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Implementasi Haversine Formula untuk Pembuatan SIG Jarak Terdekat ke RS Rujukan COVID-19 Chandra Husada; Kristoko Dwi Hartomo; Hanna Prillysca Chernovita
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 4 No 5 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (819.027 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v4i5.2255


Haversine formula-based GIS has been created to find closest location to referral hospital handling COVID-19 in Semarang City. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine closest distance and compare the results with the calculation of Find Nearest Tool and Google Maps and (2) to design GIS. It was done through (i) primary and secondary data creation and processing, (ii) accuracy measurement using Haversine formula. GIS is built after the calculation results are obtained. Calculation of the distance from user’s starting point to referral hospital can be generated using Haversine formula. Comparison of measurement results between Haversine formula-based GIS and Find Nearest Tool, the average differences is 13 meters, the smallest difference is 3 meters and the largest difference is 40 meters. The differences between the calculation results of Haversine formula and Google Maps, the smallest difference is 0 meters, the largest difference is 5 meters, and the average differences is 3 meters. GIS creation obtained through designing use case, activity, class diagram, and user interface. The conclusion is Haversine formula-based GIS can be used as "Geographic Information System for the Search of Referral Hospital Handling COVID-19 in Semarang City" based on the closest distance from user's location.
ANALISIS SPASIAL POLA KRIMINALITAS DI KOTA SALATIGA Chrishananda, Kevin Brillian Tegar; Chernovita, Hanna Prillysca
Jurnal Spasial Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22202/js.v7i1.4037


Kota Salatiga memiliki luas wilayah sebesar 56,7811 km2, dengan total penduduk sebesar 183.815 jiwa di tahun 2015. Walaupun angka kasus kriminal di Kota Salatiga menurun di angka 17,6%  pada tahun 2018, tetap diketahui bahwa masih terdapat kasus kriminal yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pola persebaran kriminalitas yang terjadi di Kota Salatiga, dan mengetahui daerah mana yang teridentifikasi sebagai daerah yang rawan terhadap tindakan kriminal. Data dari penelitian ini diambil dari Satuan Reserse dan Kriminal Polisi Resor Kota Salatiga. Alat analisa dari penelitian ini yang digunakan adalah Spatial Autocorrelation, Average Nearest Neighbor, Optimized Hotspot Analysis, Directional Distribution, dan Temporal Collect Event. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini, Kota Salatiga mengalami penurunan angka kriminalitas sampai dengan 45% dan hasil lain mengatakan bahwa kejadian kriminal paling banyak terjadi di daerah tengah-atas kota. Lebih jelasnya berada pada perbatasan antar 4 kecamatan, yakni Kecamatan Sidorejo, Sidomukti, Argomulyo, dan Tingkir. Akan tetapi, Kecamatan Sidorejo adalah kecamatan dengan kasus kejadian paling banyak dan Kecamatan Tingkir adalah kecamatan dengan kasus kejadian paling sedikit.
Analisis Tingkat Kerawanan Banjir di Kabupaten Semarang Menggunakan Overlay dan Skoring Memanfaatkan SIG Ramadhan, Dawa Rysqyqa; Chernovita, Hanna Prillysca
JAGAT (Jurnal Geografi Aplikasi dan Teknologi) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): JAGAT (Jurnal Geografi Aplikasi dan Teknologi)
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jagat.v5i1.14816


Abstrak: Bencana banjir merupakan bencana yang sering terjadi di wilayah iklim tropis khususnya daerah yang letaknya dikelilingi oleh aliran air atau genangan air seperti danau. Banjir di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh pergantian musim yang tidak menentu yang menyebabkan bencana banjir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan wilayah yang rawan terhadap banjir dan mengetahui sebarapa besar tingkat kerawananan banjir yang dapat terjadi di studi area penelitian pada wilayah Kabupaten Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode overlay dengan tumpang susun layer, berdasarkan hasil perhitungan total scoring dari nilai dan bobot dari tiap parameter. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder berupa data spasial dan non spasial dari lembaga resmi Negara Indonesia, yang dipakai untuk mendukung analisis yang dilakukan. Dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan pada studi area penelitian di wilayah Kabupaten Semarang, diketahui terdapat 159 desa pada daerah dengan tingkat kerawanan yang rendah, serta 109 desa pada daerah dengan tingkat kerawanan sedang, sisanya 20 desa berada pada tingkat kerawanan tinggi. Dari analisis yang dilakukan, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa wilayah Kabupaten Semarang khususnya pada daerah studi area penelitian menghasilkan informasi dari empat kecamatan yang ada, memiliki tingkat kerentanan yang didominasi oleh tingkat tidak rawan dan cukup rawan. Kata kunci: Bencana Banjir, Overlay, Scoring, Sistem Informasi Geografi.Abstract: Disaster flood disasters that occur in climatic areas, especially areas associated with water flows or puddles such as lakes. Floods in Indonesia are inspired by the changing seasons that are disastrous floods. This study aims to map the areas that are prone to flooding and how much danger is the level of flood vulnerability that can occur in the study area of Semarang Regency. This study uses an overlay method with overlapping layers, based on the calculation of the total score of the values and weights of each parameter. Data collection was carried out by collecting secondary data in the form of spatial data and non-official Indonesian institutions, which were used to support the analysis carried out. From the results of the analysis carried out in the study area of research in Semarang Regency, it is known that there are 159 villages in areas with low levels of vulnerability, as well as 109 villages in areas with moderate levels of vulnerability, the remaining 20 villages are at high levels of vulnerability. From the analysis carried out, it can be concluded that the Semarang Regency area, especially in the study area the research area produces information from the four existing sub-districts, has a level of vulnerability which is dominated by a level of vulnerability which is not vulnerable and quite vulnerable. Keywords: Flood Disaster, Overlay, Scoring, Geographic Information System. 
Evaluasi Kesuksesan Website PT Yogyakartas Mega Grafika Saat COVID-19 Menggunakan Model DeLone-McLean Afifah Rismayanti; Evi Maria; Hanna Prillysca Chernovita
Sistemasi: Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol 10, No 3 (2021): Sistemasi: Jurnal Sistem Informasi
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (768.161 KB) | DOI: 10.32520/stmsi.v10i3.1451


AbstrakPT Yogyakartas Mega Grafika adalah Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah di bidang percetakan yang sudah menggunakan website untuk memasarkan produk dan jasanya. PT Yogyakartas Mega Grafika belum pernah melakukan evaluasi untuk mengukur kesuksesan penggunaan website saat COVID-19, karena penilaian kesuksesan sistem informasi tidak bisa dilakukan secara langsung. Tujuan riset ini adalah untuk melakukan evaluasi kesuksesan penggunaan website di PT Yogyakartas Mega Grafika saat pandemi COVID-19 menggunakan model DeLone-McLean. Model ini telah terbukti secara empiris dapat digunakan untuk menilai kesuksesan sistem informasi. Sampel riset ini adalah pengguna website PT Yogyakartas Mega Grafika saat pandemi, dengan total sampel sebanyak 66 responden. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner yang diukur menggunakan skala likert. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Hasil riset menemukan bukti empiris bahwa  penggunaan website di PT Yogyakartas Mega Grafika sukses berperan dalam meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan saat pandemi. Temuan ini juga kokoh dalam analisis tambahan dengan menghitung bobot rata-rata item pengukuran dibagi dengan nilai skala likert. Hasil riset menemukan bahwa bobot rata-rata item pengukuran sebesar 4,13 dan hasil persentase kesuksesan adalah 82,6 persen. Ini artinya website PT. Yogyakartas Mega Grafika dinyatakan sangat sukses digunakan meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan saat pandemi COVID-19.Kata kunci: Model DeLone-McLean, evaluasi kesuksesan website, COVID-19. AbstractPT Yogyakartas Mega Grafika is a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the printing sector that has used the website to market its products and services. PT Yogyakartas Mega Grafika has never conducted an evaluation to measure the success rate of using the website during COVID-19, because the success of the information system cannot be assessed directly. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the success of using the website at PT Yogyakartas Mega Grafika during the COVID-19 pandemic using the DeLone-McLean models. This model has been empirically proven to be used to assess the success of information systems. The sample of this research is users of the PT Yogyakartas Mega Grafika website during the pandemic, with a total sample of 66 respondents. Data were collected using a questionnaire which was measured using a scale Likert. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis Pearson Product Moment. The results of the research found empirical evidence that the use of the website at PT Yogyakartas Mega Grafika successfully played a role in improving company performance during the pandemic. This finding is also robust in the additional analysis by calculating the average weight of the measurement items divided by the scale value Likert. The results of the research found that the average weight of the measurement items was 4.13 and the percentage of success was 82.6 percent. This means that the website of PT. Yogyakartas Mega Grafika was declared very successful in being used to improve company performance during the COVID-19 pandemic.Keywords: DeLone-McLean Models, success evaluation website, COVID-19
Analysis of Information Technology Governance In Bina Darma Foundation of Salatiga Using COBIT 5 Framework Dwi Puspitasari; Hanna Prillysca Chernovita
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v3i1.92


Bina Darma foundation is a non-profit organization established by SWCU and GMKI. The main activities of the Bina Darma foundation are a leadership training program, journal publishing, and guesthouse rental. Problems that occur in the foundation include the management of human resources related to IT is not appropriate. To solve the problem, there needs to be control and evaluation to see how the condition of IT governance in Bina Darma Foundation uses the framework COBIT 5 domain DSS (Delivery, Service, and Support). The result of this research is capability level is currently at level 1 (Performed process), while the capability level is expected to be at level 2 (Managed process). Therefore, recommendations are given so that the IT governance in Bina Darma Foundation can work optimally to support the achievement of the organization's business objectives efficiently.
Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi Dan Teknologi Informasi Pada Perusahaan PT. Grahamedia Informasi Idhe Riswara; Yani Rahardja; Hanna Prillysca Chernovita
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 3 No 3 (2021): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v3i3.157


Grahamedia Informasi merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang penjualan produk-produk IT dan jasa layanan akses internet. Perusahaan ini merupakan perusahaan IT yang tentu saja pasti sudah menjalankan penerapan sistem informasi dalam proses bisnisnya. Terlebih lagi perusahaan ini juga menerapkan ERP dalam membantu jalannya proses bisnis yang ada, dimana ERP ini sudah terintegrasi dengan beberapa sistem informasi yang ada di perusahaan. Namun ada beberapa bagian yang masih belum menerapkan sistem informasi, oleh karena dari itu diperlukan sebuah perencanaan strategis sistem informasi yang tepat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Ward and Peppard yang berisi analisis SWOT, analisis PEST, analisis Value Chain, dan hasilnya dipetakan menggunakan McFarlan Strategic Grid. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rekomendasi sistem informasi yang nantinya dapat digunakan bagi perusahaan untuk mengembangkan perusahaanya berdasarkan dari analisa lingkungan internal dan eksternal yang sudah dianalisis sebelumnya.
The Impact of Flearn Usefulness and Ease of Use Perception on FTI UKSW Students Learning Motivation Using Technology Acceptance Model Meiselia Ekawati Asoney Fina; Hanna Prillysca Chernovita; Dwi Hosanna Bangkalang
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 3 No 4 (2021): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v3i4.214


Fakultas Teknologi Informasi (FTI) merupakan salah satu fakultas pengguna Flearn di UKSW, Flearn digunakan untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh persepsi kemanfaatan dan persepsi kemudahan penggunaan Flearn terhadap motivasi belajar mahasiswa FTI UKSW menggunakan metode Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) serta software SPSS versi 22 sebagai alat untuk mengolah data. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari dua variabel bebas yaitu persepsi kemanfaatan (PU) dan persepsi kemudahan penggunaan (PEOU) serta satu variabel terikat yaitu motivasi belajar (Y). Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 90 mahasiswa FTI UKSW angkatan 2018, 2019, dan 2020. Hasil pengujian hipotesis dengan uji T pada variabel persepsi kemanfaatan (PU) terhadap variabel motivasi belajar (Y) menunjukan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.000 < 0.05 dan nilai t-hitung sebesar 5.091 > 1.991, uji T pada variabel persepsi kemudahan penggunaan (PEOU) terhadap variabel motivasi belajar (Y) menunjukan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.102 > 0.05 dan nilai t-hitung sebesar 1.655 < 1.991, selanjutnya uji F pada variabel persepsi kemanfaatan (PU) dan variabel persepsi kemudahan penggunaan (PEOU) secara simultan terhadap variabel motivasi belajar (Y) menunjukan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.000 < 0.05 dan nilai f-hitung sebesar 48.067 > 3.10.
Strategic Planning of Information Systems and Information Technology by applying the Tozer Methodology to The Lampung Betacom Pawnshop Chelsea Florentine; Hanna Prillysca Chernovita
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i1.224


Betacom is one of the pawnshops established since 2017, which is engaged in the service of distributing loan money to the public based on pawn law with electronic goods guarantees such as mobile phones, laptops, TVs, and so on. In carrying out its business processes, Betacom pawnshops have implemented information systems and information technology but are still not optimal, have not been integrated with each other and are not in line with the mission vision and business strategy of Betacom pawnshops. Therefore, proper strategic planning is needed. This strategic planning will be carried out using the Tozer method, to produce a strategic planning model of information systems that can support and improve the business processes of Betacom pawnshops. This research aims to improve the quality of business processes and SI / IT that can answer solutions to problems that occur. The output resulting from this research is in the form of recommendations for the results of strategic planning of information systems that can be used in the future.
Strategic Planning of Information Systems at Leony Frozen Food Agents in Semarang Using Ward and Peppard Methods Daniel Chris Petra Nabena; Hanna Prillysca Chernovita
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i1.229


Leony Frozen Food is a micro (small and medium) company that sells food in a frozen and cold temperature state located in Semarang. Leony Frozen Food still uses manual methods in carrying out its business process activities, and one example is doing bookkeeping. Leony Frozen Food does bookkeep still manually recorded in books and moved in the Android application, namely Cash Books. Therefore, IS/IT strategic planning is needed following the needs and current conditions of the company. This research aims to improve effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out business processes and providing solutions to problems in Leony Frozen Food. This study used data collection methods by interviewing company owners and direct observation to Leony Frozen Food. The methods used to conduct SI/IT strategic planning in this study used the Ward and Peppard methods, which included internal and external analysis of the company using Value Chain analysis, SWOT analysis, Porter's Five Forces analysis, and producing output in the form of IS/IT application proposals mapped using the McFarlan Strategic Grid. The results of IS/IT strategic planning are implemented in the next four years.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Berbasis Web Studi Kasus : PT Unicorn Intertranz Ghavinkson Enstayn Abednego Kustanto; Hanna Prillysca Chernovita
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 8, No 4: Agustus 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2021844849


Pengelolaan data perusahaan merupakan suatu hal utama dan krusial dalam memasuki persaingan industri era sekarang. Selain mudah dan aman, sistem manajemen yang telah terkomputerisasi dapat meminimalisir risiko human error. Dalam perancangan sistem informasi manajemen sendiri terdapat banyak metode yang dapat dipakai, salah satunya adalah metode prototype. Metode prototype memudahkan client untuk melihat dan mengevaluasi prototype secara bertahap seiring program dibangun. Prototype dapat ditambah maupun dikurangi sesuai berjalannya proses pengembangan. Metodologi prototype memiliki beberapa tahapan yaitu, communication, quick planning, quick Modelling, construction hingga deployment. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini ialah melakukan perancangan sistem informasi manajemen perusahaan untuk mendukung aktivitas bisnis serta pengelolaan data perusahaan. Sistem informasi manajemen yang akan dibangun pada perusahaan ini meliputi komputerisasi seluruh proses bisnis, desain sistem pada setiap divisi, hingga perancangan database perusahaan. Perancangan sistem informasi ini dimulai dari pengumpulan data-data yang diperlukan menggunakan metode diskusi dan wawancara, penerjemahan data kedalam UML diagram, implementasi kode sistem, hingga testing.AbstractManagement of company data is a major and crucial thing in entering today's industrial competition. Apart from being easy and safe, a computerized management system can minimize the risk of human error. In designing the management information system itself, there are many methods that can be used, one of which is the prototype method. The prototype method makes it easy for clients to see and evaluate the prototype in stages as the program is built. Prototypes can be added or subtracted according to the development process. The stages in the prototype methodology include communication, quick planning, quick modelling, construction and deployment. The purpose of this research is to design a company management information system to support business activities and company data management. The management information system that will be built in this company includes computerization of all business processes, system design in each division, to designing company databases. The design of this information system starts from collecting the necessary data using discussion and interview methods, translating data into UML diagrams, implementing system code, to testing.