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INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik UNESA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/inajeee.v2n2.p23-28


Wall following is one of the methods used in navigating the movement of robot applications. Because the robot moves along the wall, the ultrasonic sensor is used as a barrier detector capable of measuring the distance between the robot and the wall. The six-legged robot is a hexapod robot has six pieces of legs and each leg has three joints that are used to move. The leg movement is based on the inverse kinematics to obtain the angle value of each joint. Nevertheless, a six-legged robot requires stability in order to move smoothly while following the wall. In this work, a robot was developed using a proportional derivative controller to implemented on wall follower navigation. The PID controller is determined using analytic tuning to produce the controller parameters that are used to make the robot move straighten and keep the position against the wall. Overall, the application of inverse kinematics and PID control on the wall following robot navigation can improve the stability of the robot with a set point value of 8-16 cm on the wall length of 1.5 within 92–96 % of average success rate.
Holonomic Implementation of Three Wheels Omnidirectional Mobile Robot using DC Motors Yunardi, Riky Tri; Arifianto, Deny; Bachtiar, Farhan; Intan Prananingrum, Jihan
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 2, No 2 (2021): March (Forthcoming Issue)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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In the Indonesian Wheeled Football Robot Contest (KRSBI) wheeled division, the robot that is made must be able to complete a predetermined task, one of which is the robot for chasing the ball and catching it. Holonomic is one of the methods used in navigating the omnidirectional movement of mobile robot applications. Because the movement is designed without changing the position of the robot in the direction of the facing, the omnidirectional wheels are used which has the ability to move freely in two directions. The mobile robot has three omnidirectional wheels and DC motors each used for movement. DC motors controlled by EMS 30A H-Bridge as a driver and Arduino Mega 2560 as the main microcontroller. Holonomic and inverse kinematic calculations are conducted to control the mobile robot movement of x, y, and ω toward angular velocity and direction of s1, s2, and s3 for each wheel. The length of the wheel axis to the middle of the body of robot is 160 mm. In this study, a robot was implemented on the robot movement for moving forward, backward, sideways, and diagonal direction. Based on the data evaluation, it is determined that an angular error of 2.84% exists in the movement of the omnidirectional robot at a velocity of 0.256 m/s to 1.403 m/s.
INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik UNESA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/inajeee.v2n2.p23-28


Wall following is one of the methods used in navigating the movement of robot applications. Because the robot moves along the wall, the ultrasonic sensor is used as a barrier detector capable of measuring the distance between the robot and the wall. The six-legged robot is a hexapod robot has six pieces of legs and each leg has three joints that are used to move. The leg movement is based on the inverse kinematics to obtain the angle value of each joint. Nevertheless, a six-legged robot requires stability in order to move smoothly while following the wall. In this work, a robot was developed using a proportional derivative controller to implemented on wall follower navigation. The PID controller is determined using analytic tuning to produce the controller parameters that are used to make the robot move straighten and keep the position against the wall. Overall, the application of inverse kinematics and PID control on the wall following robot navigation can improve the stability of the robot with a set point value of 8-16 cm on the wall length of 1.5 within 92–96 % of average success rate.
Object detection for KRSBI robot soccer using PeleeNet on omnidirectional camera Winarno Winarno; Ali Suryaperdana Agoes; Eva Inaiyah Agustin; Deny Arifianto
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 18, No 4: August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v18i4.15009


Kontes Robot Sepak Bola Indonesia (KRSBI) is an annual event for contestants to compete their design and robot engineering in the field of robot soccer. Each contestant tries to win the match by scoring a goal toward the opponent's goal. In order to score a goal, the robot needs to find the ball, locate the goal, then kick the ball toward goal. We employed an omnidirectional vision camera as a visual sensor for a robot to perceive the object’s information. We calibrated streaming images from the camera to remove the mirror distortion. Furthermore, we deployed PeleeNet as our deep learning model for object detection. We fine-tuned PeleeNet on our dataset generated from our image collection. Our experiment result showed PeleeNet had the potential for deep learning mobile platform in KRSBI as the object detection architecture. It had a perfect combination of memory efficiency, speed and accuracy.
PENGENALAN KONSENTRASI WARNA PELUMAS MENGGUNAKAN WEBCAM Winarno Winarno; Deny Arifianto; Sisca D N Nahdliyah; M Z Pratama; R A Nuswantari
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Terapan Vol 5 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Informasi Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jtit.v5i2.82


The number of fake lubricants in Indonesia has made many people nervous. In 2008, 50% to 60% of lubricants that already existed in Indonesia were fake, therefore carefulness was needed in choosing these lubricating products. The first step that can be done to identify fake lubricants is to recognize by its color. Therefore, this research aims to design a device that is able to recognize the color of lubricants using a webcam. The research sample is base oil with levels of red and blue, each of which is 0 ppm, 10 ppm, 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 150 ppm, and 200 ppm. This sample is characterized by the color composition used as a reference system, then tested to identify other samples. Characterization is done by placing a sample on a cuvette and inserting it into the sample room with adequate lighting. The web camera is used to take sample pictures, then the image is analyzed based on color composition. Based on the results of tests that have been conducted, it shows that this system is able to identify 100% lubricant samples correctly. These results indicate that it is very possible to develop an early detection method for lubricating oil based on the composition of the colors using a webcam.
Holonomic Implementation of Three Wheels Omnidirectional Mobile Robot using DC Motors Riky Tri Yunardi; Deny Arifianto; Farhan Bachtiar; Jihan Intan Prananingrum
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 2, No 2 (2021): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.2254


In the Indonesian Wheeled Football Robot Contest (KRSBI) wheeled division, the robot that is made must be able to complete a predetermined task, one of which is the robot for chasing the ball and catching it. Holonomic is one of the methods used in navigating the omnidirectional movement of mobile robot applications. Because the movement is designed without changing the position of the robot in the direction of the facing, the omnidirectional wheels are used which has the ability to move freely in two directions. The mobile robot has three omnidirectional wheels and DC motors each used for movement. DC motors controlled by EMS 30A H-Bridge as a driver and Arduino Mega 2560 as the main microcontroller. Holonomic and inverse kinematic calculations are conducted to control the mobile robot movement of x, y, and ω toward angular velocity and direction of s1, s2, and s3 for each wheel. The length of the wheel axis to the middle of the body of robot is 160 mm. In this study, a robot was implemented on the robot movement for moving forward, backward, sideways, and diagonal direction. Based on the data evaluation, it is determined that an angular error of 2.84% exists in the movement of the omnidirectional robot at a velocity of 0.256 m/s to 1.403 m/s.
INCREASING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 IN DUKUH KUPANG SURABAYA Winarno; Deny Arifianto; Myrna Adianti; Eva Inaiyah Agustin; Sisca Dina Nur Nahdliyah; Elsyea Adia Tunggadewi; Ali Suryaperdana Agoes
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL LAYANAN MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jlm.v6i1.2022.235-243


Novel Coronavirus 2019 (covid-19) is a generation of the coronavirus that humans have never identified. This virus was first reported to cause an outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Until now, covid-19 infection cases have been reported in many countries, such as Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Iran, Italy, Germany, and more than 90 countries worldwide. Until November 1, 2020, a total of 412.784 positive cases of covid-19 were recorded, with 341.942 recovered patients and 13.943 deaths in Indonesia. The purpose of this event is to anticipate the spread of Covid-19 by reminding the public to maintain health protocols and other alternatives in preserving health, also increasing body immunity through massage and traditional Indonesian herbal medicine. This event received a good response from the public. It was evidenced by the number of participants exceeding the predetermined quota and enthusiastic in following the speaker's material. The event was a success and was well received by the participants as well as the local government. After following this event, participants can practise the knowledge obtained from the presenters to maintain and protect their health and immunity from Covid-19. Keywords: Covid-19, Community service, body immunity DAFTAR PUSTAKA Amri, Sofan. Iif Khoiru Ahmadi. 2010. Proses Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Inovatif Dalam Kelas: Metode, Landasan Teoritis-Praktis dan Penerapannya. Jakarta: PT. Prestasi Pustakaraya. Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Surabaya. “Jumlah RT RW Kecamatan Dukuh Pakis Menurut Kelurahan Tahun 2017”. (diakses 15 Desember 2020). Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, Ren L, Zhao J, Hu Y, Zhang L, Fan G, Xu J, Gu X, Cheng Z. 2020. “Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China”. Lancet 2020: 395: 497-506. doi: Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. 2020. Pedoman Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Coronavirus Disease (covid-19). Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit (P2P). Komite Penanganan Covid-19 dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional. “Pasien Sembuh Harian Mencapai 4.141 Orang”. (diakses 15 Desember 2020). Kumar, M., & Dwivedi, S. 2020. “Impact of Coronavirus Imposed Lockdown on Indian Population and their Habits”. International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research Vol.5 Issue: 2: April-June 2020. ISSN: 2455-7587. Li, S., Wang, Y., Xue, J., Zhao, N., & Zhu, T. 2020. “The impact of covid-19 epidemic declaration on psychological consequences: A study on active weibo users”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6), 1–9. doi: Pemerintah Kota Surabaya, “Statistik”. (diakses 15 Desember 2020). Rizma Riyandi. “Data Kecamatan Surabaya: Dukuh Pakis, Penduduk dan Wilayah”. (diakses 15 Desember 2020). Zhu N, Zhang D, Wang W, Li X, Yang B, Song J, Zhao X, Huang B, Shi W, Lu R, Niu P. 2020. “A novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China, 2019”. New England Journal of Medicine 2020: 382: 727-733. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2001017
Inverse Kinematics and PID Controller Implementation of Hexapod Robot for Wall Follower Navigation Riky Tri Yunardi; Arief Muchadin; Kurnia Latifa Priyanti; Deny Arifianto
INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/inajeee.v2n2.p23-28


Wall following is one of the methods used in navigating the movement of robot applications. Because the robot moves along the wall, the ultrasonic sensor is used as a barrier detector capable of measuring the distance between the robot and the wall. The six-legged robot is a hexapod robot has six pieces of legs and each leg has three joints that are used to move. The leg movement is based on the inverse kinematics to obtain the angle value of each joint. Nevertheless, a six-legged robot requires stability in order to move smoothly while following the wall. In this work, a robot was developed using a proportional derivative controller to implemented on wall follower navigation. The PID controller is determined using analytic tuning to produce the controller parameters that are used to make the robot move straighten and keep the position against the wall. Overall, the application of inverse kinematics and PID control on the wall following robot navigation can improve the stability of the robot with a set point value of 8-16 cm on the wall length of 1.5 within 9296 % of average success rate.
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer Vol 7, No 4 (2021): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

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ABSTRACTRaw natural gas contains water vapor or hydrates that must be purified to meet sales gas specifications. The most commonly used water vapor purification process is the natural gas absorption dehydration process with TEG. The optimal natural gas dehydration process is indicated by the water removal value in accordance with gas sales standards, where the water removal value is influenced by the operating conditions and the raw natural gas feedstock. Therefore, this study predicts the water removal value of the natural gas dehydration process using MLP (Multi-Layer Percepton) neural network with NARX structure (Nonlinear AutoRegressive, eXternalinput) using Levenberg-Marquardt learning algorithm in order to obtain optimal operating conditions. The input parameters of the artificial neural network are operating conditions, raw natural gas components, and TEG content, while the output is the value of water removal and reboiler energy. The results showed that the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) on the training data was 0.0005 kgmole/h for water removal and 0.0010 kW for reboiler energy, proving that the ANN model used had a fairly good performance in capturing complex and nonlinear characteristics in the natural gas dehydration process.Keywords: Natural Gas, Dehydration, Artificial Neural Networks, Prediction, Water RemovalABSTRAKGas alam mentah mempunyai kandungan uap air atau hidrat yang harus dimurnikan agar memenuhi spesifikasi gas penjualan. Proses pemurnian kandungan uap air yang paling sering digunakan adalah proses dehydration gas alam absorpsi dengan TEG. Proses dehydration gas alam yang optimal ditunjukkan oleh nilai water removal yang sesuai dengan standart penjualan gas, dimana nilai water removal dipengaruhi oleh kondisi operasi dan bahan baku gas alam mentah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memprediksi nilai water removal proses dehydration gas alam menggunakan jaringan syaraf tiruan MLP (Multi Layer Percepton) struktur NARX (Nonlinear AutoRegressive, eXternalinput) dengan algoritma pembelajaran Levenberg-Marquardt agar mendapatkan kondisi operasi yang optimal. Parameter input jaringan syaraf tiruan adalah kondisi operasi, komponen gas alam mentah, dan kandungan TEG, sedangkan output adalah nilai water removal dan energi reboiler. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) pada data latih sebesar 0,0005 kgmol/jam untuk water removal dan 0,0010 kW untuk energi reboiler, membuktikan bahwa model JST yang digunakan memiliki kinerja yang cukup baik dalam menangkap karakteristik komplek dan nonlinear pada proses dehydration gas alam.Kata Kunci : Gas Alam, Dehydration, Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan, Prediksi, Water Removal
Design and Implementation of Solder Paste Dispenser Based on Linear Drive System Riky Tri Yunardi; Moh. Zakky Zulfiar; Rr. Wanda Auruma Putri; Deny Arifianto
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 3 No 2 (2019): October
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v3i2.2637


In the technology to create prototypes for electronic hardware is usually constructed using surface mount device printed circuit board (SMD PCB). In this paper introduces the design and implementation of low-cost electrical solder paste dispenser that supports the PCB solder process. The design consists of a nozzle and linear drive systems based on stepper motors operating with electric power to push the plunger down to drop the solder paste on the board. To test the performance of solder paste that has been designed verified by experiment. Solder paste dispenser design was tested using SMD resistor with the solder pads of different sizes for R0603, R0805, and R1206 on PCB. The results showed that the design of the prototype was able to put the pasta in various field pads between 0.54 mm2, 0.91 mm2 and 1.44 mm2 for standard solder pads with an error in the 2% - 5%. Based on the results, the device has been shown to potentially be used to attach electronic components to printed circuit boards.