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Dimensions of Women Migrant Workers’ Vulnerabilities Amidst Industrial Development and Pandemic’s Disruption Yovi Arista; Zulyani Evi; Wahyu Susilo
Jurnal Perempuan Vol. 25 No. 3 (2020): Women Migrant Workers
Publisher : Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34309/jp.v25i3.454


Women migrant workers have a significant role and contribution in driving migration, economy, and global development. Behind the remittance flows, women migrant workers are still overshadowed by the threats of various problems. The dimensions of the problems faced are increasingly complex as the depletion of mobility limits between countries, the increasing of securitization policy as well as the rapid progress of global development in social, economic, and political aspects. Through the literature review, this article intends to highlight the vulnerability of Indonesian women migrant workers from the perspective of migration and governance froma feminist perspective. The results of the review show that women migrant workers are still facing multidimensional vulnerability. This includes the actual conditions of women migrant workers facing injustice, violations of rights, affected by disruption of information-technology, and being center in the pandemic crisis. This condition also leads to the structural aspects related to protection’s policy and institutional issues that are not sensitive to the interests and the root of problems faced by women migrant workers.  
Dimensions of Women Migrant Workers’ Vulnerabilities Amidst Industrial Development and Pandemic’s Disruption Yovi Arista; Zulyani Evi; Wahyu Susilo
Jurnal Perempuan Vol. 25 No. 3 (2020): Women Migrant Workers
Publisher : Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34309/jp.v25i3.454


Women migrant workers have a significant role and contribution in driving migration, economy, and global development. Behind the remittance flows, women migrant workers are still overshadowed by the threats of various problems. The dimensions of the problems faced are increasingly complex as the depletion of mobility limits between countries, the increasing of securitization policy as well as the rapid progress of global development in social, economic, and political aspects. Through the literature review, this article intends to highlight the vulnerability of Indonesian women migrant workers from the perspective of migration and governance froma feminist perspective. The results of the review show that women migrant workers are still facing multidimensional vulnerability. This includes the actual conditions of women migrant workers facing injustice, violations of rights, affected by disruption of information-technology, and being center in the pandemic crisis. This condition also leads to the structural aspects related to protection’s policy and institutional issues that are not sensitive to the interests and the root of problems faced by women migrant workers.  
Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Indonesia Wahyu Susilo
ISLAM NUSANTARA:Journal for the Study of Islamic History and Culture Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Islam Nusantara Journal for the Study of Islamic History and Culture
Publisher : Faculty of Islam Nusantara University of Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia (UNUSIA) Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47776/islamnusantara.v3i1.214


This review of Robert F Hefner's book begins with the relevance of this book's cover to the current pros and cons regarding school uniforms and their relation to religion. This book was published when issues and religious symbols strengthened in the electoral process in Indonesia, at least in the 2014 elections and the DKI Regional Head Elections. Even though the proponent of this issue lost, the influence of Islam in the way of life of the state is getting stronger. In historical terms, Islam has always been an important factor in socio-political life since the Dutch East Indies to Indonesia today. Studies on the Dutch East Indies (Indology) to studies on Indonesia (Indonesia studies) always place Islam as a strong variable. Starting from Snouck Hurgonje to Cliford Geertz who was a pioneer in the study of Islam and their work became a reference for subsequent studies. Hefner's edited book contributes to showing the role and influence of Islam in contemporary Indonesia, especially after the reformation. Although not specifically reviewing Islam and Indonesia, all existing analyzes on democracy, law, politics, and socio-cultural aspects related to media, entertainment and ethnicity are closely related to Islam, as well as gender and plural society.