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Desulfurisasi Batubara secara Batch pada Kolom Tegak dengan Metoda Flotasi Larutan Daun Petai Cina Adi Ilcham
Jurnal Teknologi Proses dan Inovasi Industri Vol 5, No 2 (2020): Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2020
Publisher : Balai Riset Dan Standardisasi Industri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36048/jtpii.v5i2.6643


Salah satu gas hasil pembakaran batubara berbentuk gas SOx. Senyawa ini menjadi berbahaya bila bersama air membentuk hujan asam.  Oleh karena itu kandungan sulfur dalam batubara harus dihilangkan atau dikurangi. Dalam makalah ini didiskusikan hasil penelitian pengurangan sulfur dalam batubara dengan flotasi menggunakan daun petai cina. Untuk itu, batubara terlebih dahulu dihaluskan kemudian diayak hingga diperoleh ukuran yang diinginkan. Selanjutnya batubara halus dicampur bersama larutan daun petai cina yang telah disiapkan.  Campuran kemudian ditempatkan dalam kolom flotasi dan udara dialirkan menggunakan kompresor masuk dari bawah kolom. Setelah percobaan dilakukan diketahui  penurunan kadar sulfur terendah terjadi pada laju alir udara 0,693 liter/menit, yaitu pada perbandingan batubara dan larutan daun petai cina 1:2. 
Penggunaan Sekresi Kutu Lak pada Pembuatan Biokomposit dari Sabut Kelapa Adi Ilcham; Sri Wahyu Murni; Axel Adam Hermawan; Axl Ariesta
Eksergi Vol 18, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/e.v0i0.4566


Nowadays, biocomposite materials are required for particular needs. Coconut husk has a potential to be biocomposite using a resin produced by the laccifer lacca kerr (kerria lacca), an insect. This work was aimed to study the use of the lacca kerr resin to produce a biocomposite of coconut coir based. In the experimental, firstly, the cleaned coconut husks were chopped then mixed with lacca kerr resin and alcohol to make a composite dough. Then the dough were pressed with 130 psig at a 100oC within15 minutes. After that, the biocomposite was allowed to ambient temperature, then it properties were observed. To find the best product properties, the ratio of basic materials were varied. The ratio of coconut husk: lacca kerr resin was used ranged from 0.6 g/mL to 1.4 g/mL. The characterization of product properties were carried out based on ASTM D-638 and under guidance of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 03-2105-2006. Based on results, it was found that the best biocomposite observed had properties such as density of 0.45 g/cm3 , water content of 8.8% (maximum SNI requirement of 14%), degree of swelling of 67.6%, tensile strength of 43.4 kgf / cm2 (minimum SNI requirement of 3, 1 kgf / cm2 ), Young's modulus of 1219.2 kgf/cm2 , elongation of 67.7%, conductivity of 1.8 10-8 /.m. Some of these characteristics have met the Indonesian national standard (SNI).
Pengaruh Oil Sludge Pertamina Surabaya Terhadap Kuat Tekan Keramik Tradisional Adi Ilcham
Eksergi Vol 11, No 1
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/e.v11i1.329


 Oil sludge is the solidifying oils that lying on the open space around the fuel storage tank. Heaps of the waste continues to increase could lead to environmental pollution due to the waste containing heavy metal. This research aims to study the effect of oil sludge on the compressive strength of traditional ceramics within range of sintering temperature (600- 1000 0 C), sintering time (1-3 hours), and raw material compositions. The experiment begins by mixing the ceramic raw materials. Material was mixed with water and milled using Mortar Hand (milling). A cermic mold was used to get ceramic specimens. The mold dimension is length of 8 cm, 4 cm wide, and 2 cm high. The specimens were sintered in a furnace at different temperatures and holding time. Finally, the ceramics were observed its compressive strength. The results showed that the waste oil sludge can be involved in the manufacture of traditional ceramics. In the view of the compressive strength, the best conditions for fabricating traditional ceramics are oil sludge of 16.67% w., sintering temperature of 800 0  C, and sintering time of 2.5 hours.
Studi Awal Meningkatkan Nilai Tambah Batubara Halus dengan Gasifikasi Edy Nursanto; Adi Ilcham; Gogot Haryono
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2020: PROSIDING SNTKK 2020
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan"

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Mengurangi Getah (Degumming) pada Minyak Biji Karet Menggunakan Zeolit Alam Ilham Muhammad Akbar; Muhamad Aldi Rahmansyah; Adi Ilcham
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2019: PROSIDING SNTKK 2019
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Zeolit Sintetis dari Fly Ash sebagai Media Penghambat Kelarutan Pupuk (Slow Release Fertilizer) Apta Bagas Nandana; Septio Vincencius Sihaloho; Adi Ilcham
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2019: PROSIDING SNTKK 2019
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel Bentonit dan Arang Kayu pada Pembuatan Keramik Filter Widayati W; Adi Ilcham; Trenggono Nur Adiguna; Hanurizal Himawari Hashari
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2016: Prosiding SNTKK 2016
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Ceramic filter is one of the alternative can be used as filter media. Ceramic filter can be made from materials such as clay, river sand mixed with some charcoal and bentonite. Charcoal and bentonite were chosen for this research, because both of them are selective adsorben, have wide surface area, and high adsorption rate. Making the ceramic filter needs material with certain particle size of (-10+30)mesh,(-50+80)mesh,                       (-80+100)mesh, and (-100+200)mesh. The process of making sample of the filter were done using slip casting method, which consist of mixing all of the homogenic materials with water, and then mold it as needed. Then the filter is dried for 1 day, and then burned in the furnace with 650oC for 2,5 hour, and then let it cool down inside the furnace for ± 24 hour. The sample filter will be tested in various category such as porosity, flux, and pressure test. Finally, the ceramic filter will be tested with the turbidity of the river water in Giwangan. The optimal composition in this research is -100+200 mesh with 70%:30% of bentonite and charcoal, with the result of 10,05KN pressure value, 22,742% porosity, 0,2ml/cm2 flux, and the reduction of turbidity around 50,72%.
Desulfurisasi Batubara secara Batch pada Kolom Tegak dengan Metoda Flotasi Larutan Daun Petai Cina Adi Ilcham
Jurnal Teknologi Proses dan Inovasi Industri Vol 5, No 2 (2020): Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2020
Publisher : Balai Riset Dan Standardisasi Industri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36048/jtpii.v5i2.6643


Salah satu gas hasil pembakaran batubara berbentuk gas SOx. Senyawa ini menjadi berbahaya bila bersama air membentuk hujan asam.  Oleh karena itu kandungan sulfur dalam batubara harus dihilangkan atau dikurangi. Dalam makalah ini didiskusikan hasil penelitian pengurangan sulfur dalam batubara dengan flotasi menggunakan daun petai cina. Untuk itu, batubara terlebih dahulu dihaluskan kemudian diayak hingga diperoleh ukuran yang diinginkan. Selanjutnya batubara halus dicampur bersama larutan daun petai cina yang telah disiapkan.  Campuran kemudian ditempatkan dalam kolom flotasi dan udara dialirkan menggunakan kompresor masuk dari bawah kolom. Setelah percobaan dilakukan diketahui  penurunan kadar sulfur terendah terjadi pada laju alir udara 0,693 liter/menit, yaitu pada perbandingan batubara dan larutan daun petai cina 1:2. 
Mengurangi Getah (Degumming) pada Minyak Biji Karet Menggunakan Zeolit Alam Ilham Muhammad Akbar; Muhamad Aldi Rahmansyah; Adi Ilcham
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2019: PROSIDING SNTKK 2019
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Pembuatan Bahan Pengemas Alami dari Serat Nanas dan Serat Pandan dengan Pati Sagu sebagai Perekat Berman Ifolala Harefa; Muhammad Masyum Gilang Permana; Adi Ilcham
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2019: PROSIDING SNTKK 2019
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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