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The Effect of Promotion on the Decision to Choose a Higher Education through the Brand Image of Education Umin Kango; Ari Kartiko; Muhammad Anas Maarif
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 13, No 3 (2021): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (670.265 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v13i3.852


Increasingly fierce competition from universities in getting new students requires universities to carry out marketing activities well, one of which is through promotion and formation of a good college image to influence the decisions of prospective new students in choosing a university. This research uses quantitative research, which consists of promotion variable (X1) as an exogenous variable, education image (Y1) as intervening variable, and decision to choose university (Y2) as an exogenous variable. This study uses primary data. It is obtained directly from respondents through questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability tests for each question item or statement that will be submitted to respondents. Data analysis technique to test the relationship between variables using structural equation modelling (SEM) using AMOS25. The sample of this study was 148 students of the Tarbiyah in an Institute. This study indicates that sales have a significant effect on choosing a college, and the image of education significantly affects college decisions. At the same time, the primary outcome variable can mediate the promotional education image variable on the decision to choose a college.
Peran Sistem Informasi Manajemen dalam Pengambilan Keputusan di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Darussalam Pacet Mojokerto Akhmad Sirojuddin; Khus Amirullah; Muhammad Husnur Rofiq; Ari Kartiko
ZAHRA: Research and Tought Elementary School of Islam Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): ZAHRA: Research And Tought Elmentary School Of Islam Journal
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37812/zahra.v3i1.395


This article aims to describe: 1) explain the management of the Management Information System, 2) explain the decision making based on data in the Management information system. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data was obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. All collected data were then analyzed using data in a few stages from reducing data, presenting data, to drawing evaluation conclusions. Research informants were the Headmaster of MI Darussalam, the School operator, and Teachers. The results showed that. The Role of Management Information System in Decision Making in MI Darussalam: (1) The components in the Management Information System has been fulfilled, (2) management of management information systems centered on two people, (3) The flow of MIS management in MI Darussalam is the process of data input, data processing, and data storage, (4) The head of the Madrasah puts forward the principle of deliberation to make decisions. (5) The Management Information System is used as a database for making decisions and making program activities. (6) There is a Decisive Support System (DSS) that is used, but it is still constrained.
Metode Bercerita Dengan Teknik Role Playing untuk Menumbuhkan Akhlak Mulia Ari Kartiko; Edy Kurniwan
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Interdisciplinary of Islamic Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (349.871 KB) | DOI: 10.31538/nzh.v1i2.52


Education plays an important role in achieving the ideals of the Indonesian people in accordance with the formulation of the 1945 Constitution which clearly states that the purpose of education is to promote public welfare and educate the life of the nation, essentially the realization of these noble individuals of course it will balance the nation's intelligence in prospering the country. Based on this, education must be able to foster noble character so that later can produce generations that are intelligent and useful for the nation. The problem lies in how to cultivate noble character in students. School institutions by means of teacher teaching are central to instilling students' noble character. Therefore this study aims to find out how storytelling and role-playing activities can foster noble character. This study uses qualitative research with the type of research library. Research libraries are research techniques using book sources to develop science. Clear information and sources have been arranged systematically. Storytelling with role-playing techniques is something that students really like. This will be learning that can stimulate student activity. Inserting values into a story will be useful in developing a noble character. Noble character is a sincere and conscious act that arises from within a person. By telling stories, students will get knowledge about good grades and role-playing will provide opportunities for students to apply the knowledge gained. So that it will become good habits and emerge noble character in students.
Implementation of the Wahdah Method in Improving Students' Ability to Memorize the Qur'an Nofika Ria Nur Farida; Muhammad Anas Ma`arif; Ari Kartiko
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 3 (2021): Islamic Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (511.245 KB) | DOI: 10.31538/nzh.v4i3.1084


This article aims to analyze and explain: Planning, implementing, and evaluating the wahdah method in improving the ability to memorize the Qur'an in junior high school students based on the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School. This article uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. Data was collected by using field observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data presentation, and data verification. From the analysis of research data, the results of this article are as follows: (1) the planning of the wahdah method in the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School-Based Junior High School is the division of groups or class divisions according to their abilities. (2) implementation of the wahdah method helps make it easier for students to memorize by reading verses of the Qur'an with tartil repeatedly, memorizing verse by verse and tarqiq. (3) The evaluation is that if students memorize one juz, they will be tested with an ustadz/ustadzah other than their class supervisor. The next research recommendation is about the strategy of implementing the wahdah method with a comparison of taqrir, murojaah will result in better memorizing the Qur'an.
ASWAJA Ke-NUan-BASED ISLAMIC MODERATE EDUCATION AS A RADICALISM STRATEGY Ari Kartiko; Muhammad Mujtaba Mitra Zuana; Akhmad Sirojuddin; Muhammad Huusnur Rofiq; Muhammad Anas Maarif
al-Afkar, Journal For Islamic Studies Vol. 3, No.2, July 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (691.559 KB) | DOI: 10.31943/afkar_journal.v3i2.98


This study aims to rationalize the Aswaja-based Islamic education strategy to counter radicalism. This research method uses literature by analyzing published, unpublished books, journals and research that are in line with the theme of moderate Islamic education through NU-an Aswaja. The results of this study are that NU implements an educational education commanded by LP Maarif NU and principled on al muhafadhotu ala al qodimi as sholih wal akhdu bil jadidi al aslah to aim at forming humans who are rahmatan lin naturalin. In learning the values that are strengthened and internalized are tawazun (balanced), tawassuh (moderate), i`tidal (fair and heartless) and tasammuh (tolerance).
Pengaruh Sarana dan Prasarana Terhadap Mutu Pendidikan di Madrasah Bertaraf Internasional Nurul Ummah Pacet Mojokerto Tri Adi Muslimin; Ari Kartiko
Munaddhomah: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Islamic Education Management
Publisher : Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Pascasarjana Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/munaddhomah.v1i2.30


Sarana merupakan segala perlengkapan atau peralatan yang digunakan secara langsung dalam proses pembelajaran. Prasarana merupakan segala perlengkapan atau peralatan yang tidak digunakan secara langsung dalam proses pembelajaran. Mutu pendidikan sesuatu yang dapat memenuhi atau bahkan melebihi harapan pelanggan pendidikan. Hal inilah yang terjadi di MBI Nurul Ummah Pacet Mojokerto yang mana sarana dan prasarana yang ada masih kurang memadai tapi dapat menghasilkan mutu pendidikannya sangat tinggi. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah, 1) Bagaimana pengaruh sarana dan prasarana terhadap mutu pendidikan? 2) Manakah yang berpengaruh dominan dari sarana dan prasarana terhadap mutu pendidikan? Sedangkan tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh sarana dan prasarana terhadap mutu pendidikan dan dari sarana dan juga mengetahui mana yang lebih berpengaruh domina dari sarana dan prasaran terhadap mutu pendidikan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakn adalah kuantitatif, serta instrumennya menggunakan kuisioner. Kemudian untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya adalah dengan Uji-t. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah, 1) Bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara sarana, prasarana terhadap mutu pendidikan, 2) Besarnya pengaruh sarana dan prasarana terhaap mutu pendidikan 36,4%. Sedangkan pengaruh prasarana terhadap mutu pendidikan 17,0%. Maka diketahui bahwa variabel sarana yang paling dominan mempengaruhi mutu pendidikan, 3) Hasil uji koefisien determinasi (R2) diketahui nilai R Square sebesar 0,147, hal ini mengandung arti bahwa pengaruh variabel X1 dan X2 secara simultan terhadap variabel Y adalah sebesar 14,7%.
Gaya Kepemimpinan Prof. Dr. Kh. Asep Saifuddin Chalim dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Kerja Karyawan di Pesantren Heriyono Heriyono; Rudolf Chrysoekamto; Rezki Nurma Fitriah; Ari Kartiko
Munaddhomah: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Islamic Education Management
Publisher : Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Pascasarjana Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/munaddhomah.v2i1.64


The Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School is an educational institution for Islamic boarding schools located at the foot of Mount Welirang, and has several institutions, including superior MTS, superior MA, and Superior Universities. The formulation of the research problem is how the leadership style is applied by Kiai and what forms of motivation are applied to employees at the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School. With this type of field research (field research) qualitative, with research subjects are Kiai, employees and partners, data collection by observation, interview and documentation techniques. The data analysis used according to Miles Huberman consists of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing, using data validity techniques, triangulation of data sources and triangulation of data collection, so that the resulting data is accurate. From the results of this study, Kiai Pondok Pesantren Amantul Ummah does not only apply one leadership style but also applies a different leadership style. The leadership style applied is dominant with authoritarian leadership, although on the other hand he also applies charismatic leadership. This is reinforced by the leadership function implemented by the Kiai Pondok Pesantren Amanatul Ummah. And the forms of motivation given by Kiai are establishing good personal relationships with employees and work partners, paying attention to employee welfare, giving rewards to employees who excel, gathering and evaluating together with employees.
The Influence Of Principal's Leadership Style And Organizational Culture On Teacher Performance At MA Unggulan Hikmatul Amanah Enita Rosmika; Yuli Dwi Prastika; Ari Kartiko
Fikroh: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam Vol. 15 No. 2 (2022): Fikroh: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Azhar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37812/fikroh.v15i2.464


Leadership is an important factor in leading an organization because the leader determines the progress of the organization. This study aims to determine the effect of the principal's leadership style and organizational culture on teacher performance at the Hikmatul Amanah Supreme Court. This study uses quantitative research, the respondents are 40 teachers of Wisdom Amanah, the research instrument uses a Likert scale, the data collection technique uses a questionnaire while the data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression. The results show that: 1. Leadership style has no significant effect on performance. teacher at the Hikmatul Amanah Supreme Court with a t-count value of 0.828 and a significance value of 0.413.2. Organizational culture has a significant effect on teacher performance with a t-count value of 7.216 and a significance value of 0.000. 3. Simultaneously leadership style and organizational culture have a significant effect on teacher performance with a calculated F value of 28.796 and a significance value of F of 0.000, while the R-squared coefficient value is 0.609, which means that teacher performance at the Hikmatul Amanah Supreme Court is influenced by leadership style and culture. organization by 60.9% while around 39.1% is influenced by other variables outside. This study has limitations on the relatively small number of respondents, so that in the future the population can be added again.
Implementation of Heart Management In Human Resources Management Barham Siregar; Alwi F ahruzi Nasution; Angga Arjunes; Ahmad Karim; Ari Kartiko
At-Tarbiyat Vol 4 No 3 (2021): Islamic Education In Indonesia
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam An-Nawawi Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37758/jat.v2i3.335


Humans are the brightest creatures created by God Almighty above all other creations. Therefore there needs to be a way to make it easier to manage human resources. In managing human resources, good abilities are needed in understanding these human resources. As the formulation of the problem in this study aims to determine how the application of heart management (manajemen kalbu) and the benefits felt by the students and congregations who apply it, which is then analyzed and described the application of heart management and its benefits in their daily lives. To find out the answer to the formulation of the problem, the researcher took the object of research to the students and congregation of the Sahlul Manal Islamic Boarding School. After collecting data through the process of interviewing, observing, and then documenting, the information obtained was analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques to describe the facts that were found related to this research. From the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the implementation of heart management at the Sahlul Manal Islamic Boarding School is to fill the heart with dhikr remembering Allah with the hope that the heart is always in a clean state. The benefits felt by the students and congregation are that they get a peaceful life, are more patient and sincere, and are afraid to commit immorality to God.
Improving Multiliteracy Ability in the Integration of Islamic and Science Learning Tukiyo Tukiyo; Purwo Haryono; Syamsul Arifin; Ari Kartiko; Fahlulia Rahma Shofiana
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 14, No 4 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v14i4.2433


Multiliteracy ability is an important ability to be mastered in the Society 5.0 era where the challenges faced by humans are increasingly complex, especially in the world of education and relation to religious life. This ability can be formed and enhanced through meaningful learning activities, one of which is the integrated learning of religion and science that is planned, organized, and evaluated on an ongoing basis as implemented by the Supreme Court Darul Ulum Rejoso Jombang. Because the integration of religion and science is still rarely carried out, several questions arise, namely how to implement integrative learning of religion and science in improving students' multiliteracy skills and what factors influence it. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with the type of case study research. Data were collected utilizing observation, interviews, and documentation which were analyzed descriptively. The results of this study are: 1) Integrative learning of religion and science at MA Unggulan Darul Ulum is implemented in 3 stages, namely, planning (compilation, and maturation of the syllabus and lesson plans), implementation (discussion, lectures, and demonstrations), and evaluation (daily exams). , PTS, PAS, and TA) and is also accompanied by supporting activities to improve reading, writing, conveying ideas based on religious and scientific critical thinking, and using various technological tools. 2) influencing factors, namely teachers, students, educational policies, facilities infrastructure.
Co-Authors Abd. Hadi Rohmani Abdul Qodir Djaelani Abdussyukur Abdussyukur Achmad Agus Priyono Achmad Naufal Irsyadi Adi Wijayanto Ahmad Karim Ainun Nisai Anuha Ainur Rofiq Akhmad Karim Akhmad Sirojuddin Ali Mukti Tanjung Alwi F ahruzi Nasution Angga Arjunes Anita Kusumaningrum Anita Kusumaningrum Arsyawina Arsyawina Arsyawina Barham Siregar Bobby Indra Prayoga Boby Indra Prayoga Budi Siregar Daulay, Dicky Edwar Defi Dachlian Nurdiana Defi Dachlian Nurudiana Desi Rahmadani Dewi Masitah Dewi Masitah Dian Saputra Edy Kurniwan Ella Mayasari Enita Rosmika Fahlulia Rahma Shofiana Ferdinand Salomo Leuwol Firman Miftakhul Muqorrobin Freddrick Tiagita Putra Freddrick Tiagita Putra Baeha Waruwu Guntur Arie Wibowo Hayati Hayati Heriyono Heriyono Ika Dewi Kumalasari Imriani Idrus Imriani Idrus Imron Fauzi Ismail Antu Ismail Nasar jaya Roza Azzukhrufi Jolanda Dessye Parinussa Jumiati Jumiati Khus Amirullah Lia Nur Atiqoh Bela Dina Lisda Van Gobel Mar'atul Azizah Merlyn Rutumalessy Muhammad Anas Ma`arif Muhammad Arifin Muhammad Arifin Muhammad Husnur Rofiq Muhammad Huusnur Rofiq Muhammad Mujtaba Mitra Zuana Nafiul Huda Nahroji Nahroji Nanda Saputra Nanda Saputra Nanda Saputra Nasehatus Solehah Ninik Indawati Nofika Ria Nur Farida Nugroho Susanto Nunti Sibuea Nur Asni Gani Nurul Kusuma Dewi Purwo Haryono Rezki Nurma Fitriah Rosanna Wulandari Rudolf Chrysoekamto Saraswati, Ety Silviana Nur Faizah Siti Kori’ah Siti Nurida Sri Rahayu Sutrisno Sutrisno Suyitno Suyitno Suyitno Suyitno Suyitno Suyitno Syamsul Arifin Tri Adi Muslimin Tri Mulyono Budi Hartanto Tukiyo Tukiyo Umin Kango Vierna Nurihza Salsabila Yaredi Waruwu Yudiyanto Tri Kurniawan Yuli Dwi Prastika Zahrotul Azkiyah Zamawi, Baharudin Zamawi Zaqiatul Fuad