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STUDI IMBANGAN AIR PADA DAERAH IRIGASI PITAP Fitriati, Ulfa; Novitasari, Novitasari; Rusdiansyah, Achmad; Rahman, Andi
CANTILEVER Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Cantilever
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya

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To fulfilling the demands of irrigation water in the region SWS Barito mostly farming community life is indispensable. Due to the presence of water balance studies in Sub SWS Barito is the basis for preparing the development strategy of water resources, particularly water management in irrigation area as one sub DAS Pitap Barito River. The method used to perform the analysis of the availability of water by using methods Mock and irrigation water needs analysis to see the balance of water in the water supply for paddy in Pitap Irrigation Area. Balance of water in the dam Pitap still insufficient to meet the water demands Pitap irrigation area of 4000 ha.Key Words: water availability, water demand, water balance and irrigation area Pitap
TROPICAL WETLAND JOURNAL Vol 1 No 1 (2015): Tropical Wetland Journal
Publisher : Postgraduate Program - Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM Press Academic)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/twj.v1i1.16


High demand for clean water in Banjarmasin requires PDAM Bandarmasih to do some developments, but its efforts are hindered by the water quality of raw water to be processed. It is therefore necessary to conduct a study on the water quality of raw water sources of PDAM Bandarmasih, especially during dry season. Water quality testing was carried out by performing direct experiments in the field and in the laboratory with 7 criteria including water temperature, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, pH, turbidity, salinity and dissolved oxygen that were compared with the criteria of water class B (water that can be used as the raw water for drinking water), on the basis of the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Indonesia Republic No. 492/Menkes/PER/IV/2010. Based on the analyses of water quality in the field and in the laboratory from 4 intakes namely Sungai Tabuk, Pematang Panjang, Sungai Lulut and Sungai Bilu, and the comparison of the results with the test results of water quality of the samples from PDAM taken in dry season, indicated that the amount of salt content (salinity) in two intakes, Sungai Lulut and Sungai Bilu was so high that the production of clean water from both intakes was stopped temporarily during the dry season. The service for clean water was therefore provided only at the intakes of Sungai Tabuk and Pematang Panjang during dry season, resulting in some reduction in distribution to some areas in Banjarmasin.
A STUDY OF URBAN WATER DEMAND IN SOUTH KALIMANTAN PROVINCE Ulfa Fitriati; Novitasari Novitasari; Muh. Afief Ma’ruf
TROPICAL WETLAND JOURNAL Vol 3 No 1 (2017): Tropical Wetland Journal
Publisher : Postgraduate Program - Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM Press Academic)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/twj.v3i1.43


This research projected the citizens and water demand in 13 regencies/cities in South Kalimantan Province from 2013 to the next 20 years. The results of the project were compared with the intake capacity to meet the demand in upcoming years. In projecting the population growth, five methods were used, namely aritmethic method, geometric method, linier regression method, exponential method and logarithmic method. The most appropriate method for projecting the population growth is the method which has the minimum value of standard deviation and the correlation value close to 1. Water demand was calculated based on some factors, such as the average water demand, the maximum level of water demand, and the water demand at peak hours. The existing intake capacity was then compared with the water demand projection. In almost all PDAM (Munipical Tap Water Company) observed, the capacity of water processing installation could not fullfill the water demand at the peak hours. The adequate intake capacity of PDAM was only in Balangan regency and Banjarmasin city.
JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Abstract: Scarcity Borneo iron wood currently faced by the construction industry, especially for construction work that using wood. Constraints faced today than rare iron wood price is increased day after day is quite high due to its rarity. This problem makes us have to look for alternatives other material which can certainly function according to the technical specifications desired. The method used to analyze the factors using the Zero-one method. An alternative of steel and concrete material option is determined by variable selection. Each of factors has specific variables related to concrete and steel material. Factor assessment as a basis for determining alternative as assessment showed that for procurement of concrete and steel factor as equal number at the value of 139.70. The technical factor of concrete has value of 360.29 and steel has value of 485.29. On the other hand, the factor of financial/economic of concrete has value of 175 and steel has value of 125.Keywords : iron wood scarcity, alternativere materials, wood constructionAbstrak: Kelangkaan kayu ulin saat ini dihadapi oleh industri konstruksi khususnya untuk pekerjaan yang menggunakan konstruksi kayu. Kendala yang dihadapi saat ini selain langka kayu ulin harganya pun kian hari mengalami kenaikan yang cukup tinggi akibat kelangkaannya. Permasalahan ini membuat kita harus mencari alternatif material lain yang tentunya dapat ber- fungsi sesuai spesifikasi teknis yang diinginkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor menggunakan Metode Zero-one. Pemilihan variabel dikemukakan untuk menentukan alternatif pemilihan material beton dan baja. Masing-masing faktor mem- iliki variabel yang spesifik berkaitan dengan material beton dan baja. Penilaian faktor sebagai dasar untuk menentukan alternatif sebagai penilaian menunjukkan bahwa untuk pengadaan beton dan baja sebagai alternatif pada bobot nilai 139,70. Faktor teknis beton memiliki bobot nilai 360,29 dan baja memiliki bobot nilai 485,29. Di sisi lain, faktor keuangan/ekonomi beton memiliki bobot nilai 175 dan baja memiliki bobot nilai 125.Kata kunci : kelangkaan kayu ulin, alternatif material, kontruksi kayu
Studi Kebutuhan Air Perkotaan Banjarmasin sebagai Ibukota Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Ulfa Fitriati; Novitasari Novitasari; M. Robiyan Noor M
INFO-TEKNIK 2015: Prosiding Semnas Teknik Sipil 2015
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/infotek.v0i0.3039


Penelitian memproyeksikan penduduk Kota Banjarmasin dan kebutuhan air Kota Banjarmasin dari tahun 2014 hingga 20 tahun ke depan lalu dibandingkan kapasitas intake yang ada memenuhi kebutuhan di tahun mendatang.Dalam memproyeksikan pertumbuhan penduduk Kota Banjarmasin menggunakan 5 macam metode, yaitu metode aritmatika, metode geometrik, metode regresi linier, metode eksponensial dan metode logaritmik. Metode yang paling tepat untuk memproyeksikan pertumbuhan penduduk yaitu yang mempunyai nilai standar deviasi yang paling rendah dan nilai korelasi yang paling mendekati 1. Kebutuhan air di hitung dengan faktor kebutuhan air rata – rata, faktor kebutuhan air hari maksimum, dan kebutuhan air jam puncak. Membandingkan kapasitas intake yang ada dengan proyeksi kebutuhan air.Proyeksi penduduk Kota Banjarmasin menggunakan metode geometrik karena mempunyai nilai standar deviasi paling rendah dari metode yang lain dan nilai korelasi yang mendekati 1. Kapasitas intake yang dimiliki PDAM Bandarmasih cukup untuk mencakupi proyeksi kebutuhan air bersih Kota Banjarmasin hingga tahun 2033, namun kapasitas intake masih belum mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih jam puncak
CERUCUK Vol 1, No 3 (2017): CERUCUK VOL. 1 NO. 3 MARCH 2017
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/crc.v1i3.901


Damage caused by coastal erosion in Pagatan Beach in Tanah Bumbu regency require strong and stable coastal protection. During these days as coastal protection used groins type of protection are made by gabion wire, which is easily damaged because gabion wire used for this more easily corroded. Therefore, to anticipate it, it should be made a design of a safety coastal structures by groin type in Pantai Pagatan that strong and stable. To calculating the wave height and period used Severdrup Munk Bretschneider (SMB) method which has been modified by the Shore Protection Manual (US. Army Corps of Engineers, 1984). This design refers to the Pd T-04-2005-A. These data are required is wind data, wave data, tide data, sediment data, and soil data. The results obtained dimensional design of the building with a base of 22m width and a crest elevation of 5.5m groin plan, ultimate withstand capacity of 400,128t/m2, overthrown stability 33,836 and shear stability 4,198. Sediment transport that occurs along the coast of 30,107.72m3/day, significant wave height (H33) is 1.98 m and the Design Water Level (DWL) 2.77 m. In this design, material used is crushed stone. Keywords: design, coustal protection, groin, Pagatan Beach.
Evaluasi Usability Sistem Informasi Akademik Dosen Menggunakan User Experience Questionnaire dan Heuristic Walkthrough Yuslena Sari; Maulidia Arafah; Novitasari
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 5 No 2 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.844 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v5i2.3022


University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) has an academic information system that can facilitate access to information and provide quality academic services. One of the ULM academic information system services is the Portal Akademik Dosen ULM. Since its release in 2016, there has been no research regarding the evaluation of the Portal Akademik Dosen ULM. Most of users feel that the interface of the Portal Akademik Dosen ULM needs to be improved to make it more attractive, and needs improvements in several features. In connection with the important function of the Portal Akademik Dosen ULM, an evaluation is needed to assess the success of implementing the information system. This study aims to evaluate the usability of the Portal Akademik Dosen ULM. The methods used are the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) and Heuristic Walkthrough. Based on the results of the UEQ questionnaire from 56 respondents, it was found that the aspects of attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, and stimulation got positive values, while the novelty aspect got a neutral value. For the evaluation results with Heuristic Walkthrough method which involved 4 evaluators, found 33 problems at the Cognitive Walkthrough stage, and as many as 21 problems at the Heuristic Evaluation stage with an average severity rating of 13.4. The overall results of the evaluation showed that the Portal Akademik Dosen ULM needs to be improved on novelty items and need to be improved to reduce the number of problems.
Jurnal Teknologi Berkelanjutan Vol 9 No 02 (2020): Vol 09 No 02
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

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Urban growth is inseparable from the development of settlements, city facilities and infrastructure, and other supporting facilities. Urban growth also occurs in Balangan Regency, especially in Balangan City. The development of urban planning is inseparable from the hydrological factor of the area. This study aims to evaluate the existing water system in Balangan City on the hydrological aspects of the area, especially in the office area and city growth. The evaluation includes the existing water system in Balangan City, the existing conditions, and how to plan for the future. This study proves that the air system's condition, especially the drainage system in Balangan City, is not well integrated, which is indicated by the absence of a comprehensive network system, making it difficult to evaluate the existing air system. Fortunately, this can still be covered by the hilly topography of Balangan City and the land use that is still not compacted so that water infiltration into the ground can still be expected as a solution. The need for an integrated system by taking into account urban open spaces.
Evaluation of lambung mangkurat university student academic portal using user experience questionnaire (UEQ) Yuslena Sari; Novitasari Novitasari; Hani Pratiwi
ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 13, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Univeristas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/ilkom.v13i1.787.45-50


The student academic portal is one of the Academic Information Systems at The University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM). The ULM student academic portal can only be accessed by the ULM students. It can be used for academic guidance, managing student study plans, printing test cards, filling out questionnaires, and viewing exam results (assessment). However, since its release in 2016, there has been no publication regarding evaluations on the website-based ULM student academic portal. Evaluation is one of the stages in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). This stage allows the user to assess the system. This study aims to evaluate the academic portal of the ULM students. Evaluation is carried out to determine the user's evaluation of the existing system. The evaluation method used is the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). With this method, users can assess the ULM Student Academic Portal from various aspects: Novelty, Stimulation, Dependability, Efficiency, Perspicuity, and Attractiveness. The results of this study indicate that the Perspicuity aspect gets a high score while Novelty gets a low score.
A Study of Flood Disaster Mitigation at the Tambak Anyar Traditional Polder in Banjar Regency South Kalimantan Novitasari Novitasari; Holdani Kurdi; Efri Sonia Adelia Sonata
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management Vol 9, No 2 (2021): July-December, 2021
Publisher : Center for Journal Management and Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (959.087 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jwem.v9i2.271


The Tambak Anyar polder is one of the many traditional polders scattered in the Banjar Regency. Nevertheless, this polder is flooded almost every year. The purpose of this research is to evaluate dependable discharge that entering to polder system that can be supported by the river capacity inside the polder for flood mitigation. The method used to estimate the water availability is the Mock Model. Furthermore, the data needed are observed discharge, rainfall, and evapotranspiration data. The results of water availability analysis shown that the maximum dependable flow Q80% obtained is 4.89m3/s in the 1st period of January, and the minimum dependable flow Q80% is 1.37 m3/s in the 2nd period of September. The discharge entering the polder is quite large; the capability of Tambak Anyar River as a conveyor channel only can collect 29.74% from the dependable discharge, while the Rantau Bujur River only can accommodate 7.47% in April. In May, Tambak Anyar River's capability can only collect 7.17% from the dependable discharge, while the Rantau Bujur River can only accommodate 0.81%. The amount of discharge cannot be supported by the conveyor river inside the polder. The paddy fields in the Tambak Anyar polder often overflow caused by excess water. This excess of water caused floods that inundated the polder area and the other areas in Banjar Regency as of the beginning of January 2021. The amount of water that has access to the polder is not counterbalanced by watergates facilities and infrastructure management.