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Analisis Gambaran Histopatologi Gastritis Kronik dengan dan Tanpa Bakteri Helicobacter pylori Menurut Sistem Sydney Deassy Ariefiany; Abdul Hadi Hassan; Birgitta M Dewayani; Anglita Yantisetiasti
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 23 No 2 (2014): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

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Background Histopathology definition of chronic gastritis is a chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa that can cause glandular atrophy and intestinal metaplasia of the gastric mucosal epithelium. Chronic gastritis can be caused by many factors. The most common etiology chronic gastritis by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (Hp). The incidence chronic gastritis causes of Hp is more common in developing country than developed country. Histopathological picture on chronic gastritis causes of Hp similar with chronic gastritis non-Hp. The aims of this study to determine the difference of histopathological picture between chronic gastritis with Hp and chronic gastritis without Hp bacteria in the Hospital Dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Methods The sample used in this study were 30 cases of chronic gastritis with Helicobacter pylori (Hp) and 30 cases of chronic gastritis non-Hp bacteria from the Pathology Department of the hospital Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. The research start from May 1st until November 30th 2012. All sample cases histopathology is seen the image of the Sydney sistem classification, after that are staining with immunohistochemical with antibody monoclonal Hp was performed to confirm the presence of the Hp. Results Immunohistochemical staining result obtained from 42 cases of the bacteria Hp positive and 18 negative cases the bacteria Hp. Chronic inflammation in chronic gastritis with Hp with chronic gastritis without Hp bacteria are in category 3 (limfosit cell more than 20/10HPF) as much as 88,1% and 88,9%. Conclusion Histopathological picture of chronic gastritis with Hp bacteria did not differ with chronic gastritis without Hp bacteria. Key words: Chronic gastritis, Helicobacter pylori, Sydney system.
Pemeriksaan Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) pada Granuloma Well Organized dan Poorly Organized Limfadenitis Tuberkulosis Dianti Lestari; Birgitta M Dewayani; Abdul Hadi Hassan; Bethy S Hernowo
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 23 No 2 (2014): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

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Introduction Tuberculous lymphadenitis (TBL) was the most common form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The diagnose of TBL was based on the tubercle formation that consist of granuloma and caseous necrosis. There were 2 type of granuloma, well organized (WOG) and poorly organized granuloma (POG). Well organized granuloma were characterized by varying amount of eosinophilic necrosis surrounded by granuloma composed of mature epithelioid macrophages, mainly Langhans type giant cells and a mantle of lymphocytes and fibrous tissues. Poorly organized granuloma were characterized by central area of sparse coarse necrosis with nuclear debris and often polymorphonuclear granulocytes, the granuloma had an ill-defined mantle with mixed cells composed of macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells, only few giant cells were seen and there was little or no fibrosis. Inflamatory granuloma also can be found in non TBL, especially POG. The purpose of this study was to find out the etiology of WOG and POG based on the RT-PCR result. Methods This study used 30 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue blocks from patients who were histopathologically diagnosed as TBL with hematoxillin eosin (HE) staining, consist of 15 samples WOG and 15 samples POG. This study performed RT-PCR to all cases in order to find out the etiology of GWO and GPO and to know if there will be any differences in RT-PCR result between WOG and POG. Results Of the 15 WOG cases, 10 (67%) cases were RT-PCR positive and 5 (33%) cases were RT-PCR negative, whereas 15 cases POG consist of 8 (53%) cases were RT-PCR positive and 7 (47%) cases were RT-PCR negative. Both of cases WOG and POG was analyzed, according to the statistical analysis had found that there were no differences RT-PCR result between WOG and POG significantly (p>0.05). Conclusion There were no differences in RT-PCR result between histopathologic feature of WOG and POG. Key words : Poorly organized granuloma, RT-PCR, tuberculosis lymphadenitis, well organized granuloma.
Hubungan antara HER-2/neu dan Ki-67 dengan Respons Kemo-terapi Neoadjuvan pada Karsinoma Payudara Lanjut Lokal I Made Jatiluhur; Anglita Yantisetiasti; Abdul Hadi Hassan; Bethy S Hernowo
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 23 No 3 (2014): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

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Background Locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) were stage III breast carcinoma based on TNM system, with an incidence >50% of all breast cancers in developing countries , including Indonesia. The first treatment of LABC is neoadjuvant chemotherapy, most often in anthracycline base. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between HER-2/neu and Ki-67 with anthracycline-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy responsse in LABC. Methods The study involved 52 LABC, each of 26 patients responsding and not responsding. Paraffin block from biopsy stained with HER-2/neu and Ki-67 immunohistochemistry. HER-2/neu expression interpreted as positive and negative, while Ki-67 were categorized as
Hubungan Imunoekspresi Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) dengan Stadium Dukes pada Karsinoma Kolorektal Fenny Ariyanni; Sri Suryanti; Abdul Hadi Hassan; Bethy S Hernowo
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 24 No 1 (2015): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

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ABSTRAK Latar belakang Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) berperan dalam patogenesis dan progresivitas karsinoma kolorektal. Stadium Dukes menunjukkan luas penyebaran tumor dan digunakan sebagai pedoman terapi. Pada stadium Dukes A tumor masih terbatas pada tunika submukosa, stadium Dukes B tumor sudah menembus tunika muskularis dan stadium Dukes C sudah bermetastasis ke kelenjar getah bening. Penggunaan kemoterapi adjuvan pada stadium Dukes B masih kontroversi sehingga hanya diberikan pada stadium Dukes B yang high risk. Diperlukan penanda molekuler yang dapat menunjukkan tumor yang agresif. Pada penelitian ini akan diteliti hubungan imunoekspresi EGFR dengan stadium Dukes pada karsinoma kolorektal. EGFR diharapkan dapat digunakan menjadi penanda karsinoma kolorektal yang agresif. Metode Pewarnaan imunohistokimia EGFR dilakukan terhadap 45 blok parafin karsinoma kolorektal yang dilakukan kolektomi (masing-masing stadium Dukes A, B, C 15 kasus). Hasilnya dihubungkan dengan stadium Dukes. Hasil Pada stadium Dukes A sebanyak 2 kasus (13%) menunjukkan imunoekspresi positif dan stadium Dukes B sebanyak 8 kasus (53%) menunjukkan imunoekspresi positif dan pada stadium Dukes C sebanyak 11 kasus (73%) menunjukkan imunoekspresi positif. Imunoekspresi EGFR secara statistik (p=0.004, uji Chi-Square) lebih sering ditemukan pada stadium Dukes C. EGFR berperan penting dalam diferensiasi dan proliferasi sel. Pada sel normal pengaktifan sinyal EGFR menyebabkan proliferasi sel, migrasi, metastasis, penghindaran apoptosis dan angiogenesis. Kesimpulan Imunoekspresi EGFR lebih sering ditemukan pada stadium Dukes C dibanding Dukes A dan B. Kata kunci: EGFR, imunoekspresi, karsinoma kolorektal, stadium Dukes. ABSTRACT Background Epidermal growth factor receptor immunoexpression may clarify the effects of the pathogenesis and determine the prognosis of colorectal carcinoma (CRC). Dukes’ stage explained the extension of the tumor. Dukes’ stage A was defined as malignant tumour in which growth extends into the submucosa, but not into the muscle coat; Dukes’ stage B was defined as the tumour growth extends into the muscle coat; and Dukes’ stage C was defined as the presence of lymph node metastases. Adjuvant chemotherapy in Dukes’ stage B is controversial, which only given to high-risk Dukes’ stage B. Hence, we need to identify high-risk Dukes’ stage B. This research will study association EGFR clone H11 and CRC Dukes’ stage. Methods Immunohistochemistry was performed in paraffin-embedded specimens of 45 cases colorectal carcinoma (each Dukes’ stage A, B, C was 15 cases) for the assesment of clone H11 EGFR expression. The results were correlated with colorectal carcinoma Dukes’ stage. Results At Dukes’ stage A there were 2 cases (13%) showed positive immunoexpression and Dukes’ stage B there were 8 cases (53%) showed positive immunoexpression and Dukes’ stage C there were 11 cases (73%) showed positive immunoexpression. clone H11. EGFR clone H11 immunoexpression (p=0.004, Chi-Square test) was significantly more frequent in Dukes’ stage C. EGFR play an important role in cell differentiation and proliferation. The activation of EGFR signaling would lead to cell proliferation, migration, metastasis, evasion of apoptosis or angiogenesis. Conclusion EGFR immunoexpression was more frequent in colorectal carcinoma Dukes’ stage C explain clearly that EGFR play important role in pathogenesis colorectal carcinoma. Key words: colorectal carcinoma, Dukes’ stage, EGFR, immunoexpression.
Analisa Imunoekspresi Extracellular Matrix Metalloproteinase Inducer (EMMPRIN) pada Karsinoma Sel Ginjal Subtipe Sel Jernih yang Telah Metastasis dan Tidak Bermetastasis Hasna Dewi; Abdul Hadi Hassan; Bethy Suryawati Hernowo
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 27 No 3 (2018): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

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Latar belakangKarsinoma sel ginjal subtipe sel jernih (KSGSJ) merupakan keganasan epitelial terbanyak dari seluruh kejadian karsinoma sel ginjal, yang insidensinya menunjukkan peningkatan, dengan angka mortalitas yang masih tinggi. Prognosis KSGSJ akan menurun pada kasus-kasus yang telah bermetastasis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat peranan penanda molekuler extracelluler matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) dalam hubungannya dengan kejadian metastasis pada KSGSJ. MetodePenelitian ini dilakukan secara cross sectional analitic terhadap 36 kasus KSGSJ di Departemen Patologi Anatomik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran/RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung, yang terdiri atas 18 kasus kelompok non metastasis dan 18 kasus kelompok metastasis. Pemeriksaan semikuantitatif berupa skor imunoreaktif imunohisitokimia EMMPRIN dilakukan terhadap semua kasus.HasilPenelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara skor imunoreaktif EMMPRIN pada kelompok KSGSJ metastasis dan non metastasis (p=0,001; OR=34 (3,611-320,10).KesimpulanBerdasarkan hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa semakin kuat imunoekspresi EMMPRIN, semakin besar kemungkinan terjadinya metastasis pada KSGSJ.
Imunoekspresi Lgr5 dan E-cadherin sebagai Faktor Prediksi Metastasis ke Kelenjar Getah Bening Regional pada Adenokarsinoma Kolorektal Sri Dharmayanti; Abdul Hadi Hassan; Herry Yulianti; Bethy Suryawati Hernowo
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 28 No 1 (2019): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

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Latar belakangKarsinoma kolorektal (KKR) merupakan keganasan dengan morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi di dunia.Lebih dari 90% KKR adalah adenokarsinoma. Tingginya angka kekambuhan dan metastasis pada KKRdisebabkan oleh Cancer Stem Cell (CSC). Metastasis ke kelenjar getah bening merupakan penanda prognosisyang buruk pada KKR. Lgr5 adalah penanda CSC di usus halus dan kolon. E-cadherin berperan pentingmenjaga integritas hubungan antar sel. Imunoekspresi Lgr5 berhubungan dengan prognosis yang buruk.Kehilangan fungsi E-cadherin berhubungan dengan pertumbuhan yang invasif. Tujuan penelitian adalah untukmengetahui apakah Lgr5 dan E-cadherin dapat digunakan sebagai faktor prediksi metastasis ke kelenjar getahbening regional pada KKR.MetodePenelitian ini menggunakan analisis observasi dengan disain potong lintang. Sampel diambil dari blok parafinyang berasal dari jaringan operasi kolon dan rektum dengan jumlah kelenjar getah bening ≥12 buah.Keseluruhan sampel berjumlah 52 dan terbagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu non metastasis dan metastasisdengan 26 sampel setiap kelompok. Sampel didapatkan dari Depatemen Patologi Anatomik Rumah Sakit DrHasan Sadikin Bandung periode 1 Januari 2010-31 Desember 2015 dan dilakukan pewarnaan imunohistokimiaLgr5 dan E-cadherin. Analisis statistik menggunakan chi-square dengan nilai kemaknaan p<0,05.HasilLgr5 berhubungan dengan metastasis ke kelenjar getah bening regional p=0,001. E-cadherin tidakberhubungan dengan metastasis ke kelenjar getah bening regional p=0,09.KesimpulanLgr5 dapat digunakan sebagai faktor prediksi terjadinya metastasis ke kelenjar getah bening regional padaKKR.
The Protective Effect of Field Mint Leaves in Reducing Stomach Ulcer in Rats Induced by Aspirin Vanitha Ratha Krisnan; Januarsih A. Rachman; Abdul Hadi Hassan
Althea Medical Journal Vol 2, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

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Background: Stomach mucosal wall erosion is caused by the imbalance of the aggressive factors and mucosal defensive factors due to the common causes such as the side effect of consuming non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Field mint (Menthaarvensis) leaves have been used as an alternative option to cure and prevent the gastric problems. The aim of this study was to analyze the protective effect of Field mint leaves infusion in reducing stomach ulcer in rats induced by Aspirin.Methods: The experimental study was conducted at Histology Laboratory of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung. Sixteen rats were divided into 4 groups randomly: group I (control negative group), group II (control positive group, given 90mg/day Aspirin, group III (the treatment group, given 5cc of Field mint leaves infusion and 90 mg Aspirin) and group IV (the treatment group, given 5.6µg of Misoprostol and 90 mg Aspirin). Mucosal wall erosions were determined by using microscope. Data were analyzed using non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U-test (CI 95% and p-value<0.05)Results: Group II had high score of mucosal wall erosions after given only aspirin. In group III and IV, the score of mucosal wall erosions were low. However there was no difference in score of mucosal wall erosions between group III-IV (p<0.05)Conclusions: Field mint (Menthaarvensis) leaves infusion is able to prevent stomach mucosal wall erosions induced by Aspirin as misoprostol does. DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n3.496
Publisher : PAIFORI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (542.127 KB) | DOI: 10.51671/jifo.v2i1.106


Based on data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) in 2007, the number of people who had no or low physical activity reached 48.2 %. This condition contributes to the increasing number of metabolic disease cases such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes mellitus. Optimizing training approaches especially the aerobic type helps to counter metabolic diseases. Unfortunately, the benefits of resistance training (RT) are less understood. RT improves muscle strength, induces muscle hypertrophy, improvement of local muscular performance, and also helps to strengthen body balance and coordination. There is an interplay between training and hormone in muscle adaptation during resistance training. The hormone plays an important role in the regeneration of muscle after resistance training. The changes in hormone level cause hypertrophy. Regeneration and muscle hypertrophy are mediated by activation, proliferation, and differentiation of satellite cells. It is regulated by mitotic and myogenic activity, namely insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which serves as a paracrine or autocrine. A better understanding of homeostasis hormone during training in skeletal muscle and its ultimate purpose to counter metabolic disease will lead us to a better treatment approach for the patient.
Hubungan Imunoekspresi Human Telomerase Reserve Transcriptase (hTERT) dan Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) dengan Gradasi Histopatologi Meningioma Betty Marlina; Anglita Yantisetiasti; Abdul Hadi Hassan; Bethy S Hernowo
JAMBI MEDICAL JOURNAL "Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan" Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014): JAMBI MEDICAL JOURNAL Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (736.111 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/jmj.v2i1.2695


ABSTRACT Background: Meningioma is a tumor composed of cells of neoplastic meningothelial (arachnoidal) cells that a rise from the arachnoid membrane and the layer of the arachnoid villi associated with intradural venous sinuses and surrounding tissue. Meningiomas tumors is one of the central nervous system (CNS) the most commonly found (the second sequence) and generally grow slowly. Approximately 60-95% activity of telomerase (hTERT ) found on meningiomas and can induces VEGF . The aim of this study is to determine the role of hTERT and VEGF in meningiomas grading . Methods : This study is conducted using analytic observasional cross sectional method and had been analyzed with  unpaired categorical analysis of the 60 cases of meningioma (46 cases grade I, 7 cases grade II, and7 cases grade III). The sample were obtained the archive of Anatomical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University/Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Result : The result of this study showed: 44 cases (96%) grade I meningiomas showed positive hTERT imunoexpression weak to strong, 2 cases(4%) non-reactive and VEGF imunoexpression showed strong positive 12 cases (26%), 24 cases(52%) were moderate positive and 10 cases (22%) weak positive. 7 cases (100%) grade II showed a strong positive hTERT imunoexpression and 5 cases (71%) showed a strong positive VEGF imunoexpression, 2 cases (29%) were moderate positive. 6 cases (86%) grade III showed strong positive hTERT imunoexpression, 1 case (14%) were moderate positive and 7 cases(100%) showed a strong positive VEGF imunoexpression. Statistical analysis revealed imunoexpression VEGF showed stronger positivity with p- value = 0.02 (< 0.05) compared to the hTERT imunoexpression with p-value =  0.73 (> 0.05). Conclusion : More affecting angiogenesis gradations meningiomas, seen by the presence of VEGF higher imunoexpression on higher gradations. hTERT Imunoexpression cannot determine of the meningiomas histopathological grading.
Scoping Review: Pengaruh Latihan Fisik terhadap Perbaikan Gejala Klinis Osteoarthritis Navira Salsabila Putri; Abdul Hadi Hassan; Meike Rachmawati
Bandung Conference Series: Medical Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Bandung Conference Series: Medical Science
Publisher : UNISBA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/bcsms.v2i1.1438


Abstract. Clinical symptoms of OA consist of pain, morning stiffness, joint tenderness, swelling, crepitus, restriction, joint displacement, and bone enlargement. These clinical symptoms affect the quality of life, function, and psychological parameters. OA management consists of pharmacological therapy and non-pharmacological therapy. Non-pharmacological interventions are an inseparable part of OA therapy planning. One of the non-pharmacological therapies is physical exercise. Physical exercise can build muscle strength and endurance, increase flexibility and joint movement, increase aerobic activity, and increase joint mobility in OA. The purpose of this study was to find out what physical exercise can affect the improvement of clinical symptoms of OA. The research was conducted using the Scoping Review method on scientific articles taken from 3 databases, namely PubMed, ScienceDirect, and springer link for analysis, identification, and evaluation. The initial search results consist of 2,910 articles, then the eligible results consist of nine articles. Of the nine articles, three articles provide strength training interventions. Two articles provide a walking exercise intervention. The other four articles provide physical exercise interventions in the form of aquatic exercises, biomechanics-based yoga exercises, internet-based exercises, and home-based non-weight bearing (NWB) quadriceps exercises. The conclusion of this study based on articles that have been reviewed shows that physical exercises that can be given as OA therapy consist of strength training, walking exercises, aquatic exercises, biomechanics-based yoga exercises, and internet-based physical exercises. All of these physical exercises play a role in improving clinical symptoms of knee OA. Abstrak. Gejala klinis OA terdiri dari nyeri, morning stiffness, tenderness pada sendi, swelling, krepitus, retriksi, perpindahan sendi dan pembesaran tulang. Gejala klinis tersebut memiliki efek pada kualitas hidup, fungsi dan parameter psikologi. Manajemen OA terdiri dari terapi farmakologis dan terapi non farmakologis. Intervensi non farmakologi merupakan bagian yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dalam perencanaan terapi OA. Salah satu terapi non farmakologis adalah latihan fisik. Latihan fisik dapat membangun kekuatan dan daya tahan otot, meningkatkan kelenturan dan gerakan sendi, meningkatkan aktivitas aerobik, dan meningkatkan mobilitas sendi pada OA. Tujuan dari penilitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui latihan fisik apa saja yang dapat memengaruhi perbaikan gejala klinis OA. Penilitian dilakukan dengan metode Scoping Review pada artikel ilmiah yang diambil pada 3 database yaitu PubMed, ScienceDirect, dan springer link untuk dilakukan analasis, identifikasi, dan evaluasi. Hasil pencarian awal terdiri dari 2.910 artikel, kemudian hasil yang eligible terdiri dari sembilan artikel. Dari Sembilan artikel, terdapat tiga artikel yang memberikan intervensi latihan kekuatan. Dua artikel memberikan intervensi latihan berjalan. Empat artikel lainnya meberikan intervensi latihan fisik berupa latihan akuatik, latihan yoga berbasis biomekanik, latihan berbasis internet dan latihan home-based non-weigght bearing (NWB) quadriceps. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini berdasarkan artikel yang telah dikaji menunjukkan bahwa latihan fisik yang dapat diberikan sebagai terapi OA terdiri dari latihan kekuatan, latihan berjalan, latihan akuatik, latihan yoga berbasis biomekanik, dan latih fisik berbasis internet. Semua latihan fisik tersebut berperan dalam perbaikan gejala klinis OA lutut.