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Journal : Proceeding of International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology

Virtual Vocal Learning-based Art Education Alfa Kristanto; Muhammad Jazuli; Hartono Hartono; Udi Utomo
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 8 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The Covid-19 pandemic currently affecting the world, especially that experienced by Indonesia, has also had an impact on new adaptations in the area of education. The educational process that previously dominated, which was carried out outside the network, then in the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the education process switches to the network and is familiarly called online learning. With regard to the art of music, especially vocal learning, the Covid-19 pandemic situation raises creative ideas so that learning can continue effectively. One form of vocal learning during the Covid-19 pandemic is vocal learning through virtual spaces or in networks that utilize technology. This research shows that there are virtual values of art education in vocal learning. The advantages of virtual vocal learning are that a person has high expression, moral responsibility, the spirit of independence to practice can grow to the maximum, has a high enthusiasm for learning so that learning needs are not just during class, and can foster one's empathy.
Exploring Local Potential as a Source for Banyumasan Children's Songs Emah Winangsit; Sunarto Sunarto; Udi Utomo; Syahrul Syah Sinaga; Fajry Sub'haan Syah Sinaga
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 8 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Abstract. This article discusses the local potential in Banyumas which can be used as the main idea in making Banyumasan children's songs. Local potential consists of physical and non-physical, including tourism, ngapak dialect, cablaka, and babad Banyumasan. This potential can be expressed in the form of children's songs that have educational messages through art. Musicological analysis with an art phenomenological approach is used to see the process of selecting local potential that can be used as inspiration in making children's songs. This study aims to analyze the growing local potential in the Banyumas area which can be a source of inspiration in making Banyumasan children's songs. This research is a type of qualitative research using several musicological and phenomenological studies. The results showed that the local potential in Banyumas can be seen from traditional children's games, cablaka characters, natural charm, and tourism in Banyumas. Based on the analysis carried out by researchers, they found a simple formula about the use of local potential as a source of inspiration in making children's songs, including: the tone chosen must be simple according to the character of the nursery rhyme, there are educational messages based on locality values, the use of language that is interesting and easy to understand by children.
Development of “M-Learning MELODIKA” to Improve the Skills of Elementary School Students in Playing the Pianika Putri Yanuarita Sutikno; Muhammad Jazuli; Udi Utomo; Sunarto Sunarto
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 8 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Abstrak. This study was based on the lack of skills of fourth graders SDN Proyonanggan 10 Batang. This study aimed to develop, access feasibility and effectiveness of m-learning melodika, and also to describe the results of psychomotor-learning using m-learning melodika in the fourth grade at SDN Proyonanggan 10 Batang. This type of study is reasearch and development (R&D) with ADDIE model. The sample in this study is 5 fourth grade students of SDN Proyonanggan 10 which represents the total population of 32 students. Data collection techniques were implemented with tests, observations, interviews, questionnaires, and ducumentation. Data analysis techniques includes product data analysis, normality test, t-test and n-gain test. Assesment by material expert and media expert of 96.47% and 100%. Teacher and student responses of 96% and 100%. T-test, sig value 0,00 < 0.05and t counts larger than t table which is 18.500 > 2.776. N-gain test amounts to 0.74 with high criteria. Conclution of this study is the media “M-Learning Melodika” that is worthy to use in both pianika playing materials and effective for improving the pianika playing skills of 4th grade students.
Cong Rock 17: A Social Fact of Keroncong Music in Semarang Abdul Rachman; Udi Utomo; Zahrotul Fauziah
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 8 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Cong Rock 17 is a creative keroncong group in Semarang city. The phenomenon of Cong Rock 17 is captured as a social fact that is currently happening to keroncong in Semarang. This study aims to discover how the phenomenon of a social fact of Cong Rock 17 in keroncong music in Semarang. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, field notes, and documentation. Data was checked using the validity method of triangulation data with sources. Data analysis was carried out using interactive data analysis, which was divided into three stages, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding/verification. The research results show that the Cong Rock 17 social fact paradigm is based on two crucial issues: social structure and social institution. The social structure of Cong Rock 17 is that there are interactions and relationships between individuals and social positions in the Cong Rock 17. Each social position/role in Rock 17 carries out its respective main tasks and functions with a complete sense of responsibility for group solidity. While the social institution is the value ​​and norm held by the Cong Rock 17 members, which form the basis for attitudes and behaviour for the progress of the group, including routine training, discipline, loyalty, Ngemis (Ngopi Kemis), and ngibadah musik. This study concludes that the Cong Rock 17 Social Fact Paradigm from the aspects of the Social Structure and Social Institution keeps the Keroncong Orchestra solid, and sustained, and Semarang citizens always await its presence.
Inheritance of Local Cultural Values through Balahak Performances: A Case Study of Music in a Bridal Procession Performance in Siulak Mukai Alrizka Hairi Dilfa; Agus Cahyono; Wadiyo Wadiyo; Udi Utomo
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 8 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this study is to analyze Local Cultural Values ​​in Balahak Performances and how the form of inheritance of Local Cultural Values ​​through Balahak performances in Siulak Mukai. This research is qualitative with data collected through document study, observation, in-depth interviews, and FGD. Then the stages of data analysis through: data reduction, data display, drawing conclusions, for the validity of the data using triangulation techniques and discussions with colleagues. The findings of the study indicate that the Balahak Performance (Bride Procession) is an art performance that contains local cultural values, which then the process of the Balahak performance becomes a means of socializing and internalizing local culture which can be said to be cultural inheritance. There is a synergy between organisms and the environment in forming a Balahak show so that it can be said subtantively that Balahak is an Environmental-Based Performance. Therefore, the cultural values of ecological wisdom are inherited through elements in the Balahak Performance including Music, Song Verses, Pantun, Costum, Arena, Participants, Audience.