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ROTOR Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : ROTOR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.758 KB)


Composite graphite alluminium represent the material with the nature of good mechanic and also light mass so that able to economize the fuel. Composite graphite alluminium made with the method of powder metallurgy with the step of making mixing powder, compaction and sintering. Composite this upon which for the application of bearing self-lubricating, so that have to measure up to the high mechanic. Nature of the will not be reached when matrix by reinforce do not tying. To improve that matter, need the drenching and detention of time sintering. This research use the volume faction 92% alluminium and 8% graphite and 10% Magnesium as wetting agent. At drenching process conducted by a graphite veneering as reinforce use the condensation HNO3 to yield metal oxide which variation 20 ml, 40 ml and 50 ml HNO3 with the time sintering 15 minute, 30 minute and 60 minute. At this research done by examination density, porosity and micro structure perception. Result of research indicate that the time hold up the sintering progressively mount hence density go up and porosity descend so that yielded a closer micro structure but accompanied also deffect becoming initial crack from composite material, optimum variable yielded at 20 ml HNO3 and time sinter 60 minute with the value density 2,48 g /cm3 and porosity 17,2 %. Keywords: composite, sintering and powder metallurgy
Simulasi Efek Penambahan Pressing Komposit Berbasis Aluminium Hasil Proses Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB) Dengan Metode Elemen Hingga Pramono, Agus
ROTASI Vol 22, No 1 (2020): VOLUME 22, NOMOR 1, JANUARI 2020
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/rotasi.22.1.62-72


 Teknologi severe plastic deformation (SPD) terdiri dari beberapa jenis proses, proses yang paling terkenal ada tiga jenis yaitu; equal channel angular pressing/ECAP, high pressure torsion/HPT dan accumulative roll bonding/ARB. Teknologi SPD berkembang pesat sebagai pemrosesan logam dan paduan. Saat ini SPD telah digunakan untuk pengembangan material komposit. Untuk menghasilkan sifat mekanik yang tinggi pada SPD diperlukan siklus tekanan yang panjang. Untuk menganalisis ketepatan varibel proses maka dilakukan simulasi tempreratur, tekanan pressing dan rolling, menggunakan finite element method (FEM) atau disebut metode eleem hingga. Simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan jenis software ANSYS 2019 R3. Simulasi menelusuri ketepatan distribusi pemanasan akibat tegangan thermal, tekanan pressing dan rolling, agar diketahui batasan nilai parameter yang ideal pada proses. Simulasi menggunakan software ANSYS. Temperatur yang digunakan pada proses simulasi ini adalah sebesar 377oC dengan waktu selama 2 jam. Sedangkan tekanan press diterapkan 344.73 setara dengan 25 ton dan tekanan rolling kapasitas maksimum bebannya sebesar 60 ton setara dengan 588399 Newton
Simulasi Finite Element Method Pada Komposit Berbasis Aluminium Hasil Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB) Dengan Penambahan Pressing (Tekanan) Pramono, Agus; Zulfia, Anne
ROTASI Vol 22, No 2 (2020): VOLUME 22, NOMOR 2, APRIL 2020
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/rotasi.22.2.87-94


The technology of severe plastic deformation (SPD) consists of several types on processes, the most well-known on the processes are three types, namely; equal channel angular pressing (ECAP), high pressure torsion (HPT) and accumulative roll bonding (ARB). SPD technology was developing rapidly as metal and alloy processing. At present, the SPD has been used for the development of composite materials. To produce high mechanical properties in SPD requires a long pressure cycle. To analyze the accuracy of the process variables the temperature simulation, pressing and rolling pressures were performed, using the finite element method (FEM). The simulation was done by used of ANSYS 2019 R3 software type. The simulation traces the accuracy of the heating distribution due to thermal stress, pressing and rolling pressures, so that the ideal parameter values in the process are known. Simulation used ANSYS software. The temperature used in this simulation process is 377oC with a time of 2 hours. While the press pressure applied at 1700 N is equivalent to 0.173352 tons and the maximum rolling load capacity of 60 tons is equivalent to 588399 Newton. Teknologi severe plastic deformation (SPD) terdiri dari beberapa jenis proses, proses yang paling terkenal ada tiga jenis yaitu; equal channel angular pressing/ECAP, high pressure torsion/HPT dan accumulative roll bonding/ARB. Teknologi SPD berkembang pesat sebagai pemrosesan logam dan paduan. Saat ini SPD telah digunakan untuk pengembangan material komposit. Untuk menghasilkan sifat mekanik yang tinggi pada SPD diperlukan siklus tekanan yang panjang. Untuk menganalisis ketepatan varibel proses maka dilakukan simulasi tempreratur, tekanan pressing dan rolling, menggunakan finite element method (FEM). Simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan jenis software ANSYS 2019 R3. Simulasi menelusuri ketepatan distribusi pemanasan akibat tegangan thermal, tekanan pressing dan rolling, agar diketahui batasan nilai parameter yang ideal pada proses. Simulasi menggunakan software ANSYS. Temperatur yang digunakan pada proses simulasi ini adalah sebesar 377oC dengan waktu selama 2 jam. Sedangkan tekanan press diterapkan 1700 N setara dengan 0.173352 ton dan tekanan rolling kapasitas maksimum bebannya sebesar 60 ton setara dengan 588399 Newton.
TRANSMISI Vol 7, No 1 (2011): Edisi Pebruari 2011
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jtmt.v7i1.4566


Pembuatan komposit matrik logam paduan Al-SiC telah banyak dilakukan oleh para peneliti melalui teknikmetalurgi serbuk. Alasan penelitian bidang metal matrix composite dengan sistem metalurgi serbuk adalahkarena memungkinkan tercampurnya penguat secara baik dan merata. Komposit matrik logam Al-SiCmerupakan bahan paduan dari jenis material yang berbeda, sebagai matrik dalam hal ini adalah aluminiumdan sebagai penguatnya adalah partikel SiC (keramik) yang dibuat dengan teknik metalurgi serbuk. Padapenelitian ini, komposit Al-SiC dengan variasi temperatur sinter 450oC, 500oC dan 550oC, dengan tekanan1900 Psi dan lama penahanan 60 menit. Pengujian meliputi uji densitas dan uji porositas. Hasil penelitianmenunjukan bahwa temperatur sintering berpengaruh terhadap densitas dan porositas dari produk kompositAl-SiC.
TRANSMISI Vol 9, No 2 (2013): Edisi September 2013
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jtmt.v9i2.4600


Komposit matrik logam Al/SiC merupakan bahan paduan dari jenis material yang berbeda, dalam hal inialuminium (logam) sebagai matrik dan partikel SiC (keramik) sebagai penguat dalam pembuatannya denganteknik metalurgi serbuk. Pada penelitian ini, komposit Al/SiC dengan variasi temperatur sinter pada 450oC,500oC dan 550oC, tekanan (kompaksi) 1900 psi dengan waktu tahan 60 menit, pengamatan menggunakanmikrostruktur SEM dan XRD. Hasil pengamatan struktur mikro SEM dengan penyebaran partikel SiC yangtidak homogen, sedangkan menggunakan XRD menunjukan bahwa fase dominan yang terbentuk adalah Aldan SiC, properties terbaik dicapai pada temperatur sintering 500oC, variable terbaik dari karakterisasiKomposit ini diaplikasikan untuk komponen yang berhubungan dengan beban gesek seperti Dick brake Rem.
The Existence of Nahdlatul Ulama Cadre Education (PKPNU) in Banten and Its Surrounding Areas Agus Pramono; Moebi Syahirul Alim
Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies
Publisher : Lakpesdam PCNU Kota Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v3i1.39-47


Nahdlatul Ulama Cadre Education (PKPNU) is one of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) cadre regeneration activities to instill Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah values. Ideologically, it is a concrete step to form qualified cadres with organizational governance skills and as one of the capitals in developing NU to be an increasingly efficient organization. PKPNU is manifested throughout Indonesia, where some regions have different characteristics. In Banten, PKPNU is managed by NU cadres as the reference for Ulama Qhos, or charismatic kyai—supported by cadres or santri trusted by the charismatic ulama throughout Banten. All activities are organized by a committee approved by PCNU in Banten Region because the speakers come from charismatic kyai recommended by PCNU in Banten Region. It differs from other regions as one presenter is Rais Syuriah of PCINU in the Russian Federation and the Northern European Region. It distinguishes the PKPNU program from other regions because there is a very progressive addition to the content of PKPNU material, one of which is often conveyed in the preamble, namely the preparation of the Nahdliyin generation in facing the global challenges of the industrial revolution 4-5. 
Kompatibilitas Sintering dan Fraksi Volume Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Komposit Hybrid: Compatibility of Sintering and volume fraction on Hybrid Composite Mechanical Properties Agus Pramono; Adhitya Trenggono; Fatah Sulaiman
Jurnal Metalurgi dan Material Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Badan Kerja Sama Pendidikan Metalurgi dan Material (BKPMM)

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Composite is a combination of two or more of element materials to produce a characteristic that is better than the basic material. The use of two or more elements in the composition of composite materials (Hybrid composite) is expected to combine the properties of each element such as Aluminum which has good elasticity and zinc has good corrosion resistance, graphite has high hardness, and the use of magnesium which is a wettability on good of coupling agent so that the alloy can be used to combine a combination of superior properties in the form of high strength at room temperature, formability and high corrosion resistance. Powder metallurgical technology is very suitable to be applied for the use of more than two elements in the manufacturing of composite materials, because the compressibility of the powder is able to be combined with emphasis and heating, with the use of suitable temperatures. The pressure used is using 200-500 bar on press machine with variations of temperature were 400°C, 450°C and 500°C and variations in volume fraction: 40% Al, 20% Zn, 30% C, 10% Mg: 35% Al, 25% Zn, 30% C, 10% Mg dan 30% Al 30%, Zn, 30% C, 10% Mg. The results of study obtained ideal temperature 400°C, because at this temperature, zinc does not melt, resulting in a bond between the combined elements. At temperatures above 400°C zinc melts and causes a decrease in the mechanical properties of the material. The temperature compatibility of sintering with volume fraction of 35% Al, 25% Zn, 30% C, 10% Mg is able to produce a solid phase in zinc as a matrix with aluminum, the product reaction from composite Al-Zn-C-Mg hybrids which are scattered Al12Mg17 among composite formed phases resulting from powder metallurgy of technology
Pengaruh Temperatur PWHT Terhadap Struktur Mikro, Uji Kekerasan Dan Uji Tarik Pada Proses Pengelasan Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Aluminium 5083 Adhi Novianto; Ipick Setiawan; Agus Pramono
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol 13 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jtm.13.2.415


PWHT (Post Weld Heat Treatment) is one way to improve microstructure changes and can increase the tensile strength and hardness of the welding process. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in microstructure, hardness values, and tensile test values ​​with temperature variations of PWHT and without PWHT. The finished metal is then given a PWHT temperature variation on aluminum alloy 5083 with a temperature variation of 150 ° C, 250 ° C, 350 ° C with a heating rate of 100 ° C and heating of 80 ° C for 1 hour and a holding time of 1 hour according to The variation that has been set is continued with cooling 30 ° C for 8 hours of natural cooling in the chamber furnace machine. The results of this study indicate that changes in the microstructure due to the higher temperature of the PWHT process will reduce the concentration of porosity formed, which has a correlation with the resulting tensile strength. For the results of the tensile strength from the process without PWHT using temperature variations, the PWHT process has increased for that by doing this PWHT process greatly affects the tensile strength. The highest tensile strength is at the PWHT temperature variation of 350 ° C (263.65 MPa) compared to specimens without PWHT (253.52 MPa). Meanwhile, the hardness value is not very influential by using temperature variations of PWHT or without PWHT, the hardness value using temperature variations of PWHT 150 and without PWHT in the weld metal area (74.4 HV).
Pengaruh Temperatur Dan Waktu Penahanan Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Dan Struktur Mikro Pada Baja Karbon Rendah Rhaka Qudzsy Wening Praja; Iman Saefulloh; Agus Pramono
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol 13 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jtm.13.2.418


Basically the characteristic of steel products that is widely used in the construction process is structural steel. In order to compete with structural steel foreign-made, a standards compliance is a minimum requirement that must be done. To meet the JIS G 3302 grade SGC 400 standard, the results of the cold rolled process and continued with Cyclic Spheroidizing on 0,11% carbon steel, resulted in an elongation value that met the standards, but the yield strength and tensile strength were below standard. So that a heat treatment process substitution is needed so that 0,11% carbon steel can meet the JIS G 3302 SGC 400 standards. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of temperature and holding time with the cyclic treatment method on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 0,11 steel % carbon. Also in this research , 0,11% carbon steel was subjected to a heat treatment process with a 3-cyclic method at temperatures of 575, 625, 675°C, then cooled in air blower then given a holding time of 4, 6, 8 minutes. Then 0,11% carbon steel was subjected to tensile test, Vickers hardness test and scanning electron microscope as well as energy dispersive spectroscopy-Mapping. From the temperature variation of 625°C with the cooling medium of the blower produces mechanical properties that meet the JIS G 3302 SGC 400 standard.
Perlakuan Panas Komposit berbasis Aluminium/ Zirconium Hasil Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) - Paralel Channel Agus Pramono; Suryana Suryana; Alfirano Alfirano; A. Ali Alhamidi; Adhitya Trenggono; Anistasia Milandia
Jurnal Metal Indonesia Vol 43, No 1 (2021): Metal Indonesia
Publisher : Balai Besar Logam dan Mesin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32423/jmi.2021.v43.1-8


AbstrakProses produksi dengan menggunakan metode pengerjaan logam konvensional seringkali sulit terutama untuk produk masif, dimana peralatan dan produk seperti gaya dan tekanan tinggi diperlukan. Keterbatasan ini bisa diatasi dengan menggunakan teknologi terbaru yaitu severe plastic deformation (SPD), dengan metode spesifiknya yaitu equal channel angulatr pressing (ECAP). Perkembangan ECAP sudah mencapai tahap aplikasi produk, salah satu pengembangan metodenya yaitu model parallel channel, atau disebut ECAP-PC. Dalam aplikasi pembuatan komponen, diperlukan proses perlakuan panas material, bertujuan untuk mengubah sifat material. Perlakuan panas yang sesuai diantaranya adalah proses pelunakan anealling untuk pengerjaan komponen dan perlakuan panas jenis T6; artificial aging/age-hardening sebagai proses akhir, untuk penerapan aplikasi tertentu. Serbuk aluminium (Al) dengan campuran zirconium (Zr) diaktivasi secara mekanis menggunakan ball milling. Pencampuran menggunakan cairan etanol dan heptane untuk memudahkan pengeringan. Fraksi volume yang digunakan dalam komposit Al sebagai matriks dan Zr yaitu 97:3%. Serbuk komposit dilakukan penggilingan dengan proses ball milling menggunakan putaran 60 rpm selama 24 jam. Hasil perlakuan panas age-hardening menghasilkan sifat mekanik tertinggi sebesar 144-222 HV/1406-2177 MPa dibanding dengan jenis annealing yaitu 31-46 HV/301-449 MPa. Hal ini sesuai dengan tujuan dari perlakuan panas yaitu untuk menurunkan sifat mekanik agar material mudah diproses. AbstractThe production of conventional metalworking methods is often difficult especially for massive products, where equipment and products such as high force and pressure are required. This limitation can be overcome by using the latest technology, namely severe plastic deformation (SPD). By specific method, namely Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP). The development of ECAP has reached the product application stage, one of the methods development is parallel channel model, or called ECAP-PC. Application of component manufacturing requires a material heat treatment process, aims to change the properties of the material. Suitable heat treatments include the annealing softening process for component work and the T6 type heat treatment; artificial aging/age-hardening as a finishing process for the application of certain applications. Aluminum (Al) powder and zirconium (Zr), mixture were activated mechanically by ball milling. Mixing processed using liquid ethanol and heptane for easy drying. The volume fraction used in the Al composite as a matrix and Zr is 97: 3%. The composites powder was milled by ball milling used a 60 rpm rotation for 24 hours. The results of age-hardening heat treatment produced the highest mechanical properties of 144-222 HV / 1406-2177 MPa compared to the type of annealing, namely 31-46 HV / 301-449 MPa. This is in accordance with the purpose of heat treatment, namely to reduce mechanical properties so that the material is easy to process.