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Peningkatan Toleransi Kedelai Sindoro terhadap Kekeringan Melalui Seleksi In Vitro Ali Husni; M. Kosmiatin; Ika Mariska
Indonesian Journal of Agronomy Vol. 34 No. 1 (2006): Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesia Society of Agronomy (PERAGI) and Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.094 KB) | DOI: 10.24831/jai.v34i1.1271


In vitro selection of embryogenic cell mass is one alternative to improve drought tolerance in plants. Embryogenic cell callus of soybean were radiated by Gamma ray (400 rad) to produce mutation. The radiated cell  were tested with PEG (0, 10, 20 and 30 %) for drought stress tolerance. After selection, cells which tolerant to PEG were regenerated to produce somatic embryo structure, somatic seed and plantlet. Acclimatization was done in a greenhouse and analysis of proline was done at generation 1 (G1). The purpose of the experiment was to get soybean somatic seed which tolerant to drought stress. Results of experiment showed that 39.7 % embriogenic callus were produced. The higher the concentration of PEG, the higher the death of cell/callus. The rate of producing somatic embryo structure was 4.9 at 0 % PEG; 2.85 at 10 % PEG; 1.6 at 20% PEG and 0.6 at 30% PEG. Number of somatic seed which developed in regeneration medium (S11) were 79 from 0% PEG;  35 from 10% PEG; 29 from 20% PEG, and 15 from 30% PEG. Somatic seed produced 15 planlets from PEG 0%; 6 planlets from PEG10%; 4 planlets from PEG 20%. Based of proline content, all of G1 somaclones were more tolerant  than the mother plant.     Key words : Soybean, in vitro selection, PEG, regeneration, acclimatization and dry land.                     
Induksi Kalus dan Embrio Somatik Tanaman Jambu Biji Merah (Psidium guajava L.) Reza Ramdan Rivai; Ali Husni; Agus Purwito
Buletin Agrohorti Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014): Januari 2014
Publisher : Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (448.693 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/agrob.2.1.49-58


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh protokol yang tepat dalam menginduksi kalus dan embrio somatik tanaman jambu biji merah.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor pada bulan September 2012 sampai dengan bulan Maret 2013. Penelitian tersusun atas dua percobaan yaitu percobaan pertama merupakan induksi kalus dan percobaan kedua merupakan induksi embrio somatik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media dengan perlakuan zat pengatur tumbuh R1 (5 mg l-1 2.4-D), R3 (5 mg l-1 2.4-D + 1 mg l-1 BAP) dan R6 (2.5 mg l-1 2.4-D + 2 mg l-1 2-iP) merupakan perlakuan terbaik untuk menginduksi kalus kompak pada 4 minggu setelah tanam (MST), sedangkan untuk menginduksi kalus remah didapatkan media dengan perlakuan zat pengatur tumbuh terbaik yaitu R5 (5 mg l-1 2.4-D + 2 mg l-1 2-iP). Embrio somatik primer terbentuk pada perlakuan R2E4 (2.5 mg l-1 2.4-D dipindahkan ke 1 mg l-1 2.4-D + 2 mg l-1 2-iP) dan perlakuan R5E4 (5 mg l-1 2.4-D + 2 mg l-1 2-iP dipindahkan ke 1 mg l-1 2.4-D + 2 mg l-1 2-iP) masing-masing pada 12 dan 16 MST.
Keragaan In Vitro dan In Vivo Hibrida Somatik antara Solanum melongena cv. Dourga dengan Solanum torvum Sw. Agus Joko Santoso; Ali Husni; Agus Purwito
Buletin Agrohorti Vol. 1 No. 4 (2013): Oktober 2013
Publisher : Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (448.092 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/agrob.1.4.65-74


Terung adalah tanaman yang mudah terserang oleh banyak jenis penyakit. Salah satu usaha yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap penyakit tersebutadalah dengan mengintroduksi sifat ketahanandari kerabat liarnya melalui fusi protopas. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari keragaan in vitro dan in vivo hibrida somatik hasil fusi protoplas Solanum melongena cv. Dourga dengan Solanum torvum Sw.  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian faktor tunggal dengan tujuh taraf klon, yaitu Solanum melongena cv. Dourga (SM), Solanum torvum Sw. (ST), dan 5 klon hibrida somatik (SMST1,  SMST2, SMST3, SMST4, and SMST5) yang disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Peubah yang diamati antara lain tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang daun, panjang tangkai daun, jumlah akar, panjang akar, jumlah buku, warna batang, warna tangkai daun, jumlah duri pada permukaan daun, dan bentuk lobus daun. Pada kondisi in vitro, pertumbuhan Solanum torvum Sw. berbeda sangat nyata dengan kelima klon hibrida somatik. Klon SMST1, SMST2, dan SMST4 menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang lebih baik  dari klon SMST3 dan SMST5. Pada kondisi in vivo, klon-klon yang diuji memiliki kekerabatan yang lebih dekat dengan Solanum torvum Sw.
Embriogenesis Somatik Jeruk Keprok (Citrus reticulata L. cv Batu 55) Asal Hasil Perlakuan Kolkisin Agus Purwito; Mohamad Prayogi; Mia Kosmiatin; Ali Husni
Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society for Horticulture / Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.475 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jhi.6.3.161-171


ABSTRACTThe objective of this study was to obtain the best method of regeneration through somatic embryogenesis of citrus cv Batu 55 from callus resulted from in vitro polyploidization by colchicine. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of ICABIOGRAD, Bogor and Tissue Culture Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University from March 2014 until September 2014. This study consisted of proliferation of embryogenic callus, maturation, germination of somatic embryos, growth of shoots and roots. The research were comprised of four experiments, namely: 1). The effect of Phytagel concentration (2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 g L-1) on proliferation of embryogenic callus, with 3 replications. Each experimental unit consisted of 3 clumps of callus, 2). The effect of ABA concentration (0, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 mg L-1) on somatic embryo maturation with 6 replications. Each experimental unit was one culture vessel containing five somatic embryos at globular phase, 3) The effect of vitamin composition (vitamin MS and vitamin MW) on germination of somatic embryo with 16 replications. Each experimental unit was one culture vessel containing four somatic embryos at cotyledonary phase, and 4) The effect 0.5 mg L-1 of plant growth regulators (NAA, IAA, IBA) and vitamin (MS and MW) on rooting and shoot elongation of germinated somatic embryos. Experiment was repeated five times. Each experimental unit was one culture vessel containing one plantlet as explant. All experiments were arranged as a completely randomized design. The result showed that the best concentration of Phytagel for callus proliferation was 2.5 g L-1. Maturation of somatic embryos was better when the somatic embryos were planted on medium supplemented with ABA 0.5 mg L-1. The MS medium supplemented with vitamin MS was better than supplemented with vitamin MW for the formation of plantlets, while roots and shoots elongation of the plantlet was better when explant was planted on the MS medium supplemented with vitamins MS and IBA 0.5 mg L-1.Key words: proliferation, maturation, germination, embryogenic callus, plantlet.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan metode embriogenesis somatik terbaik dari kalus Jeruk Keprok cv Batu 55 yang mendapatkan perlakuan poliploidisasi dengan kolkisin. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Balai Besar Litbang Bioteknologi & Sumber Daya Genetik Pertanian, dan Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Institut Pertanian Bogor mulai bulan Maret 2014 hingga September 2014. Penelitian ini terdiri atas proliferasi kalus embriogenik, pendewasaan, perkecambahan embrio somatik (ES), pertumbuhan tunas dan akar. Penelitian terdiri atas empat percobaan, yaitu: 1). Pengaruh konsentrasi Phytagel (2.5, 3.0, 3.5 dan 4.0 g L-1) terhadap proliferasi kalus embriogenik, dengan 3 ulangan, dimana setiap satuan percobaan terdiri atas 3 klum kalus, 2). Pengaruh konsentrasi ABA (0, 0.1, 0.3 dan 0.5 mg L-1) terhadap pendewasaan ES dengan 6 ulangan. Setiap satuan percobaan ialah satu botol kultur yang ditanam lima ES fase globular, 3) Pengaruh komposisi vitamin (vitamin MS dan vitamin MW) terhadap perkecambahan ES dengan 16 ulangan. Setiap satuan percobaan ialah satu botol kultur yang ditanami empat ES fase kotiledon, dan 4) Pengaruh 0.5 mg L-1 zat pengatur tumbuh (NAA, IAA, IBA) dan vitamin (MS dan MW) terhadap pertumbuhan tunas dan akar pada ES yang telah berkecambah. Setiap perlakuan diulang lima kali. Setiap satuan percobaan ialah satu botol kultur yang berisi satu planlet. Seluruh percobaan disusun menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi terbaik Phytagel untuk proliferasi kalus adalah 2.5 g L-1. Pendewasan menjadi ES fase kotiledon akan lebih baik jika ES ditanam pada medium dengan ABA 0.5 mg L-1. Untuk pembentukan planlet, ES fase kotiledon akan lebih baik ditanam dalam medium MS yang ditambah vitamin MS dibanding yang ditanam pada medium MS ditambah vitamin MW. Medium untuk pertumbuhan tunas dan akar terbaik adalah medium MS yang ditambah dengan vitamin MS dan IBA 0.5 mg L-1.Kata kunci: proliferasi, pendewasaan, perkecambahan, kalus embriogenik, planlet.
Evaluasi Keragaman Genetik Mutan Harapan Generasi MV1 Jeruk Keprok SoE (Citrus reticulata Blanco) Berdasarkan Penanda Morfologi dan ISSR Indriati Husain; Agus Purwito; Ali Husni; Kikin H. Mutaqin; Slamet Susanto
Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016): Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society for Horticulture / Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.675 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jhi.7.2.102-110


ABSTRACTMandarin’s SoE is national variety originated from Mount of Mutis, Sub District of SoE, of Timur Tengah Selatan (TTS) District, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The genetic diversity of citrus can be induced by gamma ray irradiation on embryogenic callus cells thus producing new mutants. Genetic diversity detection can be based on morphological and ISSR markers. The aim of this research was to obtain information on the genetic diversity on putative mutants mandarin SoE induced by gamma ray irradiation based on morphology and markers ISSR. ISSR markers used are ISSR 1, 4, 6 and 8. Analysis of morphological diversity produced a dendrogram with the level of similarity between individuals each irradiation dose 83-95% with 5-17% genetic distance. Dendrogram analysis based on the genetic diversity ISSR markers showed high levels of 51-100% similarity and genetic distance 0-49%. Individuals samples obtained from gamma irradiation, based both morphological and ISSR markers, was different from individual's genetic make up before irradiation.Keywords: cluster, gamma ray, genetic distance, genetic diversitys, similarity ABSTRAKJeruk keprok SoE adalah jeruk varietas unggul nasional yang berasal dari Pegunungan Mutis, Kecamatan SoE, Kabupaten Timur Tengah Selatan (TTS), Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Keragaman genetik jeruk ini dapat diinduksi dengan iradiasi sinar gamma pada sel-sel kalus embriogenik untuk menghasilkan mutan yang solid. Deteksi keragaman genetik yang terbentuk dapat dilakukan secara morfologi maupun molekuler dengan marka ISSR. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai keragaman genetik yang terjadi pada mutan harapan jeruk keprok SoE hasil iradiasi sinar gamma berdasarkan morfologi dan marka ISSR. Marka ISSR yang digunakan adalah ISSR 1, 4, 6 dan 8 pada beberapa mutan harapan jeruk keprok SoE. Analisis keragaman secara morfologi menghasilkan dendrogram dengan tingkat kemiripan antar individu masing-masing dosis iradiasi 83-95% dengan jarak genetik 5-17%. Dendrogram analisis keragaman genetik berdasar marka ISSR memperlihatkan tingkat kemiripan 51-100% dan jarak genetik 0-49%. Individu-individu sampel yang diuji hasil iradiasi gamma, baik secara morfologi dan marka ISSR, telah memiliki susunan genetik yang berbeda dari susunan genetik individu sebelum diiradiasi.Kata kunci: grup, jarak genetik, kemiripan, keragaman, sinar gamma
Embriogenesis dan Desikasi Embrio Somatik Jeruk Keprok Batu 55 (Citrus reticulata Blanco.) untuk Meningkatkan Frekuensi Perkecambahan Atika Fathur Rahmi; Agus Purwito; Ali Husni; Diny Dinarti
Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society for Horticulture / Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.578 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jhi.8.2.79-87


ABSTRACTIn vitro breeding technique of citrus is effective when optimum explant regeneration method is obtained. Low germination frequency and high abnormality were barrier in citrus somatic embryogenesis. This research aimed at optimizing somatic embryogenesis in Tangerine var. Batu 55. This research consisted of 3 experiments. First experiment was maturation of embryogenesis, using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method. Modified MS+MW was used as basic media added with 500 mg L-1 malt extract (control) and addition of 3 mg L-1 BAP, and 2.5 mg L-1 ABA as treatments. Second experiment was SE (cotyledonary phage) desiccation. Factorial CRD used in two factors. First factor was poly-ethylene-glicol/PEG 8000 (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10%), while second factor was immersed periods (control, 3, 6, and 9 hours), in desiccant solution (base medium + PEG). Third experiment was studied of plantlet growth and development planlets. Based on CRD 2 factor method, the first factor was PEG concentrations from the second experiment. Second factor were active charcoal treatments (with or without), in basic media. The result showed that 2.5 mg L-1 ABA produced has highest mature somatic embryo (SE). Desiccation for 9 hours, induced the highestt germination frequencies (90.29%). The best growth of plantlets shown in previous experiments immersed desiccant PEG 2.5% for 9 hours, and cultured in basic media with 2 g L-1 of activated charcoal.Keywords: desiccant, embryogenic callus, maturation, PEG 8000, somatic embryo ABSTRAK Pemuliaan tanaman melalui teknik in vitro efektif bila metode regenerasi eksplan optimum telah diperoleh. Rendahnya frekuensi perkecambahan dan tingginya abnormalitas, menjadi kendala pada embriogenesis somatik jeruk. Penelitian terdiri atas 3 percobaan paralel, bertujuan mengoptimalkan metode embriogenesis somatik jeruk, khususnya Keprok Batu 55. Percobaan pertama pematangan kalus embriogenik menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu faktor, dengan perlakuan penambahan ZPT (kontrol, 3 mg L-1 BAP, dan 2.5 mg L-1 ABA) pada media dasar (MS modifikasi vitamin MW) diperkaya 500 mg L-1 ekstrak malt. Percobaan kedua desikasi embrio somatik (fase kotiledon) menggunakan RAL dua faktor. Faktor pertama konsentrasi poly-ethylene-glicol/PEG 8000 (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 dan 10%), dan faktor kedua waktu perendaman (kontrol, 3, 6, dan 9 jam) pada larutan desikan (media dasar + PEG). Percobaan ketiga mempelajari pertumbuhan dan perkembangan planlet, menggunakan RAL dua faktor. Faktor pertama konsentrasi PEG planlet pada percobaan kedua, dan faktor kedua perbedaan media dasar (tanpa dan dengan arang aktif). Hasil percobaan menunjukkan penambahan 2.5 mg L-1 ABA menghasilkan maturasi embrio somatik terbaik. Desikasi 9 jam menghasilkan frekuensi perkecambahan 90.29%. Pertumbuhan terbaik ditunjukkan planlet yang pada percobaan sebelumnya direndam 9 jam desikan PEG 2.5%, dan dibesarkan pada media dasar dengan 2 g L-1 arang aktif.Kata kunci : desikan, embrio somatik, kalus embriogenik, PEG 8000, pematangan
PENGARUH LAMA PERENDAMAN DAGING SAPI DALAM BLEND JAHE (Zingiber officinalle Roscoe) TERHADAP pH dan KEEMPUKAN Suratno Suratno; Ali Husni; Rr Riyanti; Dian Septinova
Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Peternakan (Journal of Research and Innovation of Animals) Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Peternakan: Agustus 2020
Publisher : Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung

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This study aimed to determine the effect of soaking time for beef meat in ginger blend (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) on pH and tenderness. This research was conducted at the Animal Production and Reproduction Laboratory, Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. Meat samples were obtained from Z-Beef slaugher house at Bandarlampung. The study used an experimental method in a completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications using a 15% ginger blend solution. The treatments were beef meat without soaking, soaking for 10 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes with ginger blend. The results obtained were analyzed with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 5% significance level and continued with the Least Significant Difference test (LSD test). The results showed that the soaking time with ginger blend had no significant effect (P>0.005) on the pH value, but it had a significant effect (P<0.005) on the tenderness of beef meat with soaking time was up to 30 minutes. Key words: Beef, Ginger, Soaking time, pH, and tenderness
Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Peternakan (Journal of Research and Innovation of Animals) Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Peternakan: Agustus 2020
Publisher : Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung

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The aim of this research was to determine the performance of Saburai goats reared by farmer in Gisting Atas Village, Gisting District, Tanggamus Regency. These research was conducted in June until August 2019 in Saburai goat breeding group at Gisting Atas Village, Gisting District, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province. The research used 14 farmers as respondents and their Saburai goats with various age levels, namely at kid, young goat, and dam. The research method used was direct interviews and observations in the field which include collecting farmer profile data, while livestock performance data was observed using data recording of the animal. The data was analyzed by descriptive analysis. The results showed that 100% of farmers motivation was to increase their income. Each farmer had 10 tail of goat in average. The average performance of goats were kidding intervals of 310.43±49.70 days, litter size of 1.88±0.40 tails, postpartum oestrus of 61.58±9.72 days, postpartum mating of 149.11±51,19 days, birth weight of 2.83±0.11 kg, weaning weight of 11.28 ±1.36 kg, and yearling weight of 25.98±2.93 kg. The Conclusion of this research was that the performance of Saburai goats that are kept by farmers has decreased if compared with performance of many years before current research. Keywords : Gisting Atas, Performance, Saburai Goat, Tanggamus Regency.
Journal of Law ( Jurnal Ilmu Hukum ) Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

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AbstractProvision of Bank Guarantee is one of the functions of the Bank, in addition to the function of providing a wide range of banking services. As a policy, the Bank Guarantee given to customers of the Bank with the aim of providing assistance that are pertinent customer support who will perform work tasks that are very limited and selected. Bank to Bank Guarantee issuing a written acknowledgment that it agreed to adhere to the insured in order to fulfill the obligation secured within a certain period of time and with certain requirements in the form of payment of a certain sum of money in the future is assured if it did not fulfill its obligations to the recipient warranty or guarantee in the future if it turns default (default). Provision of Bank Guarantee is one of the functions of the Bank, in addition to the function of providing a wide range of banking services. As a policy, the Bank Guarantee given to customers of the Bank with the aim of providing assistance that are pertinent customer support who will perform work tasks that are very limited and selected.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Ampas Jahe dalam Ransum Domba terhadap Populasi Mikroba Rumen Ali Husni
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak Vol 15, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jit.v15i1.8037


Ampas Jahe adalah limbah dari industri jamu yang berpotensi sebagai pakan ruminansia namun limbah ini mengandung senyawa bioaktif yang akan menganggu mikroba rumen.