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Mobile sensing in Aedes aegypti larva detection with biological feature extraction Dia Bitari Mei Yuana; Wahjoe Tjatur Sesulihatien; Achmad Basuki; Tri Harsono; Akhmad Alimudin; Etik Ainun Rohmah
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol 9, No 4: August 2020
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (656.868 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eei.v9i4.1993


According to WHO, Dengue fever is the most critical and most rapidly mosquito-borne disease in the world over 50 years. Currently, the presence and detection of Aedes aegypti larvae (dengue-mosquitoes vector’s) are only quantified by human perception. In large-scale data, we need to automate the process of larvae detection and classification as much as possible. This paper introduces the new method to automate Aedes larvae. We use Culex larva for comparison. This method consists of data acquisition of recorded motion video, spatial movement patterns, and image statistical classification. The results show a significant difference between the biological movements of Aedes aegypti and Culex under the same environmental conditions. In 50 videos consisting of 25 Aedes larvae videos and 25 Culex larvae videos, the accuracy was 84%.
Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa Elektronik Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): JIRE April 2020
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/jire.v3i1.210


Ada banyak kasus penipuan dalam pemalsuan beras dengan mencampur beras berkualitas baik dengan beras berkualitas rendah untuk kenaikan harga. Untuk melindungi masyarakat dari pemalsuan, kami melakukan penelitian untuk mendeteksi kualitas beras yang nantinya dapat membantu masyarakat untuk dapat membedakan kualitas baik dan buruk. Penelitian ini menyajikan sistem pemrosesan citra beras berbiaya rendah untuk menilai kualitas beras. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas beras seperti fragmen biji-bijian, warna yang tidak seragam, bau dan faktor lainnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan prosentase butiran beras pecah dan keseragaman warna untuk menentukan kualitas beras. Kami mengusulkan fitur tekstur dengan segmentasi Otsu untuk menentukan jumlah butiran pecah dan distribusi warna untuk menentukan seragam warna. Hasil klasifikasi menggunakan validasi K Folddengan k=10 pada data asli menunjukkan hasil K-Nearest Neigbour memiliki akurasi 99,87%.
Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa Elektronik Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): JIRE April 2020
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/jire.v3i1.217


Simulasi kebakaran digunakan untuk memberikan edukasi tentang apa yang harus dilakukan saat berhadapan dengan api atau digunakan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dalam bencana kebakaran. Dengan majunya teknologi kita tidak lagi harus mempersiapkan segala keperluan yang berbahaya dalam membangun simulasi kebakaran yang ada. Melainkan dengan teknologi VR atau 3D kita mampu memberikan visual serta suasana seakan berada dalam kebakaran yang sedang terjadi. Namun untuk membangun VR serta 3D yang mampu memberikan ilusi yang sangat kuat diperlukan rangsangan yang kuat pula. Api merupakan salah satu media yang mampu memberikan rangsangan tersebut. Namun masalah yang dihadapi ialah api yang sperti apa yang mampu memberikan rangsangan emosi yang kuat. Dalam penelitian ini kita akan mencari tahu model visual api seperti apa yang mampu memberikan rangsangan emosi yang kuat. Dengan membangun simulasi kebakaran yang berdasar pada hasil dari kuisioner self assessment manikin yang berfokus pada tema kebakaran, player akan menilai kembali dengan menggunakan sistem yang sama. self assessment manikin merupakan sistem penilaian emosi dari gambar yang ditampilkan. Simulasi yang dibangun mampu membangun rasa takut user, pada kriteria kurang menakutkan. Dapat dikatakan simulasi serta dataset gambar yang bertemakan api memiliki potensi sebagai salah satu cara meningkatkan rangsangan emosi manusia.Namun potensi yang dimiliki dataset maupun simulasi yang dibangun masih membutuhkan beberapa parameter tambahan yang mampu menyesuaikan perbedaan pengalaman pada saat berhadapan dengan api.
Segmentasi Pertumbuhan Padi berbasis Aerial Image menggunakan Fitur Warna dan Tekstur untuk Estimasi Produksi Hasil Panen Muhammad Jainal Arifin; Achmad Basuki; Bima Sena Bayu Dewantara
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 8, No 1: Februari 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.0813438


Pertumbuhan padi di daerah yang luas seringkali tidak ideal. Ini dapat disebabkan oleh faktor alam, jenis varietas padi, dan model perawatan yang digunakan. Ini juga akan mempengaruhi hasil panen. Luasnya lahan membuat petani sulit untuk memantau bagian yang tidak terjangkau. Seringkali pemantauan perkembangan padi dilakukan di tepi sawah tetapi tidak mencapai area tengah. Studi ini mengusulkan sistem pemantauan untuk pengembangan padi yang dapat menjangkau secara lebih luas dan memperkirakan hasil padi di setiap area lahan pertanian. Sistem ini menggunakan gambar udara untuk menjangkau area yang lebih luas dan kemudian memperkirakan produksi pertanian. Estimasi produksi dilakukan dengan mengelompokkan gambar kawasan pertanian menggunakan metode K-Means. Pengelompokan ini menggunakan parameter warna HSV dan tekstur Gabor sebagai fitur dari setiap bagian gambar. Hasilnya adalah segmen area padi berdasarkan pertumbuhannya. Jumlah segmen yang sesuai dengan usia Padi nyata akan menentukan nilai estimasi hasil. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tiga segmen pengembangan padi, dan memperkirakan produksi adalah 1.787 ton dengan perkiraan panen maksimum 1.924 ton dari data nyata 1,80 ton. Dan dengan skala kesalahan persentase rata-rata absolut 0,72% dan perbedaan 0,013 ton. AbstractPaddy growth in large areas is often not ideal. This can be caused by natural factors, types of rice varieties, and the treatment model used. This will also affect crop yields. The extent of land makes it difficult for farmers to monitor the unreachable part. Often monitoring of rice developments is done on the edge of the field but does not reach the middle area. This study proposes a monitoring system for rice development that can reach more broadly and estimate the yield of rice in every area of agriculture land. This system uses aerial images to reach a wider area and then estimates of agricultural production. Estimation of production is done by clustering images of agricultural areas using the K-Means method. This clustering uses HSV color parameters and Gabor textures as features of each part of the image. The result is a segment of the paddy area based on its growth. The number of segments corresponding to the age of the real Paddy will determine the estimated value of the yield. The research shows that three segments of rice development, and estimates the production is 1,787 tons with a maximum estimated harvest of 1,924 tons from the real data of 1, 80 tons. And with a mean absolute percentage error scale of 0.72% and a difference of 0.013 tons.
THE IMPLEMENTATION OF HEART RATE SENSOR AND MOTION SENSORS BASED ON INTERNET OF THINGS FOR ATLETE PERFORMANCE MONITORING Sritrusta Sukaridhoto; Muhammad Aksa Hidayat; Achmad Basuki; Riyadh Arridha; Andi Roy; Titing Magfirah; Agus Prasetyo; Udin Harun Al Rasyid
Jurnal Ilmiah Kursor Vol 10 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28961/kursor.v10i1.208


Indonesian achievements in the ASEAN Games continued to decline in achievement starting in 1962 with the acquisition of 51 medals and up to 2014 with the acquisition of 20 medals. The decline in achievement was due to the lack of athletic resources due to the absence of media that could record athletes' abilities in the field. Can record the athlete's performance before running, running and after running using the Heart Rate sensor and Motion Capture sensor. The results of the sensor recording will be stored in the database. This system applies the Internet of Things (IoT) concept, using raspberry pi, Arduino microcontroller, T34 polar heart rate sensor to capture and send heartbeat to receivers, gyro-based motion-capture sensors that named wear notch where this sensor serves to capture the movement of athletes, sensors communicate with the system using 4G connectivity, use MQTT as edge computing which acts as a communication medium from sensors to databases, Maria DB and influx DB as accumulation which plays a role in storing heart rate and athlete's movements that have been recorded by sensors, athlete performance monitoring platform with a heart rate sensor and athlete's motion capture is a web-based application that collaborates all processes from the sensor to the system. Sensor heart rate recording results are categorized good because the error margin is only 0.4%. Wearnotch sensor data can be stored in the database, and athletic data can be recorded before sports, while sports, and after sports in real-time
Mobile Application to Identify Indonesian Flowers on Android Platform Tita Karlita; Achmad Basuki; Lakmi Makarti
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 1 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v1i1.10


Although many people love flowers, they do not know their name. Especially, many people do not recognize local flowers. To find the flower image, we can use search engine such as Google, but it does not give much help to find the name of local flower. Sometimes, Google cannotshow the correct name of local flowers. This study proposes an application to identify Indonesian flowers that runs on the Android platform for easy use anywhere. Flower recognition is based on the color features using the Hue-Index, shape feature using Centroid Contour Distance (CCD), and the similarity measurement using Entropy calculations. The outputs of this application are information about inputted flower image including Latinname, local name, description, distribution and ecology. Based on tests performed on 44 types of flowers with 181 images in the database, the best similarity percentage is 97.72%. With this application, people will be expected to know more about Indonesia flowers.Keywords: Indonesian flowers, android, hue-index, CCD, entropy
Designing and Building of 3D Adventure Game “Tetuko: Childhood of Ghatotkacha” Using Kinect Achmad Basuki; Jabbar Nendra Putra
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 2 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (9028.441 KB) | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v2i1.14


Nowadays, the young people are not interested in the local culture as a “wayang” puppet. This condition threatens the extinction of some of the local culture that should be a mainstay of the industry entering an era of creative industries. On the other hand, theyare more interested in playing computer games as changing of people's lifestyles. It becomes our basic idea to produce a game as a creative product. The genre of this game is fighting-adventure. This game depictures a story of fighting between the baby Tetuko and giant Kala Pracona. The game uses Kinect and 3D platform technology to attract more players to feel their adventures. With Kinect technology, the player can control the character with his gesture. Thus, this game will increase the awareness of young people about the culture of Wayang.Keywords : 3D game, kinect,adventure, local culture, creative industry.
A Prediction System of Dengue Fever Using Monte Carlo Method Mochammad Choirur Roziqin; Achmad Basuki; Tri Harsono
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 4 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (246.598 KB) | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v4i1.111


Dengue fever is an acute disease that clinically can cause death because there is no prediction system to estimate dengue fever cases so it resulted in the growing of dengue fever cases every year. Original data gathering in Jember area that uses technique of partial data gathering has caused data missing. To make this secondary data can be processed in prediction stage there is need to conduct missing imputation by using Monte Carlo method with four different randomization method, followed by data normality test with chi-square, then continued to regression stage. We use MSE (Mean Square Error) to measure prediction error. The smallest MSE result of regression is the best regression model for prediction.
An Augmented Reality Application for the Community Learning about the Risk of Earthquake in a Multi-storey Building Area Muhammad Unggul Pamenang; Achmad Basuki; Riyanto Sigit
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 5 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (748.678 KB) | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v5i2.142


The earthquake comes with great risks, especially in urban areas where many multi-storey buildings exist. These risks have not been understood well yet by the people of the urban area. Socialization, simulation, and learning media need to be provided continuously to improve people awareness on the importance of knowledge about the earthquake risks. An interesting learning media is not only contain informations but also a 3D animation and an interaction with the user. For a more immersive interaction, this application is equipped with augmented reality technology that gives more real visual representation like the actual condition. The evaluation result shows that 82% respondent appreciates this application, at first common users do not know the risk of earthquakes on multi-storey building, with this application users can understand the importance of earthquake risk in buildings.
Moment Invariant Features Extraction for Hand Gesture Recognition of Sign Language based on SIBI Angga Rahagiyanto; Achmad Basuki; Riyanto Sigit
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 5 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4951.447 KB) | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v5i1.173


Myo Armband became an immersive technology to help deaf people for communication each other. The problem on Myo sensor is unstable clock rate. It causes the different length data for the same period even on the same gesture. This research proposes Moment Invariant Method to extract the feature of sensor data from Myo. This method reduces the amount of data and makes the same length of data. This research is user-dependent, according to the characteristics of Myo Armband. The testing process was performed by using alphabet A to Z on SIBI, Indonesian Sign Language, with static and dynamic finger movements. There are 26 class of alphabets and 10 variants in each class. We use min-max normalization for guarantying the range of data. We use K-Nearest Neighbor method to classify dataset. Performance analysis with leave-one-out-validation method produced an accuracy of 82.31%. It requires a more advanced method of classification to improve the performance on the detection results.