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Evaluation, Productivity and Competition of Brachiaria decumbens, Centrosema pubescens and Clitoria ternatea as Sole and Mixed Cropping Pattern in Peatland’s Ali Arsyadi; Abdullah Luki; Karti PDMH; Chozin MA; Astuti DA
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner Vol 19, No 2 (2014): JUNE 2014
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development (ICARD)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.3 KB) | DOI: 10.14334/jitv.v19i2.1036


This study was carried out to determine the productivity, competition indices and nutrient content of Brachiaria decumbens (grass), Centrosema pubescens and Clitoria ternatea (legumes) as sole and mixed cropping system in peatland in Pekanbaru, Indonesia from October 2011 to November 2012. The experiment was set up in randomized complete block design with five treatments and three blocks as replication. Five treatments compared: B. decumbens sole cropping (Bd), C. pubescens sole cropping (Cp), C. ternatea sole cropping (Ct), B..decumbens and C. pubescens mixed cropping (Bd+Cp) and B. decumbens and C..ternatea mixed cropping (Bd+Ct). The dry matter (DM) yield of B. decumbens was significantly (P<0.05) increased by mixed cropping. B. decumbens DM yield in C. pubescens intercrop increased by 147.9% and in C. ternatea intercrop increased by 74.1% compare to sole B. decumbens. Land equivalent ratio (LER) value range from 1.04 (Bd+Ct) to 1.58 (Bd+Cp). The crowding coefficient (K) value of B. decumbens in both mixed croping system was higher than K value of C. pubescens and C. ternatea. The total K value for Bd+Cp was higher than Bd+Ct. The competition ratio (CR) value of B. decumbens mixed cropping with C. pubescens and C. ternatea were.>1. The aggressivity (A) value of B. decumbens in both mixed cropping was positive. The crude protein (CP) content of B.decumbens did not significantly (P>0.05) increased by mixed cropping with legumes. Intercropping with B. decumbens significantly (P<0.05) decreased CP content of C. ternatea. Meanwhile neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) content of B. decumbens did not decrease by intercropping with C.pubescens and C. ternatea. In conclusion, mixed cropping with C. pubescens and C. ternatea in peatland increased DM yield of B. decumbens. Mixed cropping with B. decumbens did not influence DM yield of C. pubescens and decreased DM yield and CP content of C..ternatea. Mixed cropping of B. decumbens with C. pubescens and B. decumbens with C..ternatea in peatland did not increase total DM yield of forage per unit area of land and nutrition contents of forage. B. decumbens was more competitive and dominant than C..pubescens and C. ternatea in peatland.
Perbedaan pertumbuhan dan produktivitas varietas bayam hijau dan bayam merah Arya Widura Ritonga; Muhammad Syaifuk Ar Rosyid; Axel Anderson; Muhamad Achmad Chozin; Purwono Purwono
Jurnal Agro Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/14664


Bayam termasuk salah satu sayuran terpenting di Indonesia karena paling banyak dikonsumsi setelah kangkung. Bayam hijau dan bayam merah merupakan jenis bayam paling banyak ditanam dan dikonsumsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pertumbuhan dan produktivitas varietas bayam hijau dan bayam merah. Penelitian dilakukan pada Februari – April 2021 di Kebun Percobaan Leuwikopo, Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University. Sebanyak 9 varietas bayam hijau (Maryland, Richie, Maestro, Benua, Doly, Khanafiah, Manila, Pacific, White Leaf) dan 4 varietas bayam merah (Mira, Baret Merah, Clara, Aurora) ditanam menggunakan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak dengan tiga ulangan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa varietas bayam hijau memiliki kandungan persentase warna hijau daun lebih banyak namun memiliki persentase warna biru dan merah yang lebih rendah dibandingkan varietas bayam merah. Hasil penelitian juga memperlihatkan bahwa varietas bayam hijau menghasilkan tinggi tanaman dan produktivitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan varietas bayam merah, namun varietas bayam merah menghasilkan luas daun dan jumlah daun per tanaman saat panen yang lebih baik besar dibandingkan varietas bayam hijau. Varietas White Leaf merupakan varietas bayam yang sangat baik karena memiliki persentase warna hijau daun yang tinggi, luas daun yang besar dan produktivitas yang tinggi. Spinach is one of the most important vegetables in Indonesia because it was the second most consumed after kangkung. Green spinach and red spinach are the most widely grown and consumed types of spinach. This study aimed to determine differences in growth and productivity between varieties of green spinach and red spinach. The research was conducted in February – April 2021 at the Leuwikopo Experimental Field, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. A total of nine varieties of green spinach and four varieties of red spinach were planted using a completely randomized block design with three replications. The results showed that the green spinach variety contained a higher percentage of green leaf color but had a lower percentage of blue and red leaf color than the red spinach varieties. The results also showed that the green spinach varieties produced better plant height and productivity than the red spinach varieties, but the red spinach produced better leaf area and a number of leaves per plant at harvest than the green spinach. The White Leaf variety is the excellent spinach variety because it has a high percentage of green leaf color, large leaf area, and high productivity.
KERAGAAN PASTURA Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Schweick PADA SISTEM PENGGEMBALAAN DAN STOCKING RATE BERBEDA DI LAHAN PERKEBUNAN KELAPA Selvie D. Anis; M.A. Chozin; M. Ghulamahdi; Sudradjat Sudradjat; H. Soedarmadi
Pastura : Jurnal Ilmu Tumbuhan Pakan Ternak Vol 3 No 2
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.653 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/Pastura.2014.v03.i02.p07


Integrasi pastura dan ternak sapi ke dalam sistem pertanian berbasis kelapa diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan lahan secara berkelanjutan. Percobaan ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh stocking ratedan sistem penggembalaan terhadap keragaan pastura. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Kelapa dan Palma Lain (BALITKA) Manado sejak Juli 2009 sampai Juni 2010. Perlakuan terdiridari dua sistem penggembalaan dan tiga stocking rate diatur dalam pola petak terpisah yang didasarkan pada rancangan acak kelompok (RAK). Variabel yang diukur adalah jumlah tanaman induk, jumlah ground tiller,jumlah aerial tiller, bobot akar dan bobot crown. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa semua parameter keragaan pastura yang terbaik diperoleh pada interaksi antara sistem penggembalaan rotasi (SP2) dan stockingrate 2,31 UT (SR3).
Jurnal Dinamis No 7 (2010)
Publisher : Jurnal Dinamis

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AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki respon polymeric foam yang diperkuat serat TKKS akibat beban tekan statik dan dinamik melalui eksperimen dan simulasi numerik. Respon yang akan diamati adalah tegangan maksimum, kekuatan retak/patah, serta distribusi tegangan. Karakteristik material berupa modulus elastisitias dan analisa kerusakan akan diselidiki dalam penelitian ini. Secara eksperimen, respon dan karakteristik beberapa material, yaitu: resin termoset, polyurethane, dan polymeric foam yang diperkuat serat TKKS akan diamati melalui uji tekan statik aksial. Secara numerik, respon polymeric foam yng diperkuat serat TKKS yang akan diselidiki adalah distribusi tegangan dari beberapa jenis pembebanan, yaitu: tekan statik aksial, tekan bending, dan tekan impak Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB). Spesimen uji tekan statik aksial dibuat berdasarkan standar ASTM D-1621-00. Spesimen uji polymeric foam terdiri dari beberapa material penyusun dengan persentase massa yang berbeda, yaitu: 60 % resin jenis 157 BQTN Ex Series sebanyak, 20% polyurethane, 5% serat TKKS yang dihaluskan, serta 5% katalis methyl ethyl keton proxide (MEKPO). Spesimen uji dieksekusi menggunakan alat uji Shimadzu Servopulser. Analisa numerik melalui simulasi komputer menggunakan software berbasis metode elemen hingga (MEH) yaitu ANSYS Rel. 5.4 untuk simulasi tekan statik aksial dan bending sedangkan MSC/NASTRAN Rel. 4.5 untuk simulasi impak tekan SHPB. Dari hasil uji tekan statik aksial diperoleh nilai modulus elastisitas resin sebesar 118,78 MPa, polyurethane 0,18 MPa, dan polymeric foam yang diperkuat serat TKKS sebesar 17,22. Tegangan maksimum yang direspon oleh resin adalah 0,582 MPa, polyurethane 0,0044 MPa, dan polymeric foam yang diperkuat serat TKKS sebesar 0,106 MPa. Nilai kekuatan retak terhadap masing-masing spesimen uji juga berbeda, kekuatan retak resin adalah 1,18 MPa, polyurethane sebesar 0,075 MPa, dan polymeric foam yang diperkuat serat TKKS sebesar 0,133 MPa. Kegagalan resin akibat beban tekan statik aksial ditandai dengan perbesaran ukuran penampang lateral (barreling), kerusakan polyurethane ditandai dengan terbentuknya lipatan-lipatan permanen di dinding spesimen yang menunjukkan respon plastis sempurna, dan kegagalan polymeric foam yang diperkuat serat TKKS ditandai dengan pembesaran rongga-rongga yang acak. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi numerik diperoleh tegangan Von Mises maksimum terhadap polymeric foam yang diperkuat serat TKKS akibat beban statik aksial sebesar 0,186 MPa sedangkan tegangan maksimum Von Mises akibat bending statik nilainya jauh lebih besar, yaitu 50,518 MPa. Hasil simulasi bending statik menunjukkan bahwa titik kritis terjadi di lokasi beban diberikan. Untuk beban impak, hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa polymeric foam yang diperkuat serat TKKS memiliki tegangan maksimum Von Mises impak bending sebesar 69,44 MPa dan impak SHPB sebesar 102, 96 MPa. Hasil simulasi impak menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan waktu impak menyebabkan penurunan terhadap tegangan impak.Kata kunci: polymeric foam, serat TKKS, modulus elastisitas, tegangan, beban tekan statik aksial, tekan bending, impak SHPB
Karakter Fotosintesis Genotipe Tomat Senang Naungan pada Intensitas Cahaya Rendah (The Photosynthetic Characters of Loving-Shade Tomato Genotypes at Low Light Intensity) Dwiwanti Sulistyowati; Muhammad Ahmad Chozin; Muhamad Syukur; Maya Melati; Dwi Guntoro
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 26, No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v26n2.2016.p181-188


Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi tanaman tomat di Indonesia adalah melalui sistem tanam tumpangsari atau agroforestri. Namun, dalam sistem tanam tumpangsari tanaman sela mengalami defisit cahaya karena ternaungi oleh tanaman lain. Defisit cahaya menyebabkan penurunan laju fotosintesis dan sintesis karbohidrat sehingga berpengaruh terhadap metabolisme. Beberapa jenis tanaman mampu beradaptasi terhadap defisit cahaya sehingga tumbuh di bawah kondisi naungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari karakter fotosintesis genotipe tomat senang naungan pada intensitas cahaya rendah. Percobaan dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Sekolah Tinggi Penyuluhan Pertanian (STPP) Bogor dari bulan Oktober 2014 sampai dengan Januari 2015. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak petak tersarang yang diulang tiga kali. Faktor pertama terdiri atas dua taraf naungan, yaitu tanpa naungan (0%) dan naungan 50%. Faktor kedua berupa tiga kelompok genotipe tomat terdiri atas senang naungan, toleran, dan peka. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap komponen hasil berupa jumlah buah, bobot buah, dan produksi pertanaman. Peubah pengamatan fisiologi meliputi kandungan total klorofil, klorofil a, klorofil b, rasio klorofil a/b, antosianin, karoten, laju fotosintesis, konduktansi stomata, konsentrasi CO2 internal daun, kandungan pati, dan gula daun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa genotipe tomat senang naungan jika berada pada kondisi ternaungi akan memiliki karakter fotosintesis berupa peningkatan kadar klorofil b lebih tinggi dibandingkan klorofil a, dan rasio klorofil a/b yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok genotipe yang lain. Genotipe senang naungan memiliki konsentrasi CO2 internal daun lebih tinggi sehingga mampu mempertahankan laju fotosintesis tetap lebih tinggi walaupun terjadi penurunan konduktansi stomata. Adanya kandungan gula daun yang lebih tinggi, mengakibatkan produksi pertanaman genotipe senang naungan meningkat ketika ditanam di bawah naungan.KeywordsLycopersicon esculentum Mill.; Intensitas cahaya rendah; Karakter fotosintesis; Genotipe senang naunganAbstractEfforts have to be made to increase tomatoes production in Indonesia, one is through intercropping or agroforestry systems. In the intercropping system, however, there is a risk for plants to receive low light intensity. Low light intensity causes a decrease of photosynthesis rate and carbohydrate synthesis, so it will affect plant metabolic processes. Some types of plants are able to adapt to low light intensity, so they can grow well under shading conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the photosynthetic characters of shade-loving tomato genotypes at low light intensity. The experiment was conducted in the experimental field of Bogor Agricultural Extension Institute, in Bogor, from October 2014 to January 2015. The experiment was arranged in nested randomized design with two factors and three replication. The first factor consisted of two levels of shading intensity, i.e. without shade (0%) and 50% shading and the second factor was three groups of tomato genotypes, i.e. shade-loving, shade-tolerant, and shade-sensitive genotypes. The crop yield components observed were fruit number, fruit weight, and yield per plant. Physiological variable measured were total of chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, ratio of chlorophyll a/b, anthocyanin, carotene, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, leaf internal CO2 concentration, content of starch, and sugar leaves. The results showed that the photosynthesis characters of shade-loving genotypes indicated increasing content of chlorophyll b that was higher than that of chlorophyll a. It was resulting in decreasing ratio of chlorophyll a/b more than that of other genotypes. Shade-loving genotypes had higher internal leaf CO2 concentration, than the sensitive ones, so they can maintain the photosynthetic rate remained higher, despite their stomatal conductance were decreasing. The presence of leaf sugar content was relatively high, resulting in the production per plant of the shade-loving genotypes increased when grown in the shade conditions.
The Setup Model Farm Machinery and Uquipment for Up Land Sugar Cane Industry Sigit Prabawa; Bambang Pramudya; Moeljarno Djojomartono; M.A Chozin
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 14 No. 3 (2000): Buletin Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.014.3.%p


The objective of the research is to build the setup model of farmmachinery and equipment for zip land sugar cane indzlstry. From this model can be determined: (I) selection of farm machinery/equipment, (2)number farm machinery/equipment, and (3) optitnun? longevrty of ratoon.The result shows that the technolog?, consideration hus been the priniary consideration on farm tnachinery and eqztipnzent selection. The next is econonzy consideration. The attention for social and environment consideration is poor.
Aspek Teknologi Dan Analisis Kelayakan Pengelolaan Serasah Tebu Pada Perkebunan Tebu Lahan Kering Iqbal .; Tineke Mandang; E. Namaken Sembiring; M.Achmad. Chozin
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 26 No. 1 (2012): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.026.1.%p


Abstrak PG Takalar adalah salah satu pabrik gula yang terdapat di Sulawesi Selatan dan memiliki potensi serasah tebu yang besar. Serasah tebu merupakan limbah yang kaya bahan organik yang bisa diolah menjadi pupuk organik berupa kompos. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi dan kebutuhan alat dan mesin pada pengelolaan serasah tebu  pada PG Takalar .  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PG Takalar  memiliki rata-rata potensi ketersediaan serasah tebu pada PG Takalar adalah 19.96% atau 20% dari setiap batang tanaman tebu. Dengan luas lahan 4186 ha, maka total potensi serasah tebu adalah 32860 ton/tahun. Hingga saat ini pengelolaan serasah tebu pada PG Takalar masih dilakukan secara konvensional dengan membakar serasah tebu tersebut di lahan perkebunan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa luas lahan 4186 ha membutuhkan jumlah alat dan mesin untuk mendukung kegiatan mekanisasi pada pengelolaan serasah tebu adalah traktor 48 unit, trash rake 13 unit, trailer besar 31 unit, aplikator 4 unit, pencacah 18 unit, truk 3 unit, pengaduk 3 unit, dan  loader 3 unit Kata kunci : potensi, mekanisasi, pengelolaan, serasah tebu, tanaman tebu Abstract PG Takalar is one of sugar factory in South Sulawesi which has enormous potential of sugarcane litter. Sugarcane litter is organic waste that could be processed into organic fertilizer in form of compost. The objectives of this study were to determine the potential of sugarcane litter and to determine the machinery requirement for sugarcane litter management in PG Takalar. The result showed that the average availability potential of sugarcane litter in PG Takalar was 19.96% or 20% from each stem of sugarcane. In total, with 4186 ha area of PG Takalar, the potential of sugarcane litter was 32860 ton/year. Nowadays, in PG Takalar, the management of sugarcane litter is done conventionally by burning the litter in the field. It is also found from the study that to manage the sugarcane litter in 4186 ha area, the number of machinery needed to support the mechanization of sugarcane litter management were 48 units of tractor, 13 units of trash rake, 31 units of trailer, 4 units of applicator, 18 units of chopper, 3 units of truck, 3 units of composting turner, and 3 units of loader. Key words: potential, mechanization, management, sugarcane litter, sugarcane Diterima:14 Desember 2011; Disetujui:17 Maret 2013  
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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ABSTRACT This study aims to find where the supply of fish in Duricame from, Duri City is a city with poor water conditions resulting in a lack of fish supply originating from the area itself, while people's demand for fish exceeds the supply of supplies originating from the Duri area. Therefore, to meet the needs of the community in consuming fish, the distribution of fish from outside the region was carried out so that the fish supply in the Market of Duri was able to meet the demands of the community. Data analysis using descriptive analysis, the method used in this study is the survey method, the data collected includes primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained from collector traders through direct interviews using prepared questionnaires, while secondary data is obtained from related agencies. Fish marketed in Denai are imported market from various regions including sea water fish supplied in the Denai market came from the Aceh region, Sibolga, TanjungBalaiKarimun, Riau Islands, and West Sumatra. While freshwater fish supplied in the Denai market come from Maninjau, TalukKuantan, Kampar, KampungPatin. The fish supplied in the Denai Market consist of sea water fish such as sarai, big fish, tuna, tuna, ray fish, gambolo fish, belida fish, baung fish, selais fish. Whereas freshwater fish consists of cork fish, tilapia, eel, gouramy fish, sepat fish, siamsepat fish, catfish, catfish and betok fish. The fish supplied in the Denai market are imported every day with amount of 5,31 tons every day.Keywords: Fish Supply, Distribution, Denai Market, Mandau District
Mesin Vol. 16 No. 3 (2001)
Publisher : Mesin

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Pengaruh ketebalan benda uji terhadap keretakan pada beban statik telah banyak dilakukan. Kajian biasanya dilakukan dengan menganggap plastisitas ujung retak, yaitu kondisi tegangan dekat ujung retak, berada pada kondisi regangan dan tegangan bidang. Tulisan ini melaporkan hasil kajian numerik dan eksperimental pengaruh kondisi tegangan pada rongga yang menyatu akibat pulsa intensitas tegangan. Durasi pulsa yang digunakan adalah 20, 40, dan 80 μs. Pengamatan terhadap permukaan yang patah memperlihatkan adanya beberapa rongga di daerah inklusi dimuka ujung retak. Rongga utama tersebut terbentuk dari menyatunya rongga-rongga kecil. Hasil pengamatan juga menunjukkan bahwa lokasi rongga utama tidak dipengaruhi oleh durasi impuls, dan ukuran rongga utama akan mengecil dengan menurunnya durasi pulsa. Simulasi metode elemen hingga menunjukkan bahwa normalisasi tegangan hidrostatik di muka ujung retak tidak dapat menjelaskan hasil-hasil dari percobaan. Sebagai contoh ketangguhan retak spesimen dengan tebal 10 mm ternyata lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan ketangguhan retak spesimen dengan tebal 3mm. Contoh lainnya adalah daerah terbentuknya rongga yang tidak bergantung pada tebal spesimen.
PRODUKSI BIOETANOL DARI KULIT PISANG MELALUI HIDROLISIS ASAM SULFAT [The Production of Bioetanol from Banana Peel Trough Sulphuric Acid Hidrolisis] Asih Sukowati; Sutikno Sutikno; Samsul Rizal
Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 19, No 3 (2014): Jurnal Teknologi Industri & Hasil Pertanian
Publisher : Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (375.927 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/jtihp.v19i3.274 - 288


Banana fruit is one of main product of Lampung Province. Banana is commonly utilized as raw material of banana chip production and its peel can be converted into bioethanol. The Objectives of this study were to find out the optimum treatments of  hydrolysis and fermentation for producing bioetanol.  Two steps, namely  hydrolysis and fermentations, were carried out in this study. In the hydrolysis step, two treatments - H2SO4 consentration and hydrolysis duration – were implemented.  The H2SO4 concentration treatment consisted of five level (0, 0.025, 0.050, 0.075, and 0,100 M); and the hydrolysis period treatment consisted of two level (15 dan 30 minutes). Bioethanol fermentation was carried out at room temperature for 72 hours with Saccharomyces cerevisiae as starter at concentration of 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% (w/v).  The treatments were arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications.  Before and after hydrolysis, the cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin contents of  banana peel were determined. The reducing sugar concentrations were measured after hydrolysis, and bioethanol concentrations were measured after fermentation. The  data of the cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, reduced sugar, and bioethanol were tabulated and analyzed descriptively.  The results of this study showed that the optimum treatment for hydrolysis was H2SO4 solution at a concentration of 0.050 M at 1210C for 15 minutes.  The treatment yielded reduced sugar at a concentration of 11,26mg/100 mL.  The optimum treatment for fermentation was a starter concentration of 10% (w/v) which produced bioethanol at a concentration of 0.03% (v/v). Keywords : banana peel, bioethanol, hydrolysis, H2SO4, reducing sugar.
Co-Authors , Handoko . Sugiyanta, . A Ali A. S. Suharyono Abdul Harris Burhan Abdullah Abdullah Ade Sumiahadi AHMAD JUNAEDI Ahmad Junaidi Aidi Noor Aji Hermawan Aldi M Alfima Rahasti Anas M. Fauzi Andhini, Martika Ani Kurniawati Anita Ristianingrum Ansyarif Khalid Artha Regina Tambunan Asdi Asdi Asep Nursangaji Asih Sukowati Astuti DA Astuti DA Awang Maharijaya Axel Anderson Ayu Vandira Candra Kusuma Bambang Pramudya Bambang S. Purwoko Bustami Syam Chairannisa, Dyana D.A. Astuti dan Kukuh Murtilaksono DARUSMAN, L.K. Darwis AN Darwis AN Desta Wirnas dewi novita Diah karyawati Dina Harsono Dwi Guntoro Dwiwanti Sulistyowati E. Namaken Sembiring Edi Santosa Edy Yusmin Eka Intan Kumala Putri Eka Wardiana EVA OKTAVIDIATI, EVA Faradesi Ardialisa Faras Gaitsa Bilkis Fibra Nurainy Gerson Hans Maure GHULAMAHDI, M. Gretty Febriola Siahaan h sanusi H. Soedarmadi HAJRIAL ASWIDINNOOR Hartami Dewi Hemawati Hemawati Hendrik Hendrik Herman Wafom Tubur Hesty Juniar Rukmin Hiroshi Ehara Hongarta, Reynaldo Ida H. Somantri Indriani Santoso Iqbal . Irwan Abdullah Iskandar Lubis ISMAIL SALEH Iswari S. Dewi Jalali Iqram Kanny, Putri Irene Karti PDMH Karti PDMH Khairil Anwar Krishna Surya Buana KWANG HO KIM Laila Nur Atika Lalu Muhamad Zarwazi Luki Abdullah M Zardan Araby M. Ghulamahdi Machfud Machfud Maisura Maisura Maria Erna Marmawi R . Maya Melati Mochammad Afifuddin Moeljarno Djojomartono Muftil Badri Muhamad Kurniadi Muhamad Syukur Muhammad Syaifuk Ar Rosyid Munawir, Fathurrahman Aziz MUNIF GHULAMAHDI P.M.D.H Karti, P.M.D.H Pangerang, Utama K. Perwita, Atikah Dyah Purwono Purwono Putri Sakura Raisa Baharuddin RANI FARIDA Ratih Marina Kurniaty Rinaldo, Ruswandi Ritonga, Arya Widura Sahrullah Sahrullah Sangrani Annisa Dewi Selvie D. Anis Selvie Diana Anis Sigit Prabawa Sobir Sobir Soedarmadi Hardjosoewignyo Soekisman Tjitrosemito Sofyan Zaman Sri Mulatsih Sudirman Yahya Sudradjat Sudradjat Sugiyanta Suryana Sutikno Sutikno Suwarto Tanto Pratondo Utomo Tineke Mandang Ulinnuha, Zulfa urai salam Vivid Violin Wenny Rahmawati WIJAYANTO, N. Yasidi, Farid Yudi Febrianto Yudi Febrianto Yuline . Yundari, Yundari Yuniarti , Zulfa Ulinnuha