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Review of Overlandflow Quality in Densely Settled Sub-Urban Areas Sudarmadji, S
Forum Geografi Vol 11, No 2 (1997)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v11i2.491


The study aims to analyse quality of water from overlandflow in the sub-urban area having high of to houses, in the Sinduharjo, Sleman regency. In the sub urban area, the run off originated from paved and impermeable are which is not uniformaly distributed over the area. Run off is iniated from detention storage and overlandflow. Therefore any water pollution of the runoof begin from overlandflow which dissolves constituent within the soil and rock materials. Land cover also determines the dispersion agent of rain water thus the affect the material dissolved in the water. As an input into the catchment system, rainfall affects overlandflow, quantitative, and qualitatively. Overlandflow from open space in the sub-urban area was evaluated based on physical and chemical characteristics. Overlandflow from urban area has chemical parameters such as C, NO2, NO3, and PO4 are higher than those in overlandflow from rural area which is covered by forest and garden. Overlandflow shows BOD and COD in relatively high concentration. Overlandflow is not recomended to be discharge into infiltration wells, unless it is free from parts having high significant contamination.
Kualitas Air Hujan dan Faktor Lingkungan yang Mempengaruhinya Sudarmadji, S
Forum Geografi Vol 8, No 1 (1994): July 1994
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v8i1.4819


Hujan merupakan masukan dalam sistem hidrologi. Ditinjau dari kualitasnya dibandingkan dengan air aami lainnya, air hujan merupakan air paling murni dalam arti komposisinya hampir mendekati H2O. Namun demikian, pada hakekatnya tidak pernah dijumpai air hujan yang betul-betul hanya tersusun atas H2O saja, berbagai faktor lingkungan telah mempengaruhi kualitas air hujan tersebut. Pencemaran udara yang terjadi di kota-kota besar, baik yang berupa buangan gas maupun emisi dari kendaraan bermotor. Serta buangan gas dari pabrik telah mempengaruhi kualitas air hujan yang jatuh di daerah kota. Air hujan di daerah pantai juga terpengaruh oleh laut dengan segala aktifitas dan komposisi airnya. Di daerah gunung api yang masih aktif air hujan juga dipengaruhi oleh aktifitas tersebut. Masing-masing lingkungan tersebut di atas mempengaruhi komposisi air hujan. Kajian kualitas air hujan dilakukan dengan mengambil hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti sebelumnya di daerah pulau Jawa, namun demikian hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di luar negeri juga digunakan sebagai pembanding.
Perkembangan Daerah Perkotaan Ditinjau dari Aspek Hidrologi Sudarmadji, S
Forum Geografi Vol 9, No 1 (1995)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v9i1.524


Perkembangan daerah kota secara fisik ditandai dengan meluasnya wilayah kota dan bertambahnya daerah permukiman baru di sekitarnya. Di sisi lain perkembangan kota menyebabkan dampak negatif pada kondisi hidrologi, baik yang kuantitas maupun kualitas. Perluaasan daerah kota sering menyebabkan banjir dan genangan di daerah kota itu sendiri, yang disebabkan oleh meningkatnya koefisien aliran serta tidak mempunyai saluran drainase untuk menampung limpasan yang terjadi. Perkembangan kota menyebabkan kebutuhan air meningkat untuk penyediaan air di daerah kota tersebut. Air yang digunakan berasal dari berbagai sumber air, baik air permukaan maupun airtanah, yang sifatnya terbatas. Aktivitas penduduk kota menghasilkan limbah yang dibuang ke dalam lingkungan, yang dapat menemari air permukaan maupun airtanah. Di pihak lain airtanah masih merupakan sumber yang utama untuk penyediaan air di daerah kota. Perkembangan daerah kota dapat mempengaruhi kondisi hidrologi baik kuantitas dan kualitasnya, yang hal ini dapat dijadikan pertimbangan dalam perkembangan dan pengembangan kota.
Perubahan Kondisi Fisik Lahan Akibat Alih Fungsi Lahan Hutan Rawa Gambut Nusantara, Rossie Wiedya; Sudarmadji; Haryono, Eko; Djohan, Tjut S.
Jurnal Wana Tropika Vol 2 No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian STIPER Yogyakarta

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Jurnal Kawistara Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.514 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/kawistara.5667


Merapivolcano has a lot of tourism potential objects. Local people’s traditions and the local panoramacaused many tourism villages to develope. Development of the tourismvillages in volcanic areas havepositive and negative impactsto the environment including to the local community. It also has somedisaster risks. This research was conducted at the Sambi Tourism Village located in the Southern Slopeof Merapi Volcano, to study the environmental impacts and disaster risks. The study was conductedby collecting primary and secondary data. Primary data collected by field observations and interviewswith local people and tourists. Data analyses was done by descriptive method. The results showedthat the Sambi Tourism Village has good tourism potential to be developed. Tourism developmenthas some positive impacts on economy of the local community, though there are some conflicts ofinterest among stakeholder. Negative impacts also occur, such as social tension and the degradation oflocal culture, especially “gotong royong”.Sambi Tourism Village has some risk disaster due to MerapiVolcano activities, such as lahar floods and hot clouds.Environmental impacts and disaster risks shouldbe considered in the further development of Sambi Tourism Village.
Penelitian Pendahuluan Mutu Air Hujan Di Kotamadya Yogyakarta = Rain Water Quality in Yogyakarta Municipality A Preliminary Study Sudarmadji .
Majalah Geografi Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (1988): Majalah Geografi Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.73 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/mgi.5263


A preliminar study on rainwater quality was conducted in the municipal area of Yogyakarta (Central Java) to reveal its chemical characteristics and spatial variation within the municipality. Seven rainwater samples were collected within the municipality and one sample to the north of Yogyakarta. The samples have been analyzed on major chemical elements and the general physical characteristics. The analysis shows that rainwater in the municipal area contains relatively high concentrations of some specific chemical elements. In the central part of the city HCO3 , Ca, Mg, and SiO2 and the electrical conductivity appear to be substantially higher than in the suburban areas. The relatively high concentrations are thought to be the result of urban activities, in particular combustion waste from motorised traffic and dust production which dissolves in rainwater. INTISARI Penelitian pendahuluan tentang mutu air hujan ini dilakukan di daerah Kotamadya Yogyakarta, untuk mengetahui mutu air hujan dan agihannya menurut ruang di kola tersebut. Sampel air hujan dikumpulkan selama bulan Januari 1986 sampai bulan Maret 1986 dan delapan lokasi, tujuh lokasi terletak di dalam Kotamadya Yogyakarta dan scbuah lagi terletak di sebelah utara Kotamadya Yogyakarta. Sampel air yang dikumpulkan telah dianalisis untuk mengetahui konsentrasi beberapa unsur/zat kimia dan beberapa sifat fisik air tersebut. Dari hasil analisis telah diketahui bahwa air hujan di daerah tersebut telah mengandung beberapa unsur kimia dalam konsentrasi yang relatif tinggi. Di daerah pusat kola, HCO3 , Ca, Mg dan SiO2 dan sifat fisik berupa daya hantar listrik menunjukkan angka yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang ada di daerah-daerah yang terletak di pinggiran kota. Konsentrasi zat kimia yang tinggi diperkirakan sebagai akibat pengaruh aktivitas kota, terutama lalu lintas kendaraan yang menghasilkan sisa pembakaran dan debu yang Iarut dalarn air hujan tersebut.
Some Notes on Groundwater As A Domestic Water Supply of The Yogyakarta Municipality Sudarmadji .
Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol 26, No 28 (1994): Indonesian Journal of Geography
Publisher : Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijg.2204


Water supply in Yogyakarta municipality is mainly originated from two main sources, the pipe water and groundwater. The pipe water which is operated by the local drinking water authority does not suffice for the water demand of the people in the city. Tire second source is groundwater, which is used by most people in the city by traditional system. The aquifer of the Yogyakarta which consists of volcanic materials erupted by Merapi volcano is fairly good, however the expansion of the city area toward the northern and north eastern area may reduce groundwater recharge. The rapid growth of population and other city facilities such as hotels may cause groundwater supply to decline. Groundwater quality in certain area may subject to pollution by domestic wastes, assigned by the high content of chemical substances such as iron and sulphate, besides high content of coliform bacteria, and nitrite. Heavy metals were undetected in the groundwater of the area
Studi Variabilitas Isotop Airhujan Sebagai Fungsi Elevasi untuk Mendapatkan Merapi Meteoric Water Line MMWL Agus Budhie Wijatna; S Sudarmadji; S Sunarno; Heru Hendrayana
Forum Teknik Vol 35, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Theoretically environmental isotopic compositions ofprecipitation decrease with increasing altitude. Linear regression analysis was applied to environmental isotopic compositions (δ18O, δ2H) data on 15 precipitation samples collected along an altitudinal 126 to 1260 m.asl from November 2011 to February 2012 to determine the local meteoric water line for southern slope of mount Merapi. Merapi meteoric water line (MMWL) is an equation that describes the relationship between isotopic compositions of precipitation with altitude. This study was completed as part of a larger research of the groundwater dynamics studies using natural isotopes for southern slope of mount Merapi.Isotopic compositions of precipitation samples were measured using Liquid-Water Stable Isotope Analyzer LGR DLT-100 at the Center for the Application of Isotopes & Radiation Technology Laboratory, National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Jakarta. Regression results for the precipitation samples for southern slope of mount Merapi yielded a MMWL defined by the equation δ2H=8.332 δ18O+15.068(r2 =0,998); the change of isotopic compositions in precipitation with altitude of about -1.2%d100m for deuterium and -0. 1 %dl 00m for oxygen-18.This equation will be useful as reference for hydrological dynamics studies on the southern slope of mount Merapi that use isotopes of 2H and 18O to trace sources of ground-water recharge, to evaluate mixing of sea-water and groundwater, to analyze groundwater-mineral exchange, and to analyze many other groundwater contamination problems.Keywords: precipitation, isotope ratio, isotopic composition, m.asl, MML .
Review of Overlandflow Quality in Densely Settled Sub-Urban Areas S Sudarmadji
Forum Geografi Vol 11, No 2 (1997)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v11i2.491


The study aims to analyse quality of water from overlandflow in the sub-urban area having high of to houses, in the Sinduharjo, Sleman regency. In the sub urban area, the run off originated from paved and impermeable are which is not uniformaly distributed over the area. Run off is iniated from detention storage and overlandflow. Therefore any water pollution of the runoof begin from overlandflow which dissolves constituent within the soil and rock materials. Land cover also determines the dispersion agent of rain water thus the affect the material dissolved in the water. As an input into the catchment system, rainfall affects overlandflow, quantitative, and qualitatively. Overlandflow from open space in the sub-urban area was evaluated based on physical and chemical characteristics. Overlandflow from urban area has chemical parameters such as C, NO2, NO3, and PO4 are higher than those in overlandflow from rural area which is covered by forest and garden. Overlandflow shows BOD and COD in relatively high concentration. Overlandflow is not recomended to be discharge into infiltration wells, unless it is free from parts having high significant contamination.
Perkembangan Daerah Perkotaan Ditinjau dari Aspek Hidrologi S Sudarmadji
Forum Geografi Vol 9, No 1 (1995)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v9i1.524


Perkembangan daerah kota secara fisik ditandai dengan meluasnya wilayah kota dan bertambahnya daerah permukiman baru di sekitarnya. Di sisi lain perkembangan kota menyebabkan dampak negatif pada kondisi hidrologi, baik yang kuantitas maupun kualitas. Perluaasan daerah kota sering menyebabkan banjir dan genangan di daerah kota itu sendiri, yang disebabkan oleh meningkatnya koefisien aliran serta tidak mempunyai saluran drainase untuk menampung limpasan yang terjadi. Perkembangan kota menyebabkan kebutuhan air meningkat untuk penyediaan air di daerah kota tersebut. Air yang digunakan berasal dari berbagai sumber air, baik air permukaan maupun airtanah, yang sifatnya terbatas. Aktivitas penduduk kota menghasilkan limbah yang dibuang ke dalam lingkungan, yang dapat menemari air permukaan maupun airtanah. Di pihak lain airtanah masih merupakan sumber yang utama untuk penyediaan air di daerah kota. Perkembangan daerah kota dapat mempengaruhi kondisi hidrologi baik kuantitas dan kualitasnya, yang hal ini dapat dijadikan pertimbangan dalam perkembangan dan pengembangan kota.