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In Vitro Selection of Abaca for Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense RULLY DYAH PURWATI; SAID HARRAN; SUDARSONO SUDARSONO
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 14 No. 2 (2007): June 2007
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (171.252 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.14.2.65


Abaca (Musa textilis Nee) is an important industrial crop. However, the cultivation of this crop in Indonesia is hampered by Fusarium wilt (Panama disease) as a result of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) infection. The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate inhibitory effects of culture filtrates (CF) of three Foc isolates (Banyuwangi, Malang, and Bojonegoro isolates) on shoot growth of abaca cv. Tangongon and Sangihe-1, (ii) determine sublethal concentration of Foc CF, (iii) isolate variant cells/tissues which are insensitive against Foc CF and regenerate plantlets from the variants, and (iv) evaluate responses of the plantlets against Foc infection. The results of the experiment showed that even though CF of all Foc isolates inhibited abaca’s shoot growth, CF of Foc Banyuwangi isolate showed the most inhibitory effect. Sublethal concentration of CF of Foc Banyuwangi isolate was 40%. From abaca cv. Tangongon, 326 shoots were regenerated from CF insensitive embryogenic calli while from Sangihe-1 - 176 shoots were regenerated. Following acclimatization and Foc inoculation using detached-leaf dual culture test, a total of four immune, two resistant, and two moderately resistant plantlets were identified out of 45 tested variants of Tangongon. On the other hand, only two resistant and one moderately resistant plantlets were identified out of 10 tested variants of Sangihe-1. Key words: Fusarium wilt, in vitro selection, culture filtrate, ethylmethanesulphonate (EMS), Musa textilis Nee
Resistance of Abaca Somaclonal Variant Against Fusarium RULLY DYAH PURWATI; SUDARSONO SUDARSONO
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 14 No. 4 (2007): December 2007
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (107.408 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.14.4.133


The objectives of this study were (i) to evaluate responses against F. oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) infection of abaca variants regenerated using four different methods, (ii) to determine initial root length and plant height effects on survival of inoculated abaca variants, and (iii) to identify Foc resistance abaca variants. In the previous experiment, four abaca variant lines were regenerated from (i) embryogenic calli (TC line), (ii) ethyl methyl sulphonate (EMS) treated embryogenic calli (EMS line), (iii) EMS treated embryogenic calli, followed by in vitro selection on Foc culture filtrate (EMS+CF line), and (iv) EMS treated embryogenic calli, followed by in vitro selection on fusaric acid (EMS+FA line). All abaca variants were grown in a glasshouse and inoculated with Banyuwangi isolate of Foc (Foc Bw). Initial root length (RL) and plant height (PH) of the abaca variants were recorded before inoculation, while scores of plant damage (SPD), and their survival were recorded at 60 days after inoculation (DAI). The results showed that the initial RL and PH did not affect survival of the tested abaca variants. Regardless of their initial RL and PH, susceptible abaca variants died before 60 DAI while resistance ones still survived. Abaca variants regenerated from single clump of embryogenic callus showed an array of responses against Foc Bw infection, indicating the existence of a mix cells population. The Foc Bw resistance abaca variants were successfully identified from four tested abaca variant lines, although with different frequencies. However, more Foc Bw resistance abaca plants were identified from EMS+CF line than the others. Using the developed procedures, 8 resistance abaca plants were identified from abaca cv. Tangongon and 12 from abaca cv. Sangihe-1. Key words: Fusarium wilts resistance, in vitro selection, culture filtrate, fusaric acid, EMS
Inoculation Methods and Conidial Densities of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense in Abaca RULLY DYAH PURWATI; NURUL HIDAYAH; SUDJINDRO SUDJINDRO; SUDARSONO2? SUDARSONO2?
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 15 No. 1 (2008): March 2008
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.831 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.15.1.1


Abaca (Musa textilis Nee) is an important industrial crop. Its cultivation in Indonesia is, however, hampered by the wilt (Panama disease) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) infections. Developing Foc resistance abaca lines require availability of established and reliable screening methods for resistance against Foc. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the (i) effectiveness of Foc inoculation methods, (ii) extent of Foc conidial densities – for causing the wilt in abaca, and (iii) responses of ten abaca cultivars against Foc infection. Results of this study showed that the method of inoculation by wounding abaca roots followed submerging the wounded plant in suspension of Foc conidia (106 conidia/ml) for 2 hours before planting was the most effective method for causing the wilt. Among ten abaca cultivars tested, none was resistant to Foc infection. Based on the calculation of disease intensity, nine abaca cultivars were identified as very susceptible, where as one cultivar was susceptible to Foc infection. Key words: Fusarium wilt, panama disease, disease response, screening method, Musa textilis
Karakteristik Biodiesel Kemiri Sunan dengan Katalis NaOH dan KOH Garusti Garusti; Ahmad Dhiaul Khuluq; Joko Hartono; Prima Diarini Riajaya; Rully Dyah Purwati
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 12, No 2 (2020): OKTOBER 2020
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/btsm.v12n2.2020.78-85


Minyak non pangan seperti minyak biji kemiri sunan berpeluang digunakan sebagai bahan baku biodiesel. Masalah yang muncul dalam pembuatan biodiesel adalah reaksi transesterifikasi tanpa katalis berlangsung sangat lambat sehingga dikhawatirkan reaksinya tidak stabil, serta kebutuhan input energi yang sangat tinggi menjadikan tidak layak teknis. Oleh karena itu, untuk mempercepat reaksi transesterifikasi diperlukan katalis. Penggunaan KOH 1% dan NaOH 0,75% sebagai katalis pada proses transesterifikasi dapat mempercepat reaksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik biodiesel dari minyak biji kemiri sunan, campuran dari beberapa aksesi, yang dihasilkan dengan katalis NaOH 0,75% dan KOH 1 % dibandingkan dengan SNI 04-7182-2015 tentang Biodiesel. Metode pembuatan biodiesel yang digunakan meliputi tahapan degumming, transesterifikasi, separasi dan pencucian. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Tanaman Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat, Malang pada bulan Agustus-Desember 2019. Biodiesel kemiri sunan menggunakan katalis NaOH 0,75% memiliki nilai kadar air 0,03%, densitas 0,89 (g/cm3 ), angka asam 0,38 mg/KOH/g, angka iod 42,67, viskositas kinematik pada suhu 40 °C 5,45 °C, dan titik nyala 173 °C. Biodiesel dengan penambahan katalis NaOH 0,75% menghasilkan mutu lebih baik dari penambahan katalis KOH 1%. Biodiesel dengan katalis NaOH 0,75% sudah memenuhi SNI 04-7182-2015 tentang Biodiesel pada parameter mutu yang diukur (kadar air, densitas, angka asam, angka iod, viskositas kinematik, dan titik nyala). Parameter lain dalam SNI 04-7182-2015 yang belum dilaporkan dalam penelitian ini perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk biodiesel minyak kemiri sunan menggunakan katalis NaOH 0,75%.Characteristics of Toxic-Candlenut Biodiesel with NaOH and KOH CatalystsNon-food oils, such as toxic candlenut seed oil, have the opportunity to be used as raw material for biodiesel. The problem that arises in biodiesel process is the slowly transesterification reaction, when without a catalyst will cause unstable reaction, need very high energy inputs, so that makes it technically unfeasible. Therefore, a catalyst is needed to accelerate the transesterification reaction. The use of 1% KOH and 0.75% NaOH in the transesterification process can accelerate the reaction. This study was aimed to determine the characteristics of biodiesel from toxic candlenut oil, a mixture of several accessions of the toxic candlenuts, which was produced with 1% KOH and 0.75% NaOH catalyst.  The results were then compared to the characteristics of those determined in SNI 04-7182-2015 of Biodiesel. The method in producing biodiesel included the stages of degumming, transesterification, separation and washing. The experiment was conducted in Phytochemical Laboratory of IRSFCRI in August to December 2019. Toxic candlenut biodiesel using 0.75% NaOH catalyst has a value of moisture content (0.03%), density (0.89 g/cm3), acid number (0.38 mg/KOH/g), iodine number (42.67), kinematic viscosity at temperature 40°C (5.45°C), and flash point (173°C). Biodiesel quality with 0.75% NaOH is better than that of 1% KOH catalyst. Biodiesel with 0.75% NaOH catalyst has achieved the requirement of the SNI 04-7182-2015 on Biodiesel on almost all parameters (i.e., water content, density, acid number, iodine number, kinematic viscosity, and flash point). Other parameters in SNI 04-7182-2015 that have not been reported in this study need further research on biodiesel of toxic candlenut oil using 0.75% NaOH catalyst. Toxic candlenut biodiesel is expected to be used for biofuel.
Strategi Pengembangan Rami (Boehmeria nivea Gaud.) RULLY DYAH PURWATI
Perspektif Vol 9, No 2 (2010): Desember 2010
Publisher : Puslitbang Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/p.v9n2.2010.%p


ABSTRAKRami  (Boehmeria  nivea  Gaud.)  merupakan  tanaman yang memiliki potensi tinggi. Serat rami dapat diolah menjadi kain fashion berkualitas tinggi, karena memiliki karakter mirip dengan serat kapas. Selain itu, serat  rami merupakan bahan untuk pembuatan selulosa  berkualitas  tinggi (selulose   α). Daunnya merupakan bahan kompos dan pakan ternak yang bergizi tinggi, kayunya baik untuk bahan bakar.  Kayu dan serat rami dapat diolah menjadi pulp berkualitas tinggi  sebagai  bahan  baku  pembuatan  aneka  jenis kertas berharga. Kebutuhan rami dunia yang mencapai ± 500.000 ton/tahun pada tahun 2010 hanya dipenuhi oleh Cina sebesar 280.000 ton (56%), sisanya dari Brazil dan Filipina dengan persentase yang sangat kecil. Di Indonesia, potensi pengembangan rami sangat tinggi karena kebutuhan serat untuk substitusi kapas cukup tinggi, telah tersedia varietas unggul dan benih yang bermutu tinggi serta lahan luas yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan rami. Namun demikian, masih ditemukan  beberapa  kendala  dalam  pengembangan rami antara lain varietas dan benih yang digunakan belum murni, lokasi pengembangan umumnya jauh dari sarana transportasi, belum tersedia alat dekortikator yang memadai, kelembagaan yang ada belum  sesuai,  kejelasan  pasar  dan  kepastian  harga serat rami belum banyak diketahui, pengembangan rami baru menguntungkan setelah tahun ke tiga, mesin yang digunakan oleh pabrik tekstil tidak sesuai karena merupakan  mesin  pengolah  kapas (serat  pendek). Pengembangan rami  dapat berhasil dan berkesinambungan apabila tersedia strategi pengembangan rami yang konstruktif meliputi intensifikasi,ekstensifikasi, diversifikasi dan kelembagaan.  Intensifikasi  terdiri  atas  penggunaan varietas unggul dan benih bermutu tinggi,  serta aplikasi teknik budidaya yang tepat mulai persiapan lahan hingga pengolahan serat. Ekstensifikasi adalah perluasan  lahan  untuk  memenuhi  kebutuhan  serat rami  nasional,  baik  untuk  substitusi  serat  kapas maupun untuk diversifikasi produk terutama untuk pulp, selulosa dan komposit. Strategi pengembangan rami tersebut akan lebih efisien apabila telah terbentuk kelembagaan dan kejelasan pemasaran.Kata  kunci:  Boehmeria  nivea  Gaud,  pengembangan,                 potensi,   kendala,   intensifikasi,   ekstensifikasi, diversifikasi ABSTRACTStrategy of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea Gaud.) DevelopmentRamie (Boehmeria nivea Gaud.) is a multi purpose crop and has a high potency in producing some products. Ramie fibre is raw material of very high quality of textile, due to its characteristic is similar to cotton fibre. Ramie fibre is also used as raw material of high quality of cellulose (α cellulose). The leaves can be produced as compost (organic  fertilizer)  and  fodder  with  high nutrition. The bark and fibre also can be used as raw material of pulp for high quality and expensive papers  The   world   requirement   of   ramie   fibre   predicted reaches ± 500.000 tonnes/year in 2010. Fifty six percents  (280.000 tonnes) of this need is supplied by China, and the rest is fulfilled by Brazil and Philippines in low percentage.   In   Indonesia,   the   potency   of   ramie development is very high due to some reasons as follow: the highly fibre need for cotton substitution, superior  variety  and  high  quality  of  seedling  are available, appropriate land for ramie growth is broad enough. However, there are some constraints in ramie development  i.e.  variety  and  seedlings  used  was varied,   the   location   was   far   from   transportation facilities, limiting of decorticators, lack of judgment and institution cooperation, the low price of ramie fibre, the use of inappropriate machine for ramie fibre, etc.   Ramie   development   will   succeed   and   be continuously  by  the  availability  of  a  constructive strategy   includes   intensification,   extentsification, diversification,    and    management.    Intensification comprises of the use of high quality of seedlings and superior  varieties,  and  application  of  appropriate culture  techniques  from  land  preparation  to  post harvest. Extensification is the extent of ramie area to produce enough ramie fibre for cotton substitution and product diversification especially for pulp, cellulose, and composite. This strategy of ramie development will be more efficient when management, funding, marketing institutions and the good price is available.Key words: Ramie, development, potency, constraint,               intensification, diversification
Karakteristik Biodiesel Kemiri Sunan dengan Katalis NaOH dan KOH Garusti Garusti; Ahmad Dhiaul Khuluq; Joko Hartono; Prima Diarini Riajaya; Rully Dyah Purwati
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 12, No 2 (2020): OKTOBER 2020
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/btsm.v12n2.2020.78-85


Minyak non pangan seperti minyak biji kemiri sunan berpeluang digunakan sebagai bahan baku biodiesel. Masalah yang muncul dalam pembuatan biodiesel adalah reaksi transesterifikasi tanpa katalis berlangsung sangat lambat sehingga dikhawatirkan reaksinya tidak stabil, serta kebutuhan input energi yang sangat tinggi menjadikan tidak layak teknis. Oleh karena itu, untuk mempercepat reaksi transesterifikasi diperlukan katalis. Penggunaan KOH 1% dan NaOH 0,75% sebagai katalis pada proses transesterifikasi dapat mempercepat reaksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik biodiesel dari minyak biji kemiri sunan, campuran dari beberapa aksesi, yang dihasilkan dengan katalis NaOH 0,75% dan KOH 1 % dibandingkan dengan SNI 04-7182-2015 tentang Biodiesel. Metode pembuatan biodiesel yang digunakan meliputi tahapan degumming, transesterifikasi, separasi dan pencucian. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Tanaman Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat, Malang pada bulan Agustus-Desember 2019. Biodiesel kemiri sunan menggunakan katalis NaOH 0,75% memiliki nilai kadar air 0,03%, densitas 0,89 (g/cm3 ), angka asam 0,38 mg/KOH/g, angka iod 42,67, viskositas kinematik pada suhu 40 °C 5,45 °C, dan titik nyala 173 °C. Biodiesel dengan penambahan katalis NaOH 0,75% menghasilkan mutu lebih baik dari penambahan katalis KOH 1%. Biodiesel dengan katalis NaOH 0,75% sudah memenuhi SNI 04-7182-2015 tentang Biodiesel pada parameter mutu yang diukur (kadar air, densitas, angka asam, angka iod, viskositas kinematik, dan titik nyala). Parameter lain dalam SNI 04-7182-2015 yang belum dilaporkan dalam penelitian ini perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk biodiesel minyak kemiri sunan menggunakan katalis NaOH 0,75%.Characteristics of Toxic-Candlenut Biodiesel with NaOH and KOH CatalystsNon-food oils, such as toxic candlenut seed oil, have the opportunity to be used as raw material for biodiesel. The problem that arises in biodiesel process is the slowly transesterification reaction, when without a catalyst will cause unstable reaction, need very high energy inputs, so that makes it technically unfeasible. Therefore, a catalyst is needed to accelerate the transesterification reaction. The use of 1% KOH and 0.75% NaOH in the transesterification process can accelerate the reaction. This study was aimed to determine the characteristics of biodiesel from toxic candlenut oil, a mixture of several accessions of the toxic candlenuts, which was produced with 1% KOH and 0.75% NaOH catalyst.  The results were then compared to the characteristics of those determined in SNI 04-7182-2015 of Biodiesel. The method in producing biodiesel included the stages of degumming, transesterification, separation and washing. The experiment was conducted in Phytochemical Laboratory of IRSFCRI in August to December 2019. Toxic candlenut biodiesel using 0.75% NaOH catalyst has a value of moisture content (0.03%), density (0.89 g/cm3), acid number (0.38 mg/KOH/g), iodine number (42.67), kinematic viscosity at temperature 40°C (5.45°C), and flash point (173°C). Biodiesel quality with 0.75% NaOH is better than that of 1% KOH catalyst. Biodiesel with 0.75% NaOH catalyst has achieved the requirement of the SNI 04-7182-2015 on Biodiesel on almost all parameters (i.e., water content, density, acid number, iodine number, kinematic viscosity, and flash point). Other parameters in SNI 04-7182-2015 that have not been reported in this study need further research on biodiesel of toxic candlenut oil using 0.75% NaOH catalyst. Toxic candlenut biodiesel is expected to be used for biofuel.