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Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF) Vol 1, No 3 (2010): Network And Security
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika

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TCP mempunyai banyak jenis pengembangan. Untuk jaringan dengan delay tinggi seperti seluler dan satelit seperti HSDPA maka TCP Westwood sering dipakai untuk protokol transport. Varian dari Westwood sendiri yaitu Westwood+ mempunyai kelebihan karena bersifat adaptif dalam menghadapi jaringan dengan loss tinggi. Pada linux kernel 2.6 TCP westwood sudah tersedia dan tinggal diaktivasi. TCP westwood+ sendiri mempunyai beberapa parameter diantaranya increment factor yang akan dipakai pada saat fase congestion avoidance pada algoritma Additive Increase. Secara default increment factor bernilai 1 dan bisa diubah. Pada makalah ini diujicobakan mengubah nilai increment factor tadi dan melihat pengaruhnya pada throughput. Dari hasil simulasi pada Network Simulator 2 bisa disimpulkan bahwa jika kita mengubah nilai increment factor tersebut pada jaringan bottleneck dengan nilai sembarang x2 dengan x2 diantara 0 sampai 1 maka pada throughput yang dihasilkan ternyata relatif sebanding dengan nilai x. pada kondisi bottleneck ternyata pengaturan besar throughput pada TCP Westwood+ bisa dilakukan dengan mengganti nilai increment factor dengan nilai tertentu sedangkan pada kondisi yang longgar atau traffik rendah maka perilaku throughput akan sama.
Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF) Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Business Intelligence
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika

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Selama ini untuk menghidupkan kendaraan seseorang harus menggunakan sebuah kunci, sehingga untuk mengakses banyak kendaraan harus digunakan banyak kunci yang berbeda. Namun jika handphone dijadikan kunci elektronik, tentunya semua kunci tersebut tidak dibutuhkan lagi, karena satu handphone dapat mewakili kunci tersebut. Pada penelitian ini, sistem kunci elektronik menggunakan handphone sebagai kunci, dan sebuah mikrokontroler Arduino pada kendaraan sebagai penerima kontrol. Komunikasi antara handphone dan mikrokontroler menggunakan bluetooth. Komunikasi dengan bluetooth tersebut belum didukung dengan keamanan yang kuat. Bahkan ada yang menyatakan bahwa dukungan keamanan pada bluetooth sudah berhasil dipecahkan dan diserang. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dibuat untuk melengkapi aspek keamanan kunci elektronik dengan mengimplementasikan Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) dengan panjang kunci 128 bit, 192 bit, dan 256 bit. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatnya dukungan aspek keamanan yang diperoleh dari implementasi AES. Setelah dilakukan pengujian, total waktu eksekusi maksimum sistem kunci elektronik kendaraan yang telah dibuat sebesar 385 ms pada jarak 20 m. Lama waktu tersebut masih lebih rendah dibanding batas kenyamanan pengguna yaitu di bawah 1000 ms (Nielsen, 1993), sehingga sistem layak untuk diterapkan.
Footstep Recognition Using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients and Artificial Neural Network Thasya Nurul Wulandari Siagian; Hilal Hudan Nuha; Rahmat Yasirandi
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 4 No 3 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.877 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v4i3.1964


Footstep recognition is relatively new biometrics and based on the learning of footsteps signals captured from people walking on the sensing area. The footstep signals classification process for security systems still has a low level of accuracy. Therefore, we need a classification system that has a high accuracy for security systems. Most systems are generally developed using geometric and holistic features but still provide high error rates. In this research, a new system is proposed by using the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) feature extraction, because it has a good linear frequency as a copycat of the human hearing system and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as a classification algorithm because it has a good level of accuracy with a dataset of 500 recording footsteps. The classification results show that the proposed system can achieve the highest accuracy of validation loss value 57.3, Accuracy testing 92.0%, loss value 193.8, and accuracy training 100%, the accuracy results are an evaluation of the system in improving the foot signal recognition system for security systems in the smart home environment.
A Survey on Phishing Website Detection Using Hadoop Muhammad Rayhan Natadimadja; Maman Abdurohman; Hilal Hudan Nuha
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang Vol 5, No 3 (2020): JURNAL INFORMATIKA UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/informatika.v5i3.6672


Phishing is an activity carried out by phishers with the aim of stealing personal data of internet users such as user IDs, password, and banking account, that data will be used for their personal interests. Average internet user will be easily trapped by phishers due to the similarity of the websites they visit to the original websites. Because there are several attributes that must be considered, most of internet user finds it difficult to distinguish between an authentic website or not. There are many ways to detecting a phishing website, but the existing phishing website detection system is too time-consuming and very dependent on the database it has. In this research, the focus of Hadoop MapReduce is to quickly retrieve some of the attributes of a phishing website that has an important role in identifying a phishing website, and then informing to users whether the website is a phishing website or not.
Manufacturing a Plotter Printer with Computer Numerical Control Based Pen Ink Using CoreXY Mechanisms Veshea Falerie Goszal; Hilal Hudan Nuha; Maman Abdurohman
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v5i2.2783


In the process of printing images, a high-quality plotter printer is required to obtain better printed images. This causes the costs incurred to purchase a plotter printer become even higher along with the quality of the printout. In addition, the use of original plotter printer ink is significantly more expensive than that of the non-original ink. Therefore, this paper proposes a pen based computer plotter printer design using the CoreXY framework. This framework is based on a 2D in-axis motion control technique using a single continuous belt for both axes. To evaluate the performance of the proposed design, the level precision for vector and raster modes are measured using the Mean Absolute Percentage (MAPE). Based on the results of precision measurements, it was found that the printer prototype designed to produce high-precision images with affordable pen ink costs and can process digital instructions from a computer using Computer Numerical Control (CNC).
Estimasi Utilisasi Prosesor pada Jaringan Interkoneksi Optik menggunakan Regresi Gaussian HILAL HUDAN NUHA; AULIA ARIF WARDANA
Jurnal Elkomika Vol 10, No 3 (2022): ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektr
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v10i3.702


ABSTRAKTeknologi prosesor paralel melibatkan lebih dari satu node prosesor dalam interkoneksi optik. Unjuk kerja dari desain dari jaringan optik tersebut harus diestimasi sebelum diimplementasikan. Atribut yang bisa diambil diambil dari desain tersebut yaitu nomor node dan thread, distribusi spasial dan temporal, dan rasio T/R. Kajian ini mengevaluasi teknik estimasi utilitasi prosesor menggunakan regresi Gaussian yang dibandingkan dengan Support Vector Machine untuk regresi dan regresi linear. Hasil percobaan penunjukkan bahwa regresi Gaussian menghasilkan akurasi estimasi paling tinggi dengan nilai koefisien determinasi sebesar 98.75%.Kata kunci: Utilisasi prosesor, interkoneksi optik, regresi Gaussian ABSTRACTParallel processor technology involves more than one processor node in an optical interconnection. The performance of the design of the optical network must be estimated before further deployment. The attributes that can be obtained from the design are the number of nodes and threads, the spatial and temporal distribution, and the T/R ratio. This study evaluates the processor utility estimation technique using Gaussian regression compared to the Support Vector Machine for linear regression and regression. The experimental results show that Gaussian regression produces the highest estimation accuracy with a coefficient of determination of 98.75%.Keywords: Processor Utilization, Optical Interconnection, Gaussian Regression
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/js.v11i2.14576


Banjarmasin is a city of a thousand rivers, floods often occur due to high tides and high rainfall. An early warning system is needed for monitoring and predicting river tides, especially in rivers that are prone to disasters. This study aims to develop an early warning system for river water levels using IoT and predictions with linear regression analysis. The research method in the early stages is the manufacture of an early warning system device with NodeMCU V3, Microcontroller, and ultrasonic sensors A02YYUW. Monitoring to collect water level data at high tide through the LCD based on ultrasonic sensors on the banks of the river and sent to the Mysql database, predictions using simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the early warning system was affected by rising river water levels. Simple regression analysis showed significant results on the t-test and simple linear regression equation Ŷ= 29.472 - 0.061 X + e. This means that the river water level at high tide approaches an early warning tool, namely an ultrasonic sensor. The conclusion of this study is that the results of an IoT-based early warning system analyzed by simple linear regression can be used to monitor and predict river water level rise.
Energy Efficiency Analysis of Network Slicing Algorithm on WiFI Network Dimas Prakoso; Hilal Hudan Nuha; Rio Guntur Utomo
Indonesia Journal on Computing (Indo-JC) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): August, 2022
Publisher : School of Computing, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34818/INDOJC.2022.7.2.642


The 5G network generation is a modern innovation after it was first introduced by the New Generation Mobile Network (NGMN). The rapid development of mobile devices is marked by the number of companies launching mobile devices with the latest network connection technology, namely the 5G network. In addition, the rapid development of technology has led to an increase in the number of network requirements that are increasingly current. The development of network virtualization and software network functions is proposed as Network Slicing technology. Network Slicing can integrate and distribute independent network resources so that users get services with low latency and high-reliability requirements. The Network Slicing algorithm can reduce energy wastage when used and aims to divide and allocate network resources into several parts in proportion to the expected resource ratio or priority.
Error Correction Codes Performance using Binary Phase Shift Keying over Fading Channel Hilal Hudan Nuha; Abdi T. Abdalla
International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : School of Computing, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21108/ijoict.v8i1.646


In a communication system, two main resources are used: transmission power and channel bandwidth. Transmission power is the average power of the transmitted signal. Channel bandwidth is defined as the frequency band allocated for the transmission of the message signal. A goal of general system design is to use these two resources as efficiently as possible. This scientific paper presents the experimental results of the Binary Phase Shift Keying (BSK) communication system on the additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and the Fading channel. To improve system performance, error correction code (ECC) is used for encoding. ECC used include convolutional code (ConvCode) and Hamming code. Experimental results show that for BER=10^(-4) the coding gain of the ConvCode over Hamming code under AWGN is G=0.475dB. Whereas the coding gain of the ConvCode over unencoded BPSK is G=19.6dB.
Pemodelan Alu Pada Mikroprosesor Mips Menggunakan Redstone Di Minecraft Mazaya Zata Diny; Hilal Hudan Nuha; Andrian Rakhmatsyah
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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AbstrakMinecraft bisa digunakan sebagai cara yang menarik untuk menjelaskan dan memvisualisasikan aliranlistrik dalam rangkaian digital. Di Indonesia, Minecraft masih belum banyak digunakan sebagai game yangmemvisualisasikan elektronika digital dengan gerbang logika digital dimana interkoneksi masing-masinggerbang tersebut dapat dikonfigurasi antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Sementara itu, sumber daya yangterdapat pada Minecraft menyimpan potensi yang bisa memadukan antara kreativitas, game danelektronika digital. Penelitian ini membahas tentang penggunakan Minecraft untuk pemodelan ArithmaticLogical Unit (ALU) pada Mikroprosesor. Pemilihan arsitektur ALU yang merupakan salah satu komponenutama di setiap arsitektur mikroprosesor yang akan dimodelkan adalah karena pertimbangan perananALU pada mikroprosesor yang penting untuk membentuk unit pengolahan data di komputer. ALU yangdibangun yaitu arsitektur logika (OR, NOR, AND, NAND, XOR, XNOR) dan arsitektur aritmatika (ADD,SUB). Hasil pemodelan menunjukkan hasil bahwa semua operasi standar ALU berhasil berjalan denganbaik.Kata kunci : Minecraft, Redstone, Arithmatic Logical Unit.AbstractMinecraft can be used as an interesting way to explain and visualize electricity in a digital circuit. InIndonesia, Minecraft is still not widely used as a game that visualizes digital electronics with digital logicgates where interconnection of each gate can be configured with the other gate. Meanwhile, the Minecraft'sresources holds potential that can combine creativity, game and digital electronics. This study discusses theuse of Minecraft for Arithmatic Logical Unit (ALU) modeling on Microprocessors Choosing ALUarchitecture which is one of the main components in each microprocessor architecture that will be modeled.Due to the consideration of ALU's role as the important microprocessors to form data processing units onthe computer. ALU is built on logic architecture (OR, NOR, AND, NAND, XOR, XNOR) and arithmeticarchitecture (ADD, SUB). The modeling results show that all standard ALU operations have beensuccessful.Keyword : Minecraft, Redstone, Arithmatic Logical Unit