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Developing supplementary English reading materials for Vocational High School Hanswaty Noho; Hasanuddin Fatsah; Rasuna Talib
International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): June
Publisher : Center for Humanities and Innovation Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33750/ijhi.v1i2.12


The main problem of this study was “What are students of the Vocational School of Computer Networks need in learning English?” and “How is the development of supplementary English materials for reading skill?” The objective aimed at describing the development of supplementary reading materials for the tenth-grade vocational school based on the 2013 curriculum. The subject was the computer networks students in grade tenth in the 2015/2016 academic year consisting of twenty-two students (five males and 17 females). This research used R & D (Research and Development) method. The data were gathered from a number of sources, including students’ need analysis of English reading materials in grade X in the students’ book of 2013 curriculum, supplementary development of the English reading materials for computer networks students, and expert validation of supplementary English reading materials and students’ response after used the supplementary English materials. The findings showed that more than 30% of students were difficult to read the computer networks text and to understand the meaning of the text. The result of students’ book analysis was none of the reading materials appropriate for computer networks department, mostly provided General English. In developing the supplementary English reading materials for computer networks students, there were four stands, in which the current research only applied three out of the four stands, including define, design and developed. This supplementary English reading material helped the computer networks students to learn English based on their need.
Teaching Vocabulary through Fly Swatter Game (A study conducted at the first grade students of SMP Negeri 03 Paguyaman) Tiwi Aprilia Samwan; Rasuna Rasid Talib; Rahmawaty Mamu
Jambura Journal of English Teaching and Literature Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Jambura Journal of English Teaching and Literature
Publisher : Univeristas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (272.433 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/jetl.v2i2.10644


Vocabulary is one of the important components to master all of language skills. It has strategic positions in education and teaching. Fly Swatter game is an interesting technique in teaching and learning that makes the students can learn through playing. Therefore, this study aims to find out whether the game of Fly swatter can significantly enhance the student’s vocabulary mastery or not. It focuses only on mastering adjective and noun class. The sample of this research was the students of Paguyaman Junior high school at VII B class. Further, this study is using quantitative analysis, in investigating the student’s improvement in mastering vocabulary, the researcher give test to the students which consist of 40 numbers, which divided into 20 tests each for noun and adjective. To analyze the student’s improvement, the researcher use pre experimental design, there are three steps used that are pre test, treatment, and post test. The finding reveals that there is significance improvement on the result of pre test and post test. It was from 40% which categorized in poor level increase into 95% which categorize in excellent level, with the total increases was around 55% . Furthermore, it was proved by the result of hypothesis verification, it is found that T count = 19, 44 at the level of significance (a = 0, 05) and degree of freedom (df ) = 19-1=18. Then, it is found that T table = 2,101, it can be concluded that fly swatter game can increase students ability in vocabulary, because based on the criteria above shows that T count is more than T table 19, 44 ≥ 2,101.
Pre-Service English Teachers’ Ability in Applying Teaching Skills Nur Inda Astuti Mabing; Rasuna Rasid Talib; Nurlaila Husain
Jambura Journal of English Teaching and Literature Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Jambura Journal of English Teaching and Literature
Publisher : Univeristas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (32.637 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/jetl.v3i1.11460


ABSTRACT Basic teaching skills are complex skills, which must be possessed by an educator and be able to apply them in the learning process. These basic teaching skills include opening and closing lessons, questioning skills, explaining skills, variation skills. The purpose of this study was to determine how the application of basic teaching skills during the teaching practice experience exam. This research was conducted using qualitative methods. The subjects of this study were 5 students teaching practice experience. The data collection technique in this study used an observation sheet by viewing the video exam for students teaching practice experience. Based on the results of video observations by researcher regarding the application of basic teaching skills in the teaching practice experience class, the basic teaching skills are quite good and effective because in general the participants in the teaching practice experience have applied the four basic teaching skills well but not all of the points contained in these skills implemented at the time of teaching. But in this case it can be overcome thanks to the cooperation between teachers and students.
Investigating Students Characteristics and Gender Differences Based on Multiple Intelligences Tendency Samsudin R. Ishak; Rasuna Talib; Suleman Bouti
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 8 No 3 (2022): Ideas: Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya (Agustus)
Publisher : Ideas Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32884/ideas.v8i3.874


Students various characteristics need to be identified and facilitated at the first year in junior high school to determine their learning preferences and difficulties. This study aims to investigate: (i) students characteristics based on their multiple intelligences (MI) tendency; (ii) gender differences on their MI tendency. The study was held on twenty-seven students of grade seven (eight males and 19 females) at SMP Negeri 4 Randangan Satu Atap in 2021-2022 academic year by using one-shot descriptive survey method. The MI inventory result showed that interpersonal intelligence was strongly developed and the other seven intelligence were developed. Demographic background was contributing to the dominance of the three intelligences (interpersonal, naturalist, and verbal linguistics) as these three types of intelligence become the foundation of how these students who come from families of farmers, fishermen, and small traders living in rural area solve problems and produce works to live their daily lives. Even though the Kruskal-Wallis test showed no gender differences in all the eight intelligences, the item analysis showed that female and male respondents are different in 23 items. Males showed more interest in more expressive, active, and analytic activities, while females are better in items related to self-regulation. The information from MI Inventory can be an initial data for English teacher to decide which activities to include as learning input to match with students preferences. It is the first phase of need analysis to develop such an MI-based student-centred learning. Keragaman karakteristik siswa perlu diidentifikasi dan difasilitasi pada tahun pertama di sekolah menengah pertama untuk menentukan preferensi dan kesulitan belajar mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki: (i) karakteristik siswa berdasarkan kecenderungan kecerdasan majemuk (MI) mereka; (ii) perbedaan gender pada kecenderungan MI mereka. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada dua puluh tujuh siswa kelas tujuh (delapan laki-laki dan 19 perempuan) di SMP Negeri 4 Randangan Satu Atap pada tahun ajaran 2021-2022 dengan menggunakan metode survei deskriptif sekali tembak. Hasil MI Inventory menunjukkan bahwa kecerdasan interpersonal sangat berkembang dan tujuh kecerdasan lainnya pada level berkembang. Latar belakang demografis berkontribusi dalam dominasi tiga kecerdasan (interpersonal, naturalis, dan linguistik verbal) karena ketiga jenis kecerdasan ini menjadi dasar bagaimana para siswa yang berasal dari keluarga petani, nelayan, dan pedagang kecil yang tinggal di daerah pedesaan memecahkan masalah dan menghasilkan karya untuk menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Meskipun tes Kruskal-Wallis tidak menunjukkan perbedaan gender dalam kedelapan kecerdasan tersebut, analisis item menunjukkan bahwa responden perempuan dan laki-laki berbeda dalam 23 item. Laki-laki menunjukkan lebih banyak minat pada kegiatan yang lebih ekspresif, aktif, dan analitik, sementara perempuan lebih baik dalam hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pengaturan diri. Informasi dari MI Inventory dapat menjadi data awal bagi guru bahasa Inggris untuk memutuskan kegiatan mana yang akan dimasukkan sebagai input pembelajaran agar sesuai dengan preferensi siswa. Ini adalah fase pertama analisis kebutuhan untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa berbasis MI.
Enhancing Children's Vocabulary Mastery Through Storytelling Moon Hidayati Otoluwa; Rasuna Rasid Talib; Rosalin Tanaiyo; Herlina Usman
Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini Vol 16 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini Volume 16 Number 2 November 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (210.531 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JPUD.162.05


Significant language development differences occur in preschoolers, resolving these differences is a key objective of preschool education because young children's language abilities at the start of school, particularly their vocabulary abilities, are a strong predictor of later academic ability. Storytelling is one of the methods used to teach English, it makes the learning environment more interesting, energetic, and conversational. This study aims to examine storytelling in increasing children's vocabulary. The research method is a case study that uses observation, interviews, and documentation as data collection tools. The participants are an English teacher and seven children aged 4-5 years. Although, many early childhoods English teachers state that one of the weaknesses of children in learning English is a lack of vocabulary mastery because it can hamper the learning process. The findings show that storytelling is effective in increasing children's vocabulary. 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