinated too. During the Reform era, 1998 to date, the character education is integrated into every lesson, self-development activities, and school culture. The learning model is given to the teachers. Teachers can develop innovative learning models according to student characteristics and learning needs. In the perspective of character education as a process of values education, the concept is initially a component that touches the philosophy of educational objectives of humanizing humans or humanistic learning. The learning models relevant to the concept are constructivist learning. With these models, students will discover and understand the values of the nations character as the basis for taking certain attitudes and actions through internalization process, i.e. the developmental change from externally controlled behavior to internally controlled behavior. Indoctrination models, such as in the Old Order era and New Order era in Indonesia, did not suitable with the humanistic philosophy of value education.KEY WORDS: Character Education; Indoctrination; Humanistic Theory; Indonesian Governments Policy; Learning Models.    About the Authors: Yudi Hartono, M.Pd. is a Doctoral Student at the Study Program of Education Science FKIP UNS (Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University), Jalan Ir. Sutami No.36-A Kentingan, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia. Prof. Dr. Samsi Haryanto is a Professor Emeritus at the Departement of History FKIP UNS in Kentingan, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia. Dr. Asrowi is a Lecturer at the FKIP UNS in Kentingan, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia. Corresponding author is: Citation: Hartono, Yudi, Samsi Haryanto & Asrowi. (2018). “Character Education in the Perspective of Humanistic Theory: A Case Study in Indonesia” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Volume 10(2), February, pp.95-108. Bandung, Indonesia and BS Begawan, Brunei Darussalam: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI and BRIMAN Institute, ISSN 1979-7877. Article Timeline: Accepted (December 19, 2017); Revised (January 20, 2018); and Published (February 28, 2018).
Effectiveness of Social Science Learning Based on Noble Values of Ki Hajar Dewantaras Teaching to Strengthen the Students Character Warsito, Warsito; Asrowi, Asrowi
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 2, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (557.915 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ijal.v2i1.9388


The objectives of this research are: 1) to describe the reasons why social science learning based on the noble values of Ki Hajar Dewantaras teaching is effective to strengthen the students character; 2) to describe the effectiveness of social science learning based on the noble values of Ki Hajar Dewantaras teaching in to strengthen the students character; 3) to compare the effectiveness of the enhancement of the students character of social science learning through the noble values of Ki Hajar Dewantaras teaching and conventional social science learning. This research used the mixed methods. The population was the students in Grade VIII of State Junior Secondary Schools in Solo Raya and its vicinity which encompasses Surakarta City, Boyolali Regency, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Sragen, and Klaten. The data were collected through (1) test, (2) questionnaire, (3) in-depth interview, (4) observation, and (5) documentation. The data were analyzed by using the difference test. The results of research are as follows: 1) the reasons why social science learning process based on the noble values of Ki Hajar Dewantaras teaching is effective to strengthen the students character 2) Social science learning based on the noble values of Ki Hajar Dewantaras teaching is more effective in strengthen the students understanding of character education, and it is more effective than the conventional learning as indicated by the results of the difference test.
The Effectiveness of IPS-based Contextual Learning to Improve Students Character Warsito, Warsito; Asrowi, Asrowi; Mulyoto, Mulyoto; Anitah, Sri
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 1, No 2 (2016): October 2016
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (417.679 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ijal.v1i2.7740


This research aims to 1) find the reasons so that the learning of contextual-based IPS is effective to increase the student's character, 2) describes the effectiveness of IPS-based contextual learning to improve students ' character, 3) compare the effectiveness of IPS-based contextual learning with learning conventional IPS in an attempt to improve the character of students. This research uses qualitative and quantitative paradigms (mixed methods). The population in this research is grade VIII SMP Negeri in Surakarta (solo) and Boyolali district in Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Sragen, Klaten and. Total sample overall as much as 828 students incorporated in 26 classes, classes of experimental group 13 (414 students) and 13 classes of control group (414 students). Data collection technique using the test, questionnaire, interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques with different test that begins with a test of its homogeneity and normality test.How to CiteWarsito, W., Asrowi, A., Mulyoto, M. & Anitah, S. (2016). The Effectiveness of IPS-based Contextual Learning to Improve Students Character. International Journal of Active Learning, 1(1).
Consilium: Jurnal Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Consilium: Jurnal Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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The purpose of this research was to produce social guidance module which was feasible to implement and effective to enchance the character of fifth grade students of elementary school. This research was a research and development which produced social guidance module on moral intelligence to enchance the character of the fifth grade students of elementary school. The next was to investigate the effectiveness of the social guidance module on moral intelligence to enchane the character of the fifth grade students of elementary school by using one group pretest posttest experimental design. Based on the expert and practitioner tests, it was found that social guidance module on moral intelligence to enchance character was proven to be feasible and effective to enchance character. It was proved from the expert and practitioner research on the module which was in good category. The conclusion of this research was that the implementation of social guidance module on moral intelligence was feasible and effective to enchance the character of the fifth grade students of elementary school in Banjarsari Sub-district.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan modul bimbingan sosial yang layak untuk diimplementasikan dan efektif untuk meningkatkan budi pekerti siswa kelas V SD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development) yang menghasilkan modul bimbingan sosial tentang kecerdasan moral untuk meningkatkan budi pekerti bagi siswa kelas V SD. Selanjutnya, untuk mengetahui efektivitas modul bimbingan sosial tentang kecerdasan moral untuk meningkatkan budi pekerti siswa SD menggunakan desain eksperimen One group pretest posttest design. Berdasarkan hasil uji ahli dan uji praktisi, dapat diketahui bahwa modul bimbingan sosial tentang kecerdasan moral untuk meningkatkan budi pekerti dinyatakan layak dan efektif untuk meningkatkan budi pekerti. Hal ini terbukti dari penilaian ahli dan praktisi terhadap modul berada pada kategori baik. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah implementasi modul bimbingan sosial tentang kecerdasan moral layak dan efektif untuk meningkatkan budi pekerti siswa kelas V SD di kecamatan Banjarsari. 
Consilium: Jurnal Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Consilium: Jurnal Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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This research aims to know the effectiveness of reality counseling with WDEP to improve Junior High School students achievement motivation and its impact on learning achievement. This experimental research used nonequivalent control group design. This research uses achievement motivation scale as the data collecting method. This achievement motivation scale is used to know the student achievement motivation. The subject of this research are VIII grade students of Junior High School in Boyolali who hadlowest achievement motivation. In effort to find this relevant subject, the research uses purpossive sampling technique. In addiction to analyze this subject, this research uses Mann Whitney test and Wilcoxon test as its data analysis techniques. The result of this research shows that significant gain score difference between experimental group and control group (p value=0,025 (0,025< 0,05). The achievement motivation scores of the experimental group are significantly increased more than the control group.
Consilium: Jurnal Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Consilium: Jurnal Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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The purpose of this research was to produce a module of learning guidance that was proper and effective as the media development of learning guidance services to reduce students academic procrastination behavior SMP. This research was a Research and development. The result of the analysis showed that the index test results of the expert validation test was 0.866 therefore it can be concluded that the valuation module of learning guidance by experts have excellent validity with the level of reliability almost perfect agreement. Test on a small group of practitioners was0.777 therefore it can be concluded that the learning guidance module has a good validity with the level of reliability substantial agreement. The value of small group test at learners was 173 therefore it can be concluded that learning guidance module assessment from the students was included in the very appropriate category.  The results of the validation test supported by effectiveness test to several student that was effective for reducing students academic procrastination behavior.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan modul bimbingan belajar yang layak dan efektif sebagai pengembangan media layanan bimbingan belajar untuk mereduksi perilaku prokrastinasi akademik peserta didik SMP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa indeks hasil uji validasi ahli sebesar 0,866 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penilaian modul bimbingan belajar menurut ahli memiliki validitas sangat baik dengan tingkat kehandalan almost perfect agreement. Uji kelompok kecil pada praktisi sebesar 0,777 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul bimbingan belajar memiliki validitas yang baik dengan tingkat kehandalan substantial agreement. Nilai uji kelompok kecil pada peserta didik sebesar 173 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penilaian modul bimbingan belajar menurut peserta didik termasuk kategori sangat sesuai. Hasil dari uji validasi tersebut didukung dengan hasil uji keefektifan produk terhadap sekelompok siswa yang menunjukkan bahwa modul bimbingan belajar yang dikembangkan  efektif  untuk mereduksi perilaku prokrastinasi akademik peserta didik SMP.
Consilium: Jurnal Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Consilium: Jurnal Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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The purpose of this research was to improve students? self-efficacy through the module of psychodrama technique. This study used research and development approach. Based on the results of preliminary research which the field study and literature study, the researcher developed a product in the form of a module implementation of psychodrama technique to improve students? self-efficacy. The products, which have been produced were rationally tested by experts and practitioners. The results of the assessment which was done by experts and practitioners claimed that the product was categorized good and eligible for use, with an average value of 87.7%. Products that have been declared eligible for use next tested its effectiveness.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri peserta didik melalui modul implementasi teknik psikodrama. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development). Dalam pengujian efektivitas modul implementasi teknik psikodrama menggunakan pola eksperimen randomized control-group pretest-posttest design. Berdasarkan hasil studi lapangan dan studi kepustakaan dikembangkan sebuah produk berupa modul teknik psikodrama untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri peserta didik. Produk yang telah dihasilkan tersebut diuji secara rasional oleh ahli dan praktisi. Hasil penilaian dari ahli dan praktisi menyatakan bahwa produk dalam kategori baik atau layak untuk digunakan, dengan nilai rata-rata 87,7%. Produk yang telah dinyatakan layak untuk digunakan selanjutnya diuji keefektifannya. Hasil uji efektivitas menunjukkan adanya peningkatan nilai rata-rata sebelum dan sesudah mendapat perlakuan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul implementasi teknik psikodrama efektif untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri peserta didik.