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Model Manajemen Pendidikan Adab Anak Usia Pendidikan Dasar DI MIN Demangan Madiun Jawa Timur Indonesia Katni Katni; Sigit Dwi Laksana
AL-MURABBI: Jurnal Studi Kependidikan dan Keislaman Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Januari 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP3M), STIT Islamiyah Karya Pembangunan Paron, Ngawi, Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.816 KB) | DOI: 10.53627/jam.v6i2.3572


This article discusses the model of adab education management in MIN Demangan, Madiun City with research findings that the management model of adab education strategy for children of basic education is as follows: 1) Using stages of planning and setting adab; 2) The implementation begins with organizing, coordinating activities so that integration and support by all school stakeholders. (3) The stage of strengthening madrasa culture in adab education is control and evaluation. 4) At the follow-up stage an inventory of advantages and obstacles is carried out in the implementation and also analyzes the cultural form of madrasas in adab education that has been well implemented or that is difficult to realize.
Model Manajemen Pendidikan Adab Anak Usia Pendidikan Dasar DI MIN Demangan Madiun Jawa Timur Indonesia Katni Katni; Sigit Dwi Laksana
AL-MURABBI: Jurnal Studi Kependidikan dan Keislaman Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Januari 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP3M), STIT Islamiyah Karya Pembangunan Paron, Ngawi, Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53627/jam.v6i2.3572


This article discusses the model of adab education management in MIN Demangan, Madiun City with research findings that the management model of adab education strategy for children of basic education is as follows: 1) Using stages of planning and setting adab; 2) The implementation begins with organizing, coordinating activities so that integration and support by all school stakeholders. (3) The stage of strengthening madrasa culture in adab education is control and evaluation. 4) At the follow-up stage an inventory of advantages and obstacles is carried out in the implementation and also analyzes the cultural form of madrasas in adab education that has been well implemented or that is difficult to realize.
MUADDIB Jurnal Kependidikan dan Keislaman Vol. 11. No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/muaddib.v1i2.4584


This article discusses how Islamic religious organizations located in rural areas internalize Islamic values and carry out social programs by revitalizing Islamic philanthropic schemes. By taking the case in a village in the Ponorogo Regency, East Java, where two religious organizations Islamic Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama fastabiqul Khairat through Islamic philanthropy programs in building social independence. This article states that the ability of the two Islamic religious organizations to involve local leaders and communities where the religious organizations are involved in socio-religious activities is one of the reasons why these two organizations are still able to survive until now. These two Islamic religious organizations are trying through various efforts as if they are in a contest to build social independence to understand, explore and practice Islamic values, which have increased from year to year. This article formulates in a context such as whether Islamic religious organizations in rural areas can transform values, transact values and "transinternalize Islamic values through Islamic philanthropy in building "social" independence.
PEMIKIRAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM SYED MUHAMMAD NAQUIB AL-ATTAS (Tinjauan Paradigmatik dan Implementatif Konsep ta’dib dalam pembelajaran Agama Islam pada tingkat SMA/MA) Putri Lestari; Nurul Iman; Katni Katni
TARBAWI:Journal on Islamic Education Vol 3, No 1: April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/tarbawi.v3i1.208


This study discusses Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas's Islamic education thinking that the concept of human education is different from other creatures, and only humans are educated. The meaning of tarbiyah is too wide in scope including growing, developing, training, feeding, and so on. This applies to animals and there is also no specialization for humans. Furthermore, eating ta'lim only lies on the cognitive. Of course the two terms are not in accordance with the purpose of Islamic education, namely education which gives birth to individuals who are Muslim. Education for humans is divided into 2 elements namely fardhu ‘ain and fardhu kifayah. Fardhu in ain is the religious sciences that instill spiritual every individual, where knowledge becomes the basis of humanity in practicing its knowledge in life. Then, fardhu kifayah is applied sciences to support the potential towards life skills to fulfill their needs as beings with needs (profession). The two sciences are inseparable, meaning that there is no separation between religion and the public. The science of religion is the basis of general science. In practice all the concepts and elements are included in the concept of ta'dib, wherein it not only teaches science but also educates, instills and forms noble humans. That is, a human being who can realize that Allah possesses only knowledge, so that by His mercy he is given knowledge.
TARBAWI:Journal on Islamic Education Vol 3, No 2: Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/tarbawi.v3i2.310


Children are the best gift from God for a family. Children must get an obligation to educate and find the best place to be educated with the right learning method. The best education is education that is in harmony with the education taught in the Qur'an and Sunnah, but the model of children's education has not yet become a serious concern, both among Islamic academics and parents. This research uses qualitative research and uses library research methods. Then the writer analyzes the data with content analysis. Because this theory uses the reference of the Qur'an directly, then the first source of the Qur'an. Then from the sources of the other books that included education on the children of the Ibrahim and Luqman families. In the education process, the family uses a contextual learning model. In the contextual learning model contains principles that are in accordance with the family education. And found the material taught by Prophet Ibrahim to his children as follows: Aqidah Education, Moral Education, prayer education. And the method used is the method of dialogue, exemplary, advice, targhib wa tarhib, argument. While the material in Luqman education is tauhid education, devoting to parents, doing good deeds, and worshiping. And using exemplary, repetition and advice methods. The material equations in the two families are monotheism and morality. And the difference is the material of prayer and doing good. The equation of the method of both is advice and exemplary. The differences are repetition, dialogue and argument.
AL-ASASIYYA: Journal Of Basic Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/ajbe.v1i1.311


Hijab is long jumpsuit that covers the entire face except for physical wrists and feet wore by Muslim women. The headscarf is prescribed in Islam to instill a thorough tradition (universal) and critical in uprooting the roots of moral damage was bad. Laws of hijab or clothing its essence is to close the Association. the terms jilbab/clothing for Muslim women is the following: first, was labeled a cover the whole body except the face and palms. Second, Loose so as not to dazzle the shape of a woman's body. Third, clothes or a scarf made from fairly thick so it can hide the underlying flesh and skin color and shape of a woman's body. Fourth, no flashy colored the same, meaning that by showing off the body and draw the attention of others. Fifth, do not resemble the clothing of women non-Muslims or infidels sixth, did not resemble the clothing of men. Educational applications veiled and dressed in an Islamic perspective on the education theory of Habitus Piere Borde have great opportunities and relevant thing to do on the development of education dressed and veiled good institution formal education such as school/madrasah of levels of primary, secondary or higher education. It can also be conditioned through informal education at home and the Muslim community, so the trend created through policies, rules or habits will be firmly entrenched in the hearts of Muslimah, and perceptions the structured model in mind, the clothes he wore, bought and not easily deterred by the current negative culture from outside. Habitus veiled and dressed can be passed down to the next generation so that the generation born astrology al-Kitab and dressed in the Islamic community in forming the main Islam approves by Allah SWT. 
Manajemen program pengembangan panca jangka, kemandirian dan kemajuan Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Indonesia Katni Katni; Ayok Ariyanto; Sigit Dwi Laksana
AL-ASASIYYA: Journal Of Basic Education Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.269 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ajbe.v4i1.2291


This research is aimed at investigating the philosophical meaning of Pondok Gontor's Modern Darussalam using the management of the "Five Term" development program. Exploring the management relations of the "five term" development program, to the independence and progress of Pondok Gontor and, exploring the extent of the results of the "Panca Term" development program of the Pondok Gontor Modern Darussalam in realizing its independence and educational progress. Based on preliminary studies that the management of the development program "Panca Term" Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor showed its success. Among the results that appear until the age of 90 this year, that PMDG succeeded in producing alumni who became prominent national figures, had 16 branch boarding schools throughout Indonesia, had businesses in the economy quite rapidly, had very large waqf assets, developed Darussalam Gontor University, which until now has succeeded in having S1, S2 and S3 study programs. In addition, his other successes were managed by his marketing to many foreign students and students who sought knowledge in Gontor. Including Pondok Gontor, is in demand by Indonesian elites, such as the children of state officials and national religious leaders. This is what attracts researchers to conduct this research. So it is felt that their presence is needed as a management model for developing Islamic boarding schools in particular and Islamic education in general. The management system model that can be transformed is in preparing strategic plans for the long-term, medium-term and short-term development management models in creating independence and progress in pesantren and Islamic education institutions in general.
JURNAL KOULUTUS Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Koulutus
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Kahuripan Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (325.807 KB)


Pendidikan merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting bagi setiap orang. Meskipun masyarakat Islam menjadi minoritas muslim di Thailand, masyarakat tidak pernah putus asa dan tetap berkeyakinan bahawa pendidikan sangatlah penting bagi masa dapan yang akan datang, karena hal tersebut peneliti menganbil judul Model Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Ma’had Islam Thailand.(StudiKasus: Ma’had Assaadah Jujor Provinsi Narathiwat Thailand Selatan). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis secara kritis tentang pendidikan agama Islam di Ma’had Assaadah Jujor Provinsi Narathiwat Thailan Selatan (Tujuan Model dan Metode pendidikan di thailand). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan mengambil data di Ma’had Assaadah Jujor Provinsi Narathiwat Thailan Selatan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan beberapa metode yaitu observasi, intetview dan dokumentasi. Kemudian analisis data dengan memberikan makna terhadap data yang berhasil di kumpulkan. Subjek penelitian yang menjadi subjek dan sekaligus sumber informasi, adalah Kepala Ma’had Assaadah, ustaz ustazah dan peserta didik. Hasil Penelitianmenunjuk bahwa 1) Model pendidikan Agama Islam yang digunakan baik dari bidang keagamaan, bidang bahasa dan sosial. 2) pelaksanaan metode yang dilaksanakan oleh para guru dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar, adalah metode ceramah, tanya jawab, hafalan, diskusi, pemberian tugas, kisah. Namun metode yang sering digunakan oleh para ustaz dan ustazah adalah metode ceramah dan metode tanya jawab. 3) evaluasi pembelajaran sebagai tolak ukur dari kemampuan siswa untuk memahami materi dalam kelas. evaluasi yang dilakukan untuk kehadiran, tugas dan keaktifan masing-masing bernilai 10% ,untuk hafalan atau makalah bernilai 20% sedangkan ujian akhir sebesar 50% dari total nilai 100% diantaranya evaluasi kelas, ujian akhir dan ujian nasional. Kata kunci: Model Pendidikan, Pelaksanaan Pendidikan, Evaluasi Penbelajaran
TARBAWI:Journal on Islamic Education Vol 5, No 1: April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/tarbawi.v5i1.567


Abstract Khleang Village Kroch Chmaar District is a Muslim minority village in Cambodia. The condition Svay of Islam is still very limited in the quantity of Islamic education. Islamic educational institutions are still limited, there is an Islamic Foundation called SEPAMA which has an Islamic educational institution at the elementary school level, as well as being used as Al-Quran learning for Muslim women in Svay Khleang Village.Interestingly, even though they are 50 years old, they are very eager to learn the Koran, even when there is a blackout, they are still present learning to recite the Qur'an, which makes researchers interested in taking this research. The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of Al-Qur'an learning with the Talaqqi Method for Muslim Women in Svay Khleyang Cambodia Village. To describe the results of the implementation of Al-Qur'an learning with talaqqi method for Muslim women. To describe the supporting and inhibiting factors of the implementation of Al-Qur'an learning with the talaqqi method for Muslimah Kampung Svay Khleang, Kroch Chmaar Cambodia District. This research is a qualitative study, collecting data using interviews, observations, documentation, which all of this is to answer related issues related to the study of Al-Qur'an Learning With the Talaqqi Method for Muslimah. Data analysis uses descriptive qualitative analysis. The findings of this research are: (1) The implementation of Al-Qur'an learning with the talaqqi method for Muslim women begins to read the Surah Al-Fatihah then imitated by mothers and continued reading juz 30 listened and followed, then read juz 29, juz 28, juz 1, juz 2 all listened and then followed by reading continuously until smoothly then another letter continued. Around 50 Muslim women participated, and it was held every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 18:30-20.30. (2) The results of the implementation of Al-Qur'an learning for Muslim women have improved very well, starting reading fluently, knowing the length of the short and wrong and there are memorized juz 30, and other selection letters such as Al-Mulk and Al-Waqiah and and pronounce the letters with proper and fluent and fluent reading of the makhroj. (3) Supporting factors for the implementation of Al-Qur'an learning with the talaqqi method for Muslim women, namely the teacher is proficient in reading the Qur'an and is fluent and equipped with adequate facilities and infrastructure. The inhibiting factor is the lack of human resources and a manual of the Qur'an and a reference book for the learning curriculum of the Qur'an. AbstrakKampung Svay Khleang Distrik Kroch Chmaar merupakan kampung minoritas muslim di Cambodia. Kondisi Islam masih sangat terbatas kuantitas pendidikan Islam. Lembaga  pendidikan Islam pun masih terbatas, terdapat sebuah Yayasan Islam bernama SEPAMA yang memiliki lembaga pendidikan Islam setingkat sekolah dasar, sekaligus digunakan sebagai pembelajaran Al-Quran bagi Para Muslimah di Kampung Svay Khleang. Menariknya walaupun umur mereka  50 tahun lebih mereka sangat bersemangat belajar al-Quran, bahkan  pada waktu mati lampu juga tetap hadir belajar mengaji Al-Qur’an hal ini yang menjadikan peneliti tertarik untuk mengambil penelitian ini. Tujuan Penelitia ini adalah mendeskripsikan implementasi pembelajaran Al-Qur’an dengan Metode Talaqqi bagi Muslimah Kampung Svay Khleyang Cambodia. Untuk  mendeskripsikan hasil implementasi pembelajaran Al-Qur’an dengan metode talaqqi bagi muslimah.  Untuk  mendeskripsikan faktor pendukung dan penghambat implementasi pembelajaran Al-Qur’an dengan metode talaqqi bagi Muslimah Kampung Svay Khleang Distrik Kroch Chmaar Cambodia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, pengumpulan datanya menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dokomentasi, yang mana semua ini untuk menjawab terkait permasalahan terkait yang diteliti Implementasi Pembelajaran Al-Qur’an Dengan Metode Talaqqi bagi Muslimah. Analisis data menggunakan analisis diskriptif kualitatif. Hasil temuan peneliti  ini adalah: (1) Implementasi pembelajaran Al-Qur’an dengan metode talaqqi bagi muslimah dimulai membaca surat Al-fatihah lalu ditirukan ibu-ibu dan dilanjutkan membaca juz 30 disimak dan diikuti, lalu membaca juz 29, juz 28, juz 1, juz 2 semua menyimak lalu diikuti bacaannya terus menerus hingga lancar baru dilanjut surat yang lain. Diikuti sekitar 50 muslimah, dan dilaksanakan setiap hari rabu, jumat dan sabtu pukul 18.30-20.30. (2) Hasil implementasi pembelajaran Al-Qur’an bagi muslimah mengalami peningkatan yang sangat baik mulai bacaannya lancar, mengetahui panjang pendeknya dan salahnya  serta ada yang hafal juz 30, dan surat pilihan lainnya seperti Al-Mulk dan Al-Waqiah dan  serta mengucapkan hurufnya dengan tepat serta bacaan makhrojnya fasih dan lancar. (3) Faktor pendukung implementasi pembelajaran Al-Qur’an dengan metode talaqqi bagi muslimah yaitu gurunya mahir dalam membaca Al-Qur’an dan fasih serta dilengkapi sarana dan prasarana yang memadai. Faktor penghambat ialah kurangnya SDM dan buku panduan Al-Qur’an serta buku acuan kurikulum pembelajaran Al-Qur’an yang memadai.
Filsafat Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah sebagai Landasan Sistem Ekonomi Syariah bagi Pendidikan Umat Islam Adib Khusnul Rois; Katni Katni; Meilia Sukmawati; Icshan Maulidy Ahmad; Icha Adelia Sufi
Jurnal Masharif al-Syariah: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 8 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jms.v8i2.17673


Filsafat ekonomi adalah prinsip dasar dari sistem ekonomi yang dirancang sebagai struktur ilmiah yang intensif nilai. Berdasarkan filosofi Ekonomi ini dapat diarahkan ke berbagai tugas dan tujuan keuangan yang perlu dicapai seperti prinsip ekonomi, tujuan konsumsi, produksi, penjualan, pembangunan ekonomi, kebijakan moneter dan kebijakan fiskal. Filsafat ekonomi syariah didasarkan pada tiga hal konsep dasarnya adalah filsafat teologi, manusia (kosmos) dan alam (kosmos). Kunci filsafat Ekonomi syariah ada pada manusia dengan Tuhan, pada manusia dengan alam dan manusia dengan orang lain. Melalui metode sastra Dalam kajian-kajian tersebut dapat diamati bahwa filsafat ekonomi Islam menghasilkan prinsip-prinsip yang nilai inti ekonomi syariah yaitu Tauḣîd, Maṣlaḣah, Adil. Prinsip ini melayani kebaikan masyarakat, memperkuatnya kepercayaan, keadilan, kebersamaan, menciptakan situasi sosial yang produktif, keintiman, Memberikan peluang kepada pedagang untuk memanfaatkannya sebaik mungkin mungkin sumber daya alam untuk kepentingan umum. Epistemologi ekonomi Islam berarti mempelajari sumber-sumber ekonomi Islam, termasuk metodologi dan kebenaran ilmiah. Epistemologi Islam sebagai langkah awal pembahasan epistemologi. Perkembangan ekonomi syariah di Indonesia juga tidak terlepas dari beberapa faktor pendorong. Secara sederhana, faktor-faktor itu di kelompokkan menjadi faktor eksternal dan internal.