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Video Profil Pondok Modern Az-Zahra Al Gontory Sebagai Media Promosi di Platform Sosial Media Facebook Menggunakan Facebook Ads Retno Waluyo; Argiyan Dwi Pritama; Lutfi Nugroho
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI Vol 6, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Respati Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52643/jti.v6i2.1098


Pesantren menjadi bagian dari sistem pendidikan nasional yang menjadi mitra institusi pemerintah secara bersama-sama meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan landasan karakter bangsa. Pondok Pesantren Az-Zahra Al Gontory mendidik kader-kader ummat yang dibangun atas dasar nilai Iman, Islam, dan Ihsan secara Kaafah. Saat ini pondok pesantren cenderung dipandang sebelah mata oleh masyarakat maupun calon santri dikarenakan kurangnya informasi dan edukasi. Selama ini penyebaran informasi hanya menggunakan banner sehingga jangkauan informasi tidak luas. Oleh karena itu diperlukan media lain yang dapat digunakan sebagai promosi dengan jangkauan yang luas. Tujuan penelitian in akan membuat Video Profil Sebagai Sarana Promosi Pondok Modern Pesantren Modern Az-Zahra Al Gontory di Sosial Media dengan teknik sinematografi dengan tahapan pra prodiksi, produksi dan pasca produksi. Hasil penelitian ini berupa video profil yang digunakan sebagai media promosi di sosial media sehingga jangkauan informasi kepada masyarakat lebih luas dan peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai pondok Modern Az-Zahra Al Gontory.
Analysis of Transaction Data for Modeling the Pattern of Goods Purchase Supporting Goods Location Linda Rosliadewi; Yusmedi Nurfaizal; Retno Waluyo; Mohammad Imron
Journal of Applied Data Sciences Vol 1, No 2: DECEMBER 2020
Publisher : Bright Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47738/jads.v1i2.54


Arlinda shop is a shop that sells daily necessities located in Salem, Brebes. Each day, this shop generates more and more data that is not used. The store layout which does not get enough attention will affect the level of sales. This study aimed to process the unused transaction data to obtain purchase patterns, some of the most frequently used algorithms were the apriori algorithm and FP-Growth algorithm to find relationship patterns, however, there was a technical constraint in the recommendation technique used which was frequently ignoring a large collection of items. To overcome this problem, the clustering process was carried out using the K-Medoids algorithm so that the association process became smaller. The test was carried out using RapidMiner with a minimum support of 10% - 30% and a minimum confidence of 70% and the results of recommendations for the layout of the goods with the highest lift ratio, namely if someone buys Nuvo BW then he buys pepsodent act, if someone buys wrapping papers then he buys mamy poko, and if someone buys cereal milo then he buys chitato.
Data Mining Implementation with Algorithm C4.5 for Predicting Graduation Rate College Student Jeffri Prayitno Bangkit Saputra; Retno Waluyo
Journal of Applied Data Sciences Vol 2, No 3: SEPTEMBER 2021
Publisher : Bright Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47738/jads.v2i3.37


Academic evaluation and graduation of students are critical components of an academic information system's (AIS) effectiveness since they allow for the measurement of student learning progress. Additionally, the assessment stating whether the student passed or failed would benefit both the student and teacher by acting as a reference point for future performance suggestions and evaluations. Using Decision Tree C4.5, a comprehensive analysis of the student academic evaluation approach was conducted. Age, gender, public or private high school status, high school department, organization activity, age at high school admission, progress GPA (pGPA), and total GPA (tGPA) were all documented and evaluated from semester 1–4 utilizing three times the graduation criterion periods. The article's scope is confined to undergraduate programs. An accuracy algorithm (AC) with a performance accuracy of 79.60 percent, a true positive rate (TP) of 77.70 percent, and 91 percent quality training data achieved the highest performance accuracy value.
Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process dan Borda untuk Seleksi Penerima Pembebasan Operasional Sekolah Retno Waluyo; Ito Setiawan; Vina Wulandari
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 8, No 4: Agustus 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2021842743


SMA N 1 Kutasari adalah salah satu sekolah yang turut memberikan upaya dalam membantu siswa untuk terus bersekolah dengan memberikan pembebasan biaya operasional sekolah. Keputusan penerima pembebasan operasional melibatkan banyak pihak sehingga menyebabkan permasalahan berupa kurang subjektif dalam penilaian dan kurang tepatnya sasaran penerima. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun Decision Support System penerima pembebasan operasional untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada dalam proses seleksi. Proses perhitungan yang digunakan dalam Decision Support System ini adalah kombinasi antara metode Analytical Hierarchy Process untuk mengambil keputusan dengan memberikan prioritas yang efektif atas persoalan yang kompleks dan Borda yang mampu menyatukan beberapa keputusan menjadi keputusan bersama. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka, wawancara dan dokumentasi, sedangkan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sistem pendukung keputusan kelompok dengan kriteria penilaian dari waka kesiswaan, wali kelas dan guru BK. Dari masing-masing kriteria juga terdapat subkriteria. Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) digunakan untuk proses perhitungan dari pembuatan matriks sampai dengan perankingan sedangkan metode borda digunakan untuk menghitung hasil akhir rata-rata penilaian dari masing-masing kriteria. Perhitungan difokuskan pada kelas X dan diambil 10 nama siswa dengan score penilaian tertinggi. AbstractSMA N 1 Kutasari is one of the schools that helped give an effort to help students to continue going to school by giving school operational costs free. Decision recipients of operational exemptions involve many parties so that the assessment is less subjective as a result there are students who can afford financially but receive operational exemptions. With the condition of the recipient of the exemption of operational costs that are not right will give problems to the school because there are still students who are supposed to get exemption from school operational costs so that it continues to burden SMAN 1 Kutasari. To reduce or eliminate inappropriate decisions, a decision support system is needed. The existence of a Decision Support System for operational exemption recipients aims to overcome the problems that exist in the selection process. Stages of research conducted include data collection, problem identification, AHP Method Calculation and Borda Method Calculation. Calculation Results Analytical Hierarchy Process method for making decisions by giving effective priority to complex problems and Borda which is able to unite several decisions into joint decisions. From this study produced a decision support system so that it can reduce the problem of decision making that is not appropriate in accordance with the criteria of recipients of operational exemption from schools.
Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Sistem Keuangan Desa Menggunakan Metode EUCS di Kabupaten Purbalingga Retno Waluyo
JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi) Vol 8 No 3 (2021): JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LPPM) STMIK Global Informatika MDP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35957/jatisi.v8i3.878


In the current era of technology and information, the government is trying to improve accountability and transparency to the public by launching a Good Governance program to be implemented at both the central and regional levels. at the village level The management of village funds must be managed with good governance in accordance with the principles of Good Governance so that there is no misuse in the use of village funds. Purbalingga Regency is one of the areas that has implemented SISKEUDES with 224 villages in Purbalingga Regency. Village Financial System application (SISKEUDES) to facilitate the management of APBDes. In its implementation, when using SIKEUDES, there are problems, including when filling in the data to the system, there are parameters that are not available, so that the system operator has difficulty in the process of filling in parameters. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that play a role in affecting the satisfaction of SISKEUDES operators in Purbalingga Regency using the EUCS method. The results of this study that the content, accuracy and format factors have no effect on SISKEUDES operator satisfaction, while easy of use and timeliness have an effect on SISKEUDES operator satisfaction in Purbalingga district. The resulting regression equation Y = 5,505 - 0,061X1 - 0,048X2 + 0,068X3 - 0,230X4 - 0,206X5
Implementasi Teknik Motion Graphics Pada Video Promosi Produk Homecare Ika Romadoni Yunita; Argiyan Dwi Pritama; Retno Waluyo
Visual Heritage: Jurnal Kreasi Seni dan Budaya Vol 4, No 3 (2022): Visual Heritage: Jurnal Kreasi Seni dan Budaya
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/vh.v4i3.6364


Dalam upaya penyebaran informasi di era digital saat ini menjadi salah satu pertimbangan yang serius untuk meningkatkan produktifitas suatu usaha dalam memperoleh pendapatan yang maksimal. Segala bentuk promosi yang melibatkan media digital harus dicoba dan di terapkan sebaik mungkin agar menghasilkan hasil yang semaksimal mungkin. Media video digunakan mempromosikan produk dengan menampilkan visual yang dapat membuat calon konsumen lebih sadar akan produk tersebut. Saat ini agen dafine laundry dalam mempromosikan produk homecare masih menggunakan dalam bentuk gambar belum menggunakan video. Tujuan penelitian ini mengimplementasikan teknik motion graphics untuk membuat video pengenalan produk homecare. Dari penetlitian yang dilakukan mendapatkan hasil bahwa teknik motion graphic dapat diimplementasikan pada pembuatan video promosi produk homecare sehingga sangat membantu pemasaran agen dafina loundry.
Perancangan Aplikasi Agenda Kegiatan Guru Berbasis Website Ito Setiawan; Retno Waluyo; Wahyu Suseno
Infotekmesin Vol 13 No 1 (2022): Infotekmesin: Januari, 2022
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v13i1.576


Impact of COVID-19 is very influential in various fields, one of which is the field of education with online learning through government regulations. The implementation of the learning from home policy will be implemented starting in mid-March 2020. With home learning, a teacher is still required to administer the daily agenda of learning activities. Currently the teacher's daily agenda is still in the form of books, with learning from home this makes it increasingly difficult for principals to check and supervise learning activities carried out by teachers, homeroom supervision of students is increasingly difficult. So there needs to be a breakthrough in the online learning process, one of which is through the website. The purpose of this research is to design a website-based teacher activity agenda information system. the system development method used is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with the waterfall model. the results of this study have created a web-based teacher activity agenda information system, after the Alpha test with the blackbox method got the results that the existing features were running well in accordance with their functions
Rancang Bangun Prototype Sistem Pendeteksi Kebocoran Gas dan Api Menggunakan Arduino Retno Waluyo; Dani Khoirul Wafa; Zulia Karini; Ito Setiawan
Infotekmesin Vol 11 No 2 (2020): Infotekmesin: Juli 2020
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v11i2.214


The Indonesian government conducted a household fuel conversion program in 2007 using LPG as a substitute for kerosene. LPG gas is the most widely used energy source for the people of Indonesia. Currently the quality of LPG gas cylinders tends to decrease. This quality degradation can occur due to lack of supervision during the production process, especially in the quality control process, so the use of LPG is quite dangerous with the potential to cause an explosion to fire. The aim of this research is to design and build a prototype of a gas and fire leak detection system using Arduino. The method used in this research is the prototype development method with the stages of listening to problems and customer needs, building a prototype, then the customer sees the prototype and tests it. The results of this study are tools that can detect LPG and fire gas leaks using an arduino microcontroller that can be accessed using a smartphone with an average response time to detect a fire of 4.43 seconds while to detect a gas of 4.18 seconds.
Evaluasi Pelayanan TI di RSIA Bunda Arif Menggunakan IT Infrastructure Library Nita Purnamasari; Zulia Karini; Retno Waluyo
Infoman's : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Manajemen dan Informatika Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021): Infoman's
Publisher : STMIK Sumedang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The hospital is a center of health services for people who are required to perform their duties and functions better and improve the quality and comfort in the services provided, the hospital is also required to follow technological developments to improve existing performance. IT services used are expected to be able to support and fulfill the purpose of RSIA Bunda Arif so as to determine alignment and service for IT implementation, an evaluation is needed to assess whether the existing services are in line with organizational goals or not, given that information technology investments are not cheap. In this study, the framework that will be used in the evaluation of information technology services is to use the Information Technology Infrastructure Library Version 3 framework with the domain service operation. The results of the measurement of maturity level at RSIA Bunda Arif were carried out by giving questionnaires related to the chosen domain to 10 respondents, the value of the statement made based on the Likert scale. The results of the maturity level values ??obtained for each process are event management getting level 3, incident management getting level 2, problem management getting level 2, requesting fullfilment getting level 3, and access management getting level 4
Perancangan Business Continuity Plan dan Disaster Recovery Plan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Menggunakan ISO 22301 Ito Setiawan; Retno Waluyo; Wahyu Aji Pambudi
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.326 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v3i2.911


Ananda Purwokerto Hospital already has system such as hospital information system (SIRUS), website and mobile application. but in the process of using information technology there are still many obstacles and prevention of problems that have not been well documented resulting in losses. This research is about design business continuity plan that functions to maintain the business continuity of the company so that it continues to run when information technology in the company is disrupted, where this study uses the 22301 international standard organization framework. This standard will greatly help the company in the process of develop business continuity plan with an identification methodology and analysis of the use information technology and the risks that will arise in the company. The evaluation results have not yet implemented the overall business continuity plan and many employees have not yet realized the importance of business continuity plan in the use of information technology. From the analysis, it turns out that there is no business continuity plan process implemented so that business continuity plan is designed that refers to international standard organization 22301, cluase 4: context of organization, cluase 5: leadership, cluase 6: planning, clause 7: support.