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STRATEGI PEMECAHAN MASALAH MEKANIKA FLUIDA MENURUT TAKSONOMI SOLO Puspitasari, M. Dewi Manikta; Nadliroh, Kuni; Muzaki, Muhammad Najibulloh
Jurnal Sains dan Pendidikan Fisika Vol 16, No 3 (2020): JURNAL SAINS DAN PENDIDIKAN FISIKA
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35580/jspf.v16i3.16457


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan strategi pemecahan masalah mahasiswa berkemampuan fisika tinggi dan sedang dalam menyelesaikan soal mekanika fluida. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa yang menempuh mata kuliah mekanika fluida. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara, tes mekanika fluida dan tes kemampuan fisika. Tes kemampuan fisika digunakan untuk mengelompokkan tingkatan kemampuan fisika mahasiswa tinggi dan sedang bedasarkan kriteria nilai hasil tes kemampuan fisika mahasiswa. Sedangkan strategi pemecahan masalah ditentukan dari hasil jawaban mahasiswa terhadap 4 soal mekanika fluida yang diberikan dan wawancara yang kemudian dianalisis dengan rubrik identifikasi strategi pemecahan masalah (epistemic game). Hasil analisis tes pertama menunjukkan strategi pemecahan masalah yang digunakan dalam menyelesaikan masalah adalah mapping mathematics to meaning dengan level relational dan transliteration to mathematics dengan level multistructural. Pada tes kedua, mahasiswa menggunakan pictorial analysis dengan level extended abstract dan transliteration to mathematics dengan level relational dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Sedangkan mahasiswa menyelesaikan masalah pada tes ketiga dengan menggunakan mapping mathematics to meaning dengan level relational dan recursive plug and chug dengan level relational. Mahasiswa menggunakan recursive plug and chug dengan level relational dan transliteration to mathematics dengan level relational dalam menyelesaiakn test keempat. Strategi pemecahan masalah dari penelitian ini nantinya dapat digunakan untuk menentukan strategi atau model pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan pembelajaran konsep materi.
Improvement security in e-business systems using hybrid algorithm L. Sumaryanti; Dedy Hidayat Kusuma; Rosmala Widijastuti; Muhammad Najibulloh Muzaki
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 19, No 5: October 2021
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v19i5.20403


E-business security becomes an important issue in the development of technology, to ensure the safety and comfort of transactions in the exchange of information is privacy. This study aims to improve security in e-business systems using a hybrid algorithm that combines two types of keys, namely symmetric and asymmetric keys. Encryption and decryption of messages or information carried by a symmetric key using the simple symmetric key algorithm and asymmetric keys using the Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) algorithm. The proposed hybrid algorithm requires a high running time in the decryption process compared to the application of a single algorithm. The level of security is stronger because it implements the process of message encryption techniques with two types of keys simultaneously.
Sistem Rekomendasi Pemilihan Kayu Untuk Kerajinan Ukir Indoor dan Outdoor Iqbal Ardiwijaya; Rini Indriati; Muhammad Najibulloh Muzaki
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Juli - Desember 2021
Publisher : Teknik Elektro - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (16.773 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/jjeee.v3i2.10944


Peminat kerajinan dan pengrajin seni ukir masih banyak yang belum memahami kriteria kayu sesuai kebutuhan yang diinginkan. Ketidakpahaman dalam pemilihan kayu yang tepat sangat mempengaruhi kualitas dan kepuasan peminat kerajinan. Jenis kerajinan ukir sendiri dapat dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu untuk indoor dan outdoor. Kerajinan ukir indoor adalah kerajinan yang diletakkan di dalam ruangan seperti ruang tamu, ruang keluarga, atau di dalam ruangan lainya sedangkan untuk kerajinan outdoor adalah kerajinan ukir yang biasa diletakan di luar ruangan seperti gazebo, joglo, taman, di pantai, teras bagian luar dan lainya. Untuk membantu pengrajin kayu dalam pemilihan kayu untuk kerajinan ukir yang diinginkan maka di butuhkan sebuah sistem atau perhitungan matematis diharapkan memudahkan pengrajin dalam menentukan kayu sesuai kebutuhan peminat kerajinan dan memberi kemudahan dan kepuasan pada peminat kerajinan itu sendiri. Untuk itu, penelitian ini menggunakan metode Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa dan pengumpulan data, penerapan metode, implementasi, dan pengujian. Menentukan kriteria seperti jenis kayu, sifat fisik kayu, kekuatan kayu, harga, berapa lama kayu bertahan, dan juga beberapa alternatif. Dalam penelitian ini, menghasilkan beberapa hasil rekomendasi kayu yang paling mendekati sesuai keinginan peminat kerajinanThere are still many craft enthusiasts and carving craftsmen who do not understand the criteria for wood according to the desired needs. Misunderstanding In choosing the right wood, it can affect the quality and satisfaction of craft enthusiasts. Types of carving crafts themselves can be divided into 2, namely for indoor and outdoor. Indoor carving crafts are crafts that are placed in rooms such as living rooms, family rooms, or in other rooms while outdoor crafts are carving crafts that are usually placed outside such as gazebos, joglos, gardens, on the beach, outside terraces and others. To help craft enthusiasts and wood craftsmen in selecting wood for the desired carving craft, a mathematical system or calculation is needed, which can make it easier for craftsmen to determine wood according to the needs of craft enthusiasts and provide convenience and satisfaction to the craft enthusiasts themselves. This research uses a method Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The stages in this research are data analysis and collection, method application, implementation, and testing. Determine criteria such as wood type, physical properties of wood, wood strength, price, how long the wood lasts, and also several alternatives. In this study, produced several recommendations for wood that are closest to the wishes of craft enthusiasts.
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Juli - Desember 2021
Publisher : Teknik Elektro - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.219 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/jjeee.v3i2.10885


Twitter menjadi salah satu media sosial yang paling umum digunakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Dengan kepopuleran yang dimilikinya, menjadikan Twitter salah satu laman untuk mengekspresikan opini publik mengenai isu yang sedang dalam perbincangan. Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja adalah Omnibus Law pertama dalam hukum Indonesia yang disahkan yang mana didalamnya terdapat aturan yang mengatur tentang ketenagakerjaan, penyederhanaan perizinan, persyaratan investasi, hingga administrasi pemerintahan. Opini pro dan opini kontra terhadap Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja banyak dituangkan masyarakat Indonesia pada sosial media, dalam kasus ini Twitter. Penelitian yang dilakukan berguna untuk menganalisa opini masyarakat Indonesia di media sosial Twitter terhadap Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja dengan mengklasifikasi opini kedalam kelas positif atau negatif. Dengan menggunakan metode Naive Bayes Classifier, klasifikasi opini dilakukan oleh peneliti. Beberapa langkah yang dilakukan dalam penelitian yang diteliti kali ini yaitu pengumpulan data, pelabelan manual, preprocessing, term weighting, pemodelan, pengujian, dan evaluasi performa. Performa terbaik yang diperoleh oleh Naive Bayes Classifier adalah akurasi sebesar 89.9%, precision sebesar 90%, recall sebesar 89.9%, dan f-1 score sebesar 89.9%. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Indonesia 52.9% kontra dan 47.1% pro terhadap Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja.Twitter is one of the most familiar social media that used by Indonesian. With that popularity, Twitter is one of a page to express publics opinions about the recent issues.  Job Creation Law is the first Omnibus Law that was enacted in Indonesia and regulates employment, simplification of licensing, investment requirements, and government administration. Therefore, Job Creation Law received pros and cons from Indonesians on Twitter. The conducted research is to analyze publics opinions towards by classifying the opinions into positive or negative class. The opinions were classified using Naive Bayes Classifier method. The stages in this study are data collection, manual labeling, preprocessing, term weighting, classification modeling, testing, and performance evaluation. The performance obtained by Naive Bayes Classifier is 89.9% accuracy, 90% precision, 89.9% recall, and 89.9% f-1 score. The results showed that Indonesians are 52.9% against and 47.1% support Job Creation Law.
Rekomendasi Penerima Bantuan Program Keluarga Harapan Ika Ari Sasmita; Rini Indriati; Muhammad Najibulloh Muzaki
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Juli - Desember 2021
Publisher : Teknik Elektro - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (59.216 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/jjeee.v3i2.10943


Program pemerintah dalam menyejahterakan masyarakat salah satunya yaitu melaksanakan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH). PKH adalah program bantuan bersyarat oleh pemerintah yang diberikan kepada Rumah Tangga Miskin (RTM). Tujuan dari program keluarga harapan yaitu meningkatkan kualitas hidup penerima bantuan melalui kualitas kesehatan, pendidikan dan kesejahteraan sosial. Desa Candirejo merupakan salah satu desa yang menerapkan program tersebut. Dalam penentuan penerima bantuan, terdapat 14 kriteria yang digunakan. Pada pemilihan penerima bantuan sering terjadi permasalahan, salah satunya yaitu proses penentuan penerima bantuan yang cukup lama dan timbulnya prasangka masyarakat terkait penerima bantuan dari program tersebut. Dalam membantu mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi, maka dibutuhkan suatu sistem rekomendasi penerima bantuan menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mempermudah dan mempercepat perangkat desa dalam menentukan penerima bantuan PKH secara objektiv. Metode SAW juga biasa disebut metode penjumlahan terbobot, dengan membobotkan semua alternatif dan kriteria yang akan menghasilkan nilai referensi yang tepat. Dari hasil perhitungan metode SAW menghasilkan nilai yang dapat dijadikan rekomendasi penerima bantuan yang layak dan tidak layak berdasarkan hasil perhitungan nilai alternatif serta beberapa kriteria dan bobot yang ditentukan.Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) is one of the Indonesian Government programs to improve community welfare. PKH is a conditional sosial assistance program from the Government to Rumah Tangga Miskin (RTM). This program aims to improve their livelihoods through improving the quality of healthcare, education, and social welfare. Candirejo Village is one of the villages that has been carrying out the implementation of PKH. There are 14 criteria used to determine eligibility for PKH beneficiaries. A problem that often occurs when selecting PKH beneficiaries is the long process of determining beneficiaries and it evokes public prejudice towards PKH beneficiaries. A recommendation system for beneficiaries is needed to resolve this problem, using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. The main purpose of this research is to simplify and help the village apparatus determine PKH beneficiaries quickly and objectively. The SAW method is also known as the weighted addition method, by weighting the alternatives and criteria and will produce the precise reference values. The result can be used as a recommendation for eligible and ineligible PKH beneficiaries based on the results of the calculation of the alternatives and preferred weight values.
Students’ Epistemic Game according to SOLO Taxonomy in Completing Fluid Mechanics Problem M. Dewi Manikta Puspitasari; Kuni Nadliroh; Muhammad Najibulloh Muzaki
Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika
Publisher : Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The purpose of this study is to describe the students’ epistemic game of high physics-capable. This study is qualitative. The participants are students taking fluid mechanics courses. The collect data of this study use fluid mechanics test, physics understanding test, and interview. The understanding test determines the students’ understanding level, while the determining students’ epistemic game by SOLO taxonomy uses the fluid mechanic's test. The students complete the first test by using mapping mathematics to meaning at a relational level and transliteration to mathematics at a multi structural level. Pictorial analysis in level extended abstract and transliteration to mathematics in level relational are used by the students in completing the problem of the second test. Meanwhile, this study result showed that mapping mathematics to the meaning and recursive plug and chug at a relational level is used by the students for completing the third test. Furthermore, the students completing the fourth test used transliteration to mathematics and recursive plug and chug at a relational level The students’ epistemic game by SOLO taxonomy of this study can be used to develop physics learning.Keywords: epistemic game, SOLO taxonomy, fluid mechanicsDOI: 
SISTEM INFORMASI DOKUMEN PENDUKUNG UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER Muhammad Najibulloh Muzaki; M. Dewi Manikta Puspitasari; Rini Indriati
Antivirus : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika Vol 13 No 2 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Universitas Islam Balitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (779.171 KB) | DOI: 10.35457/antivirus.v13i2.848


The final semester examination is a routine agenda for each semester for the Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri. In the implementation of the final semester exams, some of the supporting documents are the exam schedule, minutes of the exam and the list of attendees of the exam. In the minutes of the exam and the attendance list, some entries must be written by the supervisor. Some of the fields include data on day, date, exam time, exam room, course name, lecturer, class and supervisor's name. Each of these documents is made in 2 copies, so that the filling process can take up the time of the supervisor when carrying out supervisory duties. When examined, some of the entries are actually already in the exam schedule, just how to make the data contained in the schedule can be integrated to complete the fields. This problem exists because there is no system or database that is the basis for making these documents. This study aims to provide a solution by building an information system that helps produce final semester exam support documents, such as exam schedules, minutes of the exam and attendance list of participants, using the PHP programming language and MySQL database support so that the process of making these documents is done systematic and automatic system. The results of the study indicate that with the Information System Supporting the Semeste Final Examination Document, the making of documents can be done in an integrated manner, so that some of the entries no longer need to be handwritten anymore. In the end, the documents produced by the system can save writing time faster.
Perancangan Jaringan Hotspot Untuk Peningkatan Layanan Teknologi Informasi Sucipto Sucipto; Teguh Andriyanto; Muhammad Najibulloh Muzaki; Erna Daniati; Rini Indriati; Arie Nugroho
Antivirus : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika Vol 13 No 2 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Universitas Islam Balitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (405.928 KB) | DOI: 10.35457/antivirus.v13i2.857


The role of network communication is vital in this era which is the industrial era 4.0. In this era, the emphasis on digital economic patterns, artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, and so on or known as the phenomenon of disruptive innovation. Technology tools that need to be developed do not directly want sophisticated automation technology. Still, network infrastructure that is available in an agency or region that wants to reach the industrial era must be considered. This research aims at designing the network is to make the topology of private networks and public networks. It is solving private networks to optimise SIMRS application access speed. It also improves the management of public networks in the form of hotspot management. The result that can be felt among the private networks is not that the SIMRS application network will not be interrupted by the public hotspot network. Besides, public network management will be more evenly distributed with hotspot management.
Epistemic game of moderate physics-capable students’ by SOLO taxonomy in completing fluid mechanics problems M D M Puspitasari; K Nadliroh; M N Muzaki
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Vol 5 (2020): STEM and ESD for Promoting Smart and Sustainable Society
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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The students’ thinking process in completing problems is able to show epistemic game. SOLO taxonomy is used to categorize the students’ thinking process. The researcher to collect data use test and interview. The test is consisted of fluid mechanics test and physics understanding test. Physics understanding test is used to determine the level of students’ physics understanding, while the fluid mechanics test is used to determine students’ epistemic game by SOLO taxonomy to solve the problems. The analysis result of the first test showed that the game used to solve problems was mapping mathematics to meaning in relational level and transliteration to mathematics in multistructural level. In the second test, the students used pictorial analysis in extended abstract level and transliteration to mathematics level in relational in solving problems. Meanwhile, the students used mapping mathematics to meaning in relational level, and recursive plug and chug in relational level to solve the problems in the third test. Furthermore, the fourth test was completed by recursive plug and chug in relational level. Epistemic game by SOLO taxonomy of this research can be used to determine learning strategy or model which is compatible with learning material concepts.
Penerapan Triangular Kernel Nearest Neighbor Sebagai Metode Clustering Dasar Pada Metode Bagging Muhammad Najibulloh Muzaki
Jurnal Teknologi dan Riset Terapan (JATRA) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknologi dan Riset Terapan (JATRA) - June 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1399.133 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jatra.v1i1.1313


Salah satu permasalahan utama dalam data mining adalah untuk menemukan metode clustering yang powerful. Terdapat suatu pendekatan baru dengan menggabungkan lebih dari satu metode clustering dikenal juga sebagai multi-clustering. Salah satu metode yang telah diperkenalkan adalah bagging (bootstrap aggregating). Metode tersebut terdiri dari metode clustering dasar dan metode clustering hierarki untuk mengkombinasikan partisi yang dihasilkan oleh metode clustering dasar. Triangular kernel nearest neighbor (TKNN) merupakan salah satu metode clustering berbasis densitas yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menghasilkan jumlah cluster secara otomatis. Penelitian ini menggunakan TKNN sebagai metode clustering dasar dalam metode bagging. Analisis komparatif menggunakan nilai F-Measures untuk empat metode single clustering (TKNN, ILGC, DBSCAN dan DENCLUE) dengan 9 dataset untuk menganalisa kinerja dari metode yang diusulkan. Berdasarkan hasil percobaan, menunjukkan beberapa hasil cluster yang lebih baik.