Kontribusi Penghimpunan Wakaf Uang Berbasis Komunitas Sebagai Sarana Moderasi Beragama Terhadap Sustainable Development Goal Provinsi Lampung
Ghina Ulfa Saefurrohman;
Moh Bahrudin;
Yulistia Devi;
Wasril Purnawan;
Iis Rahayu
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Pajak Vol 22, No 2 (2022): JAP : Vol. 22, No. 2, Agustus 2021 - Januari 2022
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DOI: 10.29040/jap.v22i2.4013
Indonesia berkomitmen untuk melaksanakan agenda pembangunan dalam rangka mendorong upaya untuk mengurangi kemiskinan, kesenjangan kaya-miskin, mendorong hak asasi manusia serta perlindungan terhadap lingkungan hidup. Komitmen ini mendorong pemerintah untuk memanfaatkan sumber daya dalam negeri guna percepatan pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development Goal). Wakaf uang yang sifatnya fleksibel sehingga lebih mudah untuk diterapkan ke hal-hal yang sifatya produktif. Jumlah umat muslim yang terbesar di dunia terutama di Indonesia merupakan sebuah aset besar dalam penghimpunan dan pengembangan wakaf uang. Jika wakaf uang dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik, maka akan terdapat dana potensial yang dapat dipergunakan bagi kemaslahatan umat. Sebagai negara yang heterogen, Indonesia disepakati bukan sebagai negara agama, tapi juga tidak memisahkan agama dari kehidupan sehari-hari penduduknya. Salah satu esensi kehadiran agama adalah untuk menjaga martabat manusia sebagai makhluk mulia ciptaan Tuhan, termasuk menjaga untuk tidak menghilangkan nyawanya. Penelitian ini beertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi penghimpunan wakaf uang dengan pendekatan moderasi beragama terhadap Sustainable Development Goal di Provinsi Lampung. Penilitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian lapangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa BWI Provinsi Lampung telah mampu menunjukkan kontribusinya dalam proses mencapai tujuan global SDGs pada kesehatan, pendidikan yang berkualitas, dan konsumsi dan produksi bertanggung jawab.
Hazas Syarif;
Moh. Bahrudin;
Oktia Tamara
Al-Mashrof: Islamic Banking and Finance Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan
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DOI: 10.24042/al-mashrof.v1i1.7173
This research is based on the problem of decreasing the number of customers of Prudential Syariah Insurance Lampung Branch from 2016-2018, where this is inversely proportional to the Prudential Sharia Insurance of Indonesia. In making a product purchase, premium prices and brand image are considered as important factors as an assessment of a product. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of premium prices and brand image on the decisions of sharia insurance customers, where this research was conducted on Prudential Sharia Insurance customers.This research uses quantitative methods, data collection uses interviews and questionnaires. While sampling using purposive sampling and accidental sampling techniques and got a sample of 42 respondents, Then test the instrument using the validity test, reliability test, and proceed to the classic assumption test and hypothesis test. The results of this study obtained the value of Thitung for each variable, namely the premium price (X1) of 5.461 2.021 (Ttable) with a significance value of 0.000 and brand image (X2) of 1.318 2.021 with a significance value of 0.175. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that from the two independent variables that significantly influence the dependent variable, only the premium price variable has a positive effect, which is 5.461 with a Sig 0.000 level.
The Implementation of Ijtihād Jamā'iy in MUI's Fatwa Commission
Moh. Bahrudin;
Tulus Suryanto;
Mohd Mizan bin Mohammad Aslam
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo
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DOI: 10.21580/ws.28.2.6293
The Holy Quran and Sunnah contain universal values that require correct reasoning to be understood and applied by the Muslims. In this context, the scholars have been justified by Allah Almighty to undertake the ijtihād and ijmā’. This study aims to describe the ijtihād jamā’iy (collective ijtihād theory), as well as to analyze the implementation of ijtihād jamā’iy at MUI’s Fatwa Commission in Lampung. This study is a combination of literature and field research. The data were obtained through literature studies of books, articles, and journals in related issues. Besides, the authors also interviewed MUI members to gain deeper information. Theoretically, the contemporary ijmā’ process can be pursued by an independent forum to conduct studies until a consensus is obtained from the majority of the participants. The panel must involve all religious elements in a representative manner. The practice of establishing Islamic law carried out by MUI’s Fatwa Commission of Lampung Province is in accordance with the concept of ijtihād jamā’iy in the science of uṣūl fiqh. This analysis is important so that people have a high level of compliance after knowing that the MUI Lampung fatwa is ijma, which in fact is one of the sources of Islamic law.
F. Faisal;
Ahmad Isnaeni;
Moh. Bahrudin;
N. Nasruddin
SMART: Journal of Sharia, Traditon, and Modernity Vol 1, No 1 (2021): SMART: Journal of Sharia, Tradition, and Modernity
Publisher : SMART: Journal of Sharia, Traditon, and Modernity
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DOI: 10.24042/smart.v1i1.9847
Talks about marriage always attract attention, not because it contains discussions about sexuality, but because marriage is a sacred event in religious teachings. Not only as a civil bond between individuals in general, but a bond that has to worship values, and is the longest worship practice in Islamic history. Marriage is valid if the pillars and conditions are met, one of which is ijab and qabul. The problem point arises when the ijab and qabul pledged by the parties are not in the same assembly, but in different places remotely through online communication media video call. To solve this problem, this study uses approach normative theological and normative juridical. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively, and conclusions were drawn using deductive thinking. The results of this study are that the marriage contract through online communication media video call has basically fulfilled the pillars and requirements for a valid marriage and does not conflict with the compilation of Islamic law. However, scholars differ on the validity of the marriage contract through online communication media video calls. This difference of opinion is caused by different understandings of the meaning of “Ittihad al-majlis”. One group of scholars defines it in a physical sense and another group in a non-physical sense.Keywords: Marriage Contract, Online Video Call Communication Media, Marriage Law, Islamic Law.
A Comparative Analysis of The Level of Banking Social Reports Disclosure in Indonesia (Islamic Social Reporting and Corporate Social Responsibility Approach)
Moh. Bahrudin;
Ahmad Habibi;
Muhammad Iqbal
JURNAL TERAPAN MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Volume 4 Number 1 (2018)
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang
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DOI: 10.26737/jtmb.v4i1.818
This study aims to analyze the differences between conventional social reporting concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) based on previous studies with the concept of Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) disclosure both in Islamic banks and conventional banks. The populations of this study are Islamic commercial banks and conventional banks. This study took 8 banks consisted of 4 Islamic banks and 4 conventional banks. The Independent Sample t-Test was used to analyze the data. The results of the study show that the use of the ISR index and CSR between sharia and conventional banks are different from each other in term of the companies’social report disclosure.
Criticism of Reason against the Blasphemy of Ijma as a Source of Islamic Law
Moh. Bahrudin;
Faisal Faisal;
Hanif Hanif
Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 22, No 1 (2022): Analisis : Jurnal Studi Keislaman
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
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DOI: 10.24042/ajsk.v22i1.12527
The study and critique of reasoning against the blasphemy of ijmak aims to place the position of ijmak proportionally and rationally, in accordance with the initial objectives of the ijmak theory formulated in the early days of Islam so that there are no misperceptions about the blasphemy of ijmak. Indeed, ijmak as a source of Islamic law requires the existence of evidence based on the Qur'an and Hadith, it cannot stand alone independently. However, furthermore, ijmak only becomes a support for the status quo of the fiqh laws produced by the cleric contained in fiqh books. This research is intended to look at the blasphemy of ijmak as a source of Islamic law. The method used is descriptive method. Conclusions are drawn by using deductive thinking. Research shows that ijmak can be used as evidence, has validity and authority, although it still requires evidence from the Qur'an or Sunnah. Not all ijmak is qath'i and therefore not all ijmak must be followed. The blasphemy quality of ijmak is qath'i if it is supported by texts that are qath'i or related to matters that are 'ulima min al-din bi al-dharurah. The quality of ijmak is zhanni if it is only supported by zhanni's argument or in matters for which there is no explicit text in the syarak text.
Peran Zakat dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Provinsi Lampung (Studi pada Baznas Kota Bandar Lampung)
Moh. Bahrudin;
Agus Kurniawan;
Suhendar Suhendar
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam Vol 8, No 2 (2022): JIEI
Publisher : ITB AAS INDONESIA Surakarta
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DOI: 10.29040/jiei.v8i2.5740
This study was conducted to determine and analyze the role of zakat in economic growth in Lampung Province. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. The population in this study is the mustahiq zakat in Bandar Lampung City. The sample in this study was the mustahiq recipients of the productive zakat program in Bandar Lampung City with purposive sampling technique. The primary data in this study were obtained from the results of filling out questionnaires and interviews. Secondary data in the form of BAZNAS report documentation Bandar Lampung City. The primary data questionnaire used has been tested for validity and reliability. The collected data is analyzed by referring to qualitative data analysis techniques which include 1) data collection, 2) data reduction, 3) data presentation and 4) drawing conclusions. The results of this study generally explain that in general zakat plays a role in encouraging economic growth. The roles of zakat include 1) as an additional source of income, 2) additional productive capital and 3) additional education and health costs.
Riyan Erwin Hidayat;
S. Suharto;
Moh. Bahrudin;
Muhammad Zaki
SMART: Journal of Sharia, Traditon, and Modernity Vol 2, No 1 (2022): SMART: Journal of Sharia, Tradition, and Modernity
Publisher : SMART: Journal of Sharia, Traditon, and Modernity
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DOI: 10.24042/smart.v2i1.13118
By the development of the times, of course the law will also experience various developments, as well as marriage law in Islam which follows the times according to human needs. The development of marriage law in Islam cannot be separated from the existence of Muslim scholars. Among these Muslim scholars are Wahbah az-Zuhaili and Muhammad Syahrur. Az-Zuhaili uses the Usul fiqh method in interpreting the laws regarding marriage, while Syahrur uses the hermeneutic method in interpreting the laws regarding marriage. The two of them certainly have different opinions, because the way of thinking and the method of interpretation used are different. Therefore, through this study, the two thoughts of these figures will be examined. The results showed that the two figures viewed marriage as a very solid contract. The difference of opinion between the two lies in the discussion of the dowry, where according to az-Zuhaili that the dowry is a gift from the husband to the wife, and the wife has the right to get it because of the contract or actual intercourse, while Syahrur said the dowry is an unconditional gift given by the husband to his wife. Likewise, there are differences of opinion in the provision of a living and in terms of divorce and polygamy.
Gustarina Andini;
Moh. Bahrudin;
Ruslan Abdul Ghofur
Distribusi - Journal of Management and Business Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): Distribusi, September 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mataram
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DOI: 10.29303/distribusi.v10i2.199
Beberapa pelaku UMKM Kuliner di Kota Metro dimasa Covid-19, mengalami penurunan penjualan. Salah satunya Kripik Pisang Tunas. Hal ini menyebabkan pelaku usaha mengalami kerugian yang cukup signifikan. Oleh karena itu, perlu strategi yang tepat dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi misalnya dengan melakukan strategi penggunaan digital marketing. Penelitian ini menjelaskan efektifitas penggunaan digital marketing dalam meningkatkan penjualan pelaku usaha kuliner, khususnya Kripik Pisang Tunas Metro di masa pandemi Covid-19. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian lapangan. Sebelum adanya pandemi covid-19 penjualan Kripik Pisang Tunas mengalami peningkatan tetapi tidak signifikan. Setelah adanya pandemi covid-19 dengan merubah pemasaran yang sebelumnya offline menjadi digital marketing maka penjualan mengalami peningkatan secara signifikan karena jangkauan pemasaran yang semakin luas. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa UMKM yang memanfaatkan digital marketing mampu bertahan di tengah pandemi Covid-19.
Efektivitas dan Risiko Penggunaan M-Banking pada Bank Syariah Indonesia Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan
Is Susanto;
Moh. Mukri;
Moh. Bahrudin;
Hanif Hanif
Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Keuangan Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Oktober 2022
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DOI: 10.51805/jmbk.v3i2.73
Mobile banking is a service provided by a bank that allows customers to carry out various types of transactions anytime and anywhere through mobile media. This service is not only used by customers in general, but UIN students as current customers have also used these services in paying tuition bills. However, most students still do not take advantage of the convenience of these services. This study aims to determine the effect of the effectiveness and risk of using m-banking services at Bank Syariah Indonesia on customer satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach. The population of this study was all students of UIN class of 2019 totaling 6,435. The results of this study are the effectiveness variable does not partially affect customer satisfaction in the use of m-banking services at Bank Syariah Indonesia, while the risk variable has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction in using m-banking services at Bank Syariah Indonesia.