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A child-friendly school: How the school implements the model Somariah Fitriani; Istaryatiningtias Istaryatiningtias; Lelly Qodariah
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 10, No 1: March 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v10i1.20765


The study was to examine the implementation of child-friendly school (CFS) in a public elementary school. This study employed a single case study method, as Public Elementary School ofRagunan 01 is the unit of research analysis. The school has been declared as a child-friendly school since 2015. The quantitative data generated, however, were only used to see the percentage of the characteristics of CFS model. Thus, the data were gathered through observation, questionnaires and interviews to obtain more comprehensive empirical data. The questionnaire was distributed to all teachers and 15 class coordinators of students’ parents to obtain data about the implementation of CFS. Interviews were conducted with several important multi-stakeholders identified. The results showed that thirteen characteristics of the CFS had been implemented well with a percentage value above 95%. It indicates that this school has been able to realize the CFS model following its principles. Besides, the school has met the requirement of the six essential components of CFS adapted according to Indonesian educational contexts. It indicates that the implementation of CFS is in accordance with the concept of UNICEF but with some differences.
Success Factors in Triple Helix Coordination: Small-Medium Sized Enterprises in Western Java Somariah Fitriani; Sintha Wahjusaputri; Ahmad Diponegoro
ETIKONOMI Vol 18, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Economic and Business

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (107.329 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/etk.v18i2.11548


Triple helix model is a model of a knowledge-based economy, which collaborates with the university, business, and government sectors to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) boost their business. The issue is the three actors have not yet synergized optimally in the development of SMEs. Hence, this study was to identify the critical success factors of the triple helix model for SMEs. This study employed a meta-ethnography and factor analysis to obtain components and indicators of the success factors. The result showed that 37 items of critical success factors have good content validity and excellent homogeneity reliability. Based on these success factors, a triple helix model consisting of six stages has developed. It indicates that these critical success factors make an essential contribution to the development and success of SMEs to achieve the goal of the program.JEL Classification: L52, L53
The Student Nurses' Written Works of Health Science Institute: Error Analysis in Syntactical and Morphological Category Somariah Fitriani
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 19, No 1: Februari 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v19i1.5356


The research aims to examine and analyze student nurses’ written works in term of syntax and morphology category. Twenty-six students of the third semester took an English presentation course, which focused on medical cases. The results have revealed that 186 error identifications were found consisting of 132 syntactical errors and 54 morphological errors.  The students make errors in the types of article, preposition, parallel structure, the use of be, passive voice, word order, tenses, infinitive to, modal auxiliary and subject determiner in syntactical category. While in morphological error, they make errors in the plural form, subject verb agreement, comparative adjective and word form. Word order is as the most common language error in syntax category with 36 total errors or 19.35% out of 186.  The second one is preposition with 26 total errors or 13.97%. While in morphology category, subject verb agreement is the most common one with 29 total errors or 15.59%. The second common one is word form with 13 total errors or 6.98%. It can be concluded that there are 132 (70.96%) of error identification in syntactical category and 54 error identifications or 29.04% in morphological category. In addition to its error identification in syntactical and morphological features, the research has found that the causes of students’ errors are due to intralanguage and interlanguage errors as it has some slightly differences between Bahasa Indonesia and English in term of grammatical structure.  
Student’s learning: Instrumentally, Integratively or Personally Motivated? Somariah Fitriani
Register Journal Vol 10, No 2 (2017): REGISTER JOURNAL
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (608.147 KB) | DOI: 10.18326/rgt.v10i2.140-156


The study focuses on learners’ motivation to learn English as L2/foreign language. For data collection, questionnaire was distributed to 82 respondents of STIBA IEC Jakarta via whatsApp and face book messenger. In addition, interviews were also conducted to find out the detail information about the role of teacher and inspirational/motivational teacher. For data analysis, the step of sorting, classifying, coding, and presenting the data and drawing conclusion was adopted.  This is a research based article, which has aimed to elaborate the learners’ English learning motivation whether it is instrumentally, integratively or personally motivated and the most dominance type of motivation as well as the important role of teacher in motivating students. It is somewhat surprising that there are six categories found in the research, namely personal motivation (PS), integrative motivation (IT), instrumental motivation (IS), the combination of PS IT, PS IS, and IT IS. The findings have revealed that 1) instrumental motivation is the most dominant type as the first rank, which includes to get a better living, better jobs and position; PS IS as second rank, IT IS as the third rank, PS IT as the fourth rank, personal motivation as the fifth rank and integrative motivation as the last rank; 2) teacher who is resourceful, skillful, competent and has good personality plays a imperative role in motivating and inspiring students. To sum up, regardless of personal, integrative or instrumental motivation, teacher as a role model also determines learner’s success in learning L2.         Keywords: motivation, L2/foreign language learning, instrumental, integrative, personal motivation    INDONESIAN ABSTRACT Fokus kajian ini adalah motivasi peserta didik untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua atau bahasa asing. Untuk mengumpulkan data, daftar pertanyaan dibagikan kepada 82 responden STIBA IEC Jakarta pada semester terakhir melalui WhatsApp dan face book messenger. Selain itu, wawancara juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui informasi secara detail, terutama tentang peran guru dan guru yang inspirasional / motivasional. Untuk analisis data, tahap pemilahan, klasifikasi, pengkodean, dan penyajian data serta kesimpulan diadopsi. Ini adalah artikel berbasis penelitian, yang bertujuan untuk menguraikan motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris peserta didik baik secara instrumental, integratif atau motivasi pribadi dan jenis motivasi yang paling dominan serta peran penting guru dalam memotivasi siswa. Agak mengejutkan bahwa ada enam kategori yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yang berbeda dengan penemuan lainnya, yaitu motivasi personal (PS), motivasi integratif (IT), motivasi instrumental (IS), kombinasi PS IT, PS IS, dan IT IS. Temuan tersebut telah mengungkapkan bahwa 1) motivasi instrumental adalah jenis yang paling mendominasi sebagai peringkat pertama, yang mencakup alasan mendapatkan kehidupan, pekerjaan dan jabatan yang lebih baik; PS IS sebagai peringkat kedua, IT IS sebagai peringkat ketiga, PS IT sebagai peringkat keempat, motivasi pribadi sebagai peringkat kelima dan motivasi integratif sebagai rangking terakhir; 2) Guru yang cakap, terampil, kompeten dan memiliki kepribadian yang baik memainkan peran penting dalam memotivasi siswa. Singkatnya, terlepas dari motivasi pribadi, integratif atau instrumental, guru sebagai panutan juga menentukan keberhasilan peserta didik dalam belajar L2. Kata kunci: motivasi, pembelajaran bahasa kedua/bahasa asing, motivasi instrumental, integratif dan personal.
A Child Language Acquisition in Indonesian and English Language: A Longitudinal case study somariah fitriani
Register Journal Vol 12, No 2 (2019): REGISTER JOURNAL
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.939 KB) | DOI: 10.18326/rgt.v12i2.126-156


Learning a dual language at the same time during early childhood has caused the wrong perception. Its false perception makes the parents delay the start of learning a second /foreign language. Therefore, This study aims at analyzing the first and second language acquisition of a child in the Indonesian Language and English. The issues concentrated on the spoken utterances in Indonesian and English and its affecting factors. The research adopted a qualitative approach by using a case study, as the unit analysis is a child of 3 years old. For data collection, I employed The naturalistic approach, which I kept daily notes on the progress of a child’s linguistic and recorded the dialogues. Since it is a longitudinal study, the research was conducted for two years, from 2014 to 2015. The research has revealed that utterances spoken have primarily increased and the child has already understood the commands by following the instructions. Some concepts such as feeling, taste, color, and numbers as well as short phrases and simple words in Indonesian and English at the same time can be understood and uttered.  She also can change the affirmative sentence to question in term of objects she sees in her surrounding. Factors such as linguistic inputs, imitation, environment, and significant others as exposure, and language acquisition device affect a child utterance. Thus, it indicates that two languages can be taught at the same time at an early age, and it doesn’t cause misunderstanding or confusion utterance, language acquisition, exposure, L1 and L2
Communication skill: A Challenge For Vocational High School Students in the 21st century Somariah Fitriani; Hamzah Puadi Ilyas
Jurnal SOLMA Vol. 8 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka (UHAMKA Press)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (609.037 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i1.3097


For vocational high school graduates to be accepted in business and industry, increasing the ability to use international languages, one of which is English is one of the main goals. Thus, the purpose of this community service is to train the students in understanding presentations appropriately. While the particular objectives are: 1) Improve the knowledge of strategies of writing and presentations in English well; 2) Enrich English vocabulary; 3) Improve writing and speaking skill; 4) Increase self-confidence, and 5) Prepare them to become professional graduates in terms of mastering English. There are thirty students of 12th grade of SMKN 56 North Jakarta participating in this training. The training was conducted within 12 hours, which was divided into three sessions for two days. At each meeting, students were monitored and practiced under the trainers’ guidance. The trainers also showed two examples of good presentations on YouTube. The training techniques are the lecture, discussion, brainstorming, and demonstration / direct practice that train students to understand every step by step in presentation and writing. The results show that students’ self-confidence developed, and vocabulary mastery, writing, and presentation skills increased as well. Out of 30 students, 5 participants delivered a presentation without reading the text. Although the results were not significant, the students had active participation in the discussion and practiced in groups and gave the speech in public. The evaluation result was 38.79 of a 1-4 scale with an excellent category. It is concluded that this training is highly needed and useful for vocational students.
Mentoring Program: How it improves teachers ability to engage pupils in a variety of activities in kindergarten Somariah Fitriani; Hamzah Puadi Ilyas
Aksara: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal Vol 8, No 2 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Nonformal Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/aksara.8.2.1031-1042.2022


At the beginning of the learning process, class routines in the form of basic talks, songs and games are one way for kindergarten children to get used to practicing English at a young age and building their self-confidence to communicate with their friends. Thus, the aim of this study was to elaborate the mentoring activity in training teachers on how to incorporate various activities into the classroom routine. Four female teachers of an Islamic private Kindergarten participated in the mentoring program. This is a case study design of qualitative research with classroom observation and interviews. The study revealed that teachers were able to demonstrate some classroom activities through short dialogues, songs and games. It indicated that mentoring activity is found to provide participants with benefits and satisfaction, as well as the potential to motivate them to practice with kindergarten children in classroom. 
Pelatihan Desain Observasi Kelas Berbasis Refleksi Diri Somariah Fitriani; Moh. Suryadi Syarif; Hery Muljono
Jurnal SOLMA Vol. 11 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka (UHAMKA Press)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/solma.v11i3.9610


Background: Proses pengamatan kelas yang dilakukan para guru menjadi faktor penting dalam refleksi pengajaran berbasis penelitian dan pengembangan profesionalisme guru. Oleh karena itu tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mencoba meningkatkan pengetahuan, perubahan sikap dan ketrampilan para guru dalam meneliti yang dikhususkan pada observasi kelas sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Metode: 33 Partisipan dalam pelatihan ini adalah para guru SD yang berlokasi di Jakarta dan Bekasi. Kegiatan workshop dilakukan selama tiga hari dari bulan Maret sampai Mei 2022 dimana masing-masing sesi berlangsung selama tiga setengah jam. Kegiatan dilakukan secara daring dengan mengunakan platform Zoom sesuai kesepakatan dengan partisipan. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah metode ceramah, demonstrasi dan diskusi secara interaktif. Hasil: Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan kepuasaan peserta dalam mengikuti workshop dengan antusiasme mereka dalam bertanya dan mendiskusikan desain-desain penelitian yang bisa mereka lakukan di kelas. Selain itu, hasil evaluasi menunjukkan kebermanfaatan kegiatan ini yang berkontribusi secara praktis kepada praktek mengajar mereka yang berbasis pada penelitian. Kesimpulan:  Kolaborasi antar guru dalam penelitian juga menjadi hal yang dianjurkan kami dalam meningkatkan ketrampilan mereka yang berdampak pada profesionalisme dan performa mereka sebagai guru pada penerapan kurikulum merdeka.
English teacher empowerment: The contribution of professionalism and work ethic in a non-formal education Somariah Fitriani; Hery Muljono
Aksara: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal Vol 9, No 1 (2023): January 2023
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Nonformal Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/aksara.9.1.637-646.2023


Since empowerment significantly contributes to the development of organizations and individuals, including schools and teachers, the issues of empowerment have drawn a lot of attention from all different types of organizations. Thus, the study set out to investigate the effects of professionalism and teacher empowerment on the work ethic of those who teach in non-formal education. This survey's cross-sectional study methodology was used, and the respondents were non-formal teachers who were employed as permanent English teachers in English language institutions. In this study, a causal survey method and a path analysis technique were both employed. The study indicated that professionalism and empowerment both considerably affect work ethics, and professionalism greatly affects empowerment. It also showed how professionalism has a substantial indirect impact on empowerment in terms of work ethic.
English teacher empowerment: The contribution of professionalism and work ethic in a non-formal education Somariah Fitriani; Hery Muljono
Aksara: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal Vol 9, No 1 (2023): January 2023
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Nonformal Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/aksara.9.1.501-510.2023


Since empowerment significantly contributes to the development of organizations and individuals, including schools and teachers, the issues of empowerment have drawn a lot of attention from all different types of organizations. Thus, the study set out to investigate the effects of professionalism and teacher empowerment on the work ethic of those who teach in non-formal education. This survey's cross-sectional study methodology was used, and the respondents were non-formal teachers who were employed as permanent English teachers in English language institutions. In this study, a causal survey method and a path analysis technique were both employed. The study indicated that professionalism and empowerment both considerably affect work ethics, and professionalism greatly affects empowerment. It also showed how professionalism has a substantial indirect impact on empowerment in terms of work ethic.