Chairunnisa Chairunnisa
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Published : 4 Documents Claim Missing Document
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High Sensitivity Very Low Frequency Receiver for Earthquake Data Acquisition Achmad Munir; Kusmadi Kusmadi; Kusnandar Kusnandar; Asep Najmurrokhman; Chairunnisa Chairunnisa; Sunubroto Sunubroto
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 15, No 1: March 2017
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v15i1.3484


A high sensitivity very low frequency (VLF) receiver is developed based on AD744 monolithic operational amplifier (Op-Amp) for earthquake data acquisition. In research related natural phenomena such as atmospheric noise, lightning and earthquake, a VLF receiver particularly with high sensitivity is utterly required due to the low power of VLF wave signals received by the antenna. The developed receiver is intended to have high sensitivity reception for the signals in frequency range of 10-30 kHz allocated for earthquake observation. The VLF receiver which is portably designed is also equipped with an output port connectable to the soundcard of personal computer for further data acquisition. After obtaining the optimum design, the hardware realization is implemented on a printed circuit board (PCB) for experimental characterization. It shows that the sensitivity of realized VLF receiver is almost linear in the predefined frequency range for the input signals lower than -12dBm and to be quadratic for the higher level input signals.
Electronic Information Board Based on AVR Atmega128 for TEWS in Cilacap Galih Mustiko Aji; Artdhita Fajar Pratiwi; Purwiyanto Purwiyanto; Chairunnisa Chairunnisa; Achmad Munir
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol 7, No 2: June 2018
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1191.449 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eei.v7i2.677


Dissemination methods of tsunami Information in Cilacap uses voice and siren. There are some constraints on the methods, especially in social aspects for particular society. Utilization of electronic information board is one of alternative solutions that can be offered to the society in responding tsunami information or warning. In this paper, a wireless electronic information board is designed to display the tsunami disaster warning visually. In normal condition or when there is no disaster, the information board can be utilized to display the information about evacuation procedure. The proposed electronic information board is implemented in multicolor using three sets of LED dot matrix panel P10 which have 32 x 16 pixels resolution and is controlled using microcontroller. The result showed that this device was capable to show the tsunami information such as “Status Awas”, “Status Siaga”, “Status Waspada”, and “Evacuation Route”.
Electronic Information Board Based on AVR Atmega128 for TEWS in Cilacap Galih Mustiko Aji; Artdhita Fajar Pratiwi; Purwiyanto Purwiyanto; Chairunnisa Chairunnisa; Achmad Munir
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol 7, No 2: June 2018
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1191.449 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eei.v7i2.677


Dissemination methods of tsunami Information in Cilacap uses voice and siren. There are some constraints on the methods, especially in social aspects for particular society. Utilization of electronic information board is one of alternative solutions that can be offered to the society in responding tsunami information or warning. In this paper, a wireless electronic information board is designed to display the tsunami disaster warning visually. In normal condition or when there is no disaster, the information board can be utilized to display the information about evacuation procedure. The proposed electronic information board is implemented in multicolor using three sets of LED dot matrix panel P10 which have 32 x 16 pixels resolution and is controlled using microcontroller. The result showed that this device was capable to show the tsunami information such as “Status Awas”, “Status Siaga”, “Status Waspada”, and “Evacuation Route”.
Electronic Information Board Based on AVR Atmega128 for TEWS in Cilacap Galih Mustiko Aji; Artdhita Fajar Pratiwi; Purwiyanto Purwiyanto; Chairunnisa Chairunnisa; Achmad Munir
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol 7, No 2: June 2018
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1191.449 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eei.v7i2.677


Dissemination methods of tsunami Information in Cilacap uses voice and siren. There are some constraints on the methods, especially in social aspects for particular society. Utilization of electronic information board is one of alternative solutions that can be offered to the society in responding tsunami information or warning. In this paper, a wireless electronic information board is designed to display the tsunami disaster warning visually. In normal condition or when there is no disaster, the information board can be utilized to display the information about evacuation procedure. The proposed electronic information board is implemented in multicolor using three sets of LED dot matrix panel P10 which have 32 x 16 pixels resolution and is controlled using microcontroller. The result showed that this device was capable to show the tsunami information such as “Status Awas”, “Status Siaga”, “Status Waspada”, and “Evacuation Route”.