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Performance analyses on fluidized bed dryer integrated biomass furnace with and without air preheater for paddy drying M yahya; Hendriwan Fahmi; Syafrul Hadi; Edison Edison
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) Vol 10, No 3: September 2019
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.808 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v10.i3.pp1555-1563


The performance of a fluidized bed dryer integrated biomass furnace with air preheater (FBD with APH) and a fluidized bed dryer integrated biomass furnace without air preheater (FBD without APH) for drying of paddy  have been evaluated. The  FBD with APH and FBD without APH decreased the moisture of paddy from 24% (wet basis) to 14% (wet basis) within 43 and 47 minutes with average temperatures and relative humidities of 59.58 oC and 59.14oC, and 18.81% and 18.68%, respectively. The drying rate of paddy varied in the range of 0.11 kg/min-0.32 kg/min and 0.10 kg/min- 0.30 kg/min for FBD with APH and FBD without APH, with average values of 0.18kg/min and 0.17kg/min, respectively. The minimum, maximum, and average value specific moisture evaporation rate (SMER) was  0.20 kg/kWh, 0.57 kg/kWh, and 0.31 kg/kWh, respectively for FBD with APH, as well as 0.149 kg/kWh, 0.448 kg/kWh, and 0.252  kg/kWh, respectively, for FBD without APH.  The specific energy consumption (SEC), the specific electrical energy consumption (SEEC), and the specific thermal energy consumption (STEC) were varied from 1.749 kWh/kg to 5.076 kWh/kg, 0.090 kWh/kg to 2.872 kWh/kg, and 0.760 kWh/kg to 2.204 kWh/kg, with average values of 3.528 kWh/kg, 1.96 kWh/kg, and 1.532 kWh/kg, respectively for FBD with APH, as well as from 2.234 kWh/kg to 6.702 kWh/kg, 1.056 kWh/kg to 3.167 kWh/kg, and 1.179 kWh/kg to 3.536 kWh/kg, with average values of 4.391 kWh/kg, 2.075 kWh/kg, and 2.316 kWh/kg, respectively, for FBD without APH. The thermal efficiencies of the FBD with APH and  FBD without APH were varied between 12.4% and 37.93%, and 9.78% and 29.82%, resvectively, with average values of 20.78% and 16.61%. The thermal efficiency of FBD with APH was higher compared to FBD without APH.
Comparative performance of a solar assisted heat pump dryer with a heat pump dryer for Curcuma R. Hasibuan; M Yahya; H. Fahmi; Edison Edison
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) Vol 11, No 3: September 2020
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (651.225 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v11.i3.pp1617-1627


This study evaluated the performances of solar assisted heat pump dryer (SAHPD) and heat pump dryer (HPD) for drying of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. The HPD and SAHPD reduced mass of Curcuma from 30.70 kg to 7.85 kg needed 10.5 hours and 8 hours with average temperature and relative humidity 49.2oC and 26.5%, and 57.7oC and 19.8%, for SD and SAHPD respectively. The moisture of Curcuma dried from 3.167 db to 0.065 db with an air mass flow rate of 0.121 kg/s. The SAHPD reduced the drying time about 24% compared to HPD. The drying rate and the specific energy consumption were calculated in an average 1.05 kg/h and 1.36kg/h, and 1.17kWh/kg and 2.07kWh/kg for HPD and SAHPD, respectively. The specific moisture extraction rate and the dryer thermal efficiency were calculated in an average 0.931 kg/kWh and 0.521 kg/kWh, and 61.0% and 34.3% for HPD and SAHPD, respectively. Whereas, the pickup efficiency and the coefficient of performance of the heat pump were calculated in an average 57.5% and 59.2%, and 4.03and 4.35 for HPD and SAHPD, respectively. The SAHPD is capable of drying Curcuma quickly because of the high pickup efficiency and high drying rate.
Jurnal Teknik Mesin (JTM) Vol 3, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : LP2M - Institut Teknologi Padang

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Provinsi Sumatera Barat memiliki luas wilayah cukup besar yaitu sekitar 42.297,30 Km2 (4.297.300 ha), termasuk 375 buah pulau besar dan kecil. Mata pencaharian sebagian besar warga di Provinsi ini adalah sebagai pertani, buruh perkebunan dan nelayan. Diantara hasil dari sektor pertanian/ perkebunan dan perikanan adalah padi, kakao /coklat, kelapa, pisang, kopi, teh, kayu, rotan, karet, dan lain-lain) sementara itu hasil dari sektor perikanan adalah ikan, udang dan lain-lain. Para petani di daerah-daerah terpencil atau pedesaan di Sumatera Barat masih mengeringkan hasil-hasil pertaniannya dengan menggunakan metoda pengeringan tradisional yaitu penjemuran secara langsung di bawah sinaran matahari, karena tidak dapat menggunakan alat pengering nonkovensional yaitu alat pengering yang bersumberkan energi listrik dari PT PLN (Persero), sebab daerah mereka belum dijangkau aliran listrik. Pengeringan tradisional memerlukan waktu yang lama serta menghasilkan kualitas rendah. Tujuan penelitian adalah menciptakan dan menguji alat pengering hasil-hasil pertanian (biji kakao/coklat) yang bersumberkan energi surya, serta membandingkannya dengan metoda tradisional. Efisiensi termal alat pengering maksimum, minimum dan rata-rata, masing-masing diperoleh adalah : 59%, 19%, dan 34%, sedangkan intensitas matahari maksimum, minimum dan rata-rata yang diterima alat pengering, masing-masing adalah: 937 Watt/m2, 395 Watt/m2, dan 687 Watt/m2. Pada alat pengering, dengan kapasitas 48 kg biji kakao dan kadar air awal 66% untuk mencapai kadar air akhir 6% dibutuhkan waktu empat hari (18 Jam). Sedangkan menggunakan metoda tradisional, untuk waktu yang sama (18 jam) kadar air akhir hanya dapat dicapai 20%. Dari hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan: Efisiensi termal alat pengering berbanding terbalik dengan intensitas matahari dan berbanding lurus dengan laju penguapan air bahan. Alat pengering ini lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metoda tradisional karena waktu pengeringan singkat.
Jurnal Teknik Mesin (JTM) Vol 2, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : LP2M - Institut Teknologi Padang

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A solar assisted drying system has been designed, fabricated, and evaluated. The main components of the drying system consist of a solar collector, an energy storage tank, an auxiliary heater, two blowers, two adsorber columns, two water-air heat exchanger, two water circulating pumps, a drying chamber and other ancillary equipment. The solar collectors used were 60-evacuated heat pipes tube arranged in parallel with total area of 6 m2. The area of absorber in tube each individual was 0.1 m2, and distance between the tubes was 7.1 cm. The objective of this study is to evaluate the contribution of solar energy to drying system for drying Centella Asiatica L (heat sensitive product). A computer program was developed in MATLAB software to calculate the contribution of solar energy to drying system. The results found that the total energy required by drying system for drying Centella Asiatica L from initial weigh of 3 kg to final weigh of 0.37 kg over drying time of about 12 hours at an air velocity is 3.25 m/s was found 47609 kJ. This energy contributed by solar collector, auxiliary heater and pump and blower of about 25315 kJ, 17829 kJ and 4464 kJ, respectively. The maximum values of solar fraction (SF) was found 97 %.
Jurnal Teknik Mesin (JTM) Vol 3, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : LP2M - Institut Teknologi Padang

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Indonesia merupakan produsen kakao terbesar ketiga di dunia setelah negara Pantai Gading dan Ghana. Sumatera Barat termasuk diantara daerah penghasil kakao terbanyak di Indonesia dan merupakan sentra pengembangan tanaman kakao untuk Wilayah Barat Indonesia. Hasil biji kakao kering Sumatera Barat diekspor mempunyai nilai jual yang rendah jika dibandingkan dengan biji kakao kering yang diekspor negara lain, hal ini dikarenakan oleh kualitas yang rendah. Penyebab rendahnya kualitas biji kakao kering yang dihasilkan Sumatera Barat adalah: Biji kakao tidak difermentasi terlebih dahulu oleh petani sebelum dikeringkan dan juga biji kakao dikeringkan secara langsung dibawah sinaran matahari. Disamping itu pengeringan secara langsung dibawah sinaran matahari memerlukan waktu yang lama. Sebuah alat pengering lorong berbantuan pompa kalor telah dibangun dan diuji di Institut Teknologi Padang, pada pengujian ini telah dikeringkan biji kakao yang telah difermentasi sebanyak 50 kg dari kadar air awal 67% basis basah sehingga kadar air akhir 7,5% basis basah selama tiga hari dengan rata-rata intensitas matahari 576,8 W/m2, temperatur dan relative humidity udara di ruang pengering 53,4o C dan 26,9%. Efisiensi rata-rata alat pengering diperoleh 38%, sedangkan efisiensi maksimum dicapai sebanyak 61%. Waktu pengeringan alat ini lebih cepat dan kualitas hasil pengeringan lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan mengeringkan secara langsung di bawah sinaran matahari.
Jurnal Teknik Mesin (JTM) Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : LP2M - Institut Teknologi Padang

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The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of air drying temperature on the quality of Centella Asiatica L. The drying was conducted by using a constant temperature and humidity drying chamber at different drying temperatures and relative humidities (35 C, 45 C, 55 C, 65 C; 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%), respectively. Color of Centella Asiatica L was measured using a Chroma meter and the madecascosside and asiaticosside in Centella Asiatica L were identified and quantified using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that the color quality of Centella Asiatica L for the drying o temperature below 55 C was decreased but not significantly. The decreasing color quality was significant at o temperature beyond 55 C and at higher relative humidity. This is caused by longer drying time to achieve equilibrium moisture content. The active ingredient (madecascosside and asiaticosside) in Centella Asiatica o L was decreased at temperature beyond 55 C. Based on the results the quality of Centella Asiatica L can be o preserved if the drying process was maintained at temperature less than 55 C. Also the results obtained from this study can be used to design a solar drying system for Centella Asiatica L and other medicinal herbs.
Analisa Prestasi Pengering Padi Jenis Fluidisasi Terintegrasi Dengan Tungku Biomassa Dua Tingkat M Yahya; Hendriwan Fahmi; Syafrul Hadi; Edison Edison
Retii Prosiding Seminar Nasional ReTII ke-13 2018
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

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Penelitian ini difokuskan dengan analisa prestasi kepada alat pengering fluidisasi terintegrasi dengan tungku biomassa dua tingkat untuk mengeringkan padi. Pengering ini terdiri dari beberapa komponen utama yaitu tungku biomassa dua tingkat, kolom pengering (fluidized bed), siklon dan blower. Padi telah dikeringkan dari 14 kg dengan kadar air 24 % (basis basah) kepada kadar air 14% (basis basah) selama 45 minit, dengan temperatur dan kelembapan relatif rata-rata, masing-masing adalah  59,6oC dan 18.8%.  Laju penguapan air spesifik (SMER) rata-rata didapati sekitar 0,310 kg/kWh. Konsumsi energi spesifik (SEC), konsumsi energi listrik spesifik (SEEC) dan konsumsi energi termal spesifik (STEC) rata-rata, masing-masing didapati sebanyak 3,50 kWh/kg,  1,996 kWh/kg  dan  1,532 kWh/kg.  Sementara itu efisiensi termal sistem pengering rata-rata didapati sebesar  20,78%.