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Journal Information System Development (ISD) Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Journal Information System Development (ISD)

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Perkembangan teknologi untuk menulis dan menggambar menggunakan mesin terus mengalami kemajuan yang signifikan, salah satunya adalah teknologi mesin CNC Plotter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah mesin CNC Plotter yang dapat diprogram untuk menulis dan menggambar dengan gerakan yang menyerupai pergerakan tangan manusia. CNC Plotter dirancang menggunakan Arduino sebagai mikrokontroler, stepper motor, dan modul A4988 sebagai motor driver. G-code digunakan untuk mengatur pergerakan dari CNC Plotter, dan dibuat dari import gambar yang telah difilter threshold dan menggunakan fungsi trace bitmap untuk mendapatkan outer-line dari gambar. G-code dibuat menggunakan aplikasi InkScape dan dibaca menggunakan program Processing. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rancangan dari CNC Plotter yang dibuat berjalan dengan akurasi cukup baik. Stepper motor dapat bekerja dengan baik. Gambar dan tulisan yang dibentuk oleh mesin CNC Plotter memiliki tingkat akurasi antara 85% hingga 90%.

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One of the policies implemented by the government of Indonesia in order to reduce the spread of Covid-19 pandemic is the hand washing protocol. The Smart Hand Wash Assistant is designed to make use of various components that can guide the user through the hand washing procedure as described in the protocol. System design in this initial research is done in Tinkercad, which is a web-based application that can create and simulate electronic circuit designs. Testing result for ping sensor, LCD, motor and buzzer components has the success rate of 100%. Testing of the overall system shows that the Smart Hand Wash Assistant system works well in guiding the user to follow the steps of the hand washing protocol
Design And Development Of Arduino-Based Smart Classroom System Michella Monica; Alfa Satya Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30700/jst.v11i1.1058


The purpose of this research is to design and develop a Smart Classroom system. The system is expected to minimize academic dishonesty in attendance and assignment submission. A survey about academic dishonesty was distributed to 144 university students and lecturers to measure the level of academic dishonesty. Survey result shows that 54.5% of students surveyed has committed academic dishonesty, and 60% of lecturers surveyed has discovered academic dishonesty incidents. Furthermore, 55.2% of students and 20% of lecturers surveyed believed that the attendance system used is not effective, which causes academic dishonesty cases. Thus, a Smart Classroom system was developed using fingerprint scanner module to take attendance and QR barcode scanner to take assignment submission. The system is controlled using Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller board and includes database and website to manage and display data. System testing shows that success rate of fingerprint scanner module in taking attendance is 90%, and success rate of QR barcode scanner module in assignment submission is 100%.
Perancangan Sistem Pendeteksi Pencurian Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Berbasis Arduino Alfa Satya Putra; Jennifer Novia Nursalim; Arnold Aribowo; Hendra Tjahyadi
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Pendidikan Vol 13 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/tip.v13i2.340


Fuel shortage is a common problem in Indonesia. This prompted many cases of vehicle fuel theft. As a solution to this problem, an Arduino-based vehicle fuel theft detector system is implemented. Arduino-based vehicle fuel theft detector system is a prototype that uses Arduino UNO as a microcontroller, IComSat v1.1 SIM900 GSM/GPRS Shield to communicate with mobile phone, fuel level sensor as a volume detector, and push button as a detector to check whether the fuel tank’s lid is open or closed. The working principle of this system is to detect the state of the fuel tank lid. When the lid is open, the system will make a phone call. Then, the system will keep track of fuel volume. If there is a drastic decrease in volume, the system will send information about the decreasing volume in the form of a short message to the owner of the vehicle. The success rate of the communication system between Arduino UNO and other electronic devices is 100%. Accuracy of fuel level sensor is 90%. Success rate of push button switch in detecting the state of fuel tank’s lid is 100%. Success rate of GSM Shield communication is 90%.
Peningkatan Keterampilan ICT untuk Guru melalui Pelatihan Konten Digital Pembelajaran Berbasis Sumber Terbuka (Open Sources) Taufik Ikhsan Slamet; Agung Alfiansyah; Wikky F Al Maki; Fathoni A Musyafa; Alfa Satyaputra; Patmah Fathoni; Shinta S Andayani; Sherly Melinda; Dominggus Oktavianus; Nuiza P Yusuf
Aksiologiya: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1155.41 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/aks.v4i1.2316


ABSTRAK Pemanfaatan dan pengembangan konten digital adalah persyaratan yang harus terpenuhi untuk menjadi guru profesional Abad 21. Hal ini yang kemudian membuat adanya kebutuhan mendesak dikalangan guru yang sudah lama berkecimpung dalam profesi pendidikan. Berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan melalui kuesioner online (Google Form), responden (n=83) dari beberapa sekolah dan beberapa mata pelajaran mengayatakan bahwa kebutuhan keterampilan pembuatan konten digital pembelajaran merupakan prioritas utama (n=42) dan diikuti kebutuhan pembuatan online classroom and mobile learning (n=38). Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan identifikasi masalah, analisa kurikulum, implementasi solusi, dan evaluasi hasi dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat dalam bentuk pelatihan pengembangan konten digital pembelajaran untuk guru di Kota Tangerang. Kata Kunci: konten digital; pembelajaran informatika; sumber terbuka.ABSTRACT Digital content development and utilization are considered as high requirements that must be mastered by qualified teachers in this 21st century learning. The needs eventually create gaps between prior teachers’ competencies and the requirements for further qualifications. An online survey delivered through Google form was conducted to validate this hypothesis. The survey found that respondents (n=83) who were school teachers from different learning subjects expressed that they demanded new skills on digital content development and utilization. It was considered as the highest priority (n=42) among any others skills related technology enhanced learning, such as online classroom or mobile learning (n=38). This article is aimed to describe the process of problem identification, curriculum analysis, the implementation of solution, and program evaluation of a community service activities entitled ‘Training of Digital Content Development for School Teachers’. Keywords: computer science education; digital content; open sources. 
DESAIN DAN IMPLEMENTASI PATH FOLLOWING DRONE Fernaldy Julius; Alfa Satya Putra; Hendra Tjahyadi
Jurnal Elektro Vol 12 No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta

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Pada makalah ini dilakukan perancangan Drone yang dapat bergerak sendiri sesuai jalur yang sudah ditetapkan pada program komputer. Drone yang digunakan adalah Parrot AR. Drone 2.0. Drone memancarkan wifi dan komputer harus terkoneksi dengan wifi Drone untuk mengirimkan data jalur. Bahasa JavaScript dan library ar-drone digunakan untuk pemrograman Drone. Node.js digunakan untuk mengirim program dengan wifi Drone. Pengujian Drone dilakukan menggunakan jalur berbentuk segitiga dengan tiga skenario pengujian, dimana pada masing-masing skenario dilakukan lima kali pengujian. Pada skenario pertama, Drone bergerak di luar ruangan dan mendarat di titik akhir segitiga. Pada skenario kedua, Drone bergerak di luar ruangan dan mendarat di setiap titik segitiga. Pada skenario ketiga, Drone bergerak di dalam ruangan dan mendarat di titik akhir segitiga. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan Drone sudah dapat bergerak mengikuti jalur yang diberikan. Namun karena tidak adanya feedback pada sistem, Drone tidak dapat mendeteksi dan melakukan perbaikan posisi, sehingga mempengaruhi akurasi gerakan Drone. This paper discusses the design of an autonomous Drone that can follow a designated path from a computer program. The Drone used is Parrot AR. Drone 2.0. The Drone broadcasts wifi signal and the computer must connect to the Drone wifi in order to send the path data. JavaScript programming language and ar-drone library is used to program the Drone. Node.js is used to send the program using the Drone wifi. Drone testing is done by using a triangular path with three testing scenarios, and each scenario will be tested five times. In the first scenario, Drone moves outdoors and lands only on the finish point of the triangular path. In the second scenario, Drone moves outdoors and lands on each point of the triangular path. In the third scenario, Drone moves indoors and lands only on the finish point of the triangular path. Testing shows that Drone is able to follow the provided path. However, the lack of feedback in the system means the Drone is unable to detect and adjust its position, and this affects the accuracy of Drone’s movement.
Journal Information System Development (ISD) Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Journal Information System Development (ISD)

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Perkembangan teknologi untuk menulis dan menggambar menggunakan mesin terus mengalami kemajuan yang signifikan, salah satunya adalah teknologi mesin CNC Plotter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah mesin CNC Plotter yang dapat diprogram untuk menulis dan menggambar dengan gerakan yang menyerupai pergerakan tangan manusia. CNC Plotter dirancang menggunakan Arduino sebagai mikrokontroler, stepper motor, dan modul A4988 sebagai motor driver. G-code digunakan untuk mengatur pergerakan dari CNC Plotter, dan dibuat dari import gambar yang telah difilter threshold dan menggunakan fungsi trace bitmap untuk mendapatkan outer-line dari gambar. G-code dibuat menggunakan aplikasi InkScape dan dibaca menggunakan program Processing. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rancangan dari CNC Plotter yang dibuat berjalan dengan akurasi cukup baik. Stepper motor dapat bekerja dengan baik. Gambar dan tulisan yang dibentuk oleh mesin CNC Plotter memiliki tingkat akurasi antara 85% hingga 90%.
Journal Information System Development (ISD) Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Journal Information System Development (ISD)

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One of the policies implemented by the government of Indonesia in order to reduce the spread of Covid-19 pandemic is the hand washing protocol. The Smart Hand Wash Assistant is designed to make use of various components that can guide the user through the hand washing procedure as described in the protocol. System design in this initial research is done in Tinkercad, which is a web-based application that can create and simulate electronic circuit designs. Testing result for ping sensor, LCD, motor and buzzer components has the success rate of 100%. Testing of the overall system shows that the Smart Hand Wash Assistant system works well in guiding the user to follow the steps of the hand washing protocol
Purwarupa Sistem Pendataan Pengunjung dan Pengendalian Perangkat Laboratorium Dalam Pengembangan Smart Campus Heny Ispur Pratiwi; Alfa Satyaputra; Arnold Aribowo
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 1 No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1012.453 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v1i1.10


The laboratory visitors data collection system serves as a timestamp data collection of laboratory visitors, and the control system is set for controlling electrical devices such as air conditioners, lights, and door locks inside the laboratory room according to the visitors amount, both are integrated as one system for implementing the development of Smart Campus and supporting conveniences and security for Lecturers, staff and students. The system uses hardware such as door lock solenoid, relay board, RFID reader, serial-cables and Arduino microcontrollers. Some software are used such as Node.js scripts (JavaScript runtime environment) as the central logic and communication, one Arduino microcontroller programmed with Arduino software program, and another Arduino microcontroller is embedded with firmware Firmata and application software such as server XAMPP for web pages using Bootstrap framework and Javascript library such as AngularJS, JQuery and Javascript Bootstrap. Furthermore, MySQL is used as a database by using a serial protocol, and then WebSocket and Johnny-Five Framework are used as a complement system solution. Overall integration of the systems is expected to run smoothly as designed.
Pengembangan Sistem Komunikasi Nirkabel Untuk Mengendalikan Robot Sepak Bola Alfa Satya Putra; Arnold Aribowo; Hendra Tjahyadi
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 2 No 2 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (923.028 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v2i2.347


According to how soccer robot movement is controlled, approaches in soccer robot can be divided into two categories, namely centralized and decentralized. Centralized approach is an example of control over network concept where devices are controlled over the network. Each robot obtains information from a vision system outside the robot to detect the ball, and the central computer makes decision on which robot to approach and kick the ball. Wireless communication between robot and central computer must be reliable. One of the most important components in soccer robot is the ball kicking mechanism, which has to be able to kick the ball accurately. The wireless communication system is developed with a WeMos D1 microcontroller. Ball kicking mechanism is developed using solenoid circuit controlled by the microcontroller. Testing showed that wireless communication system has 100% reliability when operated in range up to 300cm. The ball kicking mechanism was able to respond accurately to ball kicking command when the robot is stationary and moving. When the robot is stationary, average kicking distance of the ball is 42.22cm and average tilt angle is 29.58°. When robot is moving, average kicking distance is 40.98cm and average tilt angle is 26.12°.