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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 18, No 2 (2018): OKTOBER 2018
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/bs_jpbsp.v18i2.15510


Makanan bukan hanya kebutuhan biologis mendasar manusia, namun juga merupakan situs kebudayaan yang menjadi medan pertarungan kekuasaan, identitas, sosial, dan kelas. Dunia makanan dan kulinernya adalah sebuah diskursus dan metafora kuasa, terlebih di bangsa-bangsa koloni pasca-kolonial. Novel Aruna dan Lidahnya karya Laksmi Pamuntjak merepresentasikan warisan poskolonial melalui mimikri, hibriditas, dan ambivalensi. Melalui close reading dan pendekatan poskolonial, tampak bahwa sastra kuliner ini menampilkan paradoksial, mengangkat khazanah kuliner lokal tradisional, namun memposisikannya di bawah masakan luar negeri di dalam ambiguitas pribadi Aruna dan ketiga kawannya. Hal ini membentuk citra kuliner lokal sebagai makanan kelas dua, yang berseberangan dengan citra makanan luar negeri yang sehat, bersih, dan berkelas. Sebagai bentuk revolusi mental, inferioritas konstruksi kolonial, terutama bidang kuliner, perlu terus dikritik sebagai bentuk apresiasi terhadap kekayaan keragaman budaya Nusantara.
Nirmana Vol 10, No 1 (2008): JANUARY 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1032.322 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/nirmana.10.1.pp. 1-11


A big city or a metropolitan is a symbol of modernization and globalization. What happens in a big city in this article is stories of ordinary people struggling for a decent living in the dusts of global modernity in a big Malay city. These people are often village migrants. The attraction of modern city lifestyle offers cultural addiction that is foreign for the migrants, even if sometimes it is considered a threat culturally from where they are from. Eventually, adaptation, adoption, and even apathy towards values, symbol, and the city’s global modernity create diverse lifestyles, romances, and identities of its citizens. This article observes how the citizens, the city, and its romance present in the reflections of some Malaysian and Indonesian cartoonists, like in the visualization of the comic “Mat Som” by Dato Lat, and the comic script Kee’s World (1989) of Malaysia and Benny and Mice of Indonesia. Cartoonists, as social observers, tell us how the city is recognized in the lives of the Malay people in two different countries. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Kota Besar atau Bandar Raya modern adalah simbol dari modernisasi dan globalisasi. Apa yang terjadi di sebuah kota besar di artikel ini adalah cerita-cerita orang biasa yang mencari kehidupan yang layak dalam debu modernitas global di kota besar dunia melayu. Tak jarang mereka adalah orang yang datang dari kampung (atau luar daerah). Pikatan gaya hidup kota modern ini menawarkan candu budaya yang ‘asing’ bagi pendatang, meski tak jarang hal itu dianggap ‘ancaman’ bagi budaya ‘asal’. Akhirnya, adaptasi, adopsi, maupun, antipati pada nilai-nilai, simbol, modernitas global perkotaan itupun menciptakan keberagaman gaya hidup, romantika, dan identitas penghuni kota. Artikel ini akan melihat bagaimana penghuni kota, kota, dan romantikanya hadir dalam renungan-renungan para kartunis malasyia dan Indonesia seperti, di antaranya, dalam visualisasinya komik “Mat Som” karya Dato Lat dan komik Script Kee’s World (1989) Malaysia dan Benny & Mice Indonesia. Kartunis, sebagai pengamat sosial, menuturkan pada kita bagaimana kota dihayati dalam kehidupan bangsa melayu di dua negara yang berbeda. Kata kunci: romantika kota, narasi visual, komik, Malaysia, Indonesia.
Kuasa Perempuan Bali: Peran dan Kapasitas Perempuan Bali dalam Menghadapi Erupsi Gunung Agung Megasari Noer Fatanti; Ary Budiyanto; I Kadek Yudi Astawan; Cindy Nirmala Wijaya
Sosioglobal Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Sosioglobal: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Sosiologi
Publisher : Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jsg.v5i2.32327


Women are one part of a vulnerable group in the event of a disaster. Data from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) states that women have a 14 times higher risk of becoming victims of disasters than adult men. This is due to the instinct of women who want to protect their families and children, which often makes them neglect their own safety. Therefore, providing access to information and disaster education is important to reduce the number of victims when a disaster occurs. This research aims to how the preparedness of women in the village of Besakih in facing the risk of the eruption of Mount Agung in Karangasem Regency, Bali. Through ethnographic methods with live-in strategy for gathering data during July-October 2019, this research found some potential of Balinese women when facing disasters. The character of Balinese women who are independent, tough and adaptive is their key to survive in a disaster situation. In addition, the woman of Besakih Village claimed to be actively seeking information on Mount Agung disaster through Facebook as a form of self-mitigation before the disaster occurred. Research recommendations are directed at training to increase women's capacity such as recognizing the initial symptoms of disasters, how to find and select correct information on social media related to disasters, and to play an active role as an agent of disaster vulnerability in the family.
Kudus and Its Sweet Soya Sauces Stories in Mediating Multiculturalism Learning Hipolitus Kristoforus Kewuel; Efrizal Efrizal; M. Andhy Nurmansyah; Ismatul Khasanah; Ary Budiyanto
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Service, University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (648.671 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ijleg.2016.002.02.11


Multicultural reality of Indonesian society has encouraged many conflicts. Many people have tried to create a multicultural atmosphere. The scholars, politicians, and security forces attempted in their respective fields there are theoretical, ideal, and practical. This approach of simple ethnography research at Kudus reveals the unique role of these sweet soya sauces or ketchups. That is, it is not just being a condiment for flavoring the Kudus people dishes, but also already act as multicultural learning media. The good cooperation between the two ethnic groups, the Chinese as the owner of ketchup industries and their Javanese workers, clients, and customers have shown that these Ketchups has become one of the unifying elements that are commonly depicted always in a conflict; and  the latest event clashes between Chinese and pribumi at Kudus was in 1984. Thus, by looking at the Ketchups roles, this research shown that the ketchup industries in Kudus have melted the tongue and heart of Kudus people (China-Native) taste in a delicious thickened of ketchup liquid that always served at home, food-stalls, hotels, and restaurants.Keywords: Sweet Soya Sauces , Ketchup,  Media, Multiculturalism Learning, Kudus
Fangsheng (放生) and Its Critical Discourse on Environmental Ethics in Buddhist Media Latifah Latifah; Ary Budiyanto
International Journal of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Interreligious and Intercultural Studies
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (603.377 KB) | DOI: 10.32795/ijiis.vol3.iss1.2020.684


Religious views of a community group are very influential in determining their attitudes and behavior towards nature and the environment. On the one hand, there is a worldview correlation that affects attitudes that are less friendly to nature as well as human superiority among other creatures that makes it feel entitled to exploit nature. On the other hand, religious views are also a motivation for caring for and loving nature, as is the will of Buddhists to create happiness for all living things. Reflections on choosing a moderate way of life prevent greed that can cause damage to nature so that sustainable development can be realized. The media, especially digital media, represents the implementation of Buddhist environmental ethics in a variety of writing frames. This study aims to look at Fangshen (放生) ritual in critical discourse on environmental ethics perspective as represented in Indonesian Buddhist media such as Buddhazine, Kompasiana,, and etcetera. This research shows that the discourse on environmental ethics in Buddhist media is at the point of intersection between natural disasters as a result of karma (kamma), paramita funds to change karma, responsibility for protecting nature, and compassion for all beings.
Tradisi Seni Patrol dan Identitas Budaya Kampung Bandulan di Kota Malang Annise Sri Maftuchin; Ary Budiyanto
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (482.618 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sbn.2017.oo1.01.05


Tradisi lokal tidak selalu mengalami pelemahan budaya di ranah global. Tradisi seni patrol di Bandulan Malang adalah salah satunya, seni ini tumbuh dalam proses invented tradition yang diwadahi lewat aktivitas festival. Invented tradition dari konsep Hobsbawn (2000), menjelaskan bahwa pemunculan tradisi difungsikan agar tradisi tidak dipandang sebagai sesuatu yang tua atau identik dengan kuno. Penelitian mengenai tradisi seni patrol ini ditujukan untuk menjawab permasalahan mengenai bagaimana masayarakat Bandulan menciptakan identitas baru bernuansa lokal di ranah global? Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan secara antropologis dimana observasi, observasi partisipasi dan wawancara mendalam dilakukan. Metode tersebut menjadi tumpuan dalam menguraikan fenomena di masyarakat Bandulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya proses invented tradidition secara berkesinambungan dan didukung penuh oleh proses globalisasi yang ada pada ranah festival. Tradisi seni patrol yang di-invented-kan merupakan pengembangan dari tradisi patrol sahur lokal. Dalam perkembangannya konsep culture contact Liep (2001) juga turut berperan mengaktifkan proses pembentukan identitas dari konsep Hall (1990). Kajian ini melibatkan unsur identity as being Bandulan yang dipertemukan dengan budaya luar Bandulan dan budaya global. Percampuran ini kemudian menyatu menjadi hasil akhir suatu kebudayaan utuh dimana cita rasa lokal masih terasa kuat disana. Tradisi seni patrol tampil menjadi suatu produk identity as becoming pada festival patrol di Bandulan. Seni patrol bandulan memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan referensinya yaitu ul-daul meskipun sekilas sama, namun seni patrol Bandulan memiliki corak musik yang khas. Karakteristik campursari yang berkembang di Bandulan dan ritme ketukan yang lebih pelan dari pada ul-daul menjadi patokan bahwa penciptaan identitas seni patrol lewat referensi lokal berupa tradisi adalah benar adanya.    ABSTRACTLocal traditions are not always weakened traditional form of culture in the global area. Bandulan patrol art tradition in Malang is one of them, this art is growed by invented tradition process with festival mode. Invented tradition is Hobwbawn (2000) concept which describe of the appearance of a tradition that is not viewed as old. This patrol art traditions research is intended to answer a research problem about how Bandulan local society make create in a new identity on the global area? To answer these problems, researchers used anthropological methode where observation, participatory observation and in-depth interview are used by the research. The method form use to describing phenomena in the Bandulan society. These results indicate the existence of a process invented tradidition going on basis and is fully supported by the process of globalization that exist in the festival media. patrol Art tradition which processed by invented is development of a local patrol sahur tradition , that the development is processed by contact culture who concepted by Liep (2001) helped to describe for process of establishing the identity of of Hall concept (1990). The pattern is related identity as being Bandulan confronted with foreign cultures and global cultures. This mixed process form is fused into the end result of a culture intact where local taste of culture still feels strong up there. The tradition of the art patrol appear to be a identity product of the becoming on the art festival patrol in Bandulan. Bandulan art patrol have different characteristics with ul–daul music though near same , but the Bandulan art patrol has a different style of music that have identic character. Bandulan art patrol has a identic style of typical of art music patrol . Characteristics campursari music what growing up in Bandulan and the slowler rhythm beats than ul-daul be identic style from the creation of identity what have style of local culture which can survive in global area that is true.  
Representasi Hubungan Antar-Agama Dalam Cerpen Buddhis: Sastra Sebagai Model Dialog Antar-Agama Latifah Latifah; Ary Budiyanto
ISJN Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Volume 4 Issue 1, 2022
Publisher : Indonesia Social Justice Network (ISJN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38026/journalhsj.v4i1.82


The lack of inter-religion relations causes misconceptions that often lead to prejudice. Religious education from schools to higher education based on one religion alone is the cause of the low religion literacy of the other. Strict restrictions on openly discussing inter-religious topics under the pretext of SARA (Suku, Agama, Ras, dan Antargolongan [SARA]; discrimination against ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup) in the public sphere also strengthen inter-religious barriers. As a result, knowledge about the religious life of minorities is increasingly marginalized and often leads to pressure and violence. Although not responding to the violence in an attitude that escalates the conflict. Buddhists in Indonesia seem to be trying to explain various misconceptions about their beliefs in various ways such as inter-faith seminars, music, and popular literature. In addition, Buddhist story stories also reveal Buddhist views on other religions and local traditions related to spiritual beliefs. Thus, this paper describes the representation of Buddhist view to local faith tradition, Buddhist self-explanation against the misconceptions towards their religious faith and practice, and Buddhist view towards others. In this case, this study fills the void of attention to Buddhist literature in the realm of religious literature, especially in the context of its role in interfaith dialogue
Dampu Awang Legends and Its Contemporary Perception of Indonesian (Javanese) Muslim Against Chinese Ary Budiyanto; Latifah
Journal of Integrative International Relations Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): May
Publisher : Department of International Relations, State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/jiir.2019.4.1.49-71


Dampu Awang is a legendary figure who is always mentioned in various legends about Cheng Ho/Zheng He on Java. By looking at these legends in the current context, this article re-reads the figure of a legend who was always attached to this figure of Cheng Ho as a reflection of the stereotypical perception of Javanese people towards the Chinese in relation to Islam and Java (Indonesia). An image that existed long ago until now, namely as a creature full of paradox and ambiguity: from being admired and respected to being hated and reviled. This article was closed with a reflection of the relations between China, Islam and Java during the Post Reformation which represented Cheng Ho as the carrier of peaceful Islam.
Dampu Awang Legends and Its Contemporary Perception of Indonesian (Javanese) Muslim Against Chinese Ary Budiyanto; Latifah
Journal of Integrative International Relations Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): May
Publisher : Department of International Relations, State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/jiir.2019.4.1.49-71


Dampu Awang is a legendary figure who is always mentioned in various legends about Cheng Ho/Zheng He on Java. By looking at these legends in the current context, this article re-reads the figure of a legend who was always attached to this figure of Cheng Ho as a reflection of the stereotypical perception of Javanese people towards the Chinese in relation to Islam and Java (Indonesia). An image that existed long ago until now, namely as a creature full of paradox and ambiguity: from being admired and respected to being hated and reviled. This article was closed with a reflection of the relations between China, Islam and Java during the Post Reformation which represented Cheng Ho as the carrier of peaceful Islam.