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Relevansi Pemikiran Émile Durkheim terhadap Usaha Revitalisasi Gereja Protestan Masa Kini Layantara, Jessica Novia
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 19 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v19i2.364


The Relevance of Émile Durkheim's Thoughts for Protestant Churches Revitalization Today. This paper will provide some efforts to revitalize Protestant churches today, by analyzing the critical thinking of Émile Durkheim. Durkheim's observations and critiques of Protestantism in his day will be compared to the issues faced by the Protestant church today: the individualistic lifestyle of the congregation, lack of solidarity, individual cults, lack of respect for the sacred liturgy, and church worship including holy communion, and no clear church rules. Furthermore, this paper also offers a systematic-constructive synthesis to revitalize the church, including reconfirmation of symbols, reclarification of the sacred and nonsacred, and also reformation involving new clans in the church.
Kritik terhadap Teologi Proses dan Pembelaan terhadap Pandangan “Greater Good” dalam Menanggapi Masalah Kejahatan Jessica Novia Layantara
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 16 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT (Southeast Asia Bible Seminary)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.939 KB) | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v16i2.16


  Kata-kata kunci: Teodisi, Soft-determinism, Kompatibilisme, Kedaulatan Allah, Masalah Kejahatan, Holocaust, Auschwitz, Teologi Proses, Pembelaan Kehendak Bebas, Teodisi Pembentukan Jiwa, Greater Good Theodicy, John Calvin, John Feinberg   English: Throughout the ages Christian theologians have attempted to understand, from a philosophical vantagepoint, the problem of evil. The Church Fathers as well as theologians during the era of the Reformation have offered a solution that argues from the basis of the greater good. However, solutions of that nature seem to ring hollow when one considers the magnitude and scope of the Holocaust (Auschwitz). In light of that historical reality traditional solutions to the problem of evil seem inadequate. Process theology attempts to overcome the impasse by restricting the attributes of God. The purpose of this article is to critically evaluate contemporary solutions to the problem of evil, especially process theology, as inadequate solutions. Further, to argue for the traditional positional argument of the greater good as offering a tenable solution. Keywords: Theodicy, Soft-determinism, Compatibilism, Sovereignty of God, Problem of Evil, Holocaust, Auschwitz, Process Theology, Free Will Defense, Soul-shaping Theodicy, Greater Good Theodicy, John Calvin, John Feinberg
Amica Censura: Pemikiran Nicholas Cusanus Tentang Agama-Agama, Sebuah Refleksi dan Aplikasi Terhadap Konflik Antaragama di Indonesia: Amica Censura: The Thoughts Of Nicholas Cusanus About Religions,A Reflection And Application Towards Interreligious Conflict In Indonesia Jessica Novia Layantara
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Virus: Sebuah Diskursus
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v7i2.165


Interreligious conflicts often occur in Indonesia, a country with various beliefs and religions. In this article, I approach these conflicts using the thoughts of Nicholas Cusanus, a medieval Catholic thinker who also faced interreligious conflict of his time, the Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks. I analyze Cusanus‘ thought about religions in his works, De Pace Fidei and Cribratio Alkorani, which prove that Cusanus position on other religions is in the midst of exclusivism and pluralism. Afterwards, I will suggest reflection and application based on: 1. Interpretation of the work of Cusanus De Pace Fidei and Cribratio Alkorani, 2. Contextualizing the interpretation with interreligious conflict in Indonesia, appreciatively and critically. There are three points of reflection and application in this article: 1. A non-violent approach to other religions, 2. Sensitivity to political interests in interreligious conflict, 3. Initiates friendly and open dialogue between religions, and 4. Increase active tolerance that breaks down the dividing walls. Keywords: Nicholas Cusanus; pluralism; exclusivism; inclusivism; interreligious conflict.
Tragic Vision and Divine Compassion: A Contemporary Theodicy: by Margaret Farley Jessica Novia Layantara
Indonesian Journal of Theology Vol 5 No 1 (2017): Edisi Reguler - Juli 2017
Publisher : Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (99.68 KB) | DOI: 10.46567/ijt.v5i1.38


Jurnal Amanat Agung Vol 14 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Amanat Agung Vol. 14 No. 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : STT Amanat Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.691 KB) | DOI: 10.47754/jaa.v14i1.44


Pertanyaan mengenai inkarnasi Yesus Kristus telah menjadi perdebatan di antara para teolog era Skolastik Abad Pertengahan. Perdebatan ini didominasi oleh dua kubu. Kubu yang pertama mengatakan bahwa satu-satunya motif inkarnasi Kristus adalah penebusan manusia dari dosa. Sebaliknya, kubu yang kedua berpendapat bahwa jika motif inkarnasi semata-mata hanya ditekankan pada penebusan manusia dari dosa, maka akibatnya dosa akan dipandang sebagai sebuah kemestian (necessity) bagi Allah. Bonaventura dan John Duns Scotus adalah teolog-teolog ordo Fransiskan yang tergabung dalam kubu yangkedua ini. Mereka menolak bahwa satu-satunya motif inkarnasi adalah penebusan dosa manusia. Artikel ini mendeskripsikan pandangan Bonaventura dan John Duns Scotus mengenai inkarnasi Kristus, khususnya penolakan mereka bahwa penebusan manusia dari dosa merupakan satu-satunya motif inkarnasiKristus.
Jurnal Amanat Agung Vol 11 No 2 (2015): Jurnal Amanat Agung Vol. 11 No. 2 Tahun 2015
Publisher : STT Amanat Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.698 KB)


Pandangan John Calvin mengenai providensia Allah menghadapi banyak tantangan dari para pemikir dan teolog kontemporer, terutama yang menganut pandangan libertarian-isme. Mereka menganggap doktrin providensia Calvin yang menekankan pemerintahan dan kedaulatan Allah dalam segala hal, sudah tidak relevan dengan jaman ini dan memerlukan revisi. Beberapa kritik yang diajukan oleh pemikir kontemporer ialah doktrin providensia Calvin terlalu bersifat determinisme, tidak mampu mengatasi masalah kejahatan, ketidakkonsistenan pengajaran mengenai penyebab sekunder, dan bersifat kurang Trinitaris dan Kristologis. Artikel ini menanggapi kritik-kritik dari para pemikir kontemporer dan pada akhirnya menyimpulkan doktrin providensia Allah menurut Calvin masih dapat dipertahankan di masa kini.
Amica Censura: Pemikiran Nicholas Cusanus Tentang Agama-Agama, Sebuah Refleksi dan Aplikasi Terhadap Konflik Antaragama di Indonesia: Amica Censura: The Thoughts Of Nicholas Cusanus About Religions,A Reflection And Application Towards Interreligious Conflict In Indonesia Jessica Novia Layantara
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Virus: Sebuah Diskursus
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v7i2.165


Interreligious conflicts often occur in Indonesia, a country with various beliefs and religions. In this article, I approach these conflicts using the thoughts of Nicholas Cusanus, a medieval Catholic thinker who also faced interreligious conflict of his time, the Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks. I analyze Cusanus‘ thought about religions in his works, De Pace Fidei and Cribratio Alkorani, which prove that Cusanus position on other religions is in the midst of exclusivism and pluralism. Afterwards, I will suggest reflection and application based on: 1. Interpretation of the work of Cusanus De Pace Fidei and Cribratio Alkorani, 2. Contextualizing the interpretation with interreligious conflict in Indonesia, appreciatively and critically. There are three points of reflection and application in this article: 1. A non-violent approach to other religions, 2. Sensitivity to political interests in interreligious conflict, 3. Initiates friendly and open dialogue between religions, and 4. Increase active tolerance that breaks down the dividing walls. Keywords: Nicholas Cusanus; pluralism; exclusivism; inclusivism; interreligious conflict.
Pemulihan Identitas Naratif Korban Kekerasan Seksual : Sebuah Tinjauan Filsafat dan Teologi Kristen Jessica Novia Layantara; David Tobing
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Agama dan Keamanan
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v8i2.259


As traumatic events, sexual violence can paralyze victim’s identity so that the victim losing her capability as a human being. However , the identity of  sexual violence victims could be restored. The question needed to be answered in this article is: What makes it possible, philosophically and theologically, for a victim of sexual violence to be restored or transformed into a redeemed survivor? This article will attempt to answer the question from Paul Ricoeur's view of narrative identity as  a  framework, and Miroslav Volf's view of sacred memory in the history of salvation as the content of  the redeemed survivor identity. The thesis of this article is  about the recovery or the  changing  identity of the victim into a redeemed survivor that is possible through the reestablishment of  narrative identity which contains sacred memory in narrative paradigm of Christian salvation history.
Beyond the Language: Sebuah Studi Analisis Dan Komparasi antara Konsep Bahasa Roh dalam Teologi Pentakosta dengan Konsep Rede dalam Filsafat Martin Heidegger Jessica Novia Layantara
DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Intheos Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30648/dun.v4i1.207


Abstract. This article discusses the comparison between the concepts of speaking in tongues in Pentecostal theology and the concept of Rede in the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. The thesis of this article was that the concept of speaking in tongues in Pentecostal theology had many similarities to the concept of Rede in Heidegger's philosophy. The similarities were found in the characters in both concepts, which were communicative, intelligible, revealing and both were authentic human characters (Dasein). Nevertheless, the concept of speaking in tongues in Pentecostal theology had a uniqueness over the concept of Rede in Heidegger's philosophy, because it encompassed not only the human rationality, but also the realm of faith. In this article it was shown that the two concepts influenced and enriched each other. This comparative study also yielded some conceptual contributions to both Pentecostal theology and Heidegger's philosophy, which were also useful for dealing with the criticisms raised against both.Abstrak. Artikel ini membahas komparasi antara konsep bahasa roh dalam teologi Pentakosta dengan konsep Rede dalam filsafat Martin Heidegger. Tesis dari artikel ini adalah bahwa konsep bahasa roh dalam teologi Pentakosta memiliki banyak kemiripan dengan konsep Rede dalam filsafat Heidegger. Kemiripan-kemiripan tersebut terdapat dalam karakter-karakter yang ada di dalam kedua konsep tersebut, antara lain sama-sama bersifat komunikatif, bersifat menyingkapkan, dapat dimengerti, dan keduanya merupakan karakter dari manusia yang otentik (Dasein). Walau demikian, konsep bahasa roh dalam teologi Pentakosta memiliki kekhasan dibanding konsep Rede dalam filsafat Heidegger, karena bukan hanya mencakup ranah rasionalitas manusia tetapi juga ranah iman. Di dalam artikel ini akan ditunjukkan bahwa kedua konsep tersebut dapat saling mempengaruhi dan memperkaya satu sama lain. Studi komparasi ini juga akan menghasilkan beberapa kontribusi yang bermanfaat secara konseptual baik bagi teologi Pentakosta maupun filsafat Heidegger, yang juga bermanfaat untuk menghadapi kritik-kritik yang diajukan terhadap keduanya.
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 17, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (317.074 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v17i2.132.139-158


Abstract This article will focus on describing Moltmann’s view of personal eschatology, which includes his view on death, the intermediate state, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal life. The main thesis of this article is that Moltmann’s view of personal eschatology is more relevant and applicable to the Christian life here and now. At the end of this article, the author will give two applications of Moltmann’s doctrine of personal eschatology. First, Moltmann’s view of personal eschatology motivates Christians, that they must live their lives in love, hope, and faith, for they already have been resurrected and given eternal life, here and now. Secondly, Moltmann’s focus on the new earth and new heaven in this world, more than life after death and the traditional concepts of heaven and hell, should make Christians care about this world and the life in it. Keywords: Jürgen Moltmann, Personal Eschatology, Death, Intermediate State, Resurrection of the Dead, Eternal Life. Abstrak Artikel ini terfokus pada deskripsi pandangan Moltmann tentang eskatologi pribadi, yaitu mengenai kematian, keadaan peralihan, kebangkitan orang mati, dan kehidupan kekal. Tesis utama artikel ini ialah pandangan Moltmann tentang eskatologi pribadi yang lebih relevan dan berlaku untuk kehidupan Kristen di sini dan saat ini. Pada akhir artikel ini, penulis memberikan dua aplikasi dari doktrin Moltmann tentang eskatologi pribadi, yaitu: Pertama, pandangan Moltmann tentang eskatologi pribadi memotivasi orang Kristen supaya menjalani hidup mereka dalam cinta, harapan, dan iman, karena mereka sudah dibangkitkan dan diberikan jaminan kehidupan kekal. Kedua, pandangan Moltmann mengenai bumi dan surga baru di dunia ini yang lebih dari kehidupan setelah kematian dan konsep-konsep tradisional tentang surga dan neraka, membuat orang Kristen peduli terhadap dunia dan kehidupan di dalamnya. Kata kunci: Jürgen Moltmann, Eskatologi Pribadi, Kematian, Kebangkitan Orang Mati, Kehidupan Kekal