Endah Budiarti
Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

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Lakon Baratayuda Versi Klaten: Kajian Struktur Naratif Endah Budiarti
Resital: Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan (Journal of Performing Arts) Vol 13, No 2 (2012): Desember 2012
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/resital.v13i2.523


Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menemukan aliran tindakan hero dalam Lakon Baratayuda versi Klaten. Teoristruktur cerita rakyat Vladimir Propp diadaptasi dan dimodifikasi dalam tulisan ini. Teori Propp mengatakan bahwasebuah cerita rakyat memiliki struktur yang dibentuk dari fungsi-fungsi yang bergerak berurutan. Berdasarkan teoritersebut, metode analisis yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode struktural model Propp. Upaya untukdapat menemukan aliran tindakan sang hero pertama-tama dilacak apa saja fungsi (tindakan pelaku) yang hadirdalam LBY versi Klaten, kemudian dilacak urutan fungsi pelaku (tindakan pelaku) dalam LBY versi Klaten dan yangterakhir dilacak struktur naratif LBY versi Klaten. Ada beberapa hal yang dapat dikemukakan dari analisis terhadapLBY versi Klaten. Pertama, ditemukan empat belas fungsi (tindakam hero) yang dilacak dari aliran tindakan herodalam LBY versi Klaten. Kedua, LBY versi Klaten memuat lebih dari satu pergerakan cerita.Kata kunci: Barata yuda, Klaten, Vladimir ProppABSTRACTLakon Baratayuda versi Klaten: Study of Narative Structure. This paper is intended to find the flow of the action hero in the Lakon Baratayuda Klaten version. The theory of the structure of folk tales Vladimir Propp adapted and modified in this paper. Propp’s theory says that a folk tale has a structure formed of functions that move sequentially. With regard to the theory, the method of analysis used is the method of Propp’s structural models. To be able to find the flow of the  action hero first revealed what functions (action dramatic personae) are present, then determine the sequence of functions (action dramatic personae), and further reveals the narrative structure of the Lakon Baratayuda Klaten version. There are several things that can be raised from the analysis of Lakon Baratayuda Klaten version. The first, discovered fourteen function (action hero) is tracked from the stream acts as a hero in the Lakon Baratayuda Klaten version. Second, the Lakon Baratayuda Klaten version contains more than one main story movement.Keywords: Baratayuda, structural, Propp
Struktur Janturan Wayang Kulit Purwa Yogyakarta Endah Budiarti
Wayang Nusantara: Journal of Puppetry Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/wayang.v3i1.3057


The purpose of this study was to find the structure janturan of the Yogyakarta shadow puppet. A further goal of this research is to find a method for learning puppetry language, especially janturan language. To achieve the above objectives, the researchers will first identify and categorize the structure of janturan carried out by Ki Hadi Sugito, Ki Timbul Hadiprayitno, Ki Suparman, and Mudjanattistomo. Second, the grammatical structure of the Yogyakarta senior puppeteers’ puppets was then reduced to the grammatical structure of the Yogyakarta shadow puppet show. To find the structure janturan of Yogyakarta Purwa shadow puppet, this study will apply structural analysis. The concept of tatas in chess aesthetics is the version of Soetarno et al. (2007) and the grammatical structure of the Sasangka version (1989) were used as analysis blades in this study. Janturan is the ukara-ukara (‘sentences’) kenès which are arranged in a complete, sequential, and not overlapping manner. As a ukara certainly has a grammatical structure. To be able to find the grammatical structure of scattering, the tatas concept and the grammatical theory of Javanese language are used. From the results of the study of the (grammatical) structure of the Yogyakarta senior mastermind’s succession, the following pattern is obtained: The first part is a section that contains worship. The second part of the janturan contains the greatness of the kingdom which is the center of storytelling. The third part of janturan contains the great king in the great kingdom who is the center of storytelling. The fourth part of the janturan is about the preparation of the trial and those present at the hearing. It is expected that the results of this study can improve teaching materials in the subject of Bahasa Pedalangan, Pedalangan Rhetoric, and Basics of Pakeliran in the Pedalangan Department.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan struktur janturan wayang kulit purwa Yogyakarta. Tujuan lebih jauh dari penelitian ini ialah menemukan satu metode belajar bahasa pedalangan khususnya bahasa janturan. Untuk mencapai tujuan di atas, pertama-tama peneliti akan mengidentifikasi dan mengkategorikan struktur janturan yang dibawakan oleh Ki Hadi Sugito, Ki Timbul Hadiprayitno, Ki Suparman, dan Mudjanattistomo. Kedua, struktur gramatikal janturan dalang-dalang senior Yogyakarta tersebut kemudian direduksi menjadi struktur gramatikal janturan wayang kulit purwa Yogyakarta. Untuk menemukan struktur janturan wayang kulit purwa Yogyakarta penelitian ini akan menerapkan analisis struktural. Konsep tatas dalam estetika catur versi Soetarno dkk. (2007) dan struktur gramatikal ukara versi Sasangka (1989) digunakan sebagai pisau analisis dalam penelitian ini. Janturan merupakan ukara-ukara (‘kalimat-kalimat’) kenès yang disusun secara lengkap, urut, dan tidak tumpang tindih. Sebagai sebuah ukara tentu memiliki struktur gramatikal. Untuk dapat menemukan struktur gramatikal janturan digunakan konsep tatas dan teori struktur gramatikal bahasa Jawa. Dari hasil pelacakan terhadap struktur (gramatikal) janturan para dalang senior Yogyakarta, diperoleh pola sebagai berikut: Bagian pertama merupakan satu bagian yang berisi tentang doa pemujaan.  Bagian kedua dari janturan berisi tentang kebesaran kerajaan yang menjadi pusat penceritaan. Bagian ketiga dari janturan berisi tentang raja agung di kerajaan besar yang menjadi pusat penceritaan. Bagian keempat dari janturan berisi tentang persiapan sidang dan yang hadir di dalam sidang. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat menyempurnakanbahan ajar mata kuliah Bahasa Pedalangan, Retorika Pedalangan, dan Dasar-dasar Pakeliran di Jurusan Pedalangan.
Lakon Mintaraga ke Sang Indrakila Resi Kajian Alih Wahana (The Play of Mintaraga to Sang Indrakila Resi: Study of a Change from One Type of Art to Another) Endah Budiarti
Wayang Nusantara: Journal of Puppetry Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Maret 2020
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/wayang.v4i1.4749


AbstractThe Play of Mintaraga to Sang Indrakila Resi: Study of a Change from One Type of Art to Another. This study aimed to trace the art transformation of the Mintaraga play to Sang Indrakila Resi. In other words, tracing the art transformation from play to written play. Sapardi Djoko Damono’s theory of art transformation is used as a framework for thinking in this study. Sapardi Djoko Damono’s theory states that art transformation is the change and transfer of “something” from one type of art to another. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data collection and processing methods used in this study were note-taking, listening, sorting, and orthographic matching techniques. The method used in the data analysis stage was the literary method (library methods). The result of this study was a formula for transfer of art from play to written play. AbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan melacak alih wahana lakon Mintaraga ke Sang Indrakila Resi. Dengan kata lain melacak alih wahana dari lakon pertunjukan ke lakon tulis. Teori alih wahana Sapardi Djoko Damono dipakai sebagai kerangka berpikir dalam penelitian ini. Teori Sapardi Djoko Damono mengatakan bahwa alih wahana adalah pengubahan dan pemindahan “sesuatu” dari satu jenis wahana ke jenis wahana lain. Temuan yang dihasilkan ialah formula alih wahana dari lakon pertunjukan ke lakon tulis.
Belajar Pocapan dari Ki Hadi Sugito Endah Budiarti
Wayang Nusantara: Journal of Puppetry Vol 3, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/wayang.v3i2.3150


This paper discusses the application of the method of learning puppetry, especially Pocapan language (dialogue with puppet characters’). This method is produced by first examining Ki Hadi Sugito’s pocapan in three plays, namely Bagong Ratu, Ujung Sengara, and Wahyu Widayat. Ki Hadi Sugito’s wayang performance was chosen as a model with language considerations produced by Ki Hadi Sugito, simple and communicative. From the results of the study, a simpler text was created. This text is then used as teaching material in class. The text used as this teaching material does not mean limiting students but instead provides opportunities to be developed by students, according to their respective abilities. Tulisan ini membicarakan penerapan metode belajar bahasa pedalangan khususnya bahasa pocapan (‘mendialogkan tokoh-tokoh wayang’). Metode ini dihasilkan dengan terlebih dahulu meneliti pocapan Ki Hadi Sugito dalam tiga lakon yaitu Bagong Ratu, Ujung Sengara, dan Wahyu Widayat. Pergelaran wayang versi Ki Hadi Sugito dipilih sebagai model dengan pertimbangan bahasa yang diproduksi Ki Hadi Sugito sederhana dan komunikatif. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dibuatlah sebuah teks pocapan yang lebih sederhana. Teks ini kemudian digunakan sebagai bahan ajar di kelas. Teks yang digunakan sebagai bahan ajar ini tidak berarti membatasi mahasiswa tetapi justru memberi peluang untuk dikembangkan oleh mahasiswa, sesuai dengan kemampuan masing-masing.
Struktur Naratif Lakon Kresna Duta Versi Ki Nartosabdo Endah Budiarti
Wayang Nusantara: Journal of Puppetry Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Maret 2021
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/wayang.v5i1.6051


AbstractThis research aims to find the narrative structure of Ki Nartosabdo’s version of Kresna Duta. Research data in the form of cassette tape recordings. Vladimir Propp’s fabled structure theory was adapted in this study. Propp theory says that a fairy tale has a structure formed from functions that move sequentially. Related to the theory, the analysis method used is the structural method of the Propp model. The first strategy is to track the events that occur in each scene in the text of Ki Nartosabdo’s version of Kresna Duta. From these events found dramatic personae (hero) in the event and how the hero’s actions in moving the story. From the tracking of this event revealed what actions of the hero present, and also revealed the sequence of actions of the hero. The disclosure of the hero’s actions (functions) and the sequence of actions of the hero (function), it will also be revealed the scheme of movement of the story. There are several things that can be stated from the results of the analysis of The Lakon Kresna Duta version of Ki Nartosabdo. First, thirteen functions (hero actions) were found that were tracked from kresna’s action stream as a hero. Second, Ki Nartosabdo’s version of Kresna Duta has more than one sequence of functions. In this study it is called the sequence of primary actor functions and the sequence of secondary actor functions. The sequence of the primary actor function is the flow of hero actions (Kresna) in the Ki Nartosabdo version of Lakon Kresna Duta, while the secondary actor function is the hero action flow from the previous play or continuation play. Third, Ki Nartosabdo’s version of Lakon Kresna Duta contains one main story movement and four story movements from other plays. A fairly important finding is that Propp’s theory of the narrative structure of folklore (Russia) also applies to Javanese folklore, although there is a deviation in terms of the order of functions.Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan struktur naratif Lakon Kresna Duta versi Ki Nartosabdo. Data penelitian berupa rekaman pita kaset. Teori struktur dongeng Vladimir Propp diadaptasi dalam penelitian ini. Teori Propp mengatakan bahwa sebuah dongeng memiliki struktur yang dibentuk dari fungsi-fungsi yang bergerak berurutan. Berkaitan dengan teori tersebut, maka metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode struktural model Propp. Strategi pertama yang dilakukan yaitu melacak peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi pada setiap adegan dalam teks Lakon Kresna Duta versi Ki Nartosabdo. Dari peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut ditemukan siapa pelaku (dramatis personae) dalam peristiwa tersebut dan bagaimana tindakan pelaku dalam menggerakkan cerita. Dari pelacakan peristiwa ini terungkap apa saja tindakan pelaku yang hadir, dan juga terungkap urutan tindakan pelaku. Terungkapnya tindakan pelaku (fungsi) dan urutan tindakan pelaku (fungsi), maka akan terungkap pula skema pergerakan cerita. Ada beberapa hal yang dapat dikemukakan dari hasil analisis Lakon Kresna Duta versi Ki Nartosabdo. Pertama, ditemukan tiga belas fungsi (tindakan hero) yang dilacak dari aliran tindakan Kresna sebagai hero. Kedua, Lakon Kresna Duta versi Ki Nartosabdo memiliki lebih dari satu urutan fungsi. Dalam penelitian ini disebut urutan fungsi pelaku primer dan urutan fungsi pelaku sekunder. Urutan fungsi pelaku primer merupakan aliran tindakan hero (Kresna) dalam Lakon Kresna Duta versi Ki Nartosabdo, sedangkan fungsi pelaku sekunder merupakan aliran tindakan hero dari lakon sebelumnya atau lakon kelanjutannya. Ketiga, Lakon Kresna Duta versi Ki Nartosabdo ini memuat satu pergerakan cerita utama dan empat pergerakan cerita dari lakon lain. Temuan yang cukup penting ialah teori Propp tentang struktur naratif cerita rakyat (Rusia) juga berlaku untuk cerita rakyat Jawa, meskipun ada deviasi dalam hal urutan fungsi.
Meta-analytic review of servant leadership and team member exchange (TMX) theory Aisyah, Nur; Setyaningrum, Retno Purwani; Budiarti, Endah; Cempena, Ida Bagus; Suhardi, Suhardi
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) Vol 9, No 1 (2023): JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Theraphy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/020231690


Research on the relationship between Servant Leadership (SL) and Team Member Exchange (TMX) has been carried out. At the same time, the basis for this relationship and the mechanism and conditions are still minimal and poorly understood by many people. The methodology that we use in this study is a meta-analysis method by searching for empirical research with the help of Google and also Researchgate through the keyword Leadership that was selected at first. Then, sort out the discussion that focuses on Servant Leadership and Team Member Exchange (TMX) research as concepts and the relationship between variables, and then summarise them. This summary describes the importance of Servant Leadership and Team Member Exchange (TMX) mechanisms in improving Performance. By providing a nuance of understanding about how Servant Leadership (SL) and Team Member Exchange (TMX) can play a role in one's work so that they can help the company or organization in its development so that it can make decisions that are beneficial to the performance of employees and their organization. In the end, we provide some interesting views and suggestions for further research.