Sumiyati Sumiyati
SINTA ID : 6727484 (Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kanaan Nusantara, Ungaran)

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Peran Pendidikan Kristen dalam Memerangi Kekerasan pada Anak (Violance Against Child) Andreas Fernando; Yonatan Alex Arifianto; Sumiyati Sumiyati
Jurnal Teologi Praktika Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tenggarong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51465/jtp.v2i2.44


Many children have experienced violence both in closed spaces and in open spaces and nowadays this incident can be a frightening specter for children if the violence is recorded in the digital world. Child abuse is a serious problem for the whole family. Because often found child abuse occurs in the family and close people. This article written using descriptive qualitative research methods with a literature study approach. So, it can be concluded that the role of Christian education in combating the behavior and impact of violence against children, firstly: providing understanding to Christians about the nature of violence against children. Second, with this understanding, it was found that the role of Christian education in preventing and overcoming violence against children from a biblical perspective can be applied. Then the third is to provide education for parents the importance of taking care of and nurturing children in a good and right attitude. And have an attitude of rejecting violence against children regardless of the arguments and forms.AbstrakBanyak anak mengalami kekerasan baik di ruang tertutup maupun di ruang terbuka dan saat ini kejadian itu bisa menjadi momok menakutkan bagi anak bila kekerasan tersebut terekam di dunia digital. Kekerasan anak adalah persoalan serius bagi seluruh keluarga. Sebab sering ditemukan kekerasan anak terjadi dalam keluarga dan orang terdekat. Artikel ini ditulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskritif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran pendidikan Kristen dalam memerangi perilaku dan dampak kekerasan terhadap anak, pertama: memberikan pengertian kepada orang Kristen tentang hakikat kekerasan terhadap anak. Kedua, dengan adanya pengertian tersebut didapat adanya peran pendidikan Kristen dalam mencegah dan menanggulangi kekerasan terhadap anak dalam perspektif Alkitab dapat diterapkan. Kemudian ketiga memberikan edukasi bagi orangtua pentingnya menjaga dan memelihara anak dalam sikap yang baik dan benar. Serta memiliki sikap menolak terhadap kekerasan terhadap anak apapun dalil dan bentuknya.
Hukuman Bagi Pelaku Seks Komersial Eriyani Mendrofa; Sumiyati Sumiyati
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v2i1.19


The issue of punishment for commercial sex offenders continues to be debated both in social, psychological, and legal aspects. Through this paper, the author presents a conceptual analysis related to the issue. For the writer, the punishment for commercial sex workers is not right. The author proposes a more human approach to refer to Jesus' actions. This coaching is expected to be more inclined to positive personal recovery from a woman or man who is a former commercial sex offender.
Implikasi Pedagogis Pada Sakramen Perjamuan Kudus Dalam Liturgi Gereja Sumiyati Sumiyati; Eriyani Mendrofa
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat Vol 5, No 1 (2021): January 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.118 KB) | DOI: 10.46445/ejti.v5i1.314


The Lord's Supper is one of the sacraments of the church and is an important part of the Christian liturgy. The author conducts research on the meaning of the Holy Communion so that he can find pedagogical implications in the Holy Communion. The research used is a literature analysis approach that uses various relevant literature sources. The pedagogical implications of the Lord's Supper concern the past, present and future. The meaning of the past means that the Lord's Supper is a reminder of Christ's sacrifice for believers. Today means that the Lord's Supper means sharing in enjoying the benefits of Christ’s death and fellowship with the members of the body of Christ, even Christ himself. The meaning of the future means that the Holy Communion is a guarantee of enjoying the Kingdom of Heaven and the great supper in the future. The Lord's Supper is an expression of hope for His return. Christ Jesus is the sure hope. Practically speaking, Holy Communion reminds us of the importance of fellowship with fellow members of the body of Christ. ABSTRAKPerjamuan Kudus merupakan salah satu sakramen gereja dan menjadi bagian penting dalam liturgi Kristen. Penulis melakukan penelitian terhadap makna perjamuan kudus sehingga dapat menemukan implikasi pedagogis dalam perjamuan kudus. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan analisis pustaka yang menggunakan berbagai sumber pustaka relevan. Implikasi pedagogis Perjamuan Kudus menyangkut masa lalu, masa kini dan masa yang akan datang. Makna masa lalu berarti bahwa Perjamuan Kudus merupakan peringatan pengorbanan Kristus bagi orang percaya. Masa kini berarti bahwa Perjamuan Kudus memiliki makna keikutsetaan menikmati keuntungan kematian Kristus serta persekutuan dengan anggota tubuh Kristus, bahkan Kristus sendiri. Makna masa yang akan datang berarti bahwa Perjamuan Kudus menjadi jaminan menikmati Kerajaan Sorga dan perjamuan agung di masa yang akan datang. Perjamuan Kudus merupakan perwujudan pengharapan akan kedatangan-Nya kembali. Kristus Yesus adalah pengharapan yang pasti. Secara praktis, Perjamuan Kudus mengingatkan tentang pentingnya persekutuan dengan sesama anggota tubuh Kristus.
Fenomena Doktrin Virtual Masa Kini Berdasarkan Kajian Teologis Kritis Matius 23:13-33 Sumiyati Sumiyati; Carolina Etnasari Anjaya
Manna Rafflesia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Arastamar Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (327.708 KB) | DOI: 10.38091/man_raf.v8i2.223


True doctrine contains real energy and events as a character-spirit changer of listeners. When the doctrine taught is not put into practice by the preacher then the doctrine is not real or virtual, because it does not impartation and is powerless to change. This study aims to describe the meaning of virtual doctrine based on a study of Matthew 23:13-33 and its impact on the development of the Christian faith. The research method uses a qualitative approach with literature study and interpretation of the biblical text. Data were also obtained through direct observation and interviews in the field. The results of the study conclude that the phenomenon of virtual doctrine can have a fatal impact on the development of the congregation's faith. Therefore, spiritual leaders need to reflect and change themselves so that they are able to live the teachings they convey and in the end can become living examples.
Deskripsi Pelayanan Konseling dalam Etis Kristiani Bagi Pendidikan Karakter Kristen Yenni Olivia Lahingide; Sumiyati Sumiyati
Jurnal Lentera Nusantara Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kanaan Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.623 KB) | DOI: 10.59177/jls.v1i1.134


Counseling is always related to a solution that will be sought to solve every problem, the solution sought is of course based on the truth of God's word, restoring a fragile condition means that the counseling process can restore a fragile and fragile condition that is replaced with toughness, patience and fortitude, change attitudes and behavior. Using descriptive qualitative methods with the aim of the importance of counseling services in Christian ethics, counseling services in Christian ethics for Christian education and character can be concluded that counseling services must be maintained as indicated by the statement item "Counselors teach about God." Counseling services need to improve understanding of the inmates' character as indicated by the statement item "Counselors help me to correct bad behavior and attitudes." Furthermore, the character in Christian education must be maintained based on the Word of God.” Counseling services also need to improve the character of Christian education which is shown in the value of being responsible for each task. To the Pastor or all God's servants who perform counseling services in church and educational institutions so that they always provide an understanding of the importance of each person having a good character. The last is for the reader to understand and understand correctly about counseling services, and participate in the counseling services that are carried outAbstrakKonseling selalu berhubungan dengan adanya solusi yang akan dicari untuk menyelesaikan setiap permasalahan, solusi yang dicari tentunya berpatokan dengan kebenaran firman Tuhan, memulihkan kondisi yang rapuh artinya proses konseling dapat memulihkan kondisi yang rapuh dan kerapuhan itu berganti dengan ketegaran, kesabaran dan ketabahan, perubahan sikap dan perilaku. Mengunakan metode kualitatif deskritif dengan tujuan pentingnya pelayanan konseling dalam etis Kristiani maka Pelayanan konseling dalam Etis Kristiani bagi pendidikan Kristen dan karakter dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pelayanan konseling supaya tetap dipertahankan yang ditunjukkan dengan item pernyataan “Konselor mengajarkan tentang Allah.” Pelayanan konseling perlu meningkatkan pemahaman karakter warga binaan yang ditunjukkan oleh item pernyataan “Konselor menolong saya untuk memperbaiki tingkah laku dan sikap yang buruk.” Selanjutnya karakter dalam pendidikan Kristen supaya tetap dipertahankan dengan berdasarkan Firman Allah.” Pelayanan konseling juga perlu meningkatkan karakter pendidikan Kristen  yang ditunjukkan oleh dalam nilai bertanggung jawab atas setiap tugas. Terhadap kepada Gembala Sidang atau semua hamba-hamba Tuhan yang melakukan pelayanan konseling di lembaga gereja maupun pendidikan agar selalu memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya setiap orang memiliki karakter yang baik. Yang terakhir kepada pembaca supaya mengerti dan memahami dengan benar tentang pelayanan konseling, serta ikut dalam pelayanan konseling yang   dilakukan.