Wahyu Anggraeni, Candradewi;
Hartono, Rudi;
-, Warsono
English Education Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : English Education Journal
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The aims of the study are to explain the experiential meanings of participantsâ element realized in the studentsâ recounts, to explain the experiential meanings of processesâ element realized in the studentsâ recounts, and to explain the experiential meanings of circumstancesâ element realized in the studentsâ recounts. The study used is a descriptive qualitative method of discourse analysis. The data were taken from 20 studentsâ recounts of Writing 4 at English Education Study Program of Unissula. The unit of analysis was a clause. The result of the study showed that the dominant element of experiential meanings was participantsâ element (46.5%). The participantsâ elements realized by the nominal group with the dominant participantsâ types in studentsâ recounts are actor 19.8 % and goal 14.5 %. The processesâ elements realized by the verbal group with the dominant process are material process in 43.6 %. The circumstancesâ elements realized by prepositional phrase, adverbial group, and nominal group with the dominant participants are place circumstance 43.5% and time circumstance 23.7 %. It can be concluded that the experiential meanings in studentsâ recounts are realized by the specific participants of actor and goal, material process and circumstances of place and time.
Education 4.0 in English for Survival Class: What, why, and how is to promote it?
Anggraeni, Candradewi Wahyu
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 2 (2018): 2nd ELLiC Proceedings: Education 4.0: Trends and Future Perspectives in English Educa
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
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The purposes of this study are to explore the ways in promoting Education 4.0 in English for Survival class, to contend the reasons of promoting Education 4.0, and to discover the studentsâ viewpoints toward the use of Whatsapp and Instagram platforms for promoting Education 4.0. The research method used in this study is a qualitative approach in the form of case study. The participants of this study are the students and lecturer of English for Survival class. The instruments of data collection are observation, interview, and teaching reflexive log. The findings show that there are three ways in promoting Education 4.0, seven reasons of promoting Education 4.0, and two different studentsâ perspectives of promoting Education 4.0 in English for Survival class. In addition, the students and lecturer need to consider several aspects in promoting Education 4.0 in English Language Teaching.
Students Perspectives toward the Use of Instagram in Writing Class
Anggraeni, Candradewi Wahyu
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 1 (2017): 1st ELLiC Proceedings: `Innovation, Trends, and Challenges in English Language Learni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
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This study presents the students perspectives of using Instagram in doing their writing assignment. Qualitative research method in the form of case study is conducted to obtain the data. Sixty students of writing class are employed as participants in this study. The result reveals that the students perspectives cover two aspects that include benefits and barriers of using Instagram. One of the benefits shows that participants have positive perspectives of using Instagram in their writing assignment. Participants view that Instagram is a valuable social network platform that motivate them to write better. However, the participants face challenges in using Instagram for their writing assignment. The overall contribution of this article is to build on theoretical, practical, and pedagogical significances for students perspectives toward using Instagram in writing class.
Pendidikan Karakter melalui Metode Pembelajaran Aktif pada Mata Kuliah English Voice and Accent
Anggraeni, Candradewi Wahyu;
Ratnaningsih, Endah
Edukasi Journal Edisi Khusus: Call of Paper Seminar Nasional FKIP 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
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DOI: 10.31603/edukasi.v0i0.2342
Di era generasi milenial, pendidikan karakter memiliki peranan penting dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar baik dari jenjang dasar maupun di perguruan tinggi. Salah satu penerapan pendidikan karakter pada level perguruan tinggi adalah dengan menerapkan pembelajaran aktif pada mata kuliah English Voice and Accent. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seperti apa pendidikan karakter melalui metode pembelajaran aktif yang diterapkan di mata kuliah English Voice and Accent. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan desain penelitian studi kasus. Partisipan dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah English Voice and Accent di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Tidar. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran aktif pada mata kuliah English Voice and Accent dapat memberikan konstribusi positif dalam penguatan pendidikan karakter mahasiswa seperti karakter kerja sama dalam tim, karakter menghargai pendapat orang lain, dan karakter mengemukakan pendapat yang bertanggung jawab.
An Error Analysis of Experiential Meaning in Students’ Writing of Recount
Candradewi Wahyu Anggraeni
Publisher : Universitas Tidar
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DOI: 10.31002/transformatika.v12i1.202
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan analisa kesalahan dalam experiential meaning pada teks tulisan recount mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis kesalahan dan analisis experiential meaning dalam ranah systemic functional linguistics. Data penelitian diambil dari 20 teks tulisan recount mahasiswa di kelas Writing 4 di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Unissula. Unit analisa dalam penelitian ini adalah klausa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa omission, addition, misinformation, dan misordering ditemukan dalam analisa kesalahan dalam teks tulisan recount mahasiswa. Tingkat kesalahan tertinggi adalah misinformation yang mencapai 64,9 % atau 417 kesalahan tata bahasa. Elemen process dari experiential meaning merupakan elemen yang memiliki tingkat kesalahan tertinggi pada aspek kesalahan misinformation yang mencapai 40,5 % atau 260 kesalahan tata bahasa. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kesalahan tata bahasa yang dominan ditemukan adalah misinformation dalam elemen processes dari experiential meaning. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa di program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris masih memiliki masalah dalam menulis recount, oleh karena itu mahasiswa harus menguasai tata kebahasaan dalam menulis recount. Keywords: error analysis, experiential meaning, writing, recount
Designing BIPA’s Teaching Material: Inserting The Local Wisdom?
Candradewi Wahyu Anggraeni;
Endah Ratnaningsih
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching Vol 4, No 1 (2020): METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, AND TEACHING
Publisher : English Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Tidar Univer
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DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v4i1.1880
This study aims to explain the teaching materials used and needed in BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing) learning and to develop BIPA teaching materials based on local wisdom as pedagogical content knowledge at Tidar University. BIPA Learning at Tidar University is facilitated by the Integrated Service Unit for Language Centre. BIPA learning at University Tidar is still relatively new and still requires further research to find out the needs of foreign learners studying here. Teaching materials that have been used need to be developed by paying attention to local wisdom as pedagogical content knowledge, generally in Indonesia and specifically in Magelang, so that learners have a better understanding about the concept of Indonesian language by paying attention to the values or characters contained in the learning material. This research uses research and development methods (Research & Development). The subjects of this study were BIPA instructors and learners at Tidar University. The object of this research is the BIPA teaching materials document which will be developed using the local wisdom base as pedagogical content knowledge. Data collection techniques used in this study are questionnaire and interview techniques. The findings show that teaching material for the local wisdom as the pedagogical content knowledge is important to be inserted in BIPA teaching and learning process.
Teachers’ perceptions toward TED-ED in Listening Class insight the Era of Disruptive Technology
Candradewi Wahyu Anggraeni;
Lilia Indriani
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching
Publisher : English Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Tidar Univer
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DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v2i2.925
Abstract In the era of disruptive technology in the educational aspect, the teachers need to pay attention to the use of technology in teaching and learning process. Technology can be virtues or hurdles for the students and teachers. Therefore, the teachers must be wise in deciding the teaching strategies so that the use of technology in the classroom will be more effective and efficient. One of the examples of technology is the existence of a website or online media to support teaching and learning process. Regarding this phenomenon, this study is carried out to explore the teachers’ perceptions toward TED-ED in listening class insight the era of disruptive technology. The qualitative research method in the form of a case study is used to expose the teachers’ perceptions. The instrument of data collection is an open-ended interview. The findings show that there are two perspectives toward the use of TED-ED in Listening Class. The two perceptions reveal the benefits and drawbacks that cover the aspects of abundant resources, illustration, world Englishes, assignments, speed, and teacher’s role. This study has theoretical, pedagogical, and practical significances in the field of teaching Listening.
Promoting Education 4.0 in English for Survival Class: What are the Challenges?
Candradewi Wahyu Anggraeni
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching
Publisher : English Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Tidar Univer
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DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v2i1.676
Abstract Education 4.0 is a new paradigm in educational context in which it focuses on the innovation and maximizes the use of information, internet, and technology. This new paradigm is currently promoted in many subjects, including English subjects in English Education Study Program of Universitas Tidar. One of the subjects that promote Education 4.0 is English for Survival. Therefore, this study reports to explore the challenges in promoting Education 4.0 in English for Survival classes. This study uses qualitative research in the form of case study. The participants of this study are the lecturers and the students of English for Survival classes. The instruments of data collection are questionnaire and interview. The finding shows that three challenges revealed in promoting Education 4.0 in which they cover lecturer’s teaching technique, students’ speaking skill, and facilities. Besides, the lecturers and the students need to highlight those challenges and solve those problems. All in all, against all the odds of promoting Education 4.0, the lecturers and students need to apply Education 4.0 in order to help the students to compete in the era of 4.0. Keywords: Education 4.0, speaking, autonomous learning, perceptions
Ideational Meaning in Students’ Self-Introduction: What Are Realized?
Candradewi Wahyu Anggraeni
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Metathesis
Publisher : English Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Tidar Univer
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DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v1i1.233
Ideational meaning merupakan salah satu aspek dalam systemic functional linguistic yang lebih banyak dianalisa dalam teks tertulis. Ideational meaning terdiri dari tiga aspek utama yaitu participants, processes, dan circumstances. Adanya fenomena masih sedikitnya penelitian analisa ideational meaning dalam teks lisan, maka perlu adanya penelitian tentang realisasi ideational meaning pada teks lisan. Penelitian ini merupakan kualitatif-analisis wacana dengan menggunakan analisa transitivitas (transitivity analysis) yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan aspek-aspek ideational meaning yang terdapat dalam video perkenalan diri mahasiswa di kelas Speaking 1. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa aspek participants, processes, dan circumstances yang dominan terealisasi dalam video self-introduction adalah senser (participant), relational (process), and place and cause circumstances (circumstances). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa kelas Speaking 1 lebih dominan menggunakan senser, relational process, and place and cause circumstances ketika mereka memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa Inggris.Kata Kunci: systemic functional linguistic, transitivity analysis, self-introduction, speaking
The Students’ Needs of Writing 3 Textbook
Endah Ratnaningsih;
Candradewi Wahyu Anggraeni
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching Vol 1, No 2 (2017): METATHESIS
Publisher : English Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Tidar Univer
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DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v1i2.466
This research was aimed to describe students’ needs toward Writing 3 textbook. This was a case-study. The subjects of this research were the English Department students of Faculty of Education and Teachers’ Training of Tidar University. The data collection techniques used for knowing the students’ needs analysis in this research was taking questionnaires. The data analysis of this research was qualitative-descriptive. The result of this research is the description of students’ needs of Writing 3 textbook.Keywords – writing, textbook, students’ needs