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Pemodelan kapabilitas organisasi terhadap kinerja ditinjau dari faktor kepemimpinan-budaya organisasi-perilaku politik dalam organisasi- studi kasus pada kelompok perkebunan kelapa sawit negara dan kelompok perkebunan kelapa sawit swasta Bangun, Yuni Ros; Mangkuprawira, Sjafri; Saefuddin, Asep; Djohar, Setiadi
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 9, No 3 2010
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Organizational Capability is considered to be one of the most important issues in strategic management and human capital literature. Organizational Capability can be understood as the all elements that work efficiently and effectively to help organization create its strategy that fits to its industry level of turbulence and to achieve company performance.  Previous research  confirmed the identification  of nine (9) elements as organizational capability. These are speed innovation, customer connectivity, seeks related change,  strategic  responsiveness,  international working  environment,  ready  to  strategic  alliances, efficiency  and  talent. Research  confirmed  that Organizational Capabilities  have  positive  impact  to Organizational Performance. Research shows the connection between the three variables –Leadership –Organizational Culture and Political Behavior in creating Organizational Capability and its impact to Organizational Performance. Structural Equation modeling shows that Leadership and Organizational Culture do not have direct relationship with Organizational Performance, however both have positive relationship  with  Organizational  Capability.  Organizational  Performance  was  directly  influenced positively by Organizational Capability and negatively impacted by Organizational Politics. Leadership positively impact Organizational Capability and Organizational Culture, however leadership negatively impact Organizational Politics.Keywords: Strategic Management,Organizational Capability,Strategic Leadership, Culture,Organizatinal Politics,Government Owned Companies
The Impact of Information System Implementation in Enhancing the Effevtiveness and Efficiency of Travel management Business Process (A Study case in Total E & P Indonesia) Arini, Cindy; Bangun, Yuni Ros
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Business Process Management (BPM) has long been used by organizations to improve their business process to be more effective and efficient in order to gain competitive advantage. Information Technology has been long acknowledged as one of the important role for BPM. One of the famous information technology implementation is Human Resource Information System (HRIS) that is used to support Human Resource business process especially in administration field. PT. Oil Diamond is one of the companies in Indonesia that implement HRIS to enhance their HR activity effectiveness and efficiency and currently adding new features called E-Travel Management. This research is conducted to analyze the impact of the implementation of E-Travel Management in enhancing the efficiency, how successful the new system produce output that met the user expectation with less cost and effort, and effectiveness, how successful the new system in solving the previous problem, of Travel Management business process in PT. Oil Diamond personnel administration services. Four independent variables was used in this research which are System Quality, Ease of Use, Information Quality and Usefulness and one dependent variables which is User Satisfaction. The result of the research shows E-Travel Management success in making the process of travel management more effective and efficient.Keywords: Business Process Management, HRIS, User Satisfaction, Information System Success
Human Capital Management Adopted by SLB-D YPAC Bandung Junianto, Dani; Bangun, Yuni Ros
Journal of Business and Management Vol 4, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract- The objective of the study was to determine the extent to which the SLB-D YPAC BANDUNG had adopted the Human Capital Management (HCM) practices. The HCM practices that were explored include: resourcing, strategies, talent management, learning and development, and performance and reward management strategies. The study used the case study design that was based on a target population of 30 people in the school. A sample of twenty nine (29) staff, just excluding the headmaster was selected. Data collection instruments used by the study were an interview guide and a questionnaire. However, a substantial amount of data was collected through documentary analysis. A response rate of 100% was achieved by the questionnaire technique, while one of the four interviewee sampled were interviewed. Both content and quantitative analysis were used to analyze data which was then presented in frequency tables, percentages, rank ordering, and mean scores and standard deviation. Overall, the findings of the study indicate that the organization has implemented HCM practices, but to a negligible extent. Some of the HCM practices adopted by the organization include: : effective communication channel, equipping them with competencies required to achieve the organizational goal, and Explaining organization mission, vision, and value to the staff. However, the rest of the practices have either not been adopted or are adopted to a negligible extent. The study also suggests that there is need for further research, particularly in the area of human capital measurement, since the organization didn’t use any tool available and the continued applied research for when the organization had implemented a clear human capital measurement. Keywords: Human capital management, competitive advantage, human capital advantage, intangible assets and human capital planning.Category: Performance Management, Human Resource Management
Corporate Social Responsibility PT. Bank Mandiri Case Study: Wirausaha Muda mandiri Gautama, Taufan Daru; Bangun, Yuni Ros
Journal of Business and Management Vol 1, No 5 (2012)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Indonesia is one of the biggest country in South East Asia. but unfortunately the entrepreneurial percentage in this country only 0.7% meanwhile to becoming a welfare country is must have 2%  or more entrepreneurial percentage. And also one of developing country in the world. In this final project, author wants to evaluate the program of Wirausaha Muda Mandiri, who was the Corporate Social Responsibility program from Bank Mandiri. Purposed to create new entrepreneur which will be the answer of the problem stated above.The Purpose of this final project is to achieve evaluations for community development program of PT. Bank Mandiri which is Wirausaha Muda Mandiri. This project purpose is to analyze the effectiveness of the program. The results of the program will also be analyzed to discover whether it is already accomplish its target or not. The Author will analyze the relation between every parties involved in implementing the program to determining the successes of entrepreneurial in the society and also participantTo achieved the objective above the Author using, some theory such as Theory Independent Literally, Community Development, Corporate Social Responsibility Theory, and Theory of CSR Programs effectiveness to society or environmental. And to get the result the Author using these methodology Research Design, Problem Identification, Data gathering, Data Analysis and Conclusion.And conclusion of this is research is Wirausaha Muda Mandiri has give big contribution by increasing entrepreneur rate in Indonesia, it shown that PT. Bank Mandiri already create 6300 new entrepreneur, who also give opportunity to create new job field, and decreasing unemployment rate in Indonesia. For the recommendation first is do some improvement in chain of command and controlling system, second PT. Bank Mandiri should make database of participant’s business progress, as supporting device to easily maintain the participant’s company, and the last is PT. Bank Mandiri should maintain all the participant, not only the winners but also  the non winning participant.Keywords: corporate social responsibility, wirausaha muda mandiri, case study.
Change management Strategy of Digital Television Broadcasting (DTV) Implementation in TVRI Stasiun Jawa barat using Adkar Model and Positive Psychological Capital Fawzy, Reza Marta; Bangun, Yuni Ros
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 7 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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According to the regulation of Ministry of Communication and Informatics Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2013 about the Implementation of Digital Television Broadcasting and Multiplexing Broadcasting through Terrestrial System, all of broadcasting institutions particularly TVRI has to pioneer the implementation of digital television broadcasting (DTV) from analogue TV in Indonesia which must be completed in 2018. The transformation is aimed to create better quality TV in Indonesia which also can encourage new business opportunities. The implementation of DTV is run gradually. The implementation generates change management especially related to budget aspects and human resources. In this research, the data collection was accomplished by distributing questionnaires for 75 employees in TVRI Stasiun Jawa Barat and interviewing Board of Directors and Chief of Information and Technology of TVRI Stasiun Jawa Barat during June until August 2014. This research has purpose to formulate the strategy of change management in TVRI Stasiun Jawa Barat. In compiling change management strategy, researcher will use ADKAR model to approach the process of change plan. Researcher also use Positive Psychological Capital to measure the characteristics of human resources needed for achieving DTV program. In the final of the research, the researcher proposed several recommendations such as strategic communication implementation and strategy of encouraging employees’ skills to support DTV program in accordance the change management in TVRI Stasiun Jawa Barat can be done effectively. Keywords: Change Management, ADKAR Model, Positive Psychological Capital, Digital Television Broadcasting
The Use 360 Degree Feedback Method in Evaluate and Improving the GAPS of Competencies: Case Study at PT EIGERINDO MPI Salman, Salman; Bangun, Yuni Ros
Journal of Business and Management Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract- The background of this research is due to the doubts of the company director in evaluating competency of his employees. Based on that, the purpose of this research is to find out competency requirements from HR, develop competency evaluation method and identify competency gaps out of the evaluation, and then to provide suggestion and recommendation for PT Eigerindo Multi Produk Industri. PT Eigerindo Multi Produk Industri is the producer and distributor of outdoor gear most known as Eiger. The name Eiger is inspired from a gallant mount of the Alps of Bernese, Switzerland, mount Eiger. Established on 17 of August 1989 and has 125 stores all over Indonesia until now.The methodology used in this research is 360 degree feedback evaluation method. The feedback is done with competency identification. The definitions of competency are mostly taken from Spencer’s competency dictionary, and chosen based on HR section chief interviewed. The data analysis starts from create job key performance indicator, identify requirements of competencies, and determine the expected and current levels of competency. Then followed by calculate the competency gaps using simple substraction of expected level to current level, and find out the gaps which have urgency to be improved, and give recommendation of improvement for PT Eigerindo Multi Produk Industri.From this research, there will be a conclusion and some recommendations. The result shown there are four employee job positions that can be evaluated. Furthermore, there are several significant gaps occur in each of job position while averaging the competency gaps for sales and retail division, which is lead to some incompatibility between existing employees competence with their job requirements. At the end of this research, there will be several recommendations for company and further researcher. The recommendations for the company are to educate and train the evaluated employees and use the calculation of 360 degree evaluation on this study as a reference. Furthermore, another recommendation is addressed for further researcher to create recommendation of improvement by also find out about the closeness of evaluators with the ones evaluated.Keywords: competency, key performance indicator, 360 feedback evaluation, competency gaps 
The Relationship Between Psychological Capital and Entrepreneurial Traits: A Case Study of MBA SBM ITB Students in Bandung Al Rasyid, Adipraja; Bangun, Yuni Ros
Journal of Business and Management Vol 4, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract-Psychological Capital or Psycap is a concept developed by Luthans and his colleagues in which theorized the role of one’s positive psychological disposition could add competitive advantage to organizations and individuals alike, much like Social and Financial Capital could. The Psycap concept is composed of specifically the four positive psychological capacity of hope, self-efficacy, optimism, and resiliency. Given the lack of research regarding  the relationship of Positive Psychological Capital with entrepreneurial traits, this research aims to find it. As a business school that emphasizes heavily on entrepreneurial vision for their students, the research uses MBA Students of  School of Business and Management ITB as a sample of the study and uses descriptive statistics along with SEM analysis to analyze the hypothesized relationship of positivity and entrepreneurship.The result conclusively proves, that Psycap positively affects entrepreneurial traits of the students, with optimism and resiliency to be the state with  the highest impact on entrepreneurship.   Keywords:Psychological Capital, Entrepreneurial Trait, Positivity,Entrepreneurship, Bandung
The Influence of Organizational values Toward Vision Achievement: case Study at SBM ITB Tanzil, Belinda; Bangun, Yuni Ros
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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A common response to globalization in most institutions is to become a world-class institution. SBM-ITB is one of the institutions that has a vision to be a world-class institution that inspires and develops new leaders with entrepreneurial spirit. One way to achive the vision is to conduct the values of an organization. This research aims to find out the influence of organizational values toward vision achievement in SBM-ITB. The models of organizational values and vision achievement are based on data from SBM-ITB’s website. The independent variable in this research is the organizational values, while the dependent variable is the vision achievement. The data retrieval is done by spreading the questionnaire and then processing it using the multiple linear regression analysis. The multiple linear regression analysis is used to find the relationship between the organizational values and the vision achievement. In data processing, the assumptions to fulfill the requirements of multiple linear regression is also tested. The findings of this research conclude that organizational values variable consisting of trust, excellence, harmony, integrity, and innovativeness simultaneously (together) and significantly influence on the vision achievement for academic, and non-academic employees. This is evidenced by the result of the F-test with significance probability below 0.05. The organizational value individually that has positive and significant influence toward the vision achievement are innovativeness and trust (for academic employees), harmony (for non-academic employees). This is evidenced by the result of the T-test with significance probability below 0.05.Keywords: organizational values, vision achievement, multiple linear regression
Analysis of Employer Branding towards Relationship Manager Priority Banking and SME Banking in Standard Chatered Bank Pratama, Ryan Aditya; Bangun, Yuni Ros
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 2, No 19 (2013)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Talent is scarce, companies fight for top performer to growth and sustain the business. To attract talent, employer branding is the sexiest strategy that man companies currently attempt to do. Employer branding is a strategy that company implement to create best place to work perception on employees mind. It design the long term strategy to manage potential and current employee perception to recruit and retain its top performer. Create  a distinct employer brand is now on the top of  the list of priorities for most of key organization. (Collins,2001) Employer branding is a targeted, long-term strategy to manage the awareness and perception of employees, potential employees and related stakeholder with regards to particular firm (Backous& Tikoo,2004). If marketing build brand to attract consumer, employer branding is designed to attract its potential and current talent. The approach is similar but the tool required is difference. Standard Chartered Bank is banking company that operates in 160 country across the world, one of operating country is Indonesia. This company had several award that could be trigger aspiration of job seeker (,2013) in US, Europe and Asia. The challenge that company face is get an achievement to choose as the best place to work in several famous ranking companies in the world such as Fortune, Linkedin, and, etc. This is the result of increasing people concern on environment, also banking is now considered had a declining profit. Based on the two facts explain above, it is interesting to explore more on branding strategy on human resource world, and also to understand the correlation with Employee Value Proposition with Total Rewards Framework. The result of this quantitative research is based on random sampling towards 133 respondents in Standard Chartered Bank Indonesia conducted on 1st -9th May 2013. They’re two concept that had an impact on employer branding, first is Employee Value Proposition that had 3 big component which is Employer Value, Employer Distinctive Strength, and Commitment combined with Total Rewards that had 23 key variable component. Whilst to measure impact towards Employer Branding, Regression Analysis test used. The result of Regression Analysis test will indicate there’s impact of Employee Value Proposition and Total Rewards towards Employer Branding. Vice versa, there is no significant impact among Employee Value Proposition and Total Rewards with Employer Branding.The discussion on the finding can be very profound. It provides many useful information for future employer branding development. However, the development  of employer brand has to be part of strategic company plan and get fully support from the senior management. This employer branding research study is only beginning  of very exciting explorative study that can be conducted on the new field that connect human resources, marketing communication and corporate affair. Understand the important of this field, it can be conclude that this field will be continuously evolving and widely implement by companies in the future. Keywords: Brand, Branding, Employer Branding, Employee Value Proposition, and Total Rewards 
Developing Preferences and Dislikes to Improve Profile Matching Nirmala, Adityas; Bangun, Yuni Ros
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Abstract - PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. (PT KS) is the largest integrated steel company in Indonesia, has a very strong Vision that is becoming an Integrated Steel Company with a competitive advantage to continually grow and evolve into a leading company in the world. In realizing its vision and mission, PT KS realize the necessary building strong leadership, not just rely on the presence of a leader by chance, but build a strong foundation for creating a strong leadership system. PT KS has launched Talent Management in 2009 but is still limited in concept fragmentary and partial implementation. Components and basic infrastructure such as catalogs competence, competency, and individual competencies and career path has been owned by PT KS, so it can be used in the gap analysis process competency required for program development including mutations and promotion process. In determining candidates in the process of promotion and transfer, the necessary stages of profile matching to see the level of compatibility between the required profile with profiles of individual candidates. Compliance is increasingly exaggerated level when equipped with Preferences and Dislikes of data, which describe the position of a preferred position or positions that are not favored position. With this improvement, the level of success in promotion and transfer process becomes higher. This will take effect in improving organizational performance. Key Word: Talent Management, PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk., Personal Development, Profile Matching, Preferences, Dislikes.