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Journal : JIEMAN: Journal of Islamic Educational Management

Duties and Responsibilities of the Principal in Madrasa towards Teachers’ Professionalism Development Totok Sudarmanto; Abd. Muis; Mundir Mundir; Zainal Abidin
JIEMAN: Journal of Islamic Educational Management Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): JIEMAN: Journal of Islamic Educational Management
Publisher : The Faculty of Education and Teaching Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/jieman.v4i1.91


The purpose of this study was to describe the role of the principal as a leader and manager in developing teacher professionalism. This research uses a case study approach. Data was obtained by observation, interviews, and document review. Data analysis used interactive analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. This research resulted in three findings. First, as the innovator, duties and responsibilities of madrasah principals are enriching insight and related information about madrasa, opening a new madrasa program, restructuring madrasah, conducting reinforcement, developing the professionalism of teachers individually and in teams, managing the physical environment, and performing alternation. Second, as the motivator, duties and responsibilities of madrasa principals are provide a spiritual approach, apply the motto of ki hadjar dewantara motto "ing ngarso sung tulodho, ing madya mangun karso, tut wuri handayani, encourage teachers to improve their educational qualifications, provide rewards, initiate discipline, strengthen the friendship, and improve teacher welfare, provide recreation, pay attention to subordinates' conditions, and resolve conflicts. Third, as the administrator, duties and responsibilities of the madrasa principals are constructing job description and job specifications, constructing job description and job specifications, allocating all of the resources in the madrasa, assigning a capable person to lead a group of people, coordinating the performance of teachers and staff within madrasa, arranging program scheduling in madrasa, collaborating with other parties. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peran kepala sekolah sebagai pemimpin dan manajer dalam mengembangkan profesionalisme guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Data diperoleh dengan observasi, wawancara, dan telaah dokumen. Analisis data menggunakan analisis interaktif yang terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan tiga temuan. Pertama, sebagai inovator, tugas dan tanggung jawab kepala madrasah adalah untuk menambah wawasan dan informasi terkait madrasah, membuka program madrasah baru, restrukturisasi madrasah, melakukan penguatan, mengembangkan profesionalisme guru secara individu maupun tim, dan mengelola lingkungan fisik, melakukan pergantian. Kedua, sebagai motivator, tugas dan tanggung jawab kepala madrasah adalah untuk memberikan pendekatan spiritual, menerapkan semboyan Ki Hadjar Dewantara “Ing ngarso sung tulodho, ing madya mangun karso, tut wuri handayani, mendorong guru untuk meningkatkan kualifikasi pendidikannya, memberikan penghargaan, memprakarsai disiplin, mempererat silaturrahmi, dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan guru, memberikan rekreasi, memperhatikan kondisi bawahan, dan menyelesaikan konflik.  Ketiga, sebagai administrator, tugas dan tanggung jawab kepala madrasah adalah membuat deskripsi pekerjaan dan spesifikasi pekerjaan, mengalokasikan semua sumber daya yang ada di madrasah, menugaskan orang yang cakap untuk memimpin sekelompok orang, mengkoordinir kinerja guru dan staf di lingkungan madrasah, menyusun jadwal program di madrasah, dan bekerjasama dengan pihak lain.
Defining Management Strategy for the Excellence Class Program during the 2019 Coronavirus Disease Pandemic Rizki Syiam; Zainal Abidin; Khotibul Umam
JIEMAN: Journal of Islamic Educational Management Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JIEMAN: Journal of Islamic Educational Management
Publisher : The Faculty of Education and Teaching Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/jieman.v4i2.133


The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the strategies for madrasa principals in the Coronavirus Disease 19 pandemic era in managing the superior class program at MTs Negeri 11 Banyuwangi. This research uses a qualitative approach which is research that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior. The results of this study indicate that: focus 1. a). The school conducts a needs analysis. b). Schools set goals according to school targets. c). The school establishes several programs including teachers teaching subjects that are taught in accordance with qualifications and competence in their fields as well as schools preparing teacher training for online learners. focus 2. a). Availability of adequate electronics for teachers and students. b). The learning process through several applications and links to the learning process is given by the teacher. c). The teacher has followed the guidance of technology. focus 3. a). In the form of files via the Whatsapp application and instructions via video calls. b). Attendance system via Whatsapp and fill out Google form. c). Materials and evaluations are uploaded to Youtube and Google Sites. The head of the madrasa is the key that determines the success of the madrasa in achieving its goals. The head of the madrasa is required to always improve the effectiveness of the performance of the staff at the madrasa. The emergence of the Covid-19 Pandemic which has spread throughout the world including Indonesia has had an impact on all sectors. Not being left behind also has implications for the education sector, so it requires changes in systems and policies, even the way students learn is also required to follow established policies. Such as remote management, giving lots of assignments and a more flexible learning system, and so on. The head of the madrasa has a very decisive role in the progress of an educational institution. This is because the madrasa head has a very large role in developing an educational institution. For this reason, one of the ways that can be taken is through improving the quality of education management. The focus of the research is how to plan, implement and evaluate the strategy of the head of the madrasa in the era of the Coronavirus Disease 19 pandemic in managing the superior class program at MTs Negeri 11 Banyuwangi. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the strategies for madrasa principals in the Coronavirus Disease 19 pandemic era in managing the superior class program at MTs Negeri 11 Banyuwangi. This research uses a qualitative approach which is research that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior. The results of this study indicate that: focus 1. a). The school conducts a needs analysis. b). Schools set goals according to school targets. c). The school establishes several programs including teachers teaching subjects that are taught in accordance with qualifications and competence in their fields as well as schools preparing teacher training for online learners. focus 2. a). Availability of adequate electronics for teachers and students. b). The learning process through several applications and links to the learning process is given by the teacher. c). The teacher has followed the guidance of technology. focus 3. a). In the form of files via the Whatsapp application and instructions via video calls. b). Attendance system via Whatsapp and fill out Google form. c). Materials and evaluations are uploaded to Youtube and Google sites
Islamic Boarding Schools-Based Educational Quality Management At Madrasah Aliyah Banyuwangi Manda Syahri; St. Rodliyah; Zainal Abidin
JIEMAN: Journal of Islamic Educational Management Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): JIEMAN: Journal of Islamic Educational Management
Publisher : The Faculty of Education and Teaching Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/jieman.v5i1.157


Educational quality management is an activity of planning, implementing, controlling and supervising all work activities that must be completed to maintain the quality desired by formal institutions under the auspices of Islamic boarding schools. This study focuses on discussion on: How to plan, implement, evaluate. The purpose of this study is to describe the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the quality of pesantren-based education at MA Al-Amiriyah. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study type, data collection techniques using passive participatory observation methods, semi-structured interviews and documentation. The data obtained were then analyzed using a descriptive analysis model with interactive Miles Huberman and Saldana namely: data collection, data condensation, presenting data and drawing conclusions. As well as the validity of the data using source triangulation, technical triangulation and member checks. The results of this study are: (1) planning the quality of pesantren-based education at MA Al-Amiriyah. (a) formulate program priorities including content standards, graduate competency standards, process standards and teaching staff qualification standards. (b) formulate the goals to be achieved. (2) the implementation of quality education based on Islamic boarding schools at Madrasah Aliyah Al Amiriyah. (a) meet the standard needs of educators. (b) implementation of tasks in accordance with fields and functions. (3) evaluating the quality of pesantren-based education at MA Al-Amiriyah. (a) supervision of school programs or activities (b) reports on the implementation of activities. (c) evaluation of the learning process. Manajemen mutu pendidikan merupakan kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengendalian dan pengawasan semua aktivitas kerja yang harus diselesaikan untuk mempertahankan mutu yang diinginkan lembaga formal yang berada dibawah naungan pondok pesantren. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada : Bagaimana perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi Mutu Pendidikan berbasis pesantren di  MA Al-Amiriyah. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini Mendeskripsikan  perencanaan,  pelaksanaan, evaluasi Mutu Pendidikan berbasis pesantren di  MA Al-Amiriyah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi partisipasi pasif, wawancara semi terstruktur dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan model analisis deskriptif dengan interaktif Miles-Huberman dan Saldana yaitu: pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, menyajikan data dan menarik kesimpulan. Serta keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber, triangulasi teknik dan member check.Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) perencanaan mutu pendidikan berbasis pesantren di Madrasah Aliyah Al-Amiriyah. (a) merumuskan prioritas program diantaranya standar isi, standar kompetensi lulusan, standar proses dan standar kualifikasi tenaga pendidik. (b) merumuskan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. (2) pelaksanaan mutu pendidikan berbasis pesantren di Madrasah Aliyah Al-Amiriyah. (a) memenuhi kebutuhan standar pendidik. (b) pelaksanaan tugas sesui dengan bidang dan fungsi. (3) evaluasi mutu pendidikan berbasis pesantren di Madrasah Aliyah Al Amiriyah. (a) supervisi program atau kegiatan sekolah (b) laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan. (c) evaluasi pada proses pembelajaran.