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Strategi Bertahan Hidup Petani Padi Gogo di Pulau Buru Umanailo, M. Chairul Basrun
Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.99 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jepa.2019.003.01.6


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membedah fenomena petani padi dataran tinggi di dua lokasi yaitu desa Waeperang dan desa Miskoko di Kabupaten Buru yang dikaitkan dengan kemampuan mereka untuk menahan keterbatasan infrastruktur dan dukungan dari pemerintah. Moralitas ekonomi adalah studi utama sebagai objek yang dibedah oleh pendekatan fenomenologis. Spesifikasi tujuan penelitian, menganalisis kondisi sosio-ekonomi petani padi dataran tinggi, membuat pekerjaan deskriptif dan juga memberikan kontribusi kepada masyarakat lokal untuk bertahan hidup sehari-hari. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan metode survei dan dijelaskan oleh model deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi petani padi masih bertahan karena dukungan tradisional yang menyebabkan biaya produksi menjadi lebih kecil daripada jenis tanaman lainnya. strategi dilaksanakan dalam bentuk berbagai mata pencaharian dengan memanfaatkan ketersediaan sumber daya alam di sekitar mereka. penghasilan ganda menjadi katup pengaman dan penyeimbang dalam setiap aktivitas pertanian yang mereka lakukan. Implikasi penelitian ini dapat menjadi kajian kebijakan pemerintah dalam meningkatkan padi gogo dalam upaya ketahanan pangan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani padi gogo.
Hubungan Kepala Desa, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa serta Lembaga Adat dalam Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Desa Rumkel, Lutfi; Sam, Belinda; Umanailo, M Chairul Basrun
Administratio Vol 11 No 1 (2020): Administratio : Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (619.269 KB)


Village development socially changes social values by discovering the value of technological development in the village of community development that leads to the development of new villages. This of course requires a partnership with the community component. This research aims to explain the relationship between the Village Head, Village Consultative Body and customary institutions in the development of the Village. This research is a field research, namely research on incentives about the background of the present situation and the interaction between social, individuals, groups, institutions and communities in the development of the Village. The study was conducted in Kayeli Subdistrict, Buru Regency. Data in this study were obtained from primary data sources and secondary data, with data collection techniques used through observation, interviews, questionnaires and literature/purposive sampling. The results of the study show the partnership relationship between village heads, village consultative institutions and traditional institutions in Kayeli village demonstrating effectiveness in communication.
PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGI ANAK YANG BEKERJA DI DESA NAMLEA Ohoibor, Mirja; Lapandewa, Laeko; Umanailo, M Chairul Basrun; Ivana, Ivana; Zakariah, Muhammad Ikbal
MEDIA BINA ILMIAH Vol 16, No 5: Desember 2021
Publisher : BINA PATRIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33758/mbi.v16i5.1393


Isu mengenai perkembangan anak menjadi salah satu hal penting untuk didiskusikan. Tak hanya disitu, negara sebagai tempat berlindung warganya harus memberikan jaminan perlindungan bagi anak. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat ini, ditambah iklim demokrasi yang menjamin kebebasan pers, maka berbagai macam isu sangatlah mudah sampai ke publik, untuk kemudian ramai dibahas dan diperbincangkan. Tak terkecuali isu mengenai anak-anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum. Fenomena anak yang bekerja di desa Namlea dapat kita jumpai dengan mudah dimana status desa Namlea telah menjadi pusat dari ibukota Kabupaten Buru. Dalam situasi tertentu anak seharusnya diberikan kesempatan untuk dapat menikmati keseharian mereka seperti bermain dan belajar namun pada kenyataannya mereka harus berhadapan dengan kondisi untuk membantu keluarga mencari nafkah maka penelitian ini berupaya untuk menyajikan realitas perlindungan hukum bagi anak-anak yang bekerja di desa Namlea. Pendekatan yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan Jumlah informan yang akan diwawancarai sebanyak 15 orang yang diambil secara purposive dengan pertimbangan responden dianggap sebagai pihak-pihak yang terkait untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Namlea Kabupaten Buru dengan Informan diantaranya merupakan pekerja anak, pemuka desa ditambah dengan perwakilan masyarakat yang diangap memiliki kompetensi terkait tujuan penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi serta wawancara mendalam untuk mendapatkan data tentang perlindungan hukum bagi anak yang bekerja. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis data kualitatif mengikuti konsep yang diberikan Miles and Huberman dan Spradley. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan penerapan aturan bagi pekerja anak di desa namlea telah di lakukan sesuai yang di harapkan dengan cara pemerintah Desa Namlea melakukan sosialiasasi kepada masyarakat baik itu dalam bentuk kelompok kajian maupun perorangan dalam rumah tangga sudah cukup baik, namun kurangnya kerja sama antara pemerintah Desa Namlea dengan orang tua serta lembaga-lembaga pemerintah Kabupaten Buru dalam melakukan pengawasan terhadap anak, dengan adanya kerja sama yang baik antara pemerintah desa namlea dengan orang tua beserta lembaga-lembaga pemerintah kabupaten setempat maka terciptanya generasi penerus cita-cita bangsa sesuai yang kita harapkan.
Reading movement in community: A study of Gerakan Buru Membaca Muhamad Chairul Basrun Umanailo; Aulia Nursyifa
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 11, No 2: June 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v11i2.20523


The Buru Reading Movement (Gerakan Buru Membaca) was an initiative of Iqra Buru University community service and developed later into one of the Buru District Government programs, which have been implemented since 2017. The program was designed to improve and promote the community’s reading habits in Buru Regency, Maluku, Indonesia. This was a qualitative study aimed at describing the implementation of Gerakan Buru Membaca in Buru Regency. The research located in Namlea District because of its relatively high population density and heterogeneity. There were forty people interviewed, and this number was obtained through purposive sampling. We employed an analysis technique proposed by Miles and Huberman. The results revealed that the reading movement received a positive response from the community and the village government. The active role is implemented through the provision of village libraries, study rooms, and study houses of learning available. Furthermore, a mobile library, which was only available in the Namlea Village area, prioritized its services in open or public spaces. In other villages, however, the movement was still in the form of reading and learning spaces provided by the village government, with the participation of the community. Despite the positive response from the community, the movement still experienced several constraints. 
Konsumsi Menuju Konstruksi Masyarakat Konsumtif M. Chairul Basrun Umanailo; Mansyur Nawawi; Sukainap Pulhehe
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/sml.v1i2.4995


This article aims to analyze public consumption actions as a practice model that will create a new model in understanding consumption patterns to become consumptive. The pattern of public consumption in its development has shifted due to the availability of modern technology and facilities. The approach used in this paper is library research, with data analysis techniques in the form of content analysis with the aim of obtaining valid inferences and can be re-examined based on the context. the presence of technology as a representation of facilities in meeting needs is able to encourage the creation of social change, such as the spread of consumerism culture, changes in dress and lifestyle modes where these conditions are institutionalized in the cultural structure of society so that consumption of goods is not based solely on the logic of needs, but will include substantial someone's emotions. The situation systematically shifts traditional values and leads to global behavior. Consumption towards the construction of consumptive society is a conceptual and historical illustration for all of us to further understand the shifting consumption into consumptive practices.
MODAL SOSIAL PEKERJA MINYAK KAYU PUTIH DI DESA WAPLAU Hamiru Hamiru; M. Chairul Basrun Umanailo; Hayati Hehamahua; Iskandar Hamid
JISPO : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 9, No 2 (2019): JISPO Vol 9 No 2 2019
Publisher : Centre for Asian Social Science Research (CASSR), FISIP, UIN Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jispo.v9i2.5199


The social capital found in the community in Waplau Village of Buru Regency grows and develops in line with the achievement of fulfilling the necessities of life. The relationship of cooperation in the distillation of oil from eucalyptus leaves is built among landowners, tenants, renters, and receptors so that social capital is built with participation, trust, cooperation, and reciprocity become the norm which continues to be maintained. This research was conducted based on the preference for the implementation of the eucalyptus oil refining process in Waplau Village as an effort to gain profits and fulfill household needs. The research location was focused in Waplau Village considering the number of eucalyptus oil workers which was more dominant compared to other villages in Buru Regency; the research samples were eucalyptus landowners, land tenants, rental workers, and collectors. The researcher uses primary data obtained from the results of observations and direct interviews with informants. The data analysis method used proposed by Miles and Huberman and Spradley. The results showed that social capital is an indicator of the success of eucalyptus oil workers in achieving goals. The social capital aspect has a strong relationship with the existence of landowners, tenants, and rental workers, as well as working groups among anaconda, leaf sequencer, cook and laborer in completing the task of refining oil so that social capital is able to become an instrument for eucalyptus oil productivity in Waplau village.
GERAKAN BUPOLO MAGHRIB MENGAJI SEBAGAI MEDIA PRURALISME Abdul Latif Wabula; M. Chairul Bahrun Umanailo; Rudi Kurniawan; M. Rusdi; Rahmat Nuthihar
JISPO : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 9, No 2 (2019): JISPO Vol 9 No 2 2019
Publisher : Centre for Asian Social Science Research (CASSR), FISIP, UIN Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jispo.v9i2.4955


Bupolo Maghrib Mengaji Movement is a form of social community movement initiated by the Buru’s Government with the Ministry of Religion of Buru Regency as an effort to spend maghrib time and to avoid the Buru community from the negative impact of technological developments and make the movement as a media to achieve pluralism. This research is a qualitative study which aims to describe the implementation of the Bupolo Maghrib Mengaji Movement in Namlea District, Buru Regency. The research location was focused on Namlea District with consideration of the density and heterogeneity of the community. The number of informants who will be interviewed was 25 people who were taken purposively. The technique of analysis used by Miles and Huberman in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the Bupolo Maghrib Mengaji Movement received a positive response from the community where the initiation carried out by the community was able to become an instrument of achieving harmonization of community life to maintain and to remind each other in spending Maghrib time. Also, the sectoral mapping of community activities in the Bupolo Maghrib Mengaji Movement raises two components namely moral and ethics which functioned to foster and maintain pluralism in Namlea District. Pluralism is an important basis for living tolerantly in a society that is different from tribes, groups, religions and customs.
JISPO : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 9, No 2 (2019): JISPO Vol 9 No 2 2019
Publisher : Centre for Asian Social Science Research (CASSR), FISIP, UIN Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jispo.v9i2.5200


This study aims to determine the effect of motivation on mathematics learning achievement of students at Namlea 1 Middle School. This research is a form of research "Ex Post Facto" which is a research model that aims to examine the events that have occurred. The subjects in this study were all students of class VIIa of Middle School 1 Namlea, totaling 30 people. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, questionnaires and study documentation. Quantitative data analysis was carried out using statistical tests through three stages, namely the stage of data description, the prerequisite test phase of analysis and the stage of testing the hypothesis. Based on the results of the study note that the level of motivation and learning achievement of eighth grade students at Namlea Middle School 1 is categorized high. Associatively, the motivating factor has a positive and significant effect on mathematics learning achievement in class VIIa State Middle High School 1 Namlea.
RONGO-RONGO DALAM PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN RUMAH TANGGA Riki Bugis; Sofian Malik; Rudy Kurniawan; M. Chairul Basrun Umanailo; Hayati Hehamahua
JISPO : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 9, No 2 (2019): JISPO Vol 9 No 2 2019
Publisher : Centre for Asian Social Science Research (CASSR), FISIP, UIN Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jispo.v9i2.5201


The term rongo-rongo is a burden-bearing worker in the namlea market. As a carrier, the rongo-rongo load up each item that is thought by the customer and follows the conscription for shopping. Occupational risks and health hazard do not prevent them from continuing to keep busy to meet the economic family. This study is a qualitative study that describes the existence of the rongo-rongo in order to meet the needs of the home. The location of this study is in the village Karang jaya, market namlea, namlea terminal, with visibility for informant activity. Studies have shown that the existence of rongo-rongo is a major pilar of the household’s living resources, an effort to control household needs is done by focusing on physical strength without considering ill-health risks. In addition to making up for needed, the rongo-rongo does the activities outside of the main work o.g cleaning up stores of laundry and agricultural product.
DAYA DUKUNG KAWASAN PERDESAAN UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN WISATA BAHARI Edy Said Ningkeula; M. Chairul Basrun Umanailo; Sofian Malik; Iskandar hamid; Rosita Umanailo
JISPO : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 9, No 2 (2019): JISPO Vol 9 No 2 2019
Publisher : Centre for Asian Social Science Research (CASSR), FISIP, UIN Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jispo.v9i2.6206


The purpose of this study is to get a primary picture of the carrying capacity of rural areas on the West coast of Buru Island for the development of marine tourism in Buru Regency. The research will be conducted by taking samples in 3 Subdistricts namely Liliali Waplau and Airbuaya where the entire village is located on the North West coast of Buru Island and has the potential and richness of marine biota that has not been fully explored. The approach used in this study uses a qualitative approach and the number of informants to be interviewed is 20 people. For sampling techniques, researchers use stratified random sampling, which takes samples from the population by grouping them into several strata and then randomly selected from each group with the consideration that informants are considered as related parties to achieve the research objectives. This study uses data collection techniques or techniques that use observation, in-depth interviews to get data on the socio-economic conditions of the community, related to the implementation of the bupolo maghrib reciting. The analysis technique used in this study is qualitative data analysis following the concepts given by Miles and Huberman and Spradley. The results showed that coastal tourism activities by utilizing coastal and marine areas can be done directly or indirectly. The types of marine tourism that can be directly utilized on the West coast of Buru Island include boating, swimming, snorkelling, diving and fishing.
Co-Authors A Yusdianti T A Yusdianti Tenriawali A. Yusdianti Tenriawali A. Yusdianti Tenriawali Abd Radjak, Darwin Abdi Wael Abdi Wael Abdul Latif Wabula Abdul Rasyid Rumata Abdussabar Polanunu Adyla Mita Lestari Andi Meriam Aries Prasetyo Bagus Irawan Bagus Irawan Bambang Wiyono Banatil Mufidah Bangun Sentosa Dwi Haryanto Belinda Sam Bugis, Riki Chamidah, Dina Daimul Abror Darwin Rukua Devi Ismawati Dina Chamidah Djunaidi, Firman Gazali Edy Said Ningkeula Fatimah Fatimah Feni Feni Ayu Lestari Firman Gazali Djunaidi Hamiru Hamiru Hamiru Harsya Harun Hasanudin Tinggapy Hayati Hehamahua Heny Irnayanti Umagapy Hetti Mulyaningsih Husin Husin Ibnu Hajar Ibnu Hajar Idrus Hentihu Idrus Hentihu Imam Fachruddin Iskandar Hamid Ivana Ivana Ivana, Ivana Krisna Martha Ramadhan La Eko Lapandewa La Jati Buton Laeko Lapandewa Lapandewa, Laeko Lionardo, Andries Lisaholit, Syafa M. Rusdi Mansyur Nawawi Mansyur Nawawi Mansyur Nawawi Mirja Ohiobor Muhammad Ikbal Zakariah Muhammad Ikbal Zakariah Muhammad Mukaddar Nanik Handayani Nanik Indrayani Nirwana AR Noch Fernando Jelira Nursyifa, Aulia Ohoibor, Mirja Pardamean Daulay R.S. Masna Hatuwe Rahma Satya Masna Hatuwe Rahmad Nuthihar Ringgi Qomaria Bugis Rosita Umanailo Rudi Kurniawan Rudy Kurniawan Rudy Kurniawan Rumkel, Lutfi Saidna Zulfiqar Bin-Tahir, Saidna Zulfiqar Salma Yusuf Sam, Belinda Samsia Umasugi Samsia Umasugi Siami Prafitriani Siti Hajar Loilatu Sofian Malik Sukainap Pulhehe Suryani Suryani Susiati Susiati Suwarno Suwarno Syaiful Rachman Teguh Pramono Vivi Hentihu Vivi Rahim Hentihu Wa Ode Al Zarliani Wilda Fesanrey Wilda Fesanrey Yusran Zakaria Zakariah, Muhammad Ikbal