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Collaboration of Academic Advisor with Counseling Laboratories and its effect on the Students’ Learning Readiness Dina Hajja Ristianti; Beni Azwar; Irwan Fathurrochman; Nurjannah Nurjannah
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 14, No 1 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.686 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v14i1.1193


The academic advisor and college counselling laboratories have an essential role in giving services to students. One of the assumptions is that these services can impact student learning readiness. This study aims to see how the relationship between Academic Advisors and the counselling labour impairs students' preparedness for learning. This research is quantitative research with a sample size of 297 people from seventeen studies programs for the 2019/2020 school year, where the sample is taken at random (random sampling). Instrument to measure the synergy and readiness to learn using a closed questionnaire Likert scale model. The data validation and data reliability are carried out through statistical analysis apps in the 21st version. The results showed that the correlation coefficient obtained between the variables of Academic Advisory and counselling laboratories and the variable of student learning readiness was 0.851, which was included in the fairly high or strong category. So it can be concluded that there is a synergy between Academic Advisors and counselling laboratories in providing services to students and also impacts student learning readiness.
Organizational behavior management through group counseling discussions as a radicalism preventive effort Dina Hajja Ristianti; Guntur Putrajaya; Irwan Fathurrochman
Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan Vol 8, No 1 (2020): JKP
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Therapy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (708.784 KB) | DOI: 10.29210/139900


Lembaga dakwah kampus (LDK) or Da’wah organization in campus as a student organization that concentrates on the Islamic teaching. This research uses a descriptive approach. In general, this study describes the behavior of radicalism and organizational behavior management among students of LDK members in IAIN Curup and the effect of group counseling activities on radicalism and organizational behavior management. To measure radicalism in this study is to use a closed questionnaire, the questionnaire was arranged based on the lattice that has been made based on theory by determining variables, sub variables and indicators of research. The researcher wanted to see the management of organizational behavior through the Group Counseling Disscussions as a radicalism preventive effort at Da’wah organization in IAIN Curup. Moreover, the findings show that, among the Da’wah organization’s members, radicalism it indicates that the behavior of radicalism in the category is quite radical. Group dynamics that occur in group counseling discussions are also good as seen from the enthusiasm and cohesiveness of students in discussions. The radicalism behavior and organizational behavior management before being given group counseling discussion activities are not the same as radicalism behavior and organizational behavior management after group counseling discussions.
Eksistensi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Pembentukan Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Peserta Didik Eva Eva; Ngadri Yosro; Dina Hajja Ristianti; Kusen Kusen; Irwan Fathurrochman
JOEAI:Journal of Education and Instruction Vol 3 No 2 (2020): JOEAI (Journal of Education and Instruction)
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/joeai.v3i2.1382


This research aims to explore the existence of Islamic religious education teachers in the formation of environmentally caring characters of students at Public Elementary School 03 Merigi Kepahiang. This research is qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques use interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The validity of the data uses the triangulation of sources, techniques, and time. The results showed that the existence of Islamic religious education teachers in shaping the character of environmental care is carried out against students by preparing religious coaching activities that include formulating the theme of religious coaching kegiatam, formulating the purpose of religious coaching activities, adjusting religious coaching activities carried out to the needs of students. the implementation of religious coaching activities in the form of habituation of caring for the environment, instilling good habits in students, improving religious coaching activities, improving discipline and cooperation between parents and teachers through activities to improve the morale of students, this is where the existence of Islamic religious education teachers becomes very urgent in the formation of environmentally caring characters towards students. In conclusion, Islamic Religious Education teachers have an urgent role in their existence to form the character of students who care about the environment through good cooperation with parents. Keywords: Existence of Islamic Religious Education Teacher; Student Character, Caring Environment
Sikap Siswa Terhadap Guru dan Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya Resi Yanti; Hameng Kubuwono; Dina Hajja Ristianti
JOEAI:Journal of Education and Instruction Vol 3 No 2 (2020): JOEAI (Journal of Education and Instruction)
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/joeai.v3i2.1460


This study aims to find out the attitude of students towards teachers and the factors that influence them in SMPN 4 Bermani Ilir. This research is a field research with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used in this research include observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study include data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of the study obtained information that students should maintain the boundaries between themselves and their teachers, by maintaining a polite attitude, manners, not testing the ability of teachers, and so on. As a student must realize that the teacher is a figure that must be respected and obeyed if it does not deviate from the teachings of islam. With this, teachers also hope that students can follow their attitudes so that students can develop care by listening, politeness, obedience and honor. Factors that influence students' attitude towards their teachers in school are internal factors and external factors. In conclusion, students' attitude towards teachers should maintain the boundaries between students and teachers, maintain attitudes and exemplify teachers by maintaining politeness, compliance and respect for teachers. Keywords: Influencing Factors, Student Attitudes, Attitudes Towards Teachers
ANALISIS SISTEM PENDIDIKAN NEGARA FEDERASI RUSIA DALAM MENINGKATKAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA Irwan Fathurrochman; Sudarwan Danim; Syaiful Anwar AB; Nina Kurniah; Connie Connie; Wachidi Wachidi; Dina Hajja Ristianti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study described the education system of the Russian Federation and its implementation in the education system in Indonesia. The results of the study show that there are many differences in the education system. The structure of the basic education curriculum in the Russian Federation has more hours per week than in Indonesia, but in one year the study time in Russia is shorter than in Indonesia. The assessment system for learning outcomes in Russia and Indonesia has something in common, namely that it functions as a basis of information to determine the competencies that have been obtained by students, not as a measure for classifying students into groups. Indonesia has better education management, which is able to manage all educational resources by several people in one education system to achieve educational goals both macro and micro. The State of the Russian Federation views that the management of education is an important matter in the management of educational institutions. The Indonesian state manages issues in education management in general into four main focuses of education management, namely the quality of education, expansion and equity of quality education services, relevance, effectiveness and efficiency.
Online Counseling as a Service in College: A Generation Z Perspective Dina Hajja Ristianti
JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan
Publisher : Graduate Program Magister Manajemen Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/jmksp.v7i2.11882


Online counseling is a service provided to students for the academic success of students in college. This research is a type of survey research where the research object is the young generation aged 15-25 years. The number of research subjects was 561 people consisting of students and university students. The data collection technique uses questionnaires to obtain data on the needs of Generation Z for online counseling. Scores are graded in percentages and grouped by “important” categories. The results showed that Generation Z’s need for online counseling was “urgently needed”. The findings of this study show that 93.7% of Generation Z (538 respondents) want online counseling as a support system for their learning success in college as much. They are comfortable doing online counseling through WhatUp social media as many as 69.9% (401 respondents) and Video Call media as much as 18.5% (106 respondents). The problem they wanted to address when doing online counseling was the most learning problems with 33.6% (193 respondents). Generation Z feels offline counseling is more convenient 65.9% (378 respondents) compared to online counseling 34.1% (196 respondents). Thus, universities can consider the needs of Generation Z for online counseling services.
NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Vol 10, No 5 (2023): NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jips.v10i5.2023.2604-2610


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pengalaman multikultural siswa di sekolah berbasis agama dan hubungannya dengan pengembangan kecerdasan kultural mereka. Globalisasi dan meningkatnya keragaman budaya di masyarakat saat ini menuntut pendidikan untuk mempersiapkan siswa agar menjadi individu yang mampu berinteraksi secara efektif dalam llingkungan multikultural. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus yang melibatkan siswa-siswa dari latar belakang budaya yang berbeda di sebuah sekolah menengah di Sekolah Berbasis Agama. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipatif, dan analisis dokumen. Data yang terkumpul akan dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan analisis tematik untuk mengidentifikasi tema dan pola yang muncul dari pengalaman multikultural siswa. Selain itu, pengembangan kecerdasan kultural siswa juga akan dinilai melalui instrumen penilaian yang relevan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengungkap pengalaman multikultural siswa, termasuk interaksi sosial dengan teman sekelas dari berbagai budaya, pengalaman dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang memperkenalkan tradisi budaya, serta pengalaman dalam acara sekolah yang menekankan perbedaan budaya. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini juga akan mengevaluasi pengaruh pengalaman multikultural tersebut terhadap pengembangan kecerdasan kultural siswa, termasuk pemahaman tentang budaya orang lain, penghargaan terhadap perbedaan budaya, dan kemampuan beradaptasi dalam konteks multikultural.