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Desain Mesin Spinner Berbasis IoT Lis Diana Mustafa; Hadiwiyatno Hadiwiyatno; Yani Ratnawati
Jurnal Elektronika, Listrik, dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Jurnal ELTI II
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/e.v1i2.104


Saat ini semakin banyak produksi makanan ringan yang dihasilkan oleh industri kecil yang mengunakan bahan dasar minyak untuk menggoreng, makanan ringan yang digoreng ini memiliki keterbatasan yaitu umur konsumsi yang terhitung kurang panjang karena adanya minyak yang terkandung didalamnya. Maka dilakukan pembuatan mesin peniris yang berfungsi untuk meniriskan minyak namun dapat dioperasikan menggunakan perangkat smartphone. Mesin peniris ini dilengkapi dengan Node MCU ESP32 yang terhubung dengan firebase melaui jaringan internet. Software yang digunakan untuk merancang ini adalah android studio. Hasil kerja sistem ini telah sesuai dengan yang direncanakan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan data yang ditampilkan pada firebase dan aplikasi Android sama. Terdapat 2 mode, yaitu mode otomatis dan manual yang dapat dipilih oleh pengguna untuk mengoperasikan spiner ini.
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 8, No 1 (2017): JURNAL SIMETRIS VOLUME 8 NO 1 TAHUN 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (893.444 KB) | DOI: 10.24176/simet.v8i1.1016


Pencarian pada database yang biasa dilakukan mahasiswa hanya mampu mencari judul yang sesuai berdasarkan kata kunci yang diinputkan, misalnya, jika kata kunci yang dimasukkan adalah “sistem cerdas” maka akan ditampilkan semua dokumen yang mengandung kata “sistem cerdas” namun sistem tidak bisa mengukur mana dokumen yang paling mirip. Untuk dapat melakukan pencarian berdasar substansi  yang  paling  mirip,    terdapat  teknologi  yang  disebut  information  Text  Retrieval.  Dalam penelitian ini akan dikembangkan suatu sistem temu kembali informasi judul tugas akhir dan perhitungan kemiripan dokumen menggunakan vector space model. Sistem secara otomatis akan melakukan indexing secara offline dan temu kembali (retrieval) secara real time. Proses retrieval dimulai dengan mengambil query dari pengguna, menerapkan stop word removal sehingga dihasilkan keyword yang compaq tetapi dapatmewakili query tersebut, kemudian sistem menghitung kemiripan antarakeyword dengan daftar dokumen  yang  diwakili  oleh  term-term  di  dalam  index.  Dokumen  akan  ditampilkan  diurutkan berdasarkan dokumen yang paling mirip.Dari hasil pengujian terlihat ketika keyword “android” dimasukkan maka akan tampil empat dokumen yang diurutkan sesuai tingkat kemiripannya, yaitu docId 3 dengan tingkat kemiripan 0.9512, docId 4 dengan tingkat kemiripan 0.5020, docId 2 dengan tingkat kemiripan 0.2671, docId 8 dengan tingkat kemiripan 0.1522.
Clustering Data Remunerasi Dosen Untuk Penilaian Kinerja Menggunakan Fuzzy c-Means Putri Elfa Mas`udia; Farida Arinie; Lis Diana Mustafa
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 2 No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (753.339 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v2i1.97


Remuneration of lecturers is closely related to the performance of lecturers as stated in Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. The Three critera of Tri Dharma are teaching, research and devotion. The remuneration data will be clustered into some clusters to analyze the lecturers group. Each remuneration data consists of seven attributes such as teaching, research, textbook, training, community service, presence and certificate. For case study, the remuneration data of lecturers of telecommunication engineering will be used.Fuzzy c-means is the clustering method that will be implemented on this system.Different with K-Means, in Fuzzy c-means data will be mapped on each cluster with varying degrees of membership from 0-1. Based on the test results, there are 3 clusters formed with the number of lecturers who enter cluster 0 are 4 lecturers, 10 lecturers in cluster 1 , and 14 lecturers in cluster 2. Based on the analysis of the test result data, cluster 0 has a better value than other clusters because it has the highest cluster center point so that the lecturer's performance value included in cluster 0 is also high close to the cluster center point value.
Gaussian Distributed Noise Generator Design Using MCU-STM32 M. Nanak Zakaria; Achmad Setiawan; Ahmad Wilda Y; Lis Diana Mustafa
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (496.535 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v6i2.3684


The random noise signal is widely used as a test signal to identify a physical or biological system. In particular, the Gaussian distributed white noise signal (Gaussian White Noise) is popularly used to simulate environmental noise in telecommunications system testing, input noise in testing ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) devices, and testing other digital systems. Random noise signal generation can be done using resistors or diodes. The weakness of the noise generator system using physical components is the statistical distribution. An alternative solution is to use a Pseudo-Random System that can be adjusted for distribution and other statistical parameters. In this study, the implementation of the Gaussian distributed pseudo noise generation algorithm based on the Enhanced Box-Muller method is described. Prototype of noise generation system using a minimum system board based on Cortex Microcontroller or MCU-STM32F4. The test results found that the Enhanced Box-Muller (E Box-Muller) method can be applied to the MCU-STM32F4 efficiently, producing signal noise with Gaussian distribution. The resulting noise signal has an amplitude of ±1Volt, is Gaussian distributed, and has a relatively broad frequency spectrum. The noise signal can be used as a jamming device in a particular frequency band using an Analog modulator.
Analisis Kualitas Sinyal terhadap Performa Intra dan Inter Handover pada Jaringan 4G LTE menggunakan Metode SSV Ainun Nisyah; Aisah Aisah; Lis Diana Mustafa
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2020): Vol 10 No 02 (2020) : Juni 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v10i2.2


One of the advantages of mobile communication is Handover. The research data can be used to identify network problems such as weak signal level (RxLev), poor signal quality (Rx Qual), etc. which cause the handover quality at that site in certain areas to be affected as well. The purpose of this research is to determine the quality of a signal that will affect the performance of the handover frequency both intra-frequency handover and inter-frequency handover on the 4G LTE network by paying attention to the KPI Site of the relevant vendor, in this case PT.GCI Indonesia. The method used to determine the signal quality and network performance in an area, namely measuring and retrieving data with a drive test. One of the data collection techniques on the 4G network is to use the SSV (Single Site Verification) method on the drive test so that the signal quality and handover analysis are known both intra handover and inter handover using the GENEX Probe software. From the results of this study, it was found that the signal quality and handover quality of the 4G LTE network met the standardization given by the KPI, for the requirements for the success of the handover, which was 100% with the signal quality of the RSRP and SINR parameters resulting in a percentage of 73% and 91.21% according to the standards desired by the operator. and vendors using the Single Site Verification (SSV) drive test method.
Analisis Pemetaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau dari Hasil Citra Landsat 8 Menggunakan Metode NDVI di Kota Malang ERLINDA DWITA NURLAILY; Lis Diana Mustafa; Putri Elfa Masudia
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 10 No 3 (2020): Vol 10 No 03 (2020) : September 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v10i3.5


This study utilizes Landsat 8 satellite imagery using image processing techniques ranging from radiometric correction, image band merging, and image cutting to obtain the area to be analyzed, namely Malang City. To obtain green open space data in the research area, the NDVI method was chosen as the method. The vegetation density is divided into several classes. The image processing results are compared with the results of field tests using google street view to determine whether the results of the analysis are accurate. The results of the analysis obtained were then made a Decision Support System with the SAW method. This study's output was the creation of an android application containing information systems about green open space in Malang City and recommendations for actions for the benefit of green open space management in Malang City. The system created based on the 2020 image analysis resulted in adding green open space needed in 3 sub-districts, namely Klojen District, Sukun District, and Blimbing District. Meanwhile, the data's accuracy in this study amounted to 86% of the overall data analyzed. In 2016 the total area of ??green open space was 17.81%, in 2017, the area of ??green open space was 15.57%, in 2018, there was a significant increase in the area of ??green open space by 27.92%, in 2019 the area of ??green open space was 17.43%, and in 2020, the area of ??green open space is 17.18% of the total area of ??Malang City.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Pemesanan Jadwal Laundry Self Service Berbasis Website Menggunakan Protokol MQTT Rancang Bangun Sistem Pemesanan Jadwal Laundry Self Service Berbasis Website Menggunakan Protokol MQTT Salma Febrila; Nugroho Suharto; Lis Diana Mustafa
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 10 No 4 (2020): Vol 10 No 04 (2020) : Desember 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v10i4.19


In this study, customers had to queue in order to get their turn for laundry. So that users need a long time so it is less time efficient. This self-service laundry has a washing schedule booking service through the website making it easier for laundry service users without the need to queue. The method used in this study is an application for ordering laundry schedules via the website and an RFID tag as a card to access self-service laundry services. First, the user registers with customer service to get an RFID tag in the form of a smart card containing the user's identity and balance so that they can operate the washing machine. This research measures the accuracy of the weight sensor, the accuracy of the RFID distance, and the communication system between hardware and software. In the test results, the accuracy of the weight sensor obtained an error percentage of 0.28% to 1.69%. In testing the accuracy of the RFID distance, the reading of the RFID tag with a reader was obtained from a distance of 0 cm to 3 cm. In testing QoS (Quality of Service) using parameters delay, packet loss and throughput. In the delay test, the test results obtained are 0.057ms to 15.426ms. In the packet loss test it was obtained 0%. Whereas in the throughput test, the results obtained are around 0.337 Kbps to 6,758 Kbps.
Desain Sensor Tingkat Kekeruhan Air Menggunakan Bahan Fiber Optik Silviana Dewi Masitoh; Yoyok Heru Prasetyo Isnomo; Lis Diana Mustafa
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 11 No 3 (2021): Vol. 11 No 03 (2021) : September 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v11i3.113


The importance of knowing the level of turbidity of water, especially in the activity of using drinking water in the form of clean water, requires a tool to be used to measure the level of turbidity of water. The use of optical fiber to determine the level of turbidity of water from the value of power loss is expected to be a solution to determine the level of turbidity of water before use. The research was conducted by measuring the value of power loss at the two ends of singlemode and multimode optical fiber connected to a fiber coupler, then measured using a Handheld Light Source and Optical Power Meter. The fiber coupler is modified by giving a 1mm hole at the center point to pass the tested water. Measurements were carried out with the condition of two optical ends without distance, the optical end was spaced 1mm apart, the optical end was spaced 1mm through clear water and water with a clouding agent in the form of ink. The largest measurement loss was obtained in singlemode optical fiber with a yellow color effect of 1.9dB. In multimode optical fiber, the yellow color cloud is 2.81dB. The results of the graph and calculation of power loss show the effect of adding an ink clouding agent to the measured power in the OPM. Based on the measurement results of changes in power loss that are not constant for each addition of 5 ml of turbidity, the sensor designed has low sensitivity.
Perancangan Sensor Kapasitor Dan Penggunaan Sensor Warna Sebagai Pendeteksi Tingkat Kematangan Biji Kopi Kawi Roasting Menggunakan Logika fuzzy Berbasis Arduino Bahril Ilmid Nugroho; Azam Muzakhim; Lis Diana Mustafa
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 11 No 3 (2021): Vol. 11 No 03 (2021) : September 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v11i3.114


Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in Indonesia because of its taste and aroma. Coffee in its presentation has different types which are determined by the coffee beans maturity level during roasting, including light roast, medium roast and dark roast. Each of the three types of roasting profiles has a different level of moisture in the beans. The use of a roaster machine to determine the coffee beans maturity level often uses temperature and roasting time settings. Knowing the capacitance value in determining the roasting l evel is expected to increase the accuracy of the roasting level. In this study, a capacitor sensor consisting of two parallel copper plates was designed to determine the roasted coffee beans maturity level. The frequency value and color sensor in the system were used to determine the basic value of the classification of Kawi coffee beans maturity level in the fuzzy system. Based on the results, namely at a parallel cap acitor sensor distance of 2 cm, the oscilloscope readings of dark maturity have a frequency range between 201KHz - 213KHz, medium in the range 179KHz - 206KHz and light 178KHz - 200KHz. Meanwhile, the Arduino frequency counter readings at the dark maturity level in range of 204KHz - 234KHz, medium in range of 210KHz - 227KHz and light at 205KHz - 223KHz. The results of the maturity level classification of Kawi coffee beans with fuzzy values for dark < 43.50, 43.50 < medium < 174 and light > 174.
Telecontrolling pada Kandang Jangkrik Berbasis IoT (Internet of Things) a Anshar; Lis Diana Mustafa; Nugroho Suharto
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 11 No 4 (2021): Vol 11 No 04 (2021) : Desember 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v11i4.239


Cicadas are a unique type of insect, have a distinctive sound and are active at night, Cicadas are widely cultivated by the community because they can support the community's economy both for pet feed, animal feed mixtures, food additives to cosmetic mixtures. Aspects that need to be considered in the cultivation of Cicadas, namely environmental factors that affect the life and growth of Cicadas daily are from sources of nutrition, temperature and humidity. DHT22 and RTC sensors to measure temperature and humidity in the cricket cage and RTC to detect time. The sensor data input will be processed by ESP32 which is a System on Chip with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, then detected by Fuzzy Logic to determine the activation output and when the Cicadas are harvested will be sent via the telegram application. The results of the system design for control and monitoring have been successfully implemented in the cricket cage based on temperature, humidity and time. The system can send output notifications and responses in accordance with predetermined conditions with the telegram application and data storage on the website. Testing the accuracy of the sensor gets a fairly accurate presentation of accuracy, that is, on average the percentage accuracy of temperature gets 98% and at humidity it gets a value of 97%, and Testing the results of the percentage of accuracy on the system and fuzzy simulation using telegram and matlab applications gets a percentage value 31.66% accuracy.