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Developing Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In The Field Of Ornamental Fish Cultivation In The Village Of Pinang Freely E-Commerce Aris Aris; Adi Prananto; Swatantra Adikara
CCIT Journal Vol 15 No 1 (2022): CCIT JOURNAL
Publisher : Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1064.878 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/ccit.v15i1.1400


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Pinang Village currently play a major role in driving the economy of the community. This is due to the rapid growth of MSME in ornamental fish cultivation so that it has a positive impact on society. Currently, the marketing is limited. Even though it has used social media, the development of MSME in Pinang Village is very slow. To facilitate management, a forum in the form of online media in the e-commerce system has been created as a forum for the Pinang community to develop their MSME. So that they can maintain their existence and Continuous development. The research method in system analysis used for this research is PIECES which consists of Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency and Service. The system design uses object-oriented analysis methods with Unified Modeling Language (UML), the programming language used is PHP. In this research, a system will be developed whose implementation has features such as user, purchase transaction, fish categories, fish species, transaction reports. With the existence of this ecommerce system to help the development of MSME in the field of ornamental fish cultivation in Pinang Village
Blockchain Technology: Can Data Security Change Higher Education Much Better? Mulyati Mulyati; Ilamsyah Ilamsyah; Aris Aris; iketut gunawan; Muhammad Suzaki Zahran
International Journal of Cyber and IT Service Management Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): April
Publisher : International Institute for Advanced Science & Technology (IIAST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (666.946 KB) | DOI: 10.34306/ijcitsm.v1i1.36


Most college celebrities may not be very familiar with blockchain, except maybe for a few people who follow the financial cycle of a cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. Blockchain is a security technology that can replace traditional academic transcripts and provide a new model for sharing scientific information. This makes blockchain a useful learning tool or even as a medium for channeling or storing academic data. Apart from that, Blockchain can also be used to determine the ownership of a person's intellectual property. The proliferation of false credentials micro-credentials encourages academics to be able to strengthen the data security system implemented. Therefore, to strengthen and make it easier to validate the validity of these micro-credentials, this blockchain technology is considered very suitable to be used as a solution. Therefore, in this study the author uses the literature review method with the aim of finding out whether blockchain technology can update the Indonesian education system to a better domain or not.
Blockchain Technology: Can Data Security Change Higher Education Much Better? Mulyati Mulyati; Ilamsyah Ilamsyah; Aris Aris; iketut gunawan; Muhammad Suzaki Zahran
International Journal of Cyber and IT Service Management Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): April
Publisher : International Institute for Advanced Science & Technology (IIAST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (666.946 KB) | DOI: 10.34306/ijcitsm.v1i1.36


Most college celebrities may not be very familiar with blockchain, except maybe for a few people who follow the financial cycle of a cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. Blockchain is a security technology that can replace traditional academic transcripts and provide a new model for sharing scientific information. This makes blockchain a useful learning tool or even as a medium for channeling or storing academic data. Apart from that, Blockchain can also be used to determine the ownership of a person's intellectual property. The proliferation of false credentials micro-credentials encourages academics to be able to strengthen the data security system implemented. Therefore, to strengthen and make it easier to validate the validity of these micro-credentials, this blockchain technology is considered very suitable to be used as a solution. Therefore, in this study the author uses the literature review method with the aim of finding out whether blockchain technology can update the Indonesian education system to a better domain or not.
Desain Arsitektur Sistem Parkir Otomatis Dengan Arduino Uno Pada Scientia Residences Tangerang Aris Aris; Ferry Ardiyanto; Erika Septiyanti
Journal Cerita: Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Artificial Informatics Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Journal CERITA : Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Art

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.117 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cerita.v8i1.2127


Automated parking systems are indispensable in managing parking and to facilitate the management of parking areas. The existing parking system at Scientia Residences Tangerang is still carried out by entering the vehicle number into the computer by the operator, then printing, this means that the parking ticket given to residents and guests of Scientia Residence Tangerang is in the form of parking paper containing the vehicle number and data when the vehicle entered the parking lot. in these residences. Problems occur when parking attendants carry out parking transactions which are prone to data input errors and other errors. Making an automatic parking system is the best choice to provide solutions to existing problems. The final result of this research is the architectural design of an automatic parking system that uses Arduino Uno to be implemented at Scientia Residences Tangerang with the aim of saving time and improving the performance of the parking attendants of the residences.
Journal Sensi: Strategic of Education in Information System Vol 2 No 1 (2016): Journal Sensi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.011 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/sensi.v2i1.741


Usaha ini penggunaan komputer di berbagai bidang usaha suda menjadi suatu hal yang umum. Seiring dengan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi dan kebutuhan akan informasi yang cepat dan akurat, komputer telah dapat terhubung antara satu dengan yang lain membentuk suatu jaringan. Langkah utama dalam kegitan bisnis untuk bersaing dengan para pesaingnya adalah dengan menggunakan komputer sebagai sarana untuk meningkatkan efektifitas kerja. Toko Sport Taekwondo Mawar Hitam Kab. Tangerang merupakan sebuah toko yang melayani penjualan alat-alat Taekwondo. Karena kurangnya penyampaian informasi dan penjualan yang kurang efektif maka ada kendala dalam penyampaian informasi dan penjualan, oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu sistem yang sekiranya dapat meningkatkan efektifitas dan efesiensi kerja.Pada penelitian ini penyusun mencoba menerapkan konsep sistem aplikasi penjualan secera online, konsep ini meliputi proses dari input data, pengolahan data, pemesanan barang, transaksi penjualan serta pengiriman. Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan suatu menu yang menampilkan spesifikasi produk agar lebih mudah untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada konsumen. Sehingga sistem ini mempunyai keunggulan yang jauh berbeda dari pada menggunakan sistem manual karena waktu yang digunakan untuk mencari, pengolah data serta penyajian laporan yang dibutuhkan relatif cepat, sehingga sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan efektifitas kerja penjualan produk secara Online.
Journal Sensi: Strategic of Education in Information System Vol 3 No 2 (2017): Journal Sensi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (202.076 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/sensi.v3i2.768


Dalam era globalisasi ini peran Desain Komunikasi Visual tidak terlepas dari kehidupan manusia sehari-hari dan menjadi sangat penting. Manusia dengan kesibukan sehari-hari yang menyita sebagian besar waktunya, cenderung mengutamakan efektivitas. Efektivitas dapat dicapai dengan mengkomunikasikan suatu informasi atau pesan secara visual. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan media komunikasi visual sangat dibutuhkan dalam menginformasikan dan mempromosikan sebuah sekolah. Seperti halnya pada SD Islam Miftahul Huda yang saat ini membutuhkan media informasi dan promosi yang efektif , efisien, dan tepat sasaran salah satunya adalah berbentuk merchandise. Oleh sebab itu, akan dilakukan perancangan media promosi merchandise yang akan dijadikan pelengkap media promosi untuk meningkatkan jumlah siswa/siswi baru. Adapun metodologi yang digunakan yaitu analisa, observasi dan perancangan. Selain itu perancangan merchandise yang baru ini dirancang dengan aplikasi Adobe Illustrator dan Adobe Photoshop. Perancangan merchandise ini akan diimplementasikan yang dapat menjadi solusi dalam pemecahan masalah pada media promosi dan informasinya.
Desain Majalah Guna Menunjang Media Informasi Pada SMK Al-Ijtihad Tangerang Dede Cahyadi; Aris Aris; Dennis Laloan
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 6 No 2 (2020): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1460.032 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v6i2.1159


Basically, the development and progress of information technology is increasingly rapid. At present information can be obtained from anywhere, and one of them through print media such as magazines and brochures. Information plays a very important role in people's lives today, with information making it easier for people to find the information they want to find. Especially print media in the form of design, and one of the design media that can later be used as information and promotional media is magazines and brochures. Therefore, the authors make the media design of magazines and brochures at the AL-Ijtihad Tangerang Vocational School so that they can be used to provide information and also promotions that are easily known by the public, and the promotion becomes more effective and attractive with the design of the magazine and brochure. For later it is hoped that it can improve the image of the school and can be promoted to students who wish to continue their education to a vocational level. The design of the magazine and brochure design itself was created using Adobe Photoshop cs6 design software, therefore the authors did the design of the magazine and brochure design media summarized in this thesis report. And hopefully the school can be implemented as a medium of information and promotion to attract prospective new students.
Implementasi Sistem Aplikasi Pengajuan Cuti Karyawan Berbasis Android Pada Security Operation Management Aris Aris; Nini Santika; Silvia Suhendar
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 7 No 2 (2021): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (621.892 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v7i2.1469


Currently the process of applying for employee leave is sometimes still semi-computerized so it takes a long time for approval, and do not know the amount of remaining and the history of leave. Therefore, it requires an Android-based application system for staff and managers, as well as for website-based admins. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to make the process of applying for leave faster and reduce the amount of paper used for the approval. The method that will be used to build this application is data collection method by observation, interview and literature study while in the analysis method using PIECES method and system design using UML (Unified Modeling Language), testing using Black Box Testing, programming language that will be used for Android namely Java with Android studio IDE. For web programming use PHP with Visual Studio Code editor and MySQL Database. This research is to facilitate the application of leave by the employee concerned during the approval process and management of data reports.
Dasboard Monitoring Perangkat Jaringan Pada Server Universitas Raharja Aris Aris; Siti Ispatul Alawiyah; Vika Melani
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 8 No 1 (2022): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.98 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v8i1.2124


Raharja University is a higher education institution that has implemented an online learning system. This system certainly requires fast and adequate internet access so that students can access the learning system comfortably and efficiently. In meeting the need for internet technology, it has become imperative for institutions to provide infrastructure that is able to keep internet services running smoothly. Monitoring network conditions requires an application called Network Monitoring. System Network device (network device) is hardware that operates in the network. Network devices are a component that makes up the network infrastructure such as modems, routers, and switches. For companies that use the network every day, certainly no stranger to the three network devices. Then what if one of them is damaged or even all three have problems? Of course the answer is none other than, Monitoring is the most appropriate answer. This analysis discusses how to monitor the Mikrotik Network server with a research method that uses the SDLC (System Development Life Circle) approach model with the waterfall model. Keywords—Dashboard; Network; Internet Universitas Raharja merupakan lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang telah menerapkan sistem pembelajaran secara online. Sistem ini tentunya memerlukan akses internet yang cepat dan memadai agar mahasiswa dapat mengakses sistem pembelajaran secara nyaman dan efisien. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan akan teknologi internet, sudah menjadi keharusan bagi institusi untuk menyediakan infrastruktur yang mampu menjaga agar layanan internet dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Pemantauan kondisi jaringan memerlukan aplikasi yang disebut dengan istilah Network Monitoring. System Perangkat jaringan (network device) merupakan perangkat keras yang beroperasi dalam jaringan. Perangkat jaringan merupakan sebuah komponen yang membuat infrastruktur jaringan seperti halnya modem, router, dan switch. Bagi perusahaan yang memanfaatkan jaringan setiap harinya, pasti tidak asing dengan ketiga perangkat jaringan tersebut. Lalu bagaimana jika salah satunya rusak atau bahkan ketiganya bermasalah? Tentu jawabannya tidak lain dan tidak bukan, Monitoring lah jawaban yang paling tepat. Dalam analisa ini membahas tentang bagaimana me-Monitoring server Jaringan secara Mikrotik dengan metode penelitian yang menggunakan model pendekatan SDLC (System Development Life Circle) dengan model waterfall. Kata Kunci—Dasboard; Jaringan; Internet
Universal Raharja Community (URNITY Journal) Vol 2 No 1 (2022): URNITY (Universal Raharja Community)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.537 KB)


ABSTRAK Peningkatan mutu dan kualitas pelayanan dalam dunia pendidikan semakin ditingkatkan seiring dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi. Hal tersebut sangatlah diperlukan agar mekanisme pelayanan di bidang pendidikan lebih berdaya guna. Universitas Raharja saat ini tersedia layanan hotspot yaitu dari Telkom sebuah area dimana pada area tersebut tersedia koneksi internet wireless yang dapat diakses melalui Notebook, PDA maupun perangkat lainnya yang mendukung teknologi tersebut. Dengan di Universitas Raharja maka kita bisa menikmati akses internet dimanapun kita berada selama di area hotspot tanpa harus menggunakan kabel.Sistem jaringan komputer yang terhubung dengan jaringan internet di Universitas Raharja adalah menggunakan sistem jaringan koneksi internet yang terhubung di ISP. Universitas Raharja bekerjasama dengan Telkom Astinet, jaringan ini mengunakan Modem ADSL untuk menghubungkan jaringan LAN menggunakan Router Mikrotik.Jaringan LAN yang terdiri dari beberapa perangkat keras yaitu: ADSL, access point, switch, LAN card, dan beberapa kabel UTP sebagai jaringan tersebut.Implementasi jaringan hotspot menggunakan merupakan jaringan internet yang digunakan untuk pembelajaran ilearning mahasiswa dan dosen di kelas hanya dapat digunakan selama 24 jam. Kata Kunci : Internet,, iLearning