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DAMPAK CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN DIVIDEN (Literature Review Pada Negara-negara di Asia, Australia dan Afrika) Nur Hidayati; Hadi Sunaryo
Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan Vol 20, No 1 (2016): January 2016
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (128.813 KB) | DOI: 10.26905/jkdp.v20i1.146


AbstractThis study aimed to analyze the impact of corporate governance towards dividend policy in several countriesn Asia, Australia, and Africa. Focusing on literature review and analyzing the result with theoretical andpractical implication disscussed in this paper. Based on paper review, we generalize corporate governancehave significant and negative effect towards dividend policy. But we realize that result from such countriestudied show neither confirmation or rejection to subtitutive theory. There are also conceptual model proposedrom literature review from previous empirical result about effect of corporate governance toward dividend policy.Suggest for future research discussed to gain valuable information about corporate governance anddividend policy.
Jurnal Kesehatan Hesti Wira Sakti Vol. 4 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi, Sains, dan Kesehatan RS dr. Soepraoen Malang

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan di Politeknik RS dr. Soepraoen Malang yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pengaruh lingkungan, citra perguruan tinggi, motivasi dan prospek ke arah keputusan mahasiswa dalam memilih kuliah di dr politeknik. Soepraoen Malang dan untuk mengetahui variabel yang dominan yang mempengaruhi keputusan mahasiswa dalam memilih dr politeknik. Soepraoen. Dengan menggunakan teknik jenis sampling probabilitis pengambilan sampel menggunakan random sampling sederhana sebanyak 55 responden sebagai perwakilan dari populasi keputusan mahasiswa dalam memilih kuliah di dr politeknik. Soepraoen Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dibantu program komputer SPPS for windows dapat ditarik kesimpulan dan persamaan yang diperoleh dari hasil perhitungan dapat terdiri dari beberapa persamaan regresi linier sebagai berikut: Y = 16,542+ 0,300X1 + 0,046X2 - 0,405X3 - 0026 X4 + e. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa masing-masing variabel independen, faktor lingkungan dan citra universitas parsial, memiliki efek positif. Faktor lingkungan, citra perguruan tinggi, motivasi dan prospek secara bersamaan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan siswa dalam memilih perguruan tinggi di Politeknik RS dr. Soepraoen Malang. variabel lingkungan, citra perguruan tinggi, motivasi dan prospek mampu memberikan kontribusi 21,6% terhadap variabel keputusan, sehingga sisanya ditentukan oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti. Kata Kunci: Lingkungan, Citra Pendidikan Tinggi, Motivasi, Prospek, Keputusan ABSTRACT This research was conducted at the Polytechnic dr. Soepraoen Malang which aims to identify and analyze the influence of the environment, the image of higher education, motivation and prospects towards the decision in choosing a college student at the Polytechnic dr. Soepraoen Malang and to determine the dominant variable influencing the decision polytechnic students in choosing dr. Soepraoen. By using the technique of sampling probabilities sampling using simple random sampling as 55 respondents representative of the population in the student's decision to study at the Polytechnic dr. Soepraoen Malang. The results show based on the results of research and discussion by using multiple linear regression analysis computer program assisted SPPS for Windows can be deduced and the equation obtained from the calculation results can be comprised of multiple linear regression equation as follows: Y = 16,542+ 0,300X1 + 0,046X2 - 0,405X3 - 0026 X4 + e. The results of this study concluded that each independent variable, environmental factors and the partial image of the university, has a positive effect. Environmental factors, the image of higher education, motivation and prospects simultaneously have a significant influence on the decision in choosing a college student at the Polytechnic dr. Soepraoen Malang. Environment variables, the image of the college, motivation and prospects are able to contribute 21.6% of the decision variables, so the determined by other variables not examined. Keywords: Environment, Image Of Higher Education, Motivation, Prospect, Decision
Pengaruh sertifikasi guru dan implementasi program MGMP pada motivasi dan kinerja guru Suheri Suheri; A. Yusuf Imam Suja’I; Hadi Sunaryo
Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan Vol 9, No 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jamp.v9i2.41751


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan 1) seberapa kuat pengaruh sertifikasi guru dan implementasi program musyawarah guru mata pelajaran (MGMP) terhadap motivasi kerja guru, 2) seberapa kuat pengaruh sertifikasi guru dan implementasi program musyawarah guru mata pelajaran (MGMP) terhadap kinerja guru, dan 3) seberapa kuat pengaruh motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru, serta 4) mengetahui seberapa kuat mediasi motivasi kerja pada sertifikasi guru dan implementasi program musyawarah guru mata pelajaran (MGMP) terhadap kinerja guru. Sampel yang digunakan adalah seluruh guru SMP yang sudah sertifikasi yang ada di wilayah Kecamatan Poncokusumo dan Kecamatan Tumpang, Kabupaten Malang. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode angket penelitian yang disebar kepada 187 responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) yang dioperasikan melalui program AMOS 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sertifikasi guru dan implementasi program MGMP berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap motivasi kerja guru sertifikasi, sertifikasi guru dan implementasi program MGMP berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru sertifikasi, Motivasi guru berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru sertifikasi, namun motivasi kerja tidak dapat memediasi pengaruh sertifikasi guru dan implementasi program MGMP terhadap kinerja guru.
Tinjauan Empiris Tentang Orientasi Kewirausahaan Bagi Pengusaha Perempuan Di Kota Malang Rois Arifin; Hadi Sunaryo
INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia - Edisi Desember 2018
Publisher : Forum Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (477.313 KB) | DOI: 10.31842/jurnal-inobis.v2i1.59


Penelitian ini mengulas tentang orientasi kewirausahaan pengusaha perempuan di Kota Malang. Telaah konsep tentang orientasi kewirausahaan diperdalam dengan membentuk model pengukuran yang mengadaptasi dari penelitian sebelumnya. Model yang telah dibentuk diuji dan dianalisis melibatkan 71 pengusaha perempuan di Kota Malang yang menjadi responden dalam penelitian. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa pengusaha perempuan lebih menganggap penting sikap proaktif sebagai bentuk terpenting dari orientasi kewirausahaan. Sementara fakta di lapangan mengungkap orientasi kewirausahaan bagi pengusaha perempuan lebih cenderung ditunjukkan oleh sikap pengambilan risiko. Diskusi tentang temuan penelitian mengarahkan kepada peran dari tipologi usaha yang dijalankan pengusaha disinyalir mempunyai implikasi penting pada orientasi kewirausahaan yang dimiliki oleh pengusaha perempuan. Selain itu pentingnya pengusaha perempuan memfokuskan pada keinovasian untuk menunjang orientasi kewirausahaannya menjadi lebih kuat dan mapan. 
The Effect of Locus of Control, Framing, Pressure of Obedience and Auditor's Competency on Audit Judgment Awaluddin La Dana; Hadi Sunaryo; Supriyanto Supriyanto
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute May
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i2.4763


This study aims to investigate in depth the effect of locus of control, framing, obedience pressure and auditor competence on audit judgment either partially or simultaneously. This research was conducted at 7 Public Accounting Firms in Malang City with the respondents' criteria, namely auditors who have worked for more than one year and obtained a sample of 57 respondents. Collecting data using a questionnaire that has been distributed manually using a questionnaire that has been validated. The results of data collection were then analyzed using multiple linear regression using the SPSS version 25 program. The results showed that simultaneously the locus of control, framing, obedience pressure and auditor competence variables had a significant effect on audit judgment. Then partially locus of control, framing and auditor competence variables have a significant effect on audit judgment. Surprisingly, the obedience pressure variable has no significant effect on audit judgment. So, it still needs to be discussed further.
Organizational Culture, Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Effect on Employee Performance Syahrul Nur Rizky; Hadi Sunaryo; Agus Salim
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i1.4024


Employees are human resources who play an important role in achieving organizational goals, employees who excel and have high work quality certainly bring benefits and organizational progress. Organizational culture, motivation and organizational citizenship behavior are a concern for organizations in providing encouragement to employees to carry out activities in the organization. Organizational culture as a value, belief and boundaries accepted by employees in determining the extent to which they act. Organizational culture has a role in improving performance, so motivation is the driving force or impetus that causes employees to take an action to achieve goals. Improving employee performance cannot be separated from individual roles such as organizational citizenship behavior which involves several behaviors, including helping others, volunteering for extra tasks, obeying workplace rules and procedures. This research was conducted on employees of the Kebonagung Sugar Factory in Malang with a sample of 50 employees. Data collection methods using questionnaires. The analysis used includes instrument testing, classical assumption test, normality test, multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing and coefficient of determination test using multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS 14.0 software for Windows. The results showed that organizational culture and motivation had no significant effect on employee performance, while organizational citizenship behavior had a significant effect on employee performance.
The Role of Halal Label to Increase the Effect of Attitude Toward Halal Product on Brand Image and Purchase Intention Nur Hidayati; Hadi Sunaryo
IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development) Vol 4 No 5 (2021): September 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (432.316 KB) | DOI: 10.29138/ijebd.v4i5.1496


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the role of halal labels in affecting attitude toward halal products on brand image and purchase intention among Muslim consumers in Malang. Design/methodology/approach: Quantitative methods were employed in this study to reveal the important role of attitude toward halal directly on brand image and purchase intention or indirectly through halal label. In addition to analyzing the direct and indirect effects, this study also confirms how the relationship and significance between each construct and its indicators. Findings: The results of the research findings indicate that each effect on the relationship between variables was found to be significant. The most important determinant of halal labeling is halal product attitude. Meanwhile, the halal label is the most important factor in encouraging brand image and purchase intention. Research limitations/implications: Discussion of Islamic branding especially in the halal label can be considered as a separate theoretical study. It is considered that the epistemological basis of Islamic marketing theory, models, and approaches is rather limited in terms of its development. Practical implications: This research provides practical implications about the importance of halal product management by product marketers in the Malang area Originality/value: There is an increasing need for clarifying the need to establish a theoretical framework for Islamic Branding with Halal Labels when they intersect as in terms of Islamic concepts, theories, models and approaches.
Compensation and Work Motivation Effect on Teacher Performance at Baitul Makmur Foundation Malang Antyanadea Maharani; Hadi Sunaryo; Agus Salim
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i3.5948


This study aims to describe compensation, work motivation, and teacher performance as well as the effect of compensation on teacher performance both directly and indirectly through work motivation as an intervening variable, the sampling technique used in this study is a saturated sample, which uses the entire population as a sample at the Baitul Makmur Foundation teacher in Malang. The data analysis tool used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis using the PLS version 3.0 application. Based on the results of data analysis shows that compensation has no effect on work motivation, while compensation has an effect on teacher performance at Baitul Makmur Foundation Malang, while work motivation is not able to mediate the effect of compensation on teacher performance at Baitul Makmur Foundation Malang.
Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Employee Performance Through Work Motivation of Employees of the Culture and Tourism Office of Bojonegoro Regency Muhammad Yusuf Anshori; Hadi Sunaryo; M. Ridwan Basalamah
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i3.5919


The research objectives are effect of transformational leadership style on employee performance through work motivation of employees of the Culture and Tourism Office of Bojonegoro Regency. The type of research used is quantitative research. The population used in this study are employees of the Culture and Tourism Office of Bojonegoro Regency, totaling 36. The sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population. The sample in this study are employees of the Culture and Tourism Office of Bojonegoro Regency, totaling 36. The data analysis technique in this study used descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with the help of partial least square analysis tools. The results show that transformational leadership style has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance of employees of the Culture and Tourism Office of Bojonegoro Regency. Work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance of employees of the Culture and Tourism Office of Bojonegoro Regency. Transformational leadership style has a positive and significant effect on work motivation of employees of the Culture and Tourism Office of Bojonegoro Regency. Transformational leadership style has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through work motivation of employees of the Culture and Tourism Office of Bojonegoro Regency.
Variabel Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Kinerja Pegawai Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat Di Desa Wadeng Kecamatan Sidayu Kabupaten Gresik Ninik Nafsiatul Natasyah; Hadi Sunaryo; Fahrurrozi Rahman
E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen Vol. 12 No. 01

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Abstract This study aims to describe service quality, employee performance, community satisfaction and analyze the effect of service quality, employee performance on community satisfaction in Wadeng Village, Sidayu District, Gresik Regency. This research belongs to the type of explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The method of data collection in this study was done by accidental sampling technique and the distribution of online questionnaires. In determining the number of samples, this study uses the theory of Slovin. The sample used in this study were 65 respondents who were residents of Wadeng Village who provided services from November to December 2021, Petiyin and Brak. To solve the problem in this research, using validity test, reliability test, normality test, classical assumption test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear regression test, f test, and t test the research uses multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS 21. The results of this study indicate that the Service Quality and Employee Performance Variables have a positive and significant influence on the community.. Keywords: Quality Of Service And Employee Performance Influence On Community Satisfaction
Co-Authors A. Kharisul Anam A. Yusuf Imam Suja’I ABS, M Khoirul Achmad Agus Priyono Achmad Syukron Chalim achmad taufiq nurrohman Ade Saputra Sastro Adi Mulyo S Adi Mulyo Setiawan Adinda Bella Priwahyu Fani Aditya Dwi Permana Putra Afi Rahmat Slamet Afita Puji Chrismawati Agia Dwi Darmawan Agus Priyono Agus Salim Ahmad Haidir Arafat Ahmad Hanif Hamyanto Ainun Rahmatulloh Alfi Nur Rohmaniya Alsaba S. Igobula Amirudin Amirudin andi Febriyan Eka Muhti Anis Jauharotul Farida Anisa Nadiya Nur Rahma Anjas Asmara Anna Dwi Jayanti Antyanadea Maharani Apriliani Dewi Kurniawati Ardhi Gigeh Pranowo Ardillahidayah Ardillahidayah Arini Fitria Mustapita Arinil Haq Musvaida Aris Munandar Athia, Ita Avrilia Deby Angrila Sari Awaluddin La Dana Ayu Yuslihanah Basalamah, Muhammad Ridwan Binti Mualifah Churiyah Adduriyatun Nafisah Cindy Audia Safira Putri Cintia Maharani Delvia Rahman W.S Devi Mustika Herawati DEWI IRAWATI Dian Mega Pratiwi Didik Suliono Dimas Putra Sampurna Dio Alif Utama Djony Harijanto Eka Farida Eka Nova Melinda Erda Mulidya Fahrurrozi Rahman Fahrurrozi Rahman FAISOL HOBSI Faizal Alfian Rozi Faizal Mubarok Fakhrizal Akbar Fatahillah DN Fatchurozi Fatchurozi Fatimatus Zahra Fatkur Rohman Fauzi Imanudin Fera Dwi Apriana Fita Rusdian Ikawati Gita Lestari Haryati Haryati Hasanuddin Hasanuddin Heryudhana Eka Prasetya I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana Idi Amin Najamudin Ilham Maulana Fajri Imam Buchori Iqbal Ramadhan Irfan Candra Wardana Ita Athia Itsna Putri Ramadhani Iyan Hidayat Jahria Ismail jaini Rahman Jamhari Jamhari Kafi Achmad Rusydi Khalikussabir, Khalikussabir Kholid Kholid Khusniah Enggarwati Kurniawati Kurniawati Lailatul Arifiyah Liyanti Lidin Luqmanul Farid Lusiana Devi M Haidar Ali M. Alfi Faisal Rizza M. Aryo Tri Satya Graha M. Khoirul Anwarodin Brotosuharto M. Khoirul Anwarudin Broto Suharto M. Khoirul Anwarudin Broto Suharto M. Mahruz Ali Hs Mifthaul Hanan Moch. Irvan Rusyadi Mochamad Mauludin Al Khowash MOCHAMAD RIDWAN HABIBI Mohammad Fikri Zamahsari Mohammad Riyanto Mohammad Rizal Mohammad Rizal Firmansyah Mohammad Romli Muhamad Badrianto Muhamad Rihal Irsyada Muhammad Arrozak Muhammad Hafidz Muhammad Harisuddin Barizah Muhammad Idris Muhammad Khoirul Muhammad Kholil Muhammad Masykur Muhammad Rifqi Muhammad Syahrul Munir MUHAMMAD YUSUF Muhammad Yusuf Anshori Mukhamad Dwivani Priambudi Munfaati Mubarohah Nada Lina Hanim Nailatul Hasanah Nanik Wahyuningtyas Natasya Rosalia Nelliana Margareta Ninik Nafsiatul Natasyah Nishfi Aini Zahra Noer Muamal Nova Ade Fajar Wijaya Nur Eni Suhudi Nur Hidayah Nur Hidayati NUR HIDAYATI Nur Hidayati Nurbaiti Nurbaiti Nurdina Andriani Pardiman Pardiman Pardiman Rahma Oktaviani Dewi Rahmawati Rahmawati Ratna Tri Hardaningtyas Restu Millaningtyas Rizky Anshary Rizky Mei Lana Rois Arifin Romadhoni Romadhoni Roni Roni Salman Al Halili Saras Anjarwati Sasqia Lailatul Fahiza Seftin Khoirun Nisa Shega Erik Wicakosno Shoalihin Shoalihin Silvia Masrurotin Silvia Zahrotul Badiah Siti Asiyah Siti Rahayu Fokaaya Siti Suweibatul Aslamiyah Soerya Mahatma Wisnoe Sonia Nengsih Suadah Suadah Suheri Suheri Sultan Muhammad Maftuh Sumarni Sumarni Supriyanto Supriyanto Syahrul Nur Rizky Syaiful Amin Syamsudin Tobi Pandu Satria Tri Atma Budiantoro Tria Khotami Ayuba Ubaidillah Arriza Ulfa Afrianti Ulfatus Sa’ada Ulfdilah Ulfdilah Ulvia Rahimah Umar Faruq Vallentina wahyu Anita Sari Viky Alfiyanti Azizah Vimilya Artika Sari Wahyu Cahyono Weni Armianti Yan Fachrudin Razi Yeni Mei Putri Yuda Putra Wahyudi Yusiak Ciciniwayatul Zulkifli Zulkifli