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Postcolonial Studies: Hybridity and the Dominance of Whites over Blacks in American Poetry Yuli Wahyuni; Diyah Iis Andriani
LITE: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Vol 17, No 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/lite.v17i2.5058


This study aims to reveal the postcolonial issues contained in poetry I, Too by Langston Hughes and Incident by Countee Cullen. Both authors of these poems are figures from black people in America. The method used in this study is the qualitative method and literature study approach with the aim of exploring, describing, and understanding how the hybridity and dominance of whites over blacks in American poetry. The data source of this study is the words and phrases in both poems. The data containing postcolonial: hybridity and mimicry in the poems were characterized and analyzed using Homi K. Bhabha's theory (2007). Bhabha in his thinking tries to provide a "middle space" between the colonizer and the colonized. Bhabha states the concept of a “middle space” as a time-lag. This space is an intercultural space where personal and communal self-defense strategies can be developed. All of these cultural expressions and systems are built in a space called the “third space of enunciation”. Interestingly, the issue of hybridity that occurred a century ago has not completely gone in a better direction. The proof is that at the beginning of the first semester of 2020 there was an incident of violence against blacks by whites which caused a massive demonstration that led to the creation of a movement group called Black Lives Matter. This study uncovers how bad the treatment of white people towards black people is that the position and social stratifications between them are different.
Pemahaman Pesan Moral pada Cerita Pendek melalui Storytelling di TPA Al-Ikhlas Diyah Iis Andriani; Selviana Teras Widy Rahayu; Prichatin Prichatin
Acitya Bhakti Vol 1, No 2 (2021): ACITYA BHAKTI
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/acb.v1i2.10877


Karakter seorang anak harus dibentuk karena tidak muncul dengan sendirinya. Selain orang tua, sekolah, lingkungan, dan pemerintah, TPA (Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an) memiliki peran strategis untuk mendukung pendidikan karakter anak. TPA Al-Ikhlas merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan agama Islam di daerah Tangerang Selatan yang diharapkan mampu menghasilkan manusia yang selalu berupaya menyempurnakan iman, takwa, dan berakhlak mulia agama sejak usia dini. Namun, terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi oleh peserta didik yaitu, kurangnya pemahaman pentingnya pembentukkan karakter sejak usia dini dan kesulitan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris yang disebabkan oleh faktor lingkungan dan latar belakang orang tua. Oleh sebab itu, tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) kami terjun dan menawarkan solusi permasalahan berupa pengajaran menggunakan metode storytelling dengan menggunakan media buku cerita bergambar dan roll puppet berbahasa Inggris. Pesan moral yang diperoleh diantaranya menjadi lebih percaya diri, tidak pilih-pilih dalam berteman, tidak menghakimi teman, bersikap ramah, dan sebagainya. Pesan moral yang disampaikan melalui media ajar yang atraktif mampu memberikan pendidikan karakter pada anak dengan maksimal. Terlebih lagi, para peserta didik dapat belajar bahasa Inggris bersama-sama sekaligus meningkatkan pemahaman pesan moral dalam cerita dengan lebih menyenangkan. Pada intinya, Kegiatan PkM dengan storytelling ini bertujuan untuk membentuk karakter anak, memberikan pesan moral dan nasehat, menghibur, serta memotivasi anak untuk berbahasa Inggris.
Code Mixing Used in Masterchef Indonesia Season 5 Rahman Fadil; Diyah Iis Andriani
VELES Voices of English Language Education Society Vol 5, No 2 (2021): VELES Voices of English Language Education Society
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/veles.v5i2.3862


Sociolinguistic is the study of language within society. During their communication in the society, people have their own styles as they have different backgrounds and ethnics. Those differences make them able to mix their languages during their interaction, which is called as code mixing. Nowadays, code mixing becomes a phenomenon and is used by people around the world, including on the television programs. MasterChef Indonesia season 5 is one of the television programs where the speakers produce code mixing during their communication. This study aimed to identify the types of code mixing and analyze the factors that influence people to do code mixing in their interaction in that television program. The data of this study were Indonesian-English code mixing used during the conversations in MasterChef Indonesia Season 5. This study used a descriptive method, and the writers used the theory from Muysken (2000) in analyzing the types of code mixing. Additionally, Beardsmore’s theory (1982) was used to analyze the factors that cause people doing code mixing. Based on the data analysis, it was found that the dominant type of code mixing used in this program was the alternation type, and the factor that dominantly influenced people doing code mixing is vocabulary.
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

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Kosakata bahasa Inggris dianggap sulit untuk dipelajari. Tidak terkecuali peserta didik di Taman Bacaan Masyarakat (TBM) KOLONG, Ciputat. Mereka mengalami kesulitan dalam memelajari dan menguasai kosakata bahasa Inggris. Selain faktor latar belakang keluarga, metode belajar membosankan yang diterapkan oleh pengajar membuat peserta didik kurang termotivasi untuk menguasi kosakata bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, TBM Kolong dianggap sebagai tempat yang tepat untuk melaksanakan program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) untuk membantu para peserta didik lebih mengenal dan mampu menggunakan kosakata sederhana berbahasa Inggris. Awalnya, metode yang digunakan dalam PkM di tempat ini adalah dengan cara para pengajar mendatangi TBM secara langsung dan memberikan materi. Namun, selama Pandemi virus Covid-19, kegiatan PkM dilakukan dengan menerapkan social distancing. Sehingga, pada kegiatan PkM kali ini para pengajar memutuskan untuk membuat buku ajar yang tentunya telah disetujui pihak TBM guna menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar kosakata bahasa Inggris para peserta didik di TBM. Dalam kegiatan PkM tersebut, para pengajar membuat buku ajar yang menitikberatkan pada penggunaan media visual guna menstimulasi kosakata bahasa Inggris para peserta didik. Sebagai hasilnya, buku ajar bergambar tersebut mampu membuat peserta didik lebih termotivasi untuk belajar kosakata bahasa Inggris dengan lebih menyenangkan. Warna, cerita dan seluruh tampilan menarik yang disajikan dalam buku ajar tersebut membuat peserta didik lebih tertarik untuk membacanya. Perasaan semangat dan keingintahuan tinggi yang dirasakan oleh peserta didik membuat mereka lebih mudah mengingat kosakata yang di baca. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa media visual mampu meningkatkan motivasi peserta didik TBM KOLONG dalam belajar kosakata bahasa Inggris.
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.562 KB)


Teknologi yang berkembang di era transformasi industri 4.0 memberi dampak positif sekaligus negatif di segala aspek kehidupan manusia. Salah satu dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan jika masyarakat hanya berfokus cara menghadapi revolusi, tanpa mengindahkan pembentukan karakter anak yang dapat menyebabkan merosotnya nilai moral bangsa. Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (TPA) Al-Ikhlas yang berlokasi di Pondok Aren merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan agama yang dipercaya mampu memberikan pendidikan karakter anak. Di TPA tersebut mengalami beberapa kendala dalam proses pendidikan karakter anak, yaitu minimnya pemahaman orang tua tentang pentingnya pendidikan karakter anak, kurangnya peran lingkungan dalam pembentukan karakter anak usia dini, rendahnya minat baca anak-anak, dan metode pembelajaran yang monoton. Oleh sebab itu, TPA Al-Ikhlas dijadikan tempat pelaksanaan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat berupa pengajaran pendidikan karakter menggunakan karya sastra puisi berbahasa Inggris guna meningkatkan motivasi belajar para peserta didik. Metode yang digunakan adalah Total Phisycal Response mengingat peserta didik adalah anak usia dini. Para pendidik berperan secara aktif memberi contoh membacakan puisi, mempraktekkan dengan gerak tubuh dan intonasi yang tepat, menjelaskan isi kandungan puisi, dan di akhir kegiatan peserta didik akan dibimbing untuk membacakan puisi secara bergantian, membuat gambar ilustrasi, dan juga membuat puisi. Sehingga, pesan moral yang disampaikan melalui metode yang interaktif diharapkan mampu memberikan pendidikan karakter pada peserta didik secara maksimal. Terlebih lagi, para peserta didik dapat belajar bahasa Inggris bersama-sama dengan lebih menyenangkan. Kegiatan PkM dengan puisi ini mampu membentuk karakter anak, memberikan pesan moral dan nasehat, menghibur, serta memotivasi anak untuk berbahasa Inggris.
Stress and Adaptability among English Lecturers: An Interview Analysis Haryati Haryati; Diyah Iis Andriani
VELES Voices of English Language Education Society Vol 6, No 2 (2022): VELES Voices of English Language Education Society
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/veles.v6i2.5299


Covid-19 pandemic affects on education and leads to stress as a timeless problem in teaching process in schools or universities. Lectures need to find the joy of their teaching activities and make them comfort at working place by having adaptability acquired from surroundings. The study aims to find out the sources of stress among English lecturers and how they overwhelm the stressful situation. This study applies the descriptive qualitative method to elaborate the analysis. It also engages 6 EFL lecturers of English Department of Universitas Pamulang selected from some categories: working more than six years and showing the high level of stress. They are selected through the questionnaire distribution. Furthermore, the writers conducted an in-depth semi-structured interview to obtain the data. The interview focuses on seeking the two main points: to identify and describe the source of stress in teaching process during the pandemic and to enlighten aspects that assist the lecturers to have adaptability in the stressful circumstance. As the results, the participants share the factors why they get burnout within pandemic circumstances: E-learning system, other system changes, students’ low communication, workload and impromptu task; moreover, they share how to adapt with the situation they face: family relationship, positive personality, positive vibes, and working partners. These assist the lecturers to encourage themselves to work more.
BASIS (Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris) Vol 9 No 2 (2022): JURNAL BASIS UPB
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/basisupb.v9i2.6393


This research is aimed to explain the types of semiotic signs and symbols, the denotations and connotations meaning of signs and symbols found in the posters on Kimetsu no Yaiba. The researchers use the descriptive qualitative method to identify, analyze, and explain the signs and symbols in Kimetsu no Yaiba the movie posters. The theory used by the researchers in carrying out this research is the theory of Dyer (2009) to analyze the types of semiotic signs and symbols. In addition, Barthes’ theory (1983) is used to analyze the denotation and connotation meaning. The data in the analysis chapter are taken from pictures, words, expressions, and colors in four posters on Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie. The results of this research show that there are 26 symbols consisting of both verbal and visual signs, each of which is viewed from the meaning of denotation and connotation. Further, after translating the symbols and signs using the theory of Dyer (2009) and Barthes (1983), it is found that the meanings revealed give a teaser or clue about the story which tells about the journey in carrying out missions.  
Bahasa Inggris Diyah Iis Andriani
BASIS (Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris) Vol 10 No 1 (2023): JURNAL BASIS UPB
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/basisupb.v10i1.6882


This research analyzed the language codes used in the song lyrics of an Indonesian group called Un1ty. The purposes of this research were to identify the types of code-switching and code-mixing and the reasons for using the codes in the lyrics of the songs. This research used descriptive qualitative method and the data were analyzed using the theory of Hoffman (1991) to investigate the types of code switching and code mixing and to find the reasons of using the codes in the song lyrics. The results of this research indicated that there were 31 data points. For the type of code-switching, the researchers found that there were 21 data, namely 5 types of intra-sentential switching, 15 inter-sentential switching, and 1 tag switching. Meanwhile, there were 9 data for code-mixing, 8 for intra-sentential mixing and 1 for change pronunciations. Furthermore, for the reasons, there are 13 being empathic about something (express solidarity), 4 talking about particular topic, 1 expressing group identity, 8 intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutors, 1 repetition used for clarification and 3 interjection (insert sentence fillers or sentence connectors).
Objectification in Moxie Film by Amy Poehler Maharanny Setiawan Poetri; Tryana Tryana; Ratu Prayuana; Diyah Iis Andriani; Irfan Rifai
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

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The study entitled Objectification in Moxie film by Amy Poehler. This study aims to analyze the occurances of the issue of objectification that will be examined by using objectification theory, and feminism appoarch to overcome the issue. The object of this study is the film Moxie (2021) directed by Amy Poehler. The film tells the story about high schoolers rebelling the issues that experienced bycharacters related to the main character which is her friends. Thus, as the guidance, the writer applies ten notions of objectification theory by Tarasenko- Struc (2021). This study uses the qualitative method to present the findings in both essay and picture form by describing the narrative and cinematography elements. This study focuses on the action of objectification experienced by the main character as a witness and how does she deal with it. The results of the study are divided into two events. First, it depicts the occurances of objectification in the main character’s highschool, those are: instrumentality, denial of autonomi, inertness, denial of subjectivity, reduction to body, reduction to appearance, and silncing. Second, the main character’s reaction of the issue of objectification is in the form of rebellion based on solidarity and friendship and primacy concrete relationship.
From Classroom to Field: Filipino Students' Internship Reflections at Universitas Pamulang Diyah Iis Andriani; Haryati Haryati
VELES Voices of English Language Education Society Vol 7, No 2 (2023): VELES (Voices of English Language Education Society)
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/veles.v7i2.21223


The study aims to examine Philippine students’ experiences on internship program in Universitas Pamulang. It focuses on the discriminative experiences among interns: opportunities and challenges. In this study, the writers apply descriptive qualitative research method with case study design by conducting a semi-structured interview and distributing questionnaires to 6 Philippine students having participated in internship program. The interns need to share the opportunities and challenges during and after the internship activity. Further, the interns need to share how they cope the challenges. The findings indicate that the interns present homogenous and motivated opportunities, challenges, and ways out of internship program. In opportunity aspects, the results indicate the interns obtain more work experiences during the program. Interns are able to improve their skills and teaching performance, learn new language, culture, and tradition, and prepare for their future careers. However, results indicate the interns experience language, technological and technical barriers as their challenges as they have to do the whole activities through online. Therefore, the interns should find some ways to solve their problems, namely by expanding understanding and patience, discovering interesting and effective ways of learning, and communicating with supervisors. The activities in internship program assist interns to be skillful in handling any kinds of situations.