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The Implementation of Hector SLAM on The Earthquake Victims Finder Robot ., Muliady; Sartika, Erwani Merry; M, Kevin Reynaldo
Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer Vol. 4 No. 16 Oktober - Desember 2015
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstrak Indonesia merupakan wilayah dimana gempa bumi banyak terjadi dan menelan banyak korban  jiwa. Korban jiwa disebabkan karena terjebak atau terhimpit reruntuhan atau struktur bangunan dan tidak segera ditemukan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan robot untuk menelusuri reruntuhan gempa dan juga memetakan kondisi medan yang terkena gempa, sehingga dapat memercepat proses pencarian korban yang terjebak di reruntuhan bangunan dan sekaligus tidak membahayakan keselamatan anggota tim SAR. Dalam penelitian ini, robot didesain menggunakan controller FitPC (Intel atom Z530), sensor Hokuyo URG04-LX 2D laser scanner, robot rescue all-terrain, OS Ubuntu 12.04, dan Robot Operating System (ROS) Fuerte. Untuk melakukan localization dan mapping digunakan metode Hector-slam. Proses pengolahan data dari sensor laser scanner akan dilakukan di Fit PC2i, sementara Arduino Uno digunakan sebagai antarmuka antara FitPC dengan motor driver. Berdasarkan parameter yang didapat dari sensor laser scanner, robot akan dapat bergerak secara autonomous tanpa menabrak rintangan dan secara bersamaan dapat melakukan pemetaan kondisi sekitar kemudian menampilkannya dalam bentuk dua dimensi. Dari hasil percobaan yang dilakukan diperoleh bahwa localization dan mapping secara autonomous telah berhasil diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan Hokuyo URG04-LX 2D laser scanner, FitPC2i, Arduino Uno dan Robot Rescue All-Terrain.  Keywords: ROS, FitPC2i, Hokuyo URG04-LX, Arduino Uno, Hector-SLAM  AbstractIndonesia is a region where many earthquakes take place inflicting heavy casualties. Getting buried in the debris, stuck in building ruins, and too late for rescue are causes for the increase of death toll. Robots are required to explore the earthquake ruins and chart the terrain affected by the earthquake so that the search for survivors can be speeded up at the same time maintain the rescue team members’ safety. In this study, the robot is designed by using FitPC controller (Intel atom Z530), sensor - LX URG04 Hokuyo 2D laser scanner, all- terrain rescue robot, OS Ubuntu 12:04, and ROS (Robot Operating System) Fuerte. The experiment’s result show that autonomous localization and mapping can be successfully implemented by using URG04 - LX Hokuyo 2D laser scanner, FitPC2i, Arduino Uno, and the All-Terrain Robot Rescue .Keywords: ROS , FitPC2i , Hokuyo URG04 - LX , Arduino Uno , Hector - SLAM
Simulasi Sistem Otomasi Load Shedding menggunakan Prediksi Beban SARTIKA, ERWANI MERRY; SARJONO, RUDI; RESTIANTO, REINALDO STEVEN
ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika Vol 7, No 1 (2019): ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v7i1.180


ABSTRAKSimulator penggunaan energi listrik sangat membantu dalam perencanaan pasokan listrik secara terus menerus atau perlu pemadaman bila terjadi gangguan. Agar kinerja pembangkit dapat kembali normal, bertahap, dan terencana akibat mengalami gangguan, maka digunakan metoda Load Shedding. Sistem otomasi dibutuhkan untuk merealisasikan metoda Load Shedding, dan melalui simulator dapat mengurangi resiko terhadap kerusakan bila langsung diimplementasikan. PLC digunakan untuk memprediksi beban saat load shedding, sedangkan SCADA digunakan untuk menampilkan prioritas dan status beban. Load shedding 1 adalah tindakan pelepasan beban bila pada salah satu genset mengalami gangguan, sedangkan Load shedding 2 bila pada kedua genset mengalami gangguan. Simulasi sistem load shedding 1 dan 2 berhasil dilakukan pelepasan beban secara otomatis. Setelah pelepasan beban, kapasitas beban yang ditanggung genset sesuai dengan prediksi dari PLC. Terdapat perbedaan hasil antara daya yang diprediksi secara perhitungan dan daya terukur, kemungkinan disebabkan beban masih belum steady saat data diambil.Kata kunci: Otomasi, Simulator, Sistem Load shedding, SCADA, PLC ABSTRACTSimulator of the use of electrical energy is very helpful in planning electricity supply continuously or needs to be suppressed if a disturbance occurs. In order for the generator performance to return to normal, gradual, and planned due to interference, the Load Shedding method is used. Automation systems are needed to realize the Load Shedding method, and through simulators can reduce the risk of damage if implemented immediately. PLC was used to predict load during load shedding, while SCADA was used to display priority and load status. Load shedding 1 was a load release action if one of the generator sets was disrupted, while Load shedding 2 if in both gensets were disrupted. Load system simulation of shedding 1 and 2 was successfully released by load automatically. After the load was released, the load capacity borne by the generator was in accordance with the predictions of the PLC., the load capacity borne by the generator was in accordance with the predictions of the PLC. There was a difference in results between the predicted power and measured power, possibly because the load was stillnot steady when the data was taken. Keywords: Automation, Simulator, Load Shedding System, SCADA, PLC
Sistem Pick and Place Dua Derajat Kebebasan menggunakan Metoda Regresi SARTIKA, ERWANI MERRY; SARJONO, RUDI; CHRISOPHRAS, HAZEL XARIS
ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika Vol 7, No 3 (2019): ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v7i3.521


ABSTRAKSistem pick and place merupakan suatu sistem mekanik yang digunakan untuk memanipulasi pergerakan mengangkat, memindahkan, dan meletakkan untuk meringankan kerja manusia. Dalam mempelajari cara kerja robot industri sederhana dibuat miniatur robot pick and place (sederhana). Perancangan yang dibuat yaitu sistem pick and place dengan dua derajat kebebasan dengan ukuran yang memiliki perbandingan 1:0.35 dari referensi ukuran desain robot. Aplikasi SolidWorks digunakan untuk mendesain robot Diamond. Metode Regresi digunakan untuk memprediksi posisi motor servo dalam mencapai posisi yang diinginkan. Metode regresi berhasil digunakan untuk mencari hubungan antara target posisi setpoint dengan posisi motor servo 1 dan 2 (persamaan orde 2 dan 3) untuk mengontrol motor servo. Performansi yang terbaik dari sistem pick and place yang dibuat menggunakan trayektori miring, dengan kecepatan 100 (11.1 rpm), menghasilkan error ± 0.0729 dan presisi 1.63%. Dalam penelitian ini, kecepatan end-effector yang lebih rendah menghasilkan keakurasian dan kepresisian yang lebih baik.Kata kunci: Pick and Place, Robot Diamond, Dua derajat kebebasan, Regresi ABSTRACTThe pick and place system are a mechanic system used in manipulating the movements of lifting, moving, and laying to ease human work. In learning how to work a simple industrial robot, a miniature pick and place robot is created. The design made is a pick and place system with two degrees of freedom with a size that has a ratio of 1: 0.35 from the reference size of the robot design. Regression method is used to predict the position of the servo motor in reaching the desired position. Regression method was successfully used to find the relationship between the target setpoint position and the position of servo motors 1 and 2 (order equations 2 and 3) to control the servo motor. The best performance from the pick and place system that is made using an aslope trajectory, with a speed of 100 (11.1 rpm), produces an error ± 0.0729 and precision 1.63%. In this research, lower end-effector speeds result in better accuracy and precision.Keywords: Pick and Place, Diamond Robot, 2-DOF, Regression
ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika Vol 8, No 2 (2020): ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v8i2.301


ABSTRAKKemiringan jalan menyebabkan pengendara sepeda motor lebih berhati-hati dalam mengendarai kendaraannya. Selain untuk keamanan, sudut elevasi jalan dapat mempengaruhi dalam pengendalian kendaraan sehingga dapat lebih menghemat energi. Pada paper ini sensor Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) digunakan untuk mengetahui kemiringan kendaraan sepeda motor (naik/turun dan condong kiri/kanan). Dalam perancangannya beberapa data akselerasi dari sensor accelerometer IMU diolah dengan regresi sehingga diperoleh persamaan regresi yang kemudian digunakan untuk memperbanyak data sehingga data tersebut dapat digunakan untuk prediksi model antara 3 input nilai akselerasi dan 2 output nilai kemiringan sudut kendaraan. Prediksi model berhasil dengan indentifikasi menggunakan metode Least Square. Dari data pengamatan diperoleh bahwa rata-rata kesalahan absolut untuk kemiringan naik/turun dan condong kiri/kanan antara 5 o s/d 7 o, namun belum berhasil untuk sudut yang besar (70 o s/d 90 o).Kata kunci: IMU, accelerometer, sudut elevasi, Arduino, Least Square ABSTRACTThe slope of the road leads to awareness of motorcyclists ini riding their motorcycle addition to safety, the elevation angle of the road can affect vehicle control so that it can save more energy. In this paper the IMU sensor is used to determine the slope of a motorcycle (up / down and leaning left / right). In the design of some acceleration data from the IMU accelerometer sensor is processed so that the regression equation is obtained. The regression equation is used to generate the data to predict the model 3 input acceleration value and 2 output slope value of the vehicle. Model prediction was successful by identification using the Least Square method. Obtained from observational data that the average absolute error for the slope up / down and leaning left / right between 5 o to 7 o, but has not been successful for wide angles (70 o to 90 o).Keywords: IMU, accelerometer, elevation angle, Arduino, Least Square
Haur Galur Youth Organization Training in Understanding of Basic and Supporting Components of IoT Technology Sartika, Erwani Merry; Setiadikarunia, Daniel; Darmawan, Aan; Gany, Audyati; BR. Pasaribu, Novie Theresia; Nugroho, Vincensius
REKA ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2020): REKA ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaelkomika.v1i1.1-9


Internet of Things (IoT) is a conceptual technology that aims to complement the benefits of internet connectivity that connected continuously. IoT is a paradigm that states that each object can be used as a device that can identify, sense, as long as it is connected to the telecommunications network and provides communication with other equipment that connected to the internet. PAR (Participatory Action Research) is a method that involves interested parties in assessing the actions being carried out to make changes for the better. Youth Organization is a place for the development of the young generation that grows from awareness and responsibility, and officially is supported by the government to develop the potential that exists in the area. Electrical Engineering Study Program of Universitas Kristen Maranatha supports Karang Taruna Haur Galur Sukagalih Village, Bandung City, by providing knowledge, competencies, and skills, especially in the Internet of Things technology. Through this training obtained the results that indicate an increase of 30%, specifically about the knowledge of the nature of capacitors, and knowledge of WiFi. While for some knowledge questions such as LDR, pull-up, and some symbols, a quite good correct answer percentage of around 40% (from all participants) was obtained. The motivation of participants to progress and develop is seen from 100% of participants felt training needed to be continued again.
Counseling on making learning videos with mobile phones to Indonesian educators Ratnadewi, Ratnadewi; Sartika, Erwani Merry; Wahono, Sri; Amadeus, Clarence
Community Empowerment Vol 6 No 7 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (551.848 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/ce.4935


Education sector in Indonesia was shocked by the total change from the previously offline-based education system to online, due to the state of the Covid-19 pandemic. No country wants to experience this pandemic, but the rapid spread has changed all sectors of life, especially the education in Indonesia. Educators are required to continue to carry out online learning activities, but not all educators can create learning video content. Moving on from this problem, an online quick education was made to make learning videos using mobile phones, which was organized by Maranatha Christian University in collaboration with Guru Mengajar untuk Nusantara and STKIP PGRI Trenggalek. The material given was flyer design techniques, photo taking techniques, and making videos with Kinemaster. The postermywall and kinemaster applications used can be downloaded on the playstore on android. The activity was open to teachers and lecturers for free and guided for one month. Participants who registered were 1059 people from various district in Indonesia and were guided by 39 instructors. At the end of the activity, 510 participants (48.16%) passed with the criteria of being able to make learning videos until they were uploaded to YouTube.
Prediction of PID control model on PLC Erwani Merry Sartika; T. Rudi Sarjono; Diki Dwi Saputra
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 17, No 1: February 2019
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v17i1.11589


PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) is a control algorithm that mostly used in industry. However, users have never known what the PID model that used inside the PLC. By knowing the PID model that used in PLC, users will have more choice in determining the more appropriate tuning algorithm. Also, users can use MATLAB to perform analysis and can implement it to PLC. Through OPC Server (Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control Server) as a software interface, programs on a windows operating system can communicate with industry devices universally. PID model prediction method is done by comparing the output of the plant controlled by PID model in PLC and PID model in SIMULINK MATLAB using OPC Server intermediaries. Based on comparison result in graph and analysis using integral error method, PLC M221 using Parallel PID model and PLC S7-1200 using Ideal PID model.
Perancangan Alat Bantu untuk Mendeteksi Antrian pada Fasilitas Produksi Menggunakan Arduino Uno Rainisa Maini Heryanto; Erwani Merry Sartika; Winda Halim; Santoso Santoso; Rudy Wawolumaja; Yeremia Timotius
Journal Industrial Servicess Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Maret 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/62015


Dalam industri manufaktur, lini produksi dikatakan baik jika memiliki keseimbangan beban kerja yang relatif sama antar stasiun kerja. Antrian Work in Process (bottleneck) dalam lini produksi secara tidak langsung memberikan banyak akibat seperti target produksi yang tidak tercapai sehingga tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen dan akhirnya antrian akan menimbulkan biaya. Selain itu antrian juga akan mempengaruhi mental operator sehingga operator harus bekerja dengan cepat dan hal tersebut akan berpengaruh pada kualitas akhir dari produk. Penelitian ini merancang suatu alat yang dapat mendeteksi antrian pada suatu fasilitas produksi sehingga penyebabnya dapat ditangani dengan cepat. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan alat pendeteksi antrian ini adalah metode brainstorming untuk pengumpulan ide yang disesuaikan dengan permasalahan yang terjadi dalam perakitan. Dengan pertimbangan kebutuhan dalam era industri saat ini maka alat pendeteksi antrian yang dirancang menggunakan sistem kontrol antrian yang terdiri dari Arduino Uno sebagai mikrokontroler, limit switch sebagai sensor untuk antrian, buzzer sebagai sumber bunyi, dan lampu LED sebagai sumber cahaya. Kondisi antrian disimulasikan dengan menggunakan 3 buah switch yang dipasang pada alat pendeteksi antrian. Pada kondisi dimana terjadi antrian, maka buzzer akan berbunyi dan lampu LED akan menyala sehingga pengawas dapat dengan cepat mendeteksi fasilitas produksi yang terdapat antrian. Alat pendeteksi ini diujicobakan di laboratorium pada lintasan produksi perakitan sederhana yang membuat produk berupa bundling CD yang terdiri dari 2 buah CD yang digabungkan menjadi 1 dan sudah dapat mendeteksi antrian yang terjadi pada lintasan produksi tersebut.
Sistem Pick and Place Dua Derajat Kebebasan menggunakan Metoda Regresi ERWANI MERRY SARTIKA; RUDI SARJONO; HAZEL XARIS CHRISOPHRAS
ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika Vol 7, No 3 (2019): ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v7i3.521


ABSTRAKSistem pick and place merupakan suatu sistem mekanik yang digunakan untuk memanipulasi pergerakan mengangkat, memindahkan, dan meletakkan untuk meringankan kerja manusia. Dalam mempelajari cara kerja robot industri sederhana dibuat miniatur robot pick and place (sederhana). Perancangan yang dibuat yaitu sistem pick and place dengan dua derajat kebebasan dengan ukuran yang memiliki perbandingan 1:0.35 dari referensi ukuran desain robot. Aplikasi SolidWorks digunakan untuk mendesain robot Diamond. Metode Regresi digunakan untuk memprediksi posisi motor servo dalam mencapai posisi yang diinginkan. Metode regresi berhasil digunakan untuk mencari hubungan antara target posisi setpoint dengan posisi motor servo 1 dan 2 (persamaan orde 2 dan 3) untuk mengontrol motor servo. Performansi yang terbaik dari sistem pick and place yang dibuat menggunakan trayektori miring, dengan kecepatan 100 (11.1 rpm), menghasilkan error ± 0.0729 dan presisi 1.63%. Dalam penelitian ini, kecepatan end-effector yang lebih rendah menghasilkan keakurasian dan kepresisian yang lebih baik.Kata kunci: Pick and Place, Robot Diamond, Dua derajat kebebasan, Regresi ABSTRACTThe pick and place system are a mechanic system used in manipulating the movements of lifting, moving, and laying to ease human work. In learning how to work a simple industrial robot, a miniature pick and place robot is created. The design made is a pick and place system with two degrees of freedom with a size that has a ratio of 1: 0.35 from the reference size of the robot design. Regression method is used to predict the position of the servo motor in reaching the desired position. Regression method was successfully used to find the relationship between the target setpoint position and the position of servo motors 1 and 2 (order equations 2 and 3) to control the servo motor. The best performance from the pick and place system that is made using an aslope trajectory, with a speed of 100 (11.1 rpm), produces an error ± 0.0729 and precision 1.63%. In this research, lower end-effector speeds result in better accuracy and precision.Keywords: Pick and Place, Diamond Robot, 2-DOF, Regression
Simulasi Sistem Otomasi Load Shedding menggunakan Prediksi Beban ERWANI MERRY SARTIKA; RUDI SARJONO; REINALDO STEVEN RESTIANTO
ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika Vol 7, No 1 (2019): ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v7i1.180


ABSTRAKSimulator penggunaan energi listrik sangat membantu dalam perencanaan pasokan listrik secara terus menerus atau perlu pemadaman bila terjadi gangguan. Agar kinerja pembangkit dapat kembali normal, bertahap, dan terencana akibat mengalami gangguan, maka digunakan metoda Load Shedding. Sistem otomasi dibutuhkan untuk merealisasikan metoda Load Shedding, dan melalui simulator dapat mengurangi resiko terhadap kerusakan bila langsung diimplementasikan. PLC digunakan untuk memprediksi beban saat load shedding, sedangkan SCADA digunakan untuk menampilkan prioritas dan status beban. Load shedding 1 adalah tindakan pelepasan beban bila pada salah satu genset mengalami gangguan, sedangkan Load shedding 2 bila pada kedua genset mengalami gangguan. Simulasi sistem load shedding 1 dan 2 berhasil dilakukan pelepasan beban secara otomatis. Setelah pelepasan beban, kapasitas beban yang ditanggung genset sesuai dengan prediksi dari PLC. Terdapat perbedaan hasil antara daya yang diprediksi secara perhitungan dan daya terukur, kemungkinan disebabkan beban masih belum steady saat data diambil.Kata kunci: Otomasi, Simulator, Sistem Load shedding, SCADA, PLC ABSTRACTSimulator of the use of electrical energy is very helpful in planning electricity supply continuously or needs to be suppressed if a disturbance occurs. In order for the generator performance to return to normal, gradual, and planned due to interference, the Load Shedding method is used. Automation systems are needed to realize the Load Shedding method, and through simulators can reduce the risk of damage if implemented immediately. PLC was used to predict load during load shedding, while SCADA was used to display priority and load status. Load shedding 1 was a load release action if one of the generator sets was disrupted, while Load shedding 2 if in both gensets were disrupted. Load system simulation of shedding 1 and 2 was successfully released by load automatically. After the load was released, the load capacity borne by the generator was in accordance with the predictions of the PLC., the load capacity borne by the generator was in accordance with the predictions of the PLC. There was a difference in results between the predicted power and measured power, possibly because the load was stillnot steady when the data was taken. Keywords: Automation, Simulator, Load Shedding System, SCADA, PLC