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Posisi Fauna Situs Patiayam Dalam Biostratigrafi Jawa Siswanto Siswanto; Sofwan Noerwidi
Berkala Arkeologi Sangkhakala Vol 19 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1294.216 KB) | DOI: 10.24832/sba.v19i2.31


AbstractPatiayam is a Pleistocene site which rich of paleontological remains. Based on the result, we know the diversity of Patiayam fauna that lived on the site. Unfortunately, most of the fossils found by local people are surface find. Thus, it is difficult to trace the age of these fossils. This article attempts to answer these problems by conducting contextual studies of faunal fossil in Patiayam to determine its relative age based on the contextual position of their rock formations, and to put their position in the history of presence and extinction of fauna (biostratigraphy) in Pleistocene time. The result suggests that Patiayam fauna is located between Cisaat group to Kedungbrubus group. It records the history of environmental change and faunal inhabitant from 1.2 to 0.8 million years ago. This perspective is useful to enrich our understanding of the quarternary prehistory of Java, especially in the isolated site as Patiayam.AbstrakSitus Patiayam merupakan situs Plestosen yang kaya akan data paleontologis. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat diketahui keragaman jenis fauna yang pernah menghuni situs tersebut. Sayangnya kebanyakan dari temuan tersebut merupakan temuan permukaan oleh penduduk, sehingga sult untuk mengetahui pertanggalan dari fosil-fosil tersebut. Tulisan ini berusaha menjawab permasalahan tersebut dengan melakukan studi kontekstual terhadap temuan fosil fauna di situs Patiayam guna mengetahui usia relatifnya berdasarkan konteks formasi batuan, serta kemudian menempatkan posisinya dalam sejarah kehadiran dan kepunahan fauna-fauna (biostratigrafi) Plestosen di Jawa. Hasilnya dapat diketahui bahwa fauna Patiayam termasuk dalam kelompok fauna Cisaat hingga fauna Kedungbrubus, yang merekam sejarah perubahan lingkungan, serta penghunian fauna dalam rentang waktu sekurang-kurangnya1.2 hingga 0.8 juta tahun yang lalu. Pandangan ini berguna untuk melengkapi dan menambah pemahaman kita mengenai prasejarah kuarter di Pulau Jawa, khususnya pada situs yang terisolir seperti Patiayam.
Naditira Widya Vol 4 No 2 (2010): Oktober 2010
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Kalimantan Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/nw.v4i2.30


Abstrak. Pada daerah percabangan Sungai Mahakam dan Sungai Kedang Rantau terdapat situs Muara Kamanyang diyakini sebagai lokasi yang menjadi tonggak awal sejarah Nusantara, dan lokasi asli dari Kerajaan KutaiMulawarman, yaitu kerajaan Hindu pertama yang berdiri pada abad ke-5 Masehi. Tulisan ini membahas perspektifkawasan situs Muara Kaman dalam kerangka sejarah Nusantara dan Asia Tenggara. Hasil kajian ini mengindikasikanadanya kesamaan tinggalan arkeologis dengan beberapa situs dari periode proto-sejarah di Asia Tenggara yangmemiliki kronologi dari awal abad Masehi. Bukti-bukti arkeologis mengarahkan adanya jaringan perdaganganyang erat antara wilayah Kalimantan bagian timur dengan beberapa kota pelabuhan dagang kuna di KepulauanAsia Tenggara yang melibatkan orang berbahasa Austronesia.
AMERTA Vol. 32 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/amt.v32i1.374


Abstrak. Pada saat masyarakat penutur bahasa Austronesia datang di Kepulauan Indonesia, kawasanini bukanlah suatu daerah kosong tidak berpenghuni. Beberapa pulau di Kepulauan Indonesia telahdihuni oleh populasi lain. Akibat adanya kontak antar-komunitas tersebut mengakibatkan prosesadaptasi, inovasi, dan interaksi budaya yang khas sebagaimana tercermin pada perkembanganteknologi alat kerang, teknologi pelayaran dan domestikasi hewan yang dikuasai masyarakat penuturbahasa Austronesia. Tahapan proses migrasi masyarakat penutur bahasa Austronesia di KepulauanIndonesia dapat dirangkum sebagai berikut: terjadi intrusi budaya baru di Kepulauan Indonesia yangdibawa oleh Austronesia. Akibat dari peristiwa tersebut, terjadi perkembangan budaya Neolitik diKepulauan Indonesia, disebabkan oleh adaptasi, evolusi dan interaksi antara masyarakat pendatangAustronesia dengan komunitas Non-Austronesia yang telah menghuni kawasan ini sejak masasebelumnya. Interaksi antar-budaya yang intensif menyebabkan integrasi budaya Austronesia danNon-Austronesia di Kepulauan Indonesia. Abstract. Austronesian Migration and Its Implication on Cultural Development in IndonesianArchipelago. When Austronesian language speakers came to Indonesian Archipelago, this regionis not an empty place but had already inhabited by other population. The unique processes ofadaptation, innovation, and culture interaction of Austronesian people in this new region arereflected on the development of shell tool technology, navigation technology, plant cultivation andanimal domestication. In summary, the stages of Austronesian migration in Indonesian Archipelagoare as follows: Intrusion of a new culture that was brought to the Indonesian Archipelago by theAustronesian people, which caused innovation of Neolithic culture in Indonesian Archipelago due tocultural adaptation, evolution, and interaction between the Austronesian speakers (the newcomers)with the indigenous Non-Austronesian communities. Intensive inter-cultural interactions havecreated a cultural integration between the Austronesians and Non-Austronesians in the IndonesianArchipelago.
Younger Toba Tephra 74 Kya: Impact On Regional Climate, Terrestial Ecosystem, And Prehistoric Human Population Sofwan Noerwidi
AMERTA Vol. 30 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/amt.v30i1.396


One of the largest volcanic activity which predicted was caused terrible volcanic winterin Quaternary period is the Toba eruption in 74 ka, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia. According to the Toba catastrophe theory by some scholars, it had a global consequence of killing most humans who alive and creating of a population bottleneck that affected the genetic inheritance of all living humans today. This paper will discuss about Toba eruption and also its impact for vegetal, animal, and human environmental change based on previous research.
Awai Kolonisasi Austronesia di Tenggara Pulau Jawa: Perspektif Situs Kendenglembu Sofwan Noerwidi; Priyatno Hadi Sulistyarto
AMERTA Vol. 29 No. 1 (2011)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/amt.v29i1.405


Early Colonization of the Austonesia the Southeast Part of Java: The Perspective of Kedenglembu Site. Until recently, the most widely accepted explanation for the case of Austronesian migration and colonization is Bellwood-Blust model, which are collaboration between archaeological data and historical linguistics. Based on linguistic evidence, Robert Blust(1985) proposed hypothesis about sub-group of Javanese language which comes from a community in the southern part of Borneo, around the estua,y of Barito River. Based on those linguistic analysis results can be seen that the fonnation process of proto-language of Javanese, Balinese, Sasak and West Sumbawa occurred about 2 5 00 BP Th is papenvi/1 discuss some data from recent research at the Kendenglembu Site, Banyuwangi and its implications for hypothesis of the initial Austronesian colonization in the southeastern part of Java. Archaeological data from Kendenglembu Site indicating the Austronesian colonization of Java Island derived from the West Sulawesi. Meanwhile, AMS dating analysis results from Kendenglembu Site produce more young chronology, compared with linguistic dating by glotocronology method.
Video Digital Untuk Arkeologi Sofwan Noerwidi
Berkala Arkeologi Vol 26 No 2 (2006)
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2113.051 KB) | DOI: 10.30883/jba.v26i2.931


Research documents in the form of audio-visual as a form of research documentation have not received much serious attention until now. Even though these sources are very potential materials for publishing archaeology to the wider community. This paper will specifically discuss audio-visual documents and their output in the form of digital video documentaries of archaeology. At the Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta, this form of publication is a product whose output is routinely attempted at the end of each research as well as at other important events relating to archaeological resources.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat pada Pelestarian Situs Bangkai Kapal "USS Liberty", Tulamben, Bali Sofwan Noerwidi
Berkala Arkeologi Vol 27 No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1330.381 KB) | DOI: 10.30883/jba.v27i1.944


Indonesia as the largest maritime country in the world, is estimated to have 3000 sites containing underwater archaeological resources. But unfortunately, this great potential has not been managed (research and its preservation) optimally. Various conflicts of interest in the management of underwater archaeological resources have led to new thinking in the vision of conservation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an alternative approach that can better accommodate the various interests of the local community. One model of approach that is oriented to local communities is the community empowerment model. Empowerment of local communities around archaeological sites can be realized in three aspects of empowerment, namely: empowerment in the fields of a) socio-culture, b) politics, and c) economy.
Melacak Jejak Awal Indianisasi Di Pantai Utara Jawa Tengah Sofwan Noerwidi
Berkala Arkeologi Vol 27 No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4177.051 KB) | DOI: 10.30883/jba.v27i2.952


From a geographic point of view, the Archipelago lies at a strategic crossroads between continents and oceans. Under these conditions, the development of culture in these islands has always been influenced by the major cultures around it, namely India and China. One problem of cultural history that is still a mystery is the process of the entry of Indian Culture in Central Java, namely the entrance and route of Indianization to the interior of southern Central Java. One of the areas on the north coast of Central Java which is quite strategic from a geographical point of view is Batang Regency. Based on its potential, it can be estimated that Batang Regency has a strategic role in the process of entering and developing the influence of Indian Culture on the Island of Java.