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Relasi Otoritas dan Tradisi dalam Pewacanaan Pancasila pada Tafsir Al-Azhar Akmal Rizki Gunawan
AL QUDS : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Hadis Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (331.532 KB) | DOI: 10.29240/alquds.v5i1.2202


The Relations of Authority and Traditions in Pancasila Discourse on Tafsir Al-AzharRevealing the reasons and describing Hamka's interpretation behind his inconsistency and ambiguity towards Pancasila discourse in Tafsir Azhar and several of his works is the aim of this article. On one side, Hamka accepted Pancasila (1951), but on the other side, Hamka firmly rejected Pancasila (1957-1966). This paper will highlight the phenomenon above using the Maudhui Al-Farmawi method of interpretation and philosophical Hermeneutic Theory of Hans Georg Gadamer. This research proves that the existence of a relationship of authority and tradition encompassing Hamka has implications for inconsistencies (acceptance and rejection) in Pancasila discourse in his primary work Tafsir Al-Azhar and the other several secondary works. In this case, the writer concludes that Hamka, through authority and tradition, undergoes a formation and transformation within himself, so that he no longer tends to impose his objective and reflective attitudes on some of his subjects. However, he is also open-ended in a way that lets others speak differently, so that it has implications for the intersection and integration (fusion) horizons of understanding. Hamka Transformation in the context of Pancasila can be understood that Hamka is an idealistic figure in understanding the first principle of "God Almighty" and a compromise figure in understanding the second to the fifth precept.
Nalar Moderasi Beragama Muslim Merespon Covid-19 Suprima Suprima; akmal rizki Gunawan; Rabiyyanur Lubis; Abdul Khoir; Acep Mulyadi; Siti Asiah
Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 19, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/klm.v19i2.5267


This research is try to explain the reason for thinking moderation of Muslims, who are divided in two in response to Covid-19. On the one hand it is fatalistic and some are rationally liberal. The data obtained was analyzed qualitatively using religious moderation theory consisting of 4 aspects, namely; Fiqḥ Al-Maqāṣid (فقه المقاصد), Fiqḥ Al-Mālāt (فقه المالات), Fiqḥ Al-Muwāzanat (فقه الموازنة), and Fiqḥ Al-Awlawiyāt (فقه الأولويات). In this study the authors concluded as follows; First, in the context of Fiqh Al-Maqāṣid (فقه المقاصد) and Fiqḥ Al-Mālāt (فقه المالات), the reason for the moderation of a Muslim religion in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic cannot separate between ikhtiar ruhaniyah and scientific ikhtiar. That means it takes an integral understanding that is not partial. It is not enough to offer only religious methods, because human beings are physical beings. Nor is it enough just through medical because man is also a spiritual being. Second, in the context of Fiqḥ Al-Awlawiyāt (فقه الأولويات), should as a Muslim be required the ability to ground the reasoning of putting public logic above private logic, both in aspects of "ubudiyah" and "mu'amalah". Third, in the context of Fiqḥ Al-Muwāzanat (فقه الموازنة), should every Muslim put the reason hifẓ al-nafs (keeping the soul) among other maintenance.
Pemberdayaan Anak Melalui Kegiatan Belajar, Bermain, dan Mngeksplorasi (BBM) dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar di Desa Ligarmukti Akmal Rizki Gunawan Hsb; Alwi Hakim; Yoyo Hambali; Agus Suprianto
Bubungan Tinggi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/btjpm.v4i2.5068


: Proses pembelajaran formal maupun non-formal sama-sama memiliki hambatan belajar, seperti halnya motivasi belajar, media pembelajaran serta metode yang digunakan. Maka diperlukan kegiatan yang dapat menunjang serta menjadi pembeda bagi suasana kelas yang monoton dan kurang asik. Bersamaan dengan hal ini kemudian dilakukan sebuah upaya kegiatan, yang dinamakan kegiatan BBM (belajar, bermain dan mengeksplorasi) yang bertujuan untuk mendukung semangat serta menghilangkan kejenuhan belajar anak usia sekolah dasar, terutama anak di desa Ligarmukti. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah action research, yang mana digunakan metode riset dalam pemecahan masalah, terjadi interaksi langsung antara penulis dan client dalam mencapai tujuan pengabdian. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan pada 6-7 November 2021 ini membuahkan hasil, yaitu terjadi peningkatan motivasi belajar dalam diri anak. Hal itu  dilihat dari antusias 85% dari 32 anak usia sekolah dasar untuk mengikuti kegiatan dengan semangat, mereka lebih aktif dalam mengemukakan pendapat, lebih interaktif atau tidak malu-malu.   Both formal and non-formal learning processes have learning barriers, such as learning motivation, learning media and methods used. So we need activities that can support and be a differentiator for a monotonous and less cool class atmosphere. Simultaneously with this, an activity effort was then carried out, called the BBM activity (learning, playing and exploring) which aims to support enthusiasm and eliminate boredom in learning for elementary school age children, especially children in Ligarmukti village. The method used in this community service is action research, where research methods are used in problem solving, there is a direct interaction between the author and the client in achieving the goals of the service. The activity, which was held on 6-7 November 2021, yielded results, namely an increase in learning motivation in children. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of 85% of 32 elementary school age children to participate in activities with enthusiasm, they are more active in expressing opinions, more interactive or not shy. 
Impelementasi Literasi Numerasi Kampus Merdeka di SDIT Darul Hikam Insani Suprima Suprima; Akmal Rizki Gunawan; Arina Salsabila; Rafikha Desta Ramadhania
Bubungan Tinggi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/btjpm.v4i2.5069


Tujuan dari pengabdian ini untuk mengimplementasikan kegiatan literasi dan numerasi dalam upaya menghidupkan pembelajaran di SDIT Darul Hikmah Insani. Pengabdian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketidakefektifan Pembelajaran Jarak jauh (PJJ) di SDIT Darul Hikmah. Kegiatan pengabdian yang diadakan adalah kelas tutor dan yang menjadi sasaran utamanya adalah para siswa yang masih kurang paham mengenai literasi dan numerasi. Keberhasilan program diukur dari sejumlah soal yang diberikan pada siswa seputar literasi dan numerasi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah dokumentasi, wawancara, dan observasi. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan kelas tutor yang mengajarkan literasi-numerasi pada siswa berjalan dengan baik untuk mencapai tujuan utamanya. Kelas tutor yang dilaksanakan setiap habis pembelajarn ini berfokus pada pengajaran literasi-numerasi pada siswa yang mengalami keterlambatan pemahaman. Dalam mengatasi kendala tersebut SDIT Darul Hikam Insani bersama mahasiswa Kampus Mengajar meningkatkan pendekatan terhadap siswa dengan cara menambah jam untuk belajar literasi-numerasi setiap hari Senin-Jumat setelah jam pelajaran wajib selesai, tepatnya dari jam 10.30-11.00 WIB selama 2 Agustus-17 Desember 2021. The purpose of this service is to implement literacy and numeracy activities in an effort to revive learning at SDIT Darul Hikmah Insani. This dedication is motivated by the ineffectiveness of Distance Learning (PJJ) at SDIT Darul Hikmah. The service activities held are tutor classes and the main targets are students who still do not understand literacy and numeracy. The success of the program is measured by a number of questions given to students about literacy and numeracy. The data collection techniques used in this service are documentation, interviews, and observations. The results of this service activity indicate that tutor class activities that teach literacy-numeracy to students are going well to achieve its main goal. The tutor class, which is held after each lesson, focuses on teaching numeracy-literacy to students who experience delays in understanding. In overcoming these obstacles, SDIT Darul Hikam Insani and Campus Teaching students improve their approach to students by adding more hours to study literacy-numeracy after compulsory school hours are over, from 12.00-13.00 WIB (2 August-17 December 2021) to be exact.
Teologi Inklusif Kehidupan Pesantren Akmal Rizki Gunawan; Syamsul Wathani; Yoyo Hanbali; Muhammad Roni
Eduprof : Islamic Education Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Eduprof : Islamic Education Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah IAI BBC

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47453/eduprof.v3i2.87


“The presence of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia is a display case for the distinctive face of Islam, with social, cultural, religious and political arrangements for civil society. Pesantren becomes an educational institution as well as a house of wisdom, where students and the pesantren community learn to be good individuals. The strengths of the educational, ethical and socio-religious principles of Islamic boarding schools need to be discussed more deeply, in order to explore the richness of inclusiveness in Islamic boarding schools. Inclusiveness is a result of pesantren cultural education, and inclusiveness is the result of pesantren curriculum education. The principle of inclusiveness in Islamic boarding schools can be seen in the realm of social interaction, not in the realm of ideas. Education carried out in Islamic boarding schools is education that is integrated in three intelligences at once; intellectual, spiritual and emotional. The educational culture of this pesantren is unique. Where the value of education forms the value in a santri from the formation of classical book studies with a Sufism or Sufism pattern. Education in Islamic boarding schools prioritizes the theological-philosophical goals of Islamic education. In addition to seeking knowledge (li talab al-ilm) also seeking blessings (li talab al-barakah). Tasamuh, gentle, calm attitude, respect, respect for others, open thinking (inclusive), are authentic social ethics of Islamic boarding school products. Tasamuh, Islamic boarding schools are not only theoretical, but become a way of life (al-'amal al-hayah). The social ethics of Islamic education in Islamic boarding schools lies in the ability to optimize -spiritual- tarbiyah, ta'lim -intellectual-, ta'dib -emotional- education which is the spirit of Islamic education. Pesantren has an exclusive and inclusive attitude that is well harmonized.”. ABSTRAK “Kehadiran pondok pesantren di Indonesi menjadi etalase wajah beragama Islam yang khas, dengan tatatan sosial, budaya, agama dan politik masyarakat madani. Pesantren mejadi lembaga pendidikan sekaligus rumah kearifan, dimana santri dan masyarakat pesantren belajar menjadi pribadi yang baik. Kekuatan prinsip pendidikan, etika dan sosial-religius pesantren perlu diwacanan lebih dalam, guna menggali kekayan khazanah inklusifitas di pondok pesantren. Inklusifitas merupakan sebuah hasil dari pendidikan kultur pesantren, dan sikap inklusif merupakan hasil dari pendidikan kurikulum pesantren. Prinsip inklusif di pondok pesantren dapat dilihat dalam ranah interaksi sosial, bukan pada dataran ide. Pendidikan yang dilaksanakan di pesantren adalah pendidikan yang digabungkan (integrated) dalam tiga kecerdasan sekaligus; intelektual, spiritual dan emosional. Kultural edukatif pesantren ini menjadi khas. Dimana nilai kendidikan membentuk nilai dalam diri seorang santri dari bentukan kajian kitab klasik yang bercorakan tasawwuf atau sufistik. Pendidikan di pondok pesantren mengendepankan tujuan teologis-filosofis pendidikan Islam. Selain mencari ilmu (li thalab al-ilm) juga mencari keberkahan (li thalab al-barakah). Tasamuh, sikap lembut, teduh, menghargai, menghormai orang lain, berfikir tebuka (inklusif), merupakan etika sosial otentik produk pondok pesantren. Tasamuh, pondok pesantren tidak hanya teoritis, melainkan menjadi sebuah laku hidup (al-‘amal al-hayah). Etika sosial pendidikan Islam pondok pesantren terletak pada kemampuan dalam mengoptimalkan Pendidikan tarbiyah ¬-spritual- , ta’lim -intelektual-, ta’dib -emosional- yang menjadi ruh pendidikan Islam. Pesantren memiliki sikap eksklusif serta inklusif yang diharmonisasikan dengan baik.”.
Peran Guru PAI dalam Bimbingan Konseling Siswa Bermasalah Di SMA 1 Tambun Utara Kabupaten Bekasi Akmal Rizki Gunawan; Riffa Amalia
Eduprof : Islamic Education Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Eduprof : Islamic Education Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah IAI BBC

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47453/eduprof.v4i1.112


This study aims to determine the role of PAI teachers in counseling troubled students, to find out the concrete efforts of the PAI teacher's program of activities in dealing with problematic students, to know the cooperation of PAI teachers and BK teachers in helping to deal with problematic students, and to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors in overcoming problem students at SMAN 1 Tambun Utara. The research, which was conducted for 3 months (July-September) used qualitative methods and data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation at SMAN 1 Tambun Utara. The subjects of this study were principals, PAI teachers, BK teachers, and students at SMAN 1 Tambun Utara. The result of this study is the role of PAI teachers in counseling troubled students at SMAN 1 Tambun Utara by implementing exemplary, habituation, and advice methods. In addition, the factor that supports PAI teachers in dealing with problematic students is the existence of spiritual activities, while the inhibiting factor is the limited time that PAI teachers have in carrying out their duties to overcome student problems. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran guru PAI dalam bimbingan konseling siswa bermasalah, mengetahui upaya konkrit program kegiatan yang dilaksanakan guru PAI dalam menangani mahasiswa bermasalah, mengetahui kerja sama guru PAI dan guru BK dalam membantu menangani siswa bermasalah, dan untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung serta penghambat dalam mengatasi siswa bermasalah di SMAN 1 Tambun Utara. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan selaam 3 bulan (bulan Juli-September) ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan datanya berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi di SMAN 1 Tambun Utara. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru PAI, guru BK, dan siswa di SMAN 1 Tambun Utara. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah peran guru PAI dalam bimbingan konseling siswa bermasalah di SMAN 1 Tambun Utara dengan mengimplementasikan metode keteladanan, pembiasaan, dan nasihat. Selain itu, faktor yang mendukung guru PAI dalam menangani siswa bermasalah adalah karena adanya kegiatan rohis, sedangkan faktor yang menghambatnya adalah keterbatasan waktu yang dimiliki guru PAI dalam melaksanakan tugasnya untuk mengatasi permasalahan siswa.
Attadib: Journal of Elementary Education Attadib: Journal of Elementary Education, Vol. 2 No. 2 Desember 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (736.026 KB) | DOI: 10.32507/attadib.v2i2.410


One of the problems the community posmodern is the euphoria of celebrating differences. However, when the author of saving the current multiculturalism it reached eksremitasnya, it will give birth to racism. I.e. the peak when an individual or group to establish the difference so as not to be reunited. Surely this discourse is very contrary to the explanation of the Koran (al-Hujarat: 13), which indicates that the entire nation is comrade, the whole man is a friend, and most recently the goal is peace. Although the reality was, to this day Islam often desebut as a religion of violence and anti-kemajemukan. Thus, how the concept of national character building through multicultural education based al-Quran?. Approach libraries research towards literature-related literature, this study concludes that the concept of multicultural education based Koran in building national character brings the humanist theory of teosentris includes five principles, namely: Believe In The One Supreme God, Humanity, Unity, Democracy, Justice. It is based on the description of al-Quran regarding interconnection and harmonious interaction between man and God, man with himself, man with human. The methods used in this study is the tafsir method maudhu'i and the historical-critical method-contextual. While the approach used was qualitative and quantitative approach. A qualitative approach is used to generate data which is the descriptive results are presented in the form of qualitative. Whereas the quantitative approach, is used to generate the data through a series of observations about the verses that relate.
Kompetensi Pendidik Ideal Berbasis Al-Qur'an (Telaah terhadap Q.S. Luqman; 12, Q.S. Ar-Rahman: 1-5, Q.S. An-Najm: 3-10, Q.S. An-Nahl: 43-44) Akmal Rizki Gunawan
AL QUDS : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Hadis Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/alquds.v6i2.4200


Al-Qur'an-Based Ideal Educator Competencies (A study of Q.S. Luqman; 12, Q.S. Ar-Rahman: 1-5, Q.S. An-Najm: 3-10, Q.S. An-Nahl: 43-44)The purpose of this study is to analyze theoretical concepts regarding the competence of ideal educators based on the Quran. In this study, the author used the maudhu'i interpretation method, which served to comprehensively explore the thematic ideas of the "ideal educator" in the Qur'an. This paper finds, in Q.S. Lukman; 12 it can be understood that the ideal educator has an argumentative scientific competence that is clean from fallacies, stupidity, so as to change the situation towards the improvement of the aqidah, worship, and morals of the learners. in addition, he also has a gentle and persuasive attitude in conveying messages. In Q.S. Ar-Rahman: 1-5 it can be understood, that the ideal educator is one who is able to teach his students to communicate both orally and in writing. In Q.S. An-Najm: 3-10, it can be understood among the traits that the teacher needs to possess are; a. Physically and mentally strong, (شديدالقوي), b. Intelligent and intellectually high (ذُو مِرَّةٍ), c. Have talents as educators that can be seen from words, behaviors, and deeds (استوى), d. Always establish closeness with students in order to understand and encourage them to move forward ( دنا ), e. Understanding the character as well as the shortcomings of each learner (تدلي), f. Always make efforts to improve in ability as a professional teacher (اْوحى), g. Meet the demands of the curriculum and syllabus (مااْوحى). in Q.S. An-Nahl: 43-44 understandably, the educator must be good at it (Ahl Zikr), in other words his knowledge is broader than the learner. The teacher must also have good handbooks (bayyinat) and diktats (zubur).
Diskursus Alkitab dan Al Qur’an sebagai Wahyu Ilahi dalam Konteks Penafsiran Al Qur’an Dede Pradana; Sa’idatun Nisa; Zulfi Widia Fitri; Akmal Rizki Gunawan; Mardian Idris Harahap
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAI Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/jdi.v6i2.1433


The originality of the Bible, which the Qur'an alludes to, has become an debate in believing in the books of God. Whereas both are equally a revelation from God. Likewise revelation Divine revelation, which in general is kalam or information that God gave to the Prophets and Messengers. Prophets and Messengers. However, on the one hand, Allah also gave revelation to Maryam, the mother of Prophet Isa. to Maryam the mother of the Prophet Isa, to the Mother of Moses, as well as to animals such as bees. bees. This paper aims to find the intersection of the Bible and the Quran as revelations of God through an analysis of Quranic interpretation. God's revelation through analyzing the interpretation of the Quran. Through this analysis, it can be Through this analysis, it can be concluded that the Bible and the Koran have relationships and similarities, one of which is that God is one, namely Allah. one of which is that God is one, namely Allah SWT. And that the revelation given by God to the Prophet is to give laws or sharia to humans while the revelation given to other than laws or sharia to humans while the revelation given to other than the Prophet is as inspiration or to provide instructions. Prophet is as inspiration or to provide instructions.
Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 13 No. 02 (2024): Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hidayah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30868/ei.v13i02.6310


This study examines the importance of Islamic religious education on students' mental health at Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi, focusing on integrating faith values and worship practices into the education system. It aims to investigate how Islamic religious education impacts students' mental well-being, stress resilience, and personal development. Using qualitative methods, including surveys and interviews, the study shows that Islamic religious education significantly contributes to students' mental health by providing spiritual support, fostering community, and enhancing personal growth. The results indicate that daily worship practices and incorporating Islamic teachings into the curriculum positively affect students' mental health, promoting calmness and stress management. The conclusion emphasizes the crucial role of Islamic religious education in supporting students' mental well-being, suggesting the need for its integration into higher education systems to foster a holistic development approach.