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Journal of Information System, Informatics and Computing Vol 4 No 2 (2020): JISICOM : Volume 4, Nomor 2, December 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jayakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52362/jisicom.v4i2.314


Drone merupakan pesawat tanpa awak yang dikendalikan dari jarah jauk oleh auto pilot atau mampu mengendalikan dirinya sendiri dan menggunakan hukum aerodinamika untuk menganggkat diri sendiri agar bisa melakukan penerbangan. Pemanfaatan pesawat drone adalah untuk pengambilan gambar berupa foto ataupun video. Drone tidak boleh dioperasikan pada ketinggian lebih dari 150 meter (500 ft), artinya penggunaan drone sebagai aktivitas bermain dan hobi hanya dibolehkan terbang di bawah 150 meter. Untuk membantu masyarakat dalam memahami aturan penggunaan drone maka diperlukan media interaktif yang dapat menarik minat masyarakat dalam mempelajarinya. Android adalah jenis smartphone yang paling banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat saat ini. Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pesawat Tanpa Awak (Drone) Berbasis Aplikasi Android ini di rancang menggunakan software android studio versi 3.6.3 dan bahasa pemrograman java. Pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode waterfall yaitu analisa, desain, code generation, testing dan support. Aplikasi ini menampilkan beberapa informasi seperti: Regulasi, Zona Merah, Jenis Drone, Tips, dan Tentang penulis. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu masyarakat untuk mengetahui bahwa pesawat tanpa awak (drone) itu tidak bisa terbang disembarang tempat. Kata Kunci: Android, Mobile Programming, Drone, Waterfall
Journal of Information System, Applied, Management, Accounting and Research Vol 4 No 4 (2020): JISAMAR: Volume 4, Nomor 4, November 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jayakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penyakit menular pada manusia disebabkan oleh bakteri yang dapat berpindah dari seseorang ke orang lainnya. Penularannya bisa saja terjadi secara langsung ketika adanya kontak fisik, misalnya lewat sentuhan dan ciuman, melalui udara saat bersin dan batuk. akibat dari serangan virus baru yang sampai sekarang ini menjadi permasalahan yang dialami Negara kita Indonesia maupun diseluruh dunia dengan adanya jenis penyakit menular yaitu Corona Virus 2019 yang di sebut dengan Covid-19. dengan banyaknya pasien Covid-19, TBC dan DBD yang harus ditangani , dan juga gejala dari ketiga jenis penyakit ini hampir sama sehingga akan menyebabkan hasil pemeriksaan kurang akurat dan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu membantu para dokter dalam mendiagnosa virus corona (covid-19) serta menentukan hasil yang lebih akurat terhadap pasien. Dengan melakukan pengamatan, pencatatan dan pengumpulan data-data yang berkaitan dengan penyakit virus corona dan memperoleh data-data serta meneliti kebenaran informasi dari data-data tersebut serta meneliti tentang bagaimana proses pengambilan keputusan dalam mendiagnosa penyakit virus corona (covid-19) di Indonesia. Apa saja kriteria-kriteria dalam pengambilan keputusan dalam menentukan jenis penyakit yang diderita pasien dan bagaimana penerapan metode Dempster-Shafer dalam pengambilan keputusan.Hasil Penelitian ini Berdasarkan gejala-gejala diperhitungan di akhir, dan dari nilai tersebut, nilai densitas yang paling kuat atau tertinggi adalah hasil akhir yang didapat dari perhitungan menggunakan metode Dempster Shafer. Sehingga Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan sistem pendukung keputusan untuk mendiagnosa penyakit virus corona yang mampu mengklasifikasikan tingkat densitas dengan metode Dempster Shafer yang diimplementasikan pada sistem ini memberikan hasil yang optimal karena telah dilakukan pengujian beberapa kali memperoleh hasil perhitungan yang valid. Kata Kunci: Dempster ,Covid-19, Mendiagnosa Abstract: This infectious disease in humans caused by bacteria that can pass from one person to another. Transmission can occur directly when there is physical contact, for example through touch and kissing, through the air when sneezing and coughing. the result of a new virus attack which until now has become a problem experienced by our country, Indonesia and throughout the world with the presence of a type of infectious disease, namely the Corona Virus 2019 which is called Covid-19. With so many Covid-19, tuberculosis and dengue patients that must be handled, and also the symptoms of these three types of diseases are almost the same so that it will cause the examination results to be less accurate and take a long time. This study aims to help doctors diagnose the corona virus (covid-19) and determine more accurate results for patients. By observing, recording and collecting data related to the corona virus disease and obtaining data and examining the correctness of information from these data and researching how the decision-making process is in diagnosing the corona virus disease (covid-19) in Indonesia. What are the criteria for making decisions in determining the type of disease a patient has and how the Dempster-Shafer method is applied in decision making. Results of this study Based on the symptoms calculated at the end, and from these values, the strongest or highest density value is The final results obtained from calculations using the Dempster Shafer method. So that this research has produced a decision support system for diagnosing corona virus disease which is able to classify the density level with the Dempster Shafer method which is implemented in this system giving optimal results because it has been tested several times to obtain valid calculation results. Keywords: Dempster, Covid-19, Diagnose
Analisis Performa RouterOS MikroTik pada Jaringan Internet Taufik Rahman; Sumarna Sumarna; Hafis Nurdin
Jurnal Inovtek Polbeng Seri Informatika Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1984.678 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/isi.v5i1.1308


The internet network enters various sectors and is used in various activities, especially in the automation, industry 4.0 trend. Where almost all applications, ranging from desktops, websites, mobile (android and ios) that are used in various fields of education, transportation, banks, logistics, services, of course use high complexity internet networks that need to be analyzed so that high performance can be obtained. Analyzing the performance of MikroTik on the internet is the aim of this research. Research by configuring includes ip route, firewall filter, NAT, Mangle for packet tagging, Queue (bandwidth management), bridge wireless, DHCP and ip cloud DDNS on MikroTik. The results concluded that moving the configuration center point on the modem (giving the IP address down) to the MikroTik router can be done well, it can also translate company, institutional, school and even parent policies to the home internet when children access the internet, such as when it is allowed to access the internet can be arranged, things that may or may not be arranged in order to educate children to use the internet positively, use MikroTik to analyze internet network performance. As for the further research by looking at problems that exist after MikroTik is configured.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Website Pada SMK Bina Medika Jakarta Taufik Rahman; Ananda Bagus Pramastya; Hafis Nurdin; Sumarna Sumarna
JSAI (Journal Scientific and Applied Informatics) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2019): Computer science and applied informatics
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36085/jsai.v2i3.460


A technology creation starts from the world of education, then the world of education should implement a technology-oriented information system, but in SMK Bina Medika every school academic system procedure is done manually, student data processing, absenteeism, student data search related to academics still must be open the archive sheets in the student information value section, there is no integrated data storage media because student data storage, teacher data, grade data, class data and class schedules that are done now are still using an offline application without you a database, so the problem in SMK Bina Medika, thus slowing down performance in presenting information quickly and precisely. This research aims to design a web-based academic information system. The research method used in this study is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method. The design system in making academic websites uses some software namely Sublime Taxt, Xamp which is a combination of Apache Web Server, PHP, MySQL. Designing an academic information system to facilitate students, teachers and the Bina Medika Vocational High School (SMK) which was previously not available, student data, teacher data and the school is still separate so as to find out full information for quite a long time, with its website-based information system online is expected to make it easier for students, teachers and the Bina Medika Vocational High School (SMK), so that it can be more effective and efficient.
Grouping of Success Levels in E-Learning Learning Factors: Approaches with Machine Learning Algorithm Elin Panca Saputra; Sugiono; Indriyanti; Supriatiningsih; Hafis Nurdin
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.Vol5.2021.1271.pp78-85


The purpose of this study is to obtain the results of the modeling process on grouping the results of student learning, and to produce student success rates, while to find the results of the accuracy level of student learning success based on E-Learning with the Support Vectore Machine (SVM) method. In this grouping, there are 5 clusters. Furthermore, the process of counting can be as many as 2 iterations, namely getting the final result in the form of Cluster-1 with a total of 10 students, cluster-2 with a total of 45 students, cluster-3 with a total of 22 students, cluster 4 with a total of 13 students, and the next is cluster-5 with a total of 19 students. Then the results of the resulting process with a total of 5 types of clusters, namely from students who get the highest results to the lowest. In addition, this study also looks for the level of accuracy in e-learning student learning processes using the Support Vectore Machine (SVM) method, the accuracy results obtained are 90.91%, while the AUC results are 82.81%. then the value of the calculated accuracy rate can be classified as accuracy with the predicate result that is good.