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Bibliometric Analysis of Socio-Political Research on Capital Relocation: Examining Contributions to the Case of Indonesia Tawakkal Baharuddin; Achmad Nurmandi; Zuly Qodir; Hasse Jubba; M. Syamsurrijal
Journal of Local Government Issues (LOGOS) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/logos.v5i1.19468


The idea of ​​building a new capital city is a recent issue that has been widely discussed in Indonesia. To help observe the urgency of these ideas, research results are needed by analyzing several published documents available globally. This helps study the evolution of the discourse of moving the new capital city through research results. This study aims to fill the gap in previous research on moving the State Capital with a bibliometric analysis approach. The bibliometric analysis research method maximizes the analytical tool, namely Vosviewer. This approach explores relocating the National Capital by reviewing publications and research globally, especially in the socio-political field indexed in the Scopus database. This study found 176 most relevant publication documents and was considered influential on other published documents. In line with the discourse on relocating the Indonesian capital, this study finds that the tendency of Indonesian researchers to distribute publication documents is very minimal globally, but the results of this study view that the study of the relocation of the National Capital has the potential to be extensively researched in the future, especially in the socio-political field. Some topics are relevant to be studied, including urbanization, regional development, economic development, political geography, government relocation, modernization, identity construction, state-building, climate change, and others. The contribution of this research becomes a reference for further researchers in determining the position of contributions to the development of more relevant research in the future.  
Dominasi Internet di Ruang Publik: Studi Terhadap Penyebaran Wacana Gerakan Bela Islam 212 di Indonesia Hasse Jubba; Tawakkal Baharuddin; Mustaqim Pabbajah; Zuly Qodir
Al-Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Vol 15, No. 1, Mei 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/ai.v0i0.1631


The emergence of the term new media is very closely related to the presence of the internet in human life. Even though in its development, new media is not only limited to the Internet, but the Internet is a tool or media that is used in the era of new media, such as in the events of Bela Islam 212 in Indonesia. The Islamic defense action is known as the Gerakan 212 in coverage in many secular mainstream media and community media among diverse Muslims. The Gerakan Bela Islam 212 was later appreciated as a peaceful act. That is because the action was demonstrated through such a large mass mobilization. This study aims to analyze and study how the dominance of the Internet in public spaces over the spread of discourse on the 212 Islamic movements in Indonesia. The results of this study found that the Internet and social media are new media, with its users able to easily participate, share, and create new spaces in distributing news and discourse on Gerakan Bela Islam 212. Stable Internet penetration and also the use of media networks online is a form of social control tool in a democratic system. Social media is considered capable of mobilizing the masses of the Gerakan Bela Islam 212 in Indonesia to be actively involved and present at the Jakarta Monas. This proves that the Internet dominates public spaces related to the issue of reporting and discourse of Islamic action by the use of social media networks.
Transisi New Normal Akibat Pandemi Covid-19 Sebagai Refleksi Perbaikan Ekonomi Sosial Di Indonesia Tawakkal Baharuddin; Salahudin Salahudin; Zuly Qodir; Hasse Jubba
Journal of Government and Politics (JGOP) Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jgop.v3i1.5351


Tujuan penelitian ini sebagai respon terhadap situasi pandemi COVID-19 dan munculnya isu-isu penerapan new normal di Indonesia. New normal sebagai upaya merehabilitasi sebuah wilayah atau daerah yang sedang mengalami situasi pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan alat analisis menggunakan Nvivo 12 Plus dan Google Trend. Hasil studi ini menjelaskan bahwa, new normal merupakan proyeksi terhadap perbaikan ekonomi secara nasional selama periode COVID-19. Upaya diberlakukannya new normal sebagai kontribusi perbaikan pada aspek ekonomi nasional, sosial, politik dan pemanfaatan teknologi. Adapun dalam penerapannya juga diperlukan beberapa kajian dari pemerintah untuk mengukur dan mengetahui standar kesiapan wilayah-wilayah yang masih masuk dalam kategori rentan. Selain itu, juga diperlukan partisipasi aktif pemerintah dan masyarakat secara bersama di dalam fase transisi new normal tersebut. Dalam periode transisi, penerapan new normal juga perlu memperhatikan norma-norma sosial yang berlaku di masyarakat. Hal ini berimplikasi pada partisipasi masyarakat yang secara bertahap dapat belajar dan beradaptasi melalui interaksi sosial tentang keseimbangan dan fase-fase yang baru di dalam komunitas sosial.
Keterbukaan Informasi Publik: Studi Pada Keberhasilan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Luwu Utara 2019 Tawakkal Baharuddin
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik Lokal Vol 2 No 2 (2020): JGLP, NOVEMBER 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47650/jglp.v2i2.133


Public information disclosure is an important aspect of realizing a good governance system. The Indonesian government, through the Law on Public Information Disclosure, continues to strive so that all public agencies can provide easy access to information. This study uses a qualitative approach with data sources derived from documentation studies, news sites, and websites. The results of this study indicate that there is a fairly positive trend in which the North Luwu Regency Government has managed to obtain the highest score for three (3) consecutive years, namely 2017, 2018, and 2019 for information disclosure with the predicate Towards Informative. This achievement is influenced by the performance of the government which continues to make various efforts, namely, socialization and training, replication of innovations, utilization of website-based networks, and the availability of Command Center facilities. This achievement is also considered to affect maximum results in the future to obtain the title of Informative in the aspect of public information disclosure
Public Health Services: Makassar Government's response In the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami; Tawakkal Baharuddin; Nur Khaerah; Citra N. Fariaty
Kemudi Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Kemudi: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1710.343 KB) | DOI: 10.31629/kemudi.v7i1.4884


The Covid-19 pandemic has affected many aspects, including public health services. In this situation, the role of the government is needed to continue to strive to fulfill and ensure that health services continue to run well. This study aims to determine the government's response at the beginning of the pandemic phase and to find the inhibiting factors in fulfilling public health services in Makassar. This study also makes it possible to see how the prospects for public health services after the pandemic will be in the future. This study uses documentation data and internet data to collect relevant information. Data analysis uses a qualitative approach by maximizing the use of the Nvivo 12 Plus analysis software. The findings of this study indicate that during the COVID-19 pandemic period, public health services do not only focus on infected patients but also public health services as a whole. This causes services to be less than optimal because medical personnel and infrastructure cannot accommodate the situation. In this situation, aspects still hinder the fulfillment of public health services, including low public awareness, access to information, regulations, and the fulfillment of health facilities. The prospect of health services becomes essential in the future. This requires a more innovative and adaptive national health system.
Tantangan dan Strategi Peningkatan Kapasitas dalam Pembangunan Ibukota Negara Baru di Indonesia Mochamat Nurdin; Tawakkal Baharuddin
Jurnal Bina Praja Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency Ministry of Home Affairs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21787/jbp.15.2023.221-232


This study aims to analyze the challenges faced in preparing capacity building in the context of the development of the new capital city of Indonesia and identify strategies that can be implemented to overcome these challenges. This study uses a qualitative approach by analyzing data from secondary sources, such as official government documents, research reports, and related publications. The analysis tool that is maximized is NVivo 12 Plus. The results showed that several challenges must be overcome in preparing the capacity building for developing the new capital city (IKN). These challenges include limited skilled human resources, budgetary constraints, gaps in knowledge and skills, coordination and collaboration between stakeholders, technological change, and innovation. These challenges affect the effectiveness and efficiency of development, as well as the sustainability of the development of the new capital city. In overcoming these challenges, the recommended strategy includes the government's commitment to providing adequate resources, developing supportive policies, and close cooperation between all relevant stakeholders. In addition, a participatory, inclusive, and sustainable approach is considered important to ensure the success of capacity building. Through the involvement of all parties, recognition of the needs and aspirations of the community, and the use of a sustainable approach, the development of the new capital city can run well and provide sustainable benefits for local communities.