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Peran Pendidikan Kristen dalam Memerangi Kekerasan pada Anak (Violance Against Child) Andreas Fernando; Yonatan Alex Arifianto; Sumiyati Sumiyati
Jurnal Teologi Praktika Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tenggarong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51465/jtp.v2i2.44


Many children have experienced violence both in closed spaces and in open spaces and nowadays this incident can be a frightening specter for children if the violence is recorded in the digital world. Child abuse is a serious problem for the whole family. Because often found child abuse occurs in the family and close people. This article written using descriptive qualitative research methods with a literature study approach. So, it can be concluded that the role of Christian education in combating the behavior and impact of violence against children, firstly: providing understanding to Christians about the nature of violence against children. Second, with this understanding, it was found that the role of Christian education in preventing and overcoming violence against children from a biblical perspective can be applied. Then the third is to provide education for parents the importance of taking care of and nurturing children in a good and right attitude. And have an attitude of rejecting violence against children regardless of the arguments and forms.AbstrakBanyak anak mengalami kekerasan baik di ruang tertutup maupun di ruang terbuka dan saat ini kejadian itu bisa menjadi momok menakutkan bagi anak bila kekerasan tersebut terekam di dunia digital. Kekerasan anak adalah persoalan serius bagi seluruh keluarga. Sebab sering ditemukan kekerasan anak terjadi dalam keluarga dan orang terdekat. Artikel ini ditulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskritif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran pendidikan Kristen dalam memerangi perilaku dan dampak kekerasan terhadap anak, pertama: memberikan pengertian kepada orang Kristen tentang hakikat kekerasan terhadap anak. Kedua, dengan adanya pengertian tersebut didapat adanya peran pendidikan Kristen dalam mencegah dan menanggulangi kekerasan terhadap anak dalam perspektif Alkitab dapat diterapkan. Kemudian ketiga memberikan edukasi bagi orangtua pentingnya menjaga dan memelihara anak dalam sikap yang baik dan benar. Serta memiliki sikap menolak terhadap kekerasan terhadap anak apapun dalil dan bentuknya.
Pendidikan Kristen dalam Pelayanan Konseling Pranikah di Era Disrupsi Carolina Etnasari Anjaya; Andreas Fernando; Wahju Astjarjo Rini
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Maret 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v4i2.203


The era of disruption encourages all humans to adapt to the changes that occur. Christian youth and Christian families are required to be able to withstand these changes by living in the firmness of the Christian faith, according to God's will. Christian education in premarital counseling is very important in this era because through it Christian families will be able to survive in an increasingly uncertain world. This research method is descriptive qualitative, with literature study and observation techniques. The author uses the Bible and various relevant literature. The purpose of this study is to provide a description of how Christian education can form premarital counseling that can guide Christian families in this era. The results of the study conclude that it is necessary to transform premarital counseling from just a church service program to Christian education to provide a new form. Christian education in pre-marital counseling is developed to post-marital counseling, which is carried out continuously throughout life according to the principles of Christian education. The implementation of Christian education in pre-marital counseling is as follows: First, the teaching materials emphasize the development of the personal dimension as a creation that is in the image and likeness of God and the relational dimension, building a relationship that is holy and pleasing to God. Second, the implementation of Christian education in pre-marital counseling includes six stages: First, the preparation of young people to find a life partner. Two, at a time when a future husband and wife decided to start a new family. Three, the young family stage. Four, pre-adolescent and adolescent family stages. Five, the family stage of adulthood, when the children in the family have started to grow up. Six, the stages of old age. Third, forming counselors as guides and guides who fear God, living the truth of God's word so that they can become examples of life.  Era disrupsi mendorong semua manusia untuk beradaptasi dalam perubahan yang terjadi. Orang muda Kristen dan keluarga Kristen dituntut untuk dapat bertahan menghadapi perubahan tersebut dengan tetap hidup dalam kekokohan iman Kristen, sesuai kehendak Allah. Pendidikan Kristen dalam konseling pranikah menjadi sesuatu hal yang sangat penting di era ini karena melaluinya  keluarga Kristen akan mampu bertahan di dalam dunia yang semakin penuh ketidakpastian.  Metode  penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif, dengan teknik studi pustaka dan observasi. Penulis mempergunakan Alkitab dan berbagai literatur yang relevan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan deskripsi mengenai  bagaimana pendidikan Kristen dapat membentuk konseling pranikah dapat menjadi penuntun keluarga Kristen di era ini. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa perlu transformasi konseling pranikah dari sekadar program pelayanan gereja menjadi pendidikan Kristen untuk memberikan bentukan baru. Pendidikan Kristen dalam konseling pranikah dikembangkan sampai pada konseling paska menikah, diselenggarakan secara terus menerus berkesinambungan sepanjang hayat memenuhi prinsip pendidikan Kristen. Implementasi pendidikan Kristen dalam konseling pranikah sebagai berikut: Pertama, materi pengajaran menekankan kepada  pengembangan dimensi personal sebagai ciptaan yang segambar dan serupa Tuhan dan dimensi relasional, membangun hubungan yang kudus dan berkenan bagi Tuhan.  Kedua, Penyelenggaraan  pendidikan Kristen dalam konseling pra nikah  meliputi enam tahap: Satu, persiapan kaum muda mencari pasangan hidup. Dua,  pada masa ketika sepasang calon suami istri memutuskan untuk membina keluarga baru. Tiga, tahap keluarga usia muda. Empat, tahapan keluarga pra remaja dan remaja. Lima, tahapan keluarga masa dewasa, ketika anak-anak dalam keluarga sudah mulai tumbuh dewasa. Enam, tahapan masa tua.  Ketiga, membentuk konselor sebagai  pembimbing dan penuntun yang takut akan Tuhan, menghidupi kebenaran firman Tuhan sehingga mampu menjadi teladan hidup.  
Pengaruh Kompetensi Profesional Guru terhadap Minat Belajar Pendidikan Agama Kristen Siswa Mikha Agus Widiyanto; Andreas Fernando
Davar : Jurnal Teologi Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Sekola Tinggi Teologi Sangkakala Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (224.782 KB) | DOI: 10.55807/davar.v1i1.6


Teacher plays an important role in improving student’s interest in learning. Teacher's competence is the key to his success in moving students towards increasing their interest in learning. Thorough the professional competencies possessed, teacher can deliver subject matter in the way that is easily understood by student and the ability to present interesting material through the use of instructional media can arouse students' interest in learning Christian Religious Education. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of teacher professional competence on students' interest in learning Christian Religious Education. The quantitative research approach with the correlational method, with a total sample of 100 students. The results of the analysis indicate that the teacher's professional competence significantly influences students' interest in learning Christian Religious Education. Increasing interest in learning Christian Religious Education can be done by increasing the professional competence of teacher. Professional Christian Religious Education teacher has a set of competencies that support the realization of effective learning. Teacher’s professional competence contributes in realizing Christian Religious Education learning that can arouse student’s interest in learning.
Sosiologi Pluralisme dalam Pendidikan Agama Kristen: Upaya Membangun Kesatuan Bangsa Yonatan Alex Arifianto; Andreas Fernando; Reni Triposa
Jurnal Shanan Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : UKI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (330.576 KB) | DOI: 10.33541/shanan.v5i2.3294


Indonesia has experienced religious conflicts and brought about alarming humanitarian impacts. The horizontal conflict has pushed into the joints of destroying the pillars of the nation's integrity. Moreover, conflict destroys harmony, therefore the author's aim was to describe pluralism through the perspective of Christian religious education as an effort to bring generations to continue to build the nation and maintain its integrity. The writing of this article used a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach related to the sociology of religious pluralism in the perspective of Christian religious education as an effort to build national unity. The findings of this study are firstly the sociology of pluralism starting from recognizing and understanding the nature of pluralism and understanding all the values ​​of pluralism. Second, all believers, especially teachers and students, see and understand that pluralism in the concept of Christian Religious Education is not contradictory to what is done by people and organizations that promote pluralism, but it needs to be emphasized that pluralism in agreement is only to maintain and build the integrity of the nation. Third, on this basis, Christianity, in this case the role of Christian religious education, must be actualized in social life in pluralism.
Mengaktualisasikan Sila Ketiga Pancasila dalam Perspektif Iman Kristen: Refleksi Teologis tentang Kerukunan Hestyn Natal Istinatun; Andreas Fernando; Carolina Etnasari Anjaya
JURNAL TEOLOGI GRACIA DEO Vol 4, No 2: Januari 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Baptis, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46929/graciadeo.v4i2.121


The actualization of the third principle of Pancasila in the plurality of Indonesian society is a necessity, in the midst of the threat of national disintegration. In a pluralistic society, harmony is needed as the foundation for the implementation of a peaceful life. The Bible teaches that harmony is a calling in life that every believer must live. The purpose of this study is to open an understanding of what and how the task of believers is in building harmony, and how to actualize the third precepts of Pancasila in social life in accordance with Bible teachings. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach. The author explores the theme of harmony and the actualization of the third principle of Pancasila from various literature, both journal articles, books, and other literature. There were also excavations of various biblical texts that describe how Christians should live to fulfill God's call to create and maintain harmony. The results of this study conclude that the actualization of the third precept can be done by building harmony through the spirit of nationalism and patriotism in accordance with Bible teachings.  AbstrakAktualisasi sila ketiga Pancasila dalam kemajemukan masyarakat Indonesia merupakan suatu keniscayaan, di tengah ancaman disintegrasi bangsa. Dalam masyarakat majemuk dibutuh-kan kerukunan sebagai fondasi demi terselenggaranya kehidupan yang damai sejahtera. Alkitab mengajarkan bahwa kerukunan adalah panggilan hidup yang harus dijalankan oleh setiap orang percaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuka pemahaman mengenai apa dan bagaimana tugas orang percaya dalam membangun kerukunan, dan bagaimana cara mengaktualisasikan sila ketiga Pancasila dalam hidup bermasyarakat yang sesuai dengan ajaran Alkitab. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. Penulis menggali tema tentang kerukunan dan aktualisasi sila ketiga Pancasila dari berbagai literatur baik artikel jurnal, buku, maupun literatur lain. Dilakukan pula penggalian berbagai teks Alkitab yang menggambarkan bagaimana orang Kristen harus hidup memenuhi panggilan Tuhan dalam mewujudkan dan menjaga kerukunan. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa aktualisasi sila ketiga dapat dilakukan dengan membangun kerukunan melalui spirit nasionalisme dan sikap patriotisme yang sesuai dengan ajaran Alkitab.
Studi Teologis Kata “Melepaskan” dalam Lukas 14:33 Yakub Hendrawan Perangin Angin; Tri Astuti Yeniretnowati; Andreas Fernando
Jurnal Salvation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : STT Bala Keselamatan Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (819.532 KB) | DOI: 10.56175/salvation.v2i1.31


Abstract: Many people today, even the majority of the world's population claim to be Christians. Whereas a real Christian has conditions and a price to be paid in order to become a true Christian, one of which is what Jesus said in Luke 14:33. The method in this research is to use the literature study method. The results of this study have several implications for Christians who claim to be true disciples of Jesus Christ, namely: First, Willingness to change the focus of life. Second, the willingness to live to leave the world. Third, the willingness to live apart from the power of mammon. Fourth, the willingness to live in holiness. Fifth, the willingness to renew the mind. Sixth, the willingness to live becomes a prop of Christ.   Abstrak: Banyak orang saat ini, bahkan mayoritas penduduk dunia menyatakan diri sebagai Kristen. Padahal Kristen yang sebenarnya ada syarat dan harga yang harus dibayar agar menjadi seorang Kristen sejati, salah satunya adalah apa yang dikatakan oleh Yesus dalam Lukas 14:33. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini ada beberapa implikasi yang harus hidupi orang Kristen yang mengaku murid sejati Yesus Kristus, yaitu: Pertama, Kesediaan merubah fokus hidup. Kedua, Kesediaan hidup meninggalkan dunia. Ketiga, Kesediaan hidup lepas dari kuasa mamon. Keempat, Kesediaan hidup dalam kesucian. Kelima, Kesediaan melakukan pembaharuan pikiran. Keenam, Kesediaan hidup menjadi alat peraga Kristus.
Evaluasi Program Belajar Literasi-Menulis di Prodi Magister PAK STT Ekumene Jakarta Melalui Model CIPP Andreas Fernando; Carolina Etnasari Anjaya
Jurnal Salvation Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Januari 2022
Publisher : STT Bala Keselamatan Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (918.929 KB) | DOI: 10.56175/salvation.v2i2.39


Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the program using the CIPP (Context Input Process and Product) model for the learning to write program in the PAK Masters Study Program, Ecumenical Theology College Jakarta, which is labeled the Active Writing Masters program. The results of this evaluation are concluded: first, in terms of context, the Master of Active Writing program is very important and needed by the PAK Masters Study Program. Second, in terms of input, the program refers to the vision and mission of the PAK Masters Study Program. Third, in terms of process, the implementation of the Master of Active Writing program has been carried out well as an extra-curricular activity. Learning materials and implementation methods are as needed. Fourth, in terms of products, the results of the program are the publication of scientific papers or student research reports in several journals. Broadly speaking, the Master of Active Writing program has answered the needs and objectives set by the PAK Masters Study Program, STT Ecumenism, Jakarta.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan evaluasi program dengan model Context Input Process and Product) terhadap program belajar menulis di prodi Magister PAK Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Ekumene Jakarta yang diberi label program Magister Aktif Menulis. Hasil evaluasi ini disimpulkan: pertama, segi konteks, program Magister Aktif Menulis sangat penting dan dibutuhkan oleh prodi Magister PAK. Kedua, segi input, program tersebut mengacu kepada visi misi prodi Magister PAK. Ketiga, segi proses, penyelenggaraan program Magister Aktif Menulis telah dilakukan dengan baik sebagai kegiatan ekstra kurikuler. Materi pembelajaran dan metode pelaksanaan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Keempat, segi produk, hasil program tersebut yaitu diterbitkannya karya tulis ilmiah atau laporan penelitian mahasiswa pada beberapa jurnal. Secara garis besar program Magister Aktif Menulis telah menjawab kebutuhan dan tujuan yang ditetapkan prodi Magister PAK STT Ekumene Jakarta.
Pendidikan Kristen dalam Pelayanan Konseling Pranikah di Era Disrupsi Carolina Etnasari Anjaya; Andreas Fernando; Wahju Astjarjo Rini
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Maret 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v4i2.203


The era of disruption encourages all humans to adapt to the changes that occur. Christian youth and Christian families are required to be able to withstand these changes by living in the firmness of the Christian faith, according to God's will. Christian education in premarital counseling is very important in this era because through it Christian families will be able to survive in an increasingly uncertain world. This research method is descriptive qualitative, with literature study and observation techniques. The author uses the Bible and various relevant literature. The purpose of this study is to provide a description of how Christian education can form premarital counseling that can guide Christian families in this era. The results of the study conclude that it is necessary to transform premarital counseling from just a church service program to Christian education to provide a new form. Christian education in pre-marital counseling is developed to post-marital counseling, which is carried out continuously throughout life according to the principles of Christian education. The implementation of Christian education in pre-marital counseling is as follows: First, the teaching materials emphasize the development of the personal dimension as a creation that is in the image and likeness of God and the relational dimension, building a relationship that is holy and pleasing to God. Second, the implementation of Christian education in pre-marital counseling includes six stages: First, the preparation of young people to find a life partner. Two, at a time when a future husband and wife decided to start a new family. Three, the young family stage. Four, pre-adolescent and adolescent family stages. Five, the family stage of adulthood, when the children in the family have started to grow up. Six, the stages of old age. Third, forming counselors as guides and guides who fear God, living the truth of God's word so that they can become examples of life.  Era disrupsi mendorong semua manusia untuk beradaptasi dalam perubahan yang terjadi. Orang muda Kristen dan keluarga Kristen dituntut untuk dapat bertahan menghadapi perubahan tersebut dengan tetap hidup dalam kekokohan iman Kristen, sesuai kehendak Allah. Pendidikan Kristen dalam konseling pranikah menjadi sesuatu hal yang sangat penting di era ini karena melaluinya  keluarga Kristen akan mampu bertahan di dalam dunia yang semakin penuh ketidakpastian.  Metode  penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif, dengan teknik studi pustaka dan observasi. Penulis mempergunakan Alkitab dan berbagai literatur yang relevan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan deskripsi mengenai  bagaimana pendidikan Kristen dapat membentuk konseling pranikah dapat menjadi penuntun keluarga Kristen di era ini. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa perlu transformasi konseling pranikah dari sekadar program pelayanan gereja menjadi pendidikan Kristen untuk memberikan bentukan baru. Pendidikan Kristen dalam konseling pranikah dikembangkan sampai pada konseling paska menikah, diselenggarakan secara terus menerus berkesinambungan sepanjang hayat memenuhi prinsip pendidikan Kristen. Implementasi pendidikan Kristen dalam konseling pranikah sebagai berikut: Pertama, materi pengajaran menekankan kepada  pengembangan dimensi personal sebagai ciptaan yang segambar dan serupa Tuhan dan dimensi relasional, membangun hubungan yang kudus dan berkenan bagi Tuhan.  Kedua, Penyelenggaraan  pendidikan Kristen dalam konseling pra nikah  meliputi enam tahap: Satu, persiapan kaum muda mencari pasangan hidup. Dua,  pada masa ketika sepasang calon suami istri memutuskan untuk membina keluarga baru. Tiga, tahap keluarga usia muda. Empat, tahapan keluarga pra remaja dan remaja. Lima, tahapan keluarga masa dewasa, ketika anak-anak dalam keluarga sudah mulai tumbuh dewasa. Enam, tahapan masa tua.  Ketiga, membentuk konselor sebagai  pembimbing dan penuntun yang takut akan Tuhan, menghidupi kebenaran firman Tuhan sehingga mampu menjadi teladan hidup.  
The Influence of Christian Religious Education in Family and Parenting Styles on Adolescent Character Formation Ester Ester; Wahju Asjarjo Rini; Yoel Triyanto; Mikha Agus Widiyanto; Andreas Fernando
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat Vol 6, No 1 (2022): January 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson Ungaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.378 KB) | DOI: 10.46445/ejti.v6i1.470


This study aimed to test and prove through data collection that the formation of the character of Christ in adolescents is influenced by the implementation of Christian religious education in the family and parenting patterns. The research method used in this research was the survey method - correlational. Based on the data analysis, the results showed that: 1) Christian religious education in the family had a significant effect on the formation of the character of Christ in adolescents; 2) Parenting patterns have a significant effect on the formation of Christ's character in adolescents; 3) Christian religious education in the family and parenting patterns together have a significant effect on the formation of the character of Christ. Thus, efforts to form the character of Christ in adolescents can be done by increasing the intensity of the implementation of Christian religious education in the family and increasing the right parenting pattern.
Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dalam Keluarga Kristen Sebagai Upaya Menghadapi Pengaruh Sekularisme Carolina Etnasari Anjaya; Yonatan Alex Arifianto; Andreas Fernando; Reni Triposa
DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Intheos Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30648/dun.v7i1.660


Abstract. Education for early childhood in the family is important and criticalally to be carried out in the midst of the secularism dominance. This paper aimed to examine the important role of the Christian family in early childhood education in order to prevent the negative influence of secularism. Through a literature study, this study showed that early childhood education cannot simply be given to educational institutions or churches. The family is actually the most effective place for education for children at an early age. In addition, family who is responsible for carrying out early childhood education is at the same time carrying out the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus.Abstrak. Pendidikan untuk usia dini dalam keluarga menjadi hal penting dan genting untuk dilaksanakan di tengah-tengah dominasi paham sekularisme. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peran penting keluarga Kristen dalam pendidikan anak usia dini dalam rangka membendung pengaruh negatif paham sekularisme. Melalui studi pustaka, kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan anak usia dini tidak bisa begitu saja diserahkan kepada lembaga pendidikan ataupun gereja. Keluarga justru menjadi tempat pendidikan yang paling efektif bagi anak pada usia dini. Selain itu, keluarga yang bertanggung jawab menjalankan pendidikan anak usia dini adalah sekaligus telah menjalankan Amanat Agung Tuhan Yesus.