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The Study of The Students’ Ability to Use Punctuation in Writing Skill Fitrah Yuliawati; Ika Nuriyanti
Wacana Didaktika Vol 5 No 02 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (508.409 KB) | DOI: 10.31102/wacanadidaktika.5.02.118-132


Writing is one of the skills in English that should be mastered by students. Writing is means of communication whereby writing transmit idea to the reader. There are many steps in teaching writing skill. One of the steps is the teaching of punctuation. Punctuation is an element that has an important role in writing. Punctuation refers to sign on marks used to clarify the writings’ idea and the readers can understand easily the meaning of the sentences. This research used qualitative research, because this research describes about the students’ ability to use punctuation in writing. The research was conducted at Madura Islamic University. The result of this research found about to what extent students use the punctuation marks. Firstly, external punctuation. Secondly, internal punctuation. thirdly, pairs punctuation. Fourthly, special punctuation.
Teaching English Writing Skill for: Academic Writing and Free/Creative Writing For Student Fitrah Yuliawati; Ika Nuriyanti
Wacana Didaktika Vol 7 No 01 (2019): Juni 2019
Publisher : Universitas Islam Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31102/wacanadidaktika.7.01.99-107


English is the more powerfull language around the world it can be seen around the world many people knowing and using English well. There are so many languages likes Indonesian, Spanish, Chiness, France, etc. But English always using as communication between other people around this world. Using English it means knowing better how to speak, read, listen and write about it. The difficult one of express about English is that how to writing down English language. Like another language in this word, English has it owns rule and grammar to write. And writing English can be divided into two kinds such as academical writing and free writing. From these kind of writing, the difference between both of them is also clear when practicing English writing, because writing is never a one-step action; it is an ongoing creative act. When you first write something, you have already been thinking about whta to say and how to say it. Then after you have finished writing, you read over what you have written and make changes and corrections. You write and revise and write and revise again until you are satisfied that your writing express exactly what you want to say.
BUDIMAS : JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2, No 2 (2020): BUDIMAS : Vol. 2, No. 2, 2020
Publisher : LPPM ITB AAS Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29040/budimas.v2i2.1303


Desa Mulyoagung Dukuh Jetis tepatnya berada di Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang yang memiliki kondisi geografis, di sebelah utara berbatasan dengan Sungai Berantas dan Desa Tegal Gondo, di sebelah timur dengan Kota Malang dan Desa Landungsari, di sebelah selatan berbatasan dengan Desa Landungsari dan Sungai Metro, dan di sebelah barat berbatasan dengan Desa Sumber Sekar dan Kota Batu. Desa Mulyoagung berpenduduk 11.904 jiwa. 6.132 pria dan 5.772 wanita. Di desa ini terdapat 5 dusun yang terdiri dari 3.671 kepala keluarga yaitu Dusun Sengkaling, Jetak Lor (Utara), Jetak Ngasri, Dermo dan Jetis. Desaini berjarak ± 200 meter dari Kecamatan, ± 300 meter dari Puskesmas, dan ± 6 Km dari RS. Usaha mikro yang berkembang di desa ini adalah membuat roti Maryam sederhana, namun pengetahuan mereka tentang membuat roti Maryam sederhana yang sehat dan higienis kurang dipahami oleh warga sekitar. Tujuan program kemitraan kepada masyarakat adalah sebagai upaya untuk mengatasi beberapa permasalahan yang terjadi dengan mitra kerja: 1. Permasalahan iptek adalah belum adanya mesin pengaduk roti Maryam. 2. Masalah kebersihan roti Maryam. 3. Masalah kemasan roti Maryam yang tidak menarik. 4. Masalah dalam pengelolaan keuangan produksi roti Maryam. Metode program kemitraan untuk masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian berupa pendekatan atau metode wawancara dengan mitra kerja. Hasil dari program kemitraan masyarakat ini: 1. Memproduksi alat pengaduk adonan roti Maryam untuk meningkatkan hasil produksi. 2. Membuat stempel / stiker kemasan roti maryam agar lebih menarik. 3. Mendatangkan narasumber untuk pendampingan kebersihan roti Maryam. 4. Mendatangkan nara sumber untuk membantu tata kelola keuangan. Hasil luaran pengabdian masyarakat dapat dipublikasikan di jurnal pengabdian masyarakat e-ISSN. Dimana mitra ini mampu menyerap tenaga kerja 6 sampai 9 orang. IRT "Nur Hidayah" menjabat sebagai mitra PKM. Kata kunci: Roti Maryam, Pembukuan Keuangan, Higienis
PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) Vol 4, No 6 (2021): VOLUME 4 NUMBER 6, NOVEMBER 2021
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/project.v4i6.p998-1008


Several problems of Vocabulary are found in the first science class in SMAN 2 Pamekasan. The students` felt bored to study and difficult to memorize vocabulary are general problem. To solve the problems an action research was conducted by the researcher and the teacher by using clipping as news reader to develop students` vocabulary. Therefore, the problem of this research is about how the clipping implementation as news reader can develop students’ vocabulary. And the aim was to develop students’ vocabulary in English. Based on the result of test in In the preliminary study there was 21% only who passed, in cycle 1 students get achievement 42% (10 students) who passed the minimum score (KKM, 75), it was increased to the second cycle 92 % (22 Students) who passed the target score (KKM, 75) and there 2 students only who were still failed. So the researcher and teacher decided that the implementation of making clipping as news reader technique can develop students’ vocabulary of first science class in SMAN 2 Pamekasan. Keywords:  Making Clipping, News Reader, Vocabulary, Science Class
Mengajar Bahasa Inggris Untuk Siswa Keterbelakangan di SMPLB PGRI Pamekasan Fitrah Yuliawati; Ika Nuriyanti; Jaftiyatur Rohaniyah
ELT in Focus Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): ELT in Focus

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The research was aimed at delineating the practice of teaching English for Down Syndrome students in a special secondary school of in Pamekasan, East Java. In this qualitative research, the data were gathered from observation, interview and documentation. An EFL teacher teaching English to students with Down Syndrome participated in this research. The result showed that the teacher taught English through several stages including opening, materials presentation, evaluation and assessment, and closing. It was also revealed that using demonstration method and visual media can increase the students’ attention in learning English. It seemed that pictures are more preferred by the students in learning English, and thus it is recommended that teachers use more visual objects and realia in teaching English for Down Syndrome students as alternative way to improve the teaching quality.
Student’s Grammar Mastery of Simple Present Tense by Using Egra (Exposure, Generalization, Reinforcement, And Application) Method Fitrah Yuliawati; Ika Nuriyanti
FIKROTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Manajemen Islam Vol. 9 No. 02 (2020): 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32806/jf.v12i02.4166


Nowadays English send to be the crucial language in the world. The existence of English subject should be focus on the grammar. Because grammar stated as the complicated thing in English. This study focused on simple present tense, teaching English subject especially in simple present tense generally make students felt bored because they did not feel confidence and felt difficult in understanding the material. Here, EGRA method to be alternative of the problem in which the EGRA method can make make students more enthusiastically in learning and confident in simple present tense. EGRA is an acronym of four major learning styles for student’s confidence and confidence, namely Exposure, Generalization, Reinforcement, and Application. Many researcher found that teaching by using EGRA method give well understanding for students in learning a new language. It can be shown that students become more creative, active and communicative in the class. The success of learning also depend on the method used by the teacher. Here the EGRA method used to fulfill the needed of student.
Kopi Jahe Merah Khas Sumenep Madura di Desa Mulyoagung Jetis Kabupaten Malang Ika Nuriyanti; Ita Suhermin Ingsih; Ratna Nikin Hardati
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 6 No 2 (2021): November
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jpm.v6i2.5440


Home industry in Mulyoagung Village, Dukuh Jetis, Dau District, Malang Regency is engaged in micro business, namely The Making of Red Ginger Coffee. IRT "Yuli" has several problems, including: Red Ginger coffee production equipment is still simple, equipment has not been touched by science and technology, production results are not optimal, coffee sales income is not optimal, there is still a lack of understanding of hygienic and quality ginger coffee. There is a good seal and plastic to package the product, and there is also no proper economic analysis (marketing management) that is able to support the sale of ginger coffee products. Through this PKM, existing problems will be resolved by: Designing and making a ginger coffee grinder. Making a stamp tool for the ginger coffee brand. Providing training on bookkeeping and financial administration through POAC (Planning Organizing Actuating Controlling) concept. Providing training and mentoring to partners for hygienic ginger coffee making. The output targets are: 1) Manifesting a ginger coffee grinder tool so as to produce hygienic and clean ginger coffee; 2) Manifest the ginger coffee stamp as a packaging attraction for sales; 3) Providing training on management arrangements; and 4) Providing training for hygienic ginger coffee making.
Peningkatan Industri Rumah Tangga Krupuk Tangguk Berbahan Dasar Ketela Pohon Di Kelurahan Gladak Anyar Pamekasan Ika Nuriyanti; Umi Kalsum; Junaidi; Ita Suhermin Ingsih
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jpm.v7i1.5800


Pamekasan area is famous for its crackers called krupuk tangguk. The industrial center area in Gladak Anyar Village is able to absorb 30 to 60 workers. IRT “SINAB” which is used as an activity partner, has several problems, including: low attention to the type of raw material so that the taste of the product is not standard; the drying area uses a base made of woven coconut leaves so that the product is not hygienic; the frying process still uses firewood, frying oil is used until it turns black and there has been no attempt to purify the oil causing low product quality, there has been no effort to product packaging and labeling, financial management is unwell documented, and product brands have not been registered with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights. These problems will be resolved by providing training on the importance of selecting raw materials, training on cooking oil purification, training in making financial journals, registering trademarks and providing equipment assistance such as stoves replaced with LPG and LPG gas stoves, drying places for crackers from woven leaves. coconut replaced tools made of stainless steel, packaging and labeling devices. The output targets of this program are tangguk crackers with better quality and performance, registered trademarks, and produce a good financial management system.
Raise Children into Responsible Muslim Adults Fitrah Yuliawati; Ika Nuriyanti
VICRATINA Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Vicratina : Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan

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English is a foreign language for Indonesian students in Indonesia. It is given from junior high school to university. But now days English is also given in elementary school. The different material also used because of the different character of students. The aim of English program at elementary students is to enable them to comprehend oral and written expression. Teaching English for children is depending on the media that support the material. The used of media is the important thing to improve the ability of students. One of media that used is pictures, because in pictures children will find it easy to remember about the name of something. Children focus on some concrete things so that teacher should give the correct media that interest students to learn more about English. English as a subject dedicated to very young learners should be presented as interestingly as possible. The teachers’ creativity in creating attractive materials is very important to attract the learners’ attention.
PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) Vol 5, No 5 (2022): VOLUME 5 NUMBER 5, SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/project.v5i5.p1047-1060


Writing skill is one of four language skill in English. Writing include the grammar.  According to this fact this study aims to find out analysis error on students’ grammar through tree diagram. The Method used in this research that suit with the analysis is qualitative design. The data was collected by observation, interview and document. From the most error, the researcher classified the students’ grammatical errors, they are simple past tense, there are some past verbal sentence, Nominal sentence, Possessive Pronoun, Gerund, and modal. From 30 students who became the sample, there were some students made errors in simple past tense with the percentage 83,3%. And precentage 13,85 in gerund. And in possossive pronoun  27,7%. and in nominal sentence is precentage 22,2% . Here can be conclude that tree diagram is recommended to analyze students’ grammar. Keywords:  Syntax, Analysis Error, Grammar, Tree Diagram