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All Journal Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah Bestuur 'ADALAH Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Al-Iqtishad : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah (Journal of Islamic Economics) JURNAL FIAT JUSTISIA SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i Jurnal Cita Hukum KARSA: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Keislaman (Journal of Social and Islamic Culture) Dauliyah Journal of Islamic and International Affairs PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL CENDEKIAWAN STAATSRECHT: Indonesian Constitutional Law Journal ETTISAL Journal of Communication Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum LEGALITY SAMARAH: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah Al-Jinayah: Jurnal Hukum Pidana Islam Mandala: Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional NUR EL-ISLAM : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sosial Keagamaan Jurnal Hukum Samudra Keadilan MIZAN Al-Infaq : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Journal of Creativity Student Jurnal Justitia : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum dan Humaniora JURNAL HUKUM ISLAM Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik Indonesia Al-Risalah : Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam JHR (Jurnal Hukum Replik) Al Qisthas : Jurnal Hukum dan Politik Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Mizan: Journal of Islamic Law STAATSRECHT: Indonesian Constitutional Law Journal JOURNAL of LEGAL RESEARCH Ekonomica Sharia: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Syariah Mimbar Agama Budaya Islamic Banking : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah Sosio-Didaktika: Social Science Education Journal Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Indonesia Law Reform Journal (ILREJ) Jurnal Hukum Islam
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Publisher : Lampung University

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Special autonomy has been given to the people of Papua was not automatically change the demand to break away from the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Even conflict and violence are still common, not much the case in the period before the special autonomy granted. Legal awareness that should have been animating soul Indonesian citizens, to the condition of Papua away than they should. Disputes, inter-tribal warfare, even against migrants have often heard. The tribes in Papua does have a unique custom that sees itself as the center of the universe, the best of all. Papua leadership so very, very difficult to put together. Even if the idea is basically the idea Papuanisation fruit Dutch education is taught to the people of Papua to foster its own distinct sense of nationalism with the nation of Indonesia. The result appears separatist movements such as the Free Papua Organization (OPM) and the West Papua National Committee (KNPB). To avoid the disintegration of the nation, the central government issued Law No. 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for Papua. That is, the people of Papua entitled to set its own country with the regulations stipulated by law. This legislation is expected to become a sedative from the turmoil in Papua. Although it remains to be an evaluation and improvements here and there. Such as optimizing the alignment of the central government towards the implementation of special autonomy, optimizing the role of the Papuan Peoples Assembly, and optimization of special autonomy fund supervision. So that the common goal of creating prosperity, welfare and peace of Indonesian citizens in Papua indigenous ancestral lands can be realized. Keywords: Special Autonomy, Law Awareness, Conflict and Violence
Penerapan Syariat Islam terhadap Peraturan Daerah dalam Sistem Hukum Nasional Indonesi Yunus, Nur Rohim
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 12, No 2 (2015): HUKUM ISLAM
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu

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The application of sharia in Indonesia has a strong historical roots, even predates the history of European law itself. So if there is a desire of some parties to implement it, it is not something fabricated or new demands are groundless,but already has a strong historical roots with the age of the nation.Therefore, the national law system opens opportunity to adopt islamic shariat becoming national law, like what had been implemented, zakat constitution, marriage, and so forth. In other hand, it opens an opportunity to the local government to implement the islamic shariat for local constitution and it can implement to the local society interest.
Global Maritime Fulcrum Optimization In Maintaining Indonesian Maritime Sovereignty Muhammad Sholeh, Nur Rohim Yunus, Ida Susilowati
Mandala: Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Mandala: Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik Pr

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (20.767 KB) | DOI: 10.33822/jm.v2i2.1323


The regulation of International maritime law has become a long-standing discussion in International life. It is not surprising if many international conventions were born as a result of agreements between countries. The main trigger for the occurrence of sea conflicts is the potential for extraordinary marine wealth that can be exploited by the International community. Therefore, the regulation of sea law is vital in order to maintain discipline and world peace and in addition to protecting the sovereignty of each country. This research uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive analysis approach.
AL-INFAQ Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor

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NUR EL-ISLAM : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 3 No 1 (2016): (April 2016)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Yasni Bungo

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Terciptanya sebuah pemerintahan yang bersih dan berwibawamerupakan hal yang sangatlah urgen. Untuk menuju kepada pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih diperlukan pengelolaan berbagai bidang kehidupan seperti politik, hukum, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya secara lebih serius, transparan, dan terarah serta melibatkan semua komponen bangsa guna bersama-sama bangkit dari keterpurukan dan kehinaan di mata dunia internasional.Dalam mewujudkan pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih, diperlukan berbagai cara, selain dengan menegakkan beberapa prinsip Good and Clean Governance, juga dengan menerapkan konsep syariah Islamiyah seperti nash Alquran dan hadis, kaedah fqhiyah dan maqhasid al Syariah. Dengan upaya ini, diharapkan dapat tertatanya birokrasi pemerintahan negara Republik Indonesia dengan selalu mengedepankan kepentingan masyarakat dengan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan mutu bernegara yang lebih baik.Kata Kunci : Good and Clean Government, Syariah Islamiyah, Tata Kelola Pemerintahan
LEGAL POLITICS OF WAQF-REGULATION IN INDONESIA Aravik, Havis; Yunus, Nur Rohim; Sulastyawati, Dwi
NUR EL-ISLAM : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 6 No 1 (2019): (APRIL) 2019
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Yasni Bungo

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The study investigates the government policies in the waqf's regulation in Indonesia and the essence of waqf as an important instrument of economic empowerment in Islam. The study aims to provide solutions to the lack of the benefits of waqf for people's welfare, especially in terms of economic empowerment. It is qualitative research with a normative approach. The research data used is the secondary data from library resources. An analysis of the data is by interpreting the concept. The result of this study shown that waqf has played a major role in citizen empowerment from the time of God's messenger, Muhamad peace be upon him until now, even the benefits of a waqf can still be felt up to today. Keywords: waqf, political law, legislation.
Global Maritime Fulcrum Optimization In Maintaining Indonesian Maritime Sovereignty Muhammad Sholeh, Nur Rohim Yunus, Ida Susilowati
Mandala: Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Mandala: Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik UPN"Veteran"Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (388.922 KB) | DOI: 10.33822/mjihi.v2i2.1323


The regulation of International maritime law has become a long-standing discussion in International life. It is not surprising if many international conventions were born as a result of agreements between countries. The main trigger for the occurrence of sea conflicts is the potential for extraordinary marine wealth that can be exploited by the International community. Therefore, the regulation of sea law is vital in order to maintain discipline and world peace and in addition to protecting the sovereignty of each country. This research uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive analysis approach.
Penerapan Syariat Islam terhadap Peraturan Daerah dalam Sistem Hukum Nasional Indonesi Yunus, Nur Rohim
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 12 No 2 (2015): HUKUM ISLAM
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24239/jsi.v12i2.394.253-279


The application of sharia in Indonesia has a strong historical roots, even predates the history of European law itself. So if there is a desire of some parties to implement it, it is not something fabricated or new demands are groundless,but already has a strong historical roots with the age of the nation.Therefore, the national law system opens opportunity to adopt islamic shariat becoming national law, like what had been implemented, zakat constitution, marriage, and so forth. In other hand, it opens an opportunity to the local government to implement the islamic shariat for local constitution and it can implement to the local society interest.
Legal Aspec Bioprospecting Conservation of Medicinal Plants in Indonesia Hafid Zakariya1 , Pramono Hadi2 , Nur Rohim Yunus3
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 14 No. 3 (2020): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v14i3.10702


The country of Indonesia is an archipelago, which has various types of plants. One of them is a medicinal plant. This plant has ingredients that can be used as a treatment. But by seeing the high population growth of Indonesia, the medicinal plants are threatened. This makes the need for an action that can maintain the existence of these medicinal plants. Bioprospection conservation is an effort to preserve and develop medicinal plants so that their presence is not lost.
Indigenous Monikah Tajio Ethnic of Islamic Cultural Heritage at Kasimbar, Central Sulawesi Malla, Hamlan Andi Baso; Yusuf, Khaeruddin; Yunus, Nur Rohim
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v28i2.3301


This article objective to examine the monikah indigenous traditions for Kasimbar Tajio ethnic communities in Central Sulawesi. Qualitative method used in this research, data collection techniques of observation, interviews and document tracking non-structure. Technical analysis of data through data reduction, display data, verification data to generate conclusions and findings of the research results. Conclusion The study found that first; monikah custom comes from acculturation Mandar and Tajio ethnic culture in the tradition of marriage, second; monikah custom implementation of social value that affects personality Tajio ethnic communities in maintaining the values of brotherhood, family, respect for elders, unity and cooperation, maintain the pattern of interpersonal communication that is based on mutual respect in maintaining a harmonious relationship between human beings. third; monikah indigenous religious value that affects Islamic personality in performing worship to Allah (God), tawadhu’ attitude, moral education, purity and purification of the soul, ta’aruf and silaturrahmi.
Co-Authors A Salman Maggalatung abd rahman dahlan Abdul Halim Mahmudi Abdurrauf Abdurrauf Abu Tamrin Achmad Irwan Hamzani Afrinal Afrinal Ahmad Mukri Aji Aliyeva Patimat Shapiulayevna Andri Gunawan Andri Gunawan Anggraeni, RR Dewi Annissa Rezki Annissa Rezki Annissa Rezki Annissa Rezki Annissa Rezki Annissa Rezki Aravik, Havis Arif Mohamad Azhar Annas Asep Syarifuddin Hidayat, Asep Syarifuddin Azizah Azizah Bambang Ali Kusumo Dianna Primadianti Dien Noviany Rahmatika Dwi Putri Cahyawati, Dwi Putri Dwi Sulastyawati Dwi Sulastyawati Dwi Sulastyawati Dwi Sulastyawati, Dwi Erwin Hikmatiar Faiqatul Husna Faiqatul Husna Fathinuddin Fathinuddin Fifik Wiryani Fitria Esfandiari Fitriyani Zein Fitriyani Zein Frida Aprillia Wahjudi Gilang Rizki Aji Putra Hamlan Andi Baso Malla Hari Sutra Disemadi Havis Arafik Ida Susilowati Ika Ika Atikah Irfan Hielmy Khaeruddin Yusuf Latipah Nasution Latipah Nasution Malla, Hamlan Andi Baso Mara Sutan Rambe Mesraini Mesraini Mokhammad Najih Muhammad Ali Hanafiah Selian Muhammad Ishar Helmi, Muhammad Ishar Muhammad Nasser Muhammad Sholeh Muhammad Sholeh Mukri, Syarifah Gustiawati Nasution, Latipah Nurul Ummah Refly Setiawan Rezki, Annissa Rohmah, Siti Ngainnur Rulia Feriera Saptaning Ruju Paminto Sholahuddin Al-Fatih SIAGIAN, AMRIZAL Siti Marwiyah Siti Nurhalimah Siti Nurhalimah Siti Nurhalimah Siti Romlah Siti Romlah Siti Romlah Suhendar Suhendar Suhendar Surya Anoraga Taryono Taryono Taryono Taryono Tavia Yuga Ayutia Trini Diyani Trini Diyani Yan Kahnovich Yunasril Ali Yusman Yusman Yusman, Yusman Yusuf, Khaeruddin Zahrotunnimah Zahrotunnimah