Optimation economic order quantity method for a support system reorder point stock
Linda Perdana Wanti;
Ratih Hafsarah Maharrani;
Nur Wachid Adi Prasetya;
Eka Tripustikasari;
Ganjar Ndaru Ikhtiagung
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 10, No 5: October 2020
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
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The success of a company is measured by the ability to provide goods and services at the right time and place. Besides, one of the factors of the company's progress is also supported by inventory management which functions to control the company's inventory by neither hoarding lots of products nor running out of products. The development of technology requires a company's inventory management that is fast, precise and accurate to support its’ performance. In fact, some companies have difficulty in determining the stock of their goods production so that it impedes the fulfillment of consumer needs in the event of high market demand. This study is to determine the reorder point stock of a company that determines the number of purchases and sales of the company's products, therefore the amount of expenses and income can be presented to the board of directors to be followed up quickly and accurately. The method used is a statistical approach to the economic quantity model where safety stock analysis is first performed. This method is used to put the company's products to the inventory so that there are no excess or even shortages of products. System development method used is a user centered design, which is the most suitable to the study. The output of the activity is information in the form of advice to the company leaders in making decisions about production planning, controlling stock inventory, detailing market demand quickly, precisely and accurately and developing a decision support system that is made by taking into account the details of user needs.
An Optimize Weights Naïve Bayes Model for Early Detection of Diabetes
Oman Somantri;
Ratih Hafsarah Maharrani;
Linda Perdana Wanti
Telematika Vol 15, No 1: February (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
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DOI: 10.35671/telematika.v15i1.1307
This research proposes a method to optimize the accuracy of the Naïve Bayes (NB) model by optimizing weight using a genetic algorithm (GA). The process of giving optimal weight is carried out when the data will be input into the analysis process using NB. The research stages were conducted by preprocessing the data, searching for the classic naïve Bayes model, optimizing the weight, applying the hybrid model, and as the final stage, evaluating the model. The results showed an increase in the accuracy of the proposed model, where the naïve Bayes classical model produced accuracy rate of 87.69% and increased to 88.65% after optimization using GA. The results of the study conclude that the proposed optimization model can increase the accuracy of the classification of early detection of diabetes.
Linda Perdanawanti
Telematika Vol 9, No 1: Februari (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
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DOI: 10.35671/telematika.v9i1.412
Desa siaga adalah desa yang penduduknya memiliki kesiapan sumber daya dan kemampuan serta kemauan untuk mencegah dan mengatasi masalah-masalah kesehatan, bencana dan kegawatdaruratan kesehatan secara mandiri. Data kriteria penentuan desa siaga yaitu keberadaan dan keaktifan forum desa, keberadaan kader pemberdayaan masyarakat, kemudahan akses masyarakat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan, keberadaan UKBM, tercakupnya pendanaan untuk pengembangan desa,peran serta aktif masyarakat dan organisasi kemasyarakatan, peraturan ditingkat desa yang melandasi dan mengatur tentang pengembangan desa, pembinaan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) di desa baik di lingkungan desa maupun masyarakatnya. Pencapaian target desa siaga di setiap desa di Kecamatan Kalibagor memerlukan data. Data-data tersebut didapatkan dari pelayanan kesehatan yang dilakukan di puskesmas setiap bulannya, pemantauan wilayah setempat yang dilakukan di masing-masing desa. Dengan memanfaatkan suatu sistem informasi penunjang keputusan maka akan diperoleh desa siaga di suatu desa di Kecamatan Kalibagor. Sistem informasi penunjang keputusan yang dibuat menggunakan metode Fuzzy AHP. Hasil penelitian ini akan menghasilkan desa siaga yang akan membandingkan setiap kriteria agar tercapai target sesuai dengan indikator desa siaga.
Linda Perdanawanti;
Sofyan Setiajid
Telematika Vol 10, No 2: Agustus (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
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DOI: 10.35671/telematika.v10i2.579
Bahasa Jepang dapat dibilang sebagai salah satu bahasa yang patut dipelajari dan diminati. Selain kebudayaan Jepang seperti musik dan pakaian, Jepang kini semakin dikenal dan diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Perkembangan smartphone yang mengusung sistem operasi android beberapa tahun kebelakang banyak dipakai karena memiliki beragam fitur yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan daya tarik tersendiri bagi user. Keberhasilan penggunaan sebuah aplikasi dilihat dari interaksi user dengan user interfacenya. User harus merasa puas dengan semua informasi yang disediakan dan merasa nyaman saat berinteraksi dengan sistem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan rancangan aplikasi kamus dasar bahasa Jepang berbasis android menggunakan metode User Centered Design (UCD) untuk menangkap kebutuhan user. Pengumpulan data menggunakan studi literatur, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Pendekatan UCD membantu perancangan sistem interaktif yang lebih berpusat pada pengguna dan sasaran UCD lebih dari sekedar membuat produk yang berguna bagi usernya. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rancangan aplikasi kamus dasar bahasa Jepang berbasis android menggunakan metode User Centered Design yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan user.
End User Satisfaction for Location Health Service Application with Analysis of Task Technology Fit
Linda Perdana Wanti;
Hijriah Fajar Muhammad Insan;
Nur Wachid Adi Prasetya
Lontar Komputer : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Vol 11 No 2 (2020): Vol. 11, No. 2 August 2020
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services, Udayana University
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DOI: 10.24843/LKJITI.2020.v11.i02.p02
There are several types of health services that provide information about health care facilities, such as pharmacies, health centers, clinics, and hospitals. Application of health service facilities location is used to facilitate users in reaching the nearest health service facility. The application of the health care facilities location has not been optimally used by the user so often. The advantage of analyzing the system is to determine its direct and indirect effect on the end-user. This research analyzes task technology fit (TTF) of application for the location of health service facilities based on measures of end-user satisfaction and knowledge management system (KMS). The research began with an exploratory study through interviews with users of health service applications. With the results of interviews, the research hypothesis model was built to integrate health service applications with the task technology fit model based on end-user satisfaction. The results obtained from this study are the impact of the performance of a good application system can increase end-user satisfaction in optimizing all the modules that exist in the application. The intended system performance is the quality of information presented by the application including the location of the health service facility and the accuracy of information needed by the end which affects the compatibility of the health service facility application which significantly increase the end-user satisfaction, and this will automatically affect the TTF performance for the better. This needs to be responded to so that the application continues to be updated in real-time to continue to provide information about the application in accordance with the development and needs of end-users. This linkage shows that the role of task technology fit has a good impact on system development that affects system relationships and end-user satisfaction in applications.
Implementasi Metode Research and Development Pada Pengembangan Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Multimedia
Linda Perdana Wanti;
Laura Sari
Infotekmesin Vol 12 No 1 (2021): Infotekmesin: Januari 2021
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
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DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v12i1.279
Mathematics is a lesson that is still a frightening specter for some students. There are several methods used to make mathematics fun to learn. One of them is to package material in mathematics to be more attractive and interesting, especially for children this can make them become interested in learning mathematics. The developed using research and development methods. This method begins by exploring the problem, collecting data needed, designing the product to be developed, validating the product design, testing the use of the system to be developed, revising the product, testing the product, revising the product and product design if there are errors or deficiencies and the last is mass production of product. This research aims to develop an interactive multimedia-based mathematics learning which can later be optimized to increase student interest in learning mathematics and be used to improve the quality of education.
Sistem Pakar Deteksi Dini Penyakit Preeklamsia pada Ibu Hamil Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor
Nur Wachid Adi Prasetya;
Linda Perdana Wanti;
Laura Sari;
Lina Puspitasari
Infotekmesin Vol 13 No 1 (2022): Infotekmesin: Januari, 2022
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
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DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v13i1.1050
Preeclampsia is a disease in pregnant women characterized by high blood pressure and positive urine protein. The disease has a high risk of maternal and fetal death, so there is a need for early detection of mothers at risk of preeclampsia. Early online detection of preeclampsia is the best solution during the Covid-19 pandemic by analyzing the influencing factors. The purpose of this study is to build an expert system for early detection of preeclampsia in pregnant women using the Certainty Factor method and the waterfall system development model in order to provide the possibility of pregnant women suffering from preeclampsia. Testing the accuracy of 30 medical record data for pregnant women resulted in a system accuracy level of 90%, while usability testing resulted in a user satisfaction level of 55 with the System Usability Testing (SUS) score criteria being "Poor", therefore improvements are needed on expert system in the future.
Implementasi Forward Chaining Method Pada Sistem Pakar Untuk Deteksi Dini Penyakit Ikan
Linda Perdana Wanti;
Syahrur Romadhon
Infotekmesin Vol 11 No 2 (2020): Infotekmesin: Juli 2020
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
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DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v11i2.248
This study aims to create a computer based intelligent system to detect freshwater fish disease. Problems often faced by fish farmers, especially freshwater fish, are fish diseases that begin with signs such us wounds on the surface of the fish’s body, bleeding on the gills, fish’s stomach which suddenly enlarges and is filled with fluid, the release of fins or the tail of the fish which results in the death of cultivated fish, thereby reducing freshwater fish production. The expert system developed to implement the forward chaining method which starts with tracking the symptoms experienced by fish to determine the preventive action that must be taken by bringing the symptoms to the system. System development in this study uses extreme programming (XP) where the flexibility of this method supports all changes that occur when developing an expert system to detect fish diseases. The output of the research carried out in the form of an expert system that provides information about freshwater fish diseases, the cause and how to overcome them.
Implementasi Extreme programming Pada Website Marketplace Lapak Petani Online
Linda Perdana Wanti;
Fadillah Fadillah;
Ganjar Ndaru Ikhtiagung;
Ilham Aditya Pangestu
Infotekmesin Vol 12 No 1 (2021): Infotekmesin: Januari 2021
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
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DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v12i1.427
The use of information technology to improve people’s welfare has been implemented in various lines of life, including selling agricultural products through the marketplace to expand marketing and increase sales figures. Marketplace built based on the website using extreme programming (XP) method. The selection of extreme programming for marketplace development is tailored to all user needs and system requirements because website development is done in a relatively short time and many changes occur during website development. The stages of the extreme programming method are carried out in several iterations to get feedback from the end-users who are used in the website improvement process so that at the end of the iteration process the website developed is in accordance with the needs of the end-user. The output generated from this research is the farmer’s stall marketplace website that is used to market agricultural products from the Cilacap Holtikultura Farmers Association (PHC).
Optimization of the Fuzzy Logic Method for Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis
Linda Perdana Wanti;
Lina Puspitasari
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)
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DOI: 10.29207/resti.v6i1.3599
Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can use a fuzzy inference system. The use of fuzzy logic method to obtain ASD diagnosis results according to experts based on the limits of factors/symptoms of the disease and all the rules obtained from experts. Recommendations for therapy and preventive actions can be given by experts after knowing the results of the diagnosis of ASD using the fuzzy logic method. This study serves to diagnose ASD by optimizing each degree of membership in the fuzzy logic method with the Mamdani method approach which is involved in the autism detection process involving 96 patient data. The Mamdani method itself can process an uncertain value from the user/patient into a definite value whose membership degree can be determined and adjusted to the conditions of the problem. Optimization was carried out on the degree of membership for all variables involved in the process of diagnosing ASD, namely social interaction, social communication and imagination and behavior patterns. The results of this study indicate a relatively small level of fuzzy calculation error with a precision value of 94.4%, a recall precision value of 65.4% and an error rate value of 3.05%. Calculation of accuracy shows a result of 90.59%.