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TERAS JURNAL Vol 8, No 1 (2018): Vol 8 Nomor 1, Maret 2018

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (90.654 KB) | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v8i1.146


Penggunakan material posolan yang berasal dari bahan organik dalam adukan beton terus meningkat. Material posolan ini dapat berupa hasil sampingan dari produk pertanian/perkebunan. Salah satu produk sampingan dari pengolahan produk perkebunan adalah ampas kopi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetetahuinilai kuat tekan dari beton yang mengandung abu ampas kopi (AAK) sebesar 5% dengan bahan tambah superplasticizer  pada variasi 0,5%, 1% dan 2% dari berat semen. Abu ampas kopi didapat dengan cara dibakar pada suhu 700 OC, kemudian dihaluskan hingga lolos saringan no.200 (75 µm). Benda uji yang digunakan berbentuk silinder dengan diamater 150 mm x 300 mm sebanyak 40 buah. Mutu beton yang direncanakan adalah 35 MPa dengan fas 0,385. Hasil pengujian kuat tekan beton normal pada umur 28 hari (BN) sebesar 35,98 MPa. Pada pengurangan air adukan 10% dan penambahan superplasticizer 0,5%, 1% dan 2%  didapat nilai kuat tekan sebesar 42,32 MPa, 43,33 MPa, dan 47,83 MPa, meningkat sebesar 17 % sampai 33% dari kuat tekan beton normal. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwasubstitusiabu ampas kopi 5% terdadap berat semen tanpa superplasticizermemberi peningkatan kuat tekan sebesar 3,78% dari beton normal.Pada substitusiAAK sebesar 5% dan dengan tambahan superplasticizer sebesar 0,5%, 1% dan 2%, dihasilakn kuat tekan masing-masing sebesar 44,71 MPa, 45,90 MPa dan 49,74 MPa. Ketiga mutu beton ini dapat di katagorikan dalam beton mutu tinggi.
TERAS JURNAL Vol 6, No 2 (2016): Volume 6 Nomor 2, September 2016

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (922.516 KB) | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v6i2.100


Abstrak                                                     Semen merupakan bahan pengikat agregat dalam pembuatan beton. Semen yang bereaksi dengan air, selain menghasilkan Calcium Silicate Hydrate (CSH) juga menghasilkan senyawa sampingan yaitu kalsium hidroksida (Ca(OH)2). Senyawa Ca(OH)2 memberi dampak buruk terhadap kualitas beton. Untuk mengatasinya, dalam adukan beton ditambah bahan posolan (pozzolanic material) yang mengandung silika (SiO2) yang akan bereaksi dengan Ca(OH)2 untuk menghasilkan CHS sekunder. Material posolanik organik dapat berupa limbah industri pangan (agro waste). Salah satu limbah agro waste yang belum termanfaatkan dengan baik adalah ampas kopi. Pada penelitian ini, abu ampas kopi digunakan sebagai material pengganti sebagian semen. Ampas kopi yang digunakan dibakar dalam furnace pada suhu 700ºC dan kemudian diayak dengan saringan No. 200 (75 mm). Material lain yang digunakan adalah kerikil berasal dari desa Krueng Sawang dan semen Andalas Tipe I. Benda uji berbentuk silinder dengan dimensi 150 mm x 300 mm dengan masing-masing variasi 5 buah benda uji. Kuat tekan rencana beton normal 20 MPa dengan fas 0,484. Pengujian kuat tekan dilakukan pada saat umur beton 56 hari. Hasil pengujian berdasarkan persentase abu ampas kopi 5%, 10%, 15%, dan 25% terhadap volume semen didapat kuat tekan berturut-turut 26,085 MPa, 20,162 MPa, 20,080 MPa, dan 15,358 MPa. Sedangkan kuat tekan beton normal tanpa substitusi abu ampas kopi didapat sebesar 25,406 MPa. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa penggantian parsial abu ampas kopi sebesar 5% terhadap semen dapat meningkatkan kuat tekan sebasar 2,67% dari beton normal. Selanjutnya, pada subsitusi 10% dan 15%, hasil kuat tekan masih memenuhi kuat tekan rencana (fc’). Kata kunci: semen, abu ampas kopi, posolan, kuat tekan beton.
TERAS JURNAL Vol 7, No 2 (2017): Vol. 7 Nomor 2, September 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (894.052 KB) | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v7i2.131


Perancangan campuran beton (mix design) merupakan upaya untuk menentukan besarnya jumlah semen, agregat halus, agregat kasar, dan air yang akan digunakan dalam 1 m3 adukan guna memperoleh kuat tekan rencana dan kemudahan kerja yang ditetapkan. Aspek keuntungan ekonomis campuran beton sangat ditentukan dari jumlah kandungan semen. Campuran beton dengan packing density yang baik akan menghasilkan jumlah kandungan semen yang lebih sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan komposisi campuran beton dengan menggunakan metode Andreasen-Andersen packing model berbantuan perangkat lunak EMMA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode Modified Andreasen Packing Model menghasilkan campuran beton berkandungan semen lebih rendah, dan kuat tekan beton pada umur 28 hari lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan metode SNI 03-2834-2000. Pada mutu beton rencana 15 MPa – 25 MPa, penggunaan semen lebih rendah 6% - 9% dan kuat tekannya meningkat sebesar 6% - 7%. Selanjutnya pada mutu beton rencana 30 MPa – 40 MPa, penggunaan semen lebih rendah 14% - 27% dan kuat tekannya meningkat sebesar 5% - 13%.
Analysis of Flood Peaks Using The Mean Annual Flood Method Acep Hidayat; Basysyar Basysyar; Yulius Rief Alkhaly; Md Nadir Bin Ali
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Master Program of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (799.519 KB) | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v2i2.249


The Kedang Pahu river is one of the tributaries of the Mahakam river. The research plan is located in Damai District, West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan province. Recently, the Damai District and Damai Seberang areas have flooded activities that have caused the surrounding settlements to flood into residential areas and block existing road access. Planning analysis and knowing the annual flood elevation is essential. The analysis uses the method of calculating the mean annual flood (MAF) to search for the average annual flood discharge data and the search for the average annual elevation. Data validation using a simple linear regression method produces a correlation coefficient of 58.67%, or R-value = 0.5867. The analysis results in the value of Q1 or the 1st year period, the mean annual flood rate of the average annual flood discharge is 2576.0695 m³/second and the value associated with the magnifying factor (GF) is the average annual flood discharge rate of Q5=3014,00 m³/ sec, Q10 = 3529.22 m³/sec, Q20 = 4095.95 m/sec, Q50 = 5049.10 m³/sec, Q100 = 5847.68 m³/sec, Q200 = 6852.34 m³/sec, Q500 = 8423.75 m³/sec & Q1000 = 9917.87 m³/sec. The analysis results at HEC-RAS 5.07 based on manning analysis showed the elevation values were Q1=18.47m, Q5=18.85m, Q10=18.86m, Q20=19.18m, Q50=19.74m & Q100=19.99m. Researchers only show elevations up to Q100 or the 100th year because of limited data and the reviewed data accuracy.
Optimization of Small Run-of-River Hydropower Plant Capacity Khairullah Yusuf; Yulius Rief Alkhaly; Amalia Amalia
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 2, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Master Program of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.353 KB) | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v2i3.290


The small hydropower plant with a run-of-river concept are being increasingly adopted in less developed and developed countries. The optimization of the plant capacity is critical in the successful development of the plant. The adoption of the current technology will assist in the optimization of the plant development. The important criteria in the evaluation of the optimization are the energy output and plant factor of the plant. In this study, twelve scenarios by varying the installed capacity in range of 4MW to 7.5MW has been simulated in order to obtain the most optimum installed capacity of the plant. In respect to the installed capacity, by the adopting the same available net head of 246.75 m, the design flow would be in range of 1.872 m3/s to 3.510 m3/s with the probability of the flow exceeds or equal to the design flow in range of 29.2% to 8.9%. In the energy calculation, the amount of 0.063 m3/s has been deducted from the available daily flow for the ecological flow. It shows that the energy output for the plant 4MW and 7.5MW would be in range 23 589 MWhr to 28 636 MWhr, respectively. The plant factor of the plant based on all the scenarios are 67.32% for the 4MW plant and 43.59% for the 7.5MW plant. Based on the hydraulic parameters, it was found that the most suitable type of turbine for the plant would be pelton turbines. Based on the relationship between installed capacity, energy output and plant factor, it concludes that the optimum installed capacity is at 5 MW plant.
Experimental Study on Utilizing Polyethylene Terephthalate Waste as a Substitute for Coarse Aggregate in the Production of Lightweight Concrete Yulius Rief Alkhaly; Yovi Chandra; Lis Ayu Widari
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 3, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v3i2.436


Concrete is a building material that consists of a mixture of aggregate and paste. Normal concrete has a unit weight of 2200 kg/m3 to 2500 kg/m3. In addition to normal concrete, lightweight concrete is also known which has a unit weight of less than 1900 kg/m3. The research was conducted to produce lightweight concrete by using aggregate from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic waste as a substitute for coarse aggregate. This study used 40 cylindrical samples of 150 mm x 300 mm with variations in the use of PET aggregates of 25%, 50%, and 100% of the volume of coarse aggregate. The results show that the use of PET aggregates produces concrete with a decrease in compressive strength of 26%–39% and a decrease in water absorption of 2%–32% from normal concrete. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) testing showed that the concrete with PET aggregates had a lower wave propagation velocity compared to normal concrete. Moreover, Schmidt hammer and splitting tensile test showed that concrete with PET aggregates had lower rebound number and split tensile strength compared to normal concrete. PET substitution percentages of 25% and 50% resulted in unit weights of 2218 kg/m3 and 2102 kg/m3, respectively, which rule out the use of lightweight concrete. However, 100% PET substitution has a unit weight of 1855 kg/m3 with a compressive strength of 14.16 MPa, which can be categorized as moderate structural lightweight aggregate concrete.
Utilizing Crushed Clinker Brick Waste as Coarse Aggregate to Produce Concrete With Compressive Strengths Up to 40 Mpa by Adjusting The Gradation Curve Yulius Rief Alkhaly; Khairullah Khairullah; zulfhazli zulfhazli; Ainun Mardiah; Deddy Ariska
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 3, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v3i1.437


Aggregate gradation is measured by determining the percentage of various particle sizes in an aggregate sample using a standard sieve arrangement. Gradation is usually expressed as a curve showing the percentage of each particle size on a logarithmic scale. This curve can then be used to determine the optimum mix design for a given concrete grade. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of adjusting the gradation of the coarse aggregate of crushed clinker bricks on the strength of concrete. Clinkers bricks are bricks that have been burned at temperatures that are excessively high. The coarse aggregate grading is adjusted according to aggregate grading limits based on SNI 7656-2012, which are divided into three types of grading limits, namely upper, middle, and lower limits. A total of 60 cylindrical 150mm x 300mm concrete specimens were used for the compressive strength tests. The findings showed that adjusting the lower limit gradation produced optimum compressive strengths of 29.09 MPa, 35.08 MPa, 39.96 MPa, and 38.82 MPa, respectively, for the specified target concrete strengths of 20 MPa, 25 MPa, 30 MPa, and 35 MPa, which were higher than those of the middle and upper limit gradations. The compressive strength and density of the concrete can be significantly improved by modification of the coarse aggregate grading of the clinker bricks