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Meningkatkan Kreativitas Anak Melalui Kegiatan Menggambar Di Kelompok B TK PGRI Taripa Herawati, Dian
Bungamputi Vol 2, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Bungamputi

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Terdiri beberapa aspekperlakuan dan pengamatan utama yaitu peningkatan kraetivitas anak. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah kreativitas anak dapat ditingkatkan melalui kegiatan menggambar di kelompok B TK PGRI Taripa? Dan tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kraetivitas anak melalui kegiatan menggambar.Penelitian dilaksanakan di TK PGRI Taripa, melibatkan 15orang anak terdiri atas 8 orang anak laki-laki dan 7 orang anak perempuanyang terdaftar pada tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart yang terdiri atas dua siklus. Di mana pada setiap siklus dilaksanakan satu kali pertemuan di kelas dan setiap siklus terdiri empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data yang dikumpulkan melalui teknik obsevasi, wawancara, dan pemberian tugas kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif dari data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan sebelum tindakan pengamatan kreativitas anak dalam menggambar di kelas kategori Berkembang Berkembang sangat baik6,66%, Berkembang Sesuai Harapan 13,33%, Mulai Berkembang 26,66%, dan Belum Berkembang 53,33%, kemudian kreativitas anak mewarnai gambar dengan kategori Berkembang Berkembang sangat baik 0%, Berkembang Sesuai Harapan 13,33%, Mulai Berkembang 20%, Belum Berkembang 66,66%, dan pengamatan anak memberi judul gambar dengan kategori Berkembang Berkembang sangat baik6,66%, Berkembang Sesuai Harapan 6,66%, Mulai Berkembang 13,33%, Belum Berkembang 73,33%. Setelah dilakukan tindakan maka hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui kegiatan menggambar dapat meningkatkan kraetivitas anak, terbukti ada peningkatan kraetivitas dari siklus I ke siklus II yang diamati dalam menggambar kategori berkembang sangat baik dan baik dari 53,33% menjadi 79,99% (26,66%), kraetivitas dalam mewarnai gambar kategori berkembang sangat baik dan baik dari 46,66% menjadi 80% (33,34%), kemudian yang terakhir pengamatan anak dalam memberi judul gambar kategori berkembang sangat baik dan baik dari 53,33% menjadi 86,66% (33,33%). Secara umum terjadi peningkatan dari semua kemampuan yang diukur. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan menerapkan kegiatan menggambardapat meningkatkan kreativitas anak di TK PGRI Taripa. Kata Kunci : Kreativitas,Kegiatan Menggambar
Analisis Kritis Model CGE Seung Rae Kim : Ketidakpastian Preferensi Politis, dan Stabilisasi : Kontrol Stochastic Yang Mempergunakan Model-Model CGE Dinamis Martha Hendrati, Ignatia
Jurnal Riset Ekonomi & Bisnis Vol 7, No 1 (2007): Jurnal Riset Ekonomi & Bisnis
Publisher : P4MFE UPNV Jatim

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Models of Computable General Equilibrium ( traditional CGE) disregard uncertainty even when wearied area like compilation of environmental model which full of uncertainty of economics. As comparison, most theory models control focused at uncertainty effects. Merger of tradition compilation model of CGE and control can yield models  with dynamics of eksplisit careful treatment and uncertainty. This handing out is continuation step to optimal control model merger with models of CGE dynamic. This handing out show techniques benefit of CGE in theory application control and specify practical guidance line to policy maker in the field of newly. Besides this handing out also study relation between economic stabilization and fiscal policy device optimal environment in dynamic public balance framework of stochastic. Uncertainty, process adjustment of amount short term and  preferensi political ( for example, excessive stabilization priority in industry ) allowed for to investigate what time directive adjustment of optimal economics to be governmental with target of policy eksplisit. Optimal Control solution can differ not only effect of differences in just elementary model structure or assumption, but also depend on uncertainty about level of parameters in economics. Is peculiarly indicated that economic stabilization performance can differ signifikan with preference / uncertainty of unsymmetrical politics in all sector of industrial. In such case, restructuring of components in compilation of economic model common CGE can identify policies in the world of having the character of stochastic which possible apply approach of compilation of theory model- control ( traditional macroeconomics) Keywords: Optimal Control, Models Of CGE Dynamic, Uncertainty, Process Adjustment, Political Preference, Macroeconomics Stabilization
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Penelitian PKM-P 2013
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Characterization of Spathoglottis has not been observed yet especially in determination of genetic relationship and identification of colchisine-induced polyploid orchid. The aim of this research was to study about characterization of fingerprinting molecular mark in DNA Barcode profiling of Polyploid Anggrek Tanah (Spatholgottis sp.) and fenetic relationship of polyploid orchid with superior hybrid soil orchid (Spatholgottis sp.). The method of this research is collecting the orchid, germinating orchid seed, colchisine-induced PLB orchid, making simply buffer DNA isolation, genome DNA isolation, quantitative test of genome DNA, qualitative test of genome DNA, liquidity DNA genom, liquidity RAPD primer, PCR Random Amplified Polimorphism DNA (RAPD) of Orchid DNA, electrophoresis of PCR-RAPD, polymorphism RAPD , Dendogram RAPD analysis, dan creating Orchid DNA barcode. Based on the result known that RAPD molecular method could be used in detection of polyploid Spathoglottis sp. with OPAW11 primer. Electroforegram could be made as DNA bar-coding for Spathoglottis sp. that also could be used to to trace the origin orchids from Indonesia.Keywords: Spathoglottis, RAPD, bar-code DNA, colchisine
Analisis Variasi Genetik Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Kultivar Gama Melon Basket Dengan Metode Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Nur Huda, Ikhsan; Setiadi Daryono, Budi
Biogenesis Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Melon (Cucumis melo L.) cultivars Gama Melon Basket (GMB) is the result of plant breeding that has the potential to be a product of local melon seed in Indonesia. This cultivar phenotype characters was known, but its genetic variation is not further studied. This study aimed to analyze the genetic variation of melon cultivars GMB and compared with 13 commercial melons and four members of the family Cucurbitaceae such as; cucumber, cucumber queen, barteh, and cantaloupe (blewah). RAPD-PCR method with 11 random primer was used to evaluate genetic variation in melon. Level of genetic similarity was determined by the formula simple matching coefficient (SSM) and the dendogram constructed by clustering analysis unweighted pair-group using arithmeticaverages (UPGMA). Results of RAPD-PCR with 11 primer produced 165 loci and it contains 84.85 % polymorphic DNA and 15.15 % monomorphic DNA. Results of genetic variation analysis suggests that 15 commercial melons differ from groups of cucumber, cucumber queen, barteh and cantaloupe(blewah). Cultivars GMB has genetic marker that can be distinguished from other commercial melons. GMB cultivar have specific polymorphic DNA on the size of 285 bp generated by PMAR primer.Keywords: Cucumis melo L., Gama Melon Basket, genetic variation, RAPD
Deteksi Odontoglossum ringspot virus Terhadap Anggrek Alam di Hutan Wonosadi, Gunung Kidul K, Mahfut; Setiadi Daryono, Budi
Biogenesis Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Wonosadi forest is managed forests by indigenous forest communities and is located in the hamlet of Duren and Sidorejo, Beji village, subdistrict Ngawen, Gunung Kidul regency, Yogyakarta. One of the biological richness contained in Wonosadi forest is very valuable natural orchids and need to be preserved. Management to the preservation of nature in the woods Wonosadi orchids can be done through natural orchid protection against infectious pathogens, including viruses. Odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV) is one type of orchid viruses infect most widely reported and has spread widely in the world, including in Indonesia. ORSV can cause severe damage to the orchid. Therefore, it is necessary to study to detect ORSV that infect wild orchids in the forest Wonosadi molecular basis for detecting the presence and pattern of infection ORSV as well as possible to reduce the severity of disease caused by infection with the virus. The purpose of this study is to assess the natural orchid ORSV infection in molecular Wonosadi forest that can be used as a database in an effort to protect against natural orchid Wonosadi forest. In the long term, the results of this study are very useful to support conservation efforts and determine appropriate conservation efforts for wild orchids in the forest Wonosadi. The initial phase of the study conducted a survey and collection of samples of wild orchids in the forest leaves that show symptoms of infection Wonosadi ORSV. Furthermore, molecular analysis performed with gene amplification Coat Protein ORSV using Reverse engineering Trancriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR).Keywords: orchid soil, ORSV, RT-PCR, Wonosadi forest
Karakter Fenotipik Tanaman Stroberi Festival (Fragaria x ananassa D.) Hasil Induksi Kolkisin Pada Konsentrasi 0,05% dan 0,01% Riza Aristya, Ganies; Setiadi Daryono, Budi
Biogenesis Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Strawberries were a lot of holticulture commodities consumed by the people of Indonesia. Strawberry consumption continues to increase over time in Indonesia but not matched by production. This it because the strawberry is native to subtropical climate so that production in Indonesia limited in the plateau regional still affected by the tropical climate. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the production of both quality and quantity of strawberries, one with plant breeding through the induction of colchicine. The objective of this research were to determine the differences in phenotypic characters of strawberry plants with the control and induction results to determine the length of time and the induction colchicine 0,05% and 0,01% on the Festival cultivar of strawberry most effective. Research were done by inducing with 0,05% and 0,01% colchicine in leaves, roots 24 hours and 36 hour, the root and leaves of 24 and 36 hour. The observed for 6 months long leaf growth, leaf width,number of leaves, stem circumference, plant height, bloom vast flower and volumes of the fruit. The results indicate that the induction of the leaf growth at the optimal parameter leaf lenghth, leaf width and number of leaves. While 24-hour induction of root growth at optimum height and volume of fruitplants, then root induction at 36 hour to flowers bloom. Induction in root and leaves 36 hour optimum growth on trunck circumference. From this study it could be concluded that there are differences in the character of the strawberry crop cultivar Festival phenotype induction results colchicine 0,05% and 0,01% with control. Induction for 36 hours and induction on leaves was most effective for induction of strawberry cultivar Festival.Keywords: character phenotype, colchicine, festival
Aplikasi Teknologi Budidaya Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Kultivar Gama Melon Basket di Lahan Karst Pantai Porok Kabupaten Gunungkidul D.I.Yogyakarta Setiadi Daryono, Budi; Rizal Ibrohim, Asep; Dwi Maryanto, Sigit
Biogenesis Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is one of favorite fruits for Indonesian. The fruit is sweet with good odor, and has a high nutrient content. Efforts to increase the production of melon can be reached by improving cultivation technology along with seeds that have better quality, such as resistance to pests and disease, and high production. The low production of melon in farmer fields is often caused by use of local varieties with less improvement technology in crop management. Faculty of Biology has developed a new melon cultivars called Gama Melon Basket. Test the stability of melon cultivars at various enviromental condition have been conducted, except for karst land. Therefore, the stability test of Gama Melon Basket phenotype character cultivated in karst land of Porok Beach of Gunungkidul Yogyakarta is required. The purpose of research was to study stability and uniformity of phenotypic character on Gama Melon Basket cultivar cultivated in karst land of Porok Beach, Gunungkidul, DIY and comparison of its phenotypic characters using modern, intermediate-modern, and traditional methods of cultivation. The research was carried out by cultivating Gama Melon Basket at Coastal Land of Porok Beach with modern, intermediate-modern and traditional cultivation methods. Every week phenotype characters of plants were observed until harvest. Results of quantitative characters of Gama Melon Basket showed that intermediate-modern cultivation method produced highest melon production compare to other methods.The result of Gama Melon Basket using intermediate-modern method is 1552 grams for average weight, fruit circumference is 46,19 cm, fruit diameter is 14,3 cm, fruit length is 14,08 cm, skin thickness is 0,6 cm and thick meat is 0,62 cm. The results revealed that intermediate-modern method is more advisable for melon cultivation in karst land of Porok Beach compared with other methods. Karst Land of Porok Beach has a potential for melon cultivation and production in Gunungkidul.Keywords: Gama Melon Basket, Gunungkidul, karst, phenotype, Porok beach
Development of Random Amplified Polymorphism DNA Markers Linked to Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in Melon Daryono, Budi Setiadi; Aristya, Ganies Riza; Kasiamdari, Rina Sri
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology Vol 16, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

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A random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker linked to powdery mildew resistance gene (Pm-I) in melon PI 371795 was reported. However, the RAPD marker has problem in scoring. To detect powdery mildew resistance gene (Pm-I) in melon accurately, the RAPD marker was cloned and sequenced to design sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. SCAPMAR5 marker derived from pUBC411 primer yielded a single DNA band at 1061 bp. Segregation of SCAPMAR5 marker in bulk of F2 plants demonstrated that the marker was co-segregated with RAPD marker from which the SCAR marker was originated. Moreover, results of SCAR analysis in diverse melons showed SCAPMAR5 primers obtained a single 1061 bp linked to Pm-I in resistant melon PI 371795 and PMAR5. On the other hand, SCAPMAR5 failed to detect Pm-I in susceptible melons. Results of this study revealed that SCAR analysis not only confirmed melons that had been clearly scored for resistance to Pm-I evaluated by RAPD markers, but also clarified the ambiguous resistance results obtained by the RAPD markers.   Key words: Cucumis melo L., Pm-I, RAPD, SCAPMAR5
Application of Multiplex RT-PCR for Detection of Cucurbit-infecting Tobamovirus Daryono, Budi Setiadi; Natsuaki, Keiko T.
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology Vol 16, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) and Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus (KGMMV) are seed borne viruses and they are also transmitted mechanically during agricultural practice and through water. Hence, these viruses have potential diseases widely distributed throughout the world. To detect different strains of CGMMV and KGMMV, several specific primers for each virus were designed for single and multiplex RT-PCR. The results of single and multiplex RT-PCR showed that CGMMV was detected in zucchini isolated in Bali-Indonesia, while KGMMV was detected both in zucchini isolated in Bali-Indonesia and Cucumis metuliferus isolated in Thailand. Furthermore, artificial co-infection of these two viruses was prepared and carried out using two different ways of viral RNAs extraction. Based on the results, it could be reported that viral RNAs for cDNA amplification by multiplex RT-PCR could be extracted from a mixture of infected leaves or separate extraction of each viruses infected leaves. In addition, results presented in this study demonstrated the application of multiplex RT-PCR to simultaneously detect CGMMV and KGMMV from cucurbit leaves using a mixture of four primers and its feasibility as a sensitive and rapid laboratory assay. Since, no multiplex RT-PCR technique has been described for the detection of CGMMV and KGMMV, this technique can be a good option for sensitive and reliable tool for detection of two major cucurbit infecting Tobamoviruses.Keywords : Cucurbit infecting Tobamovirus, multiplex RT-PCR, seed borne viruses
Genetic Variation Analysis of Mold (Magnaporthe oryzae B.Couch) Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Pramono, Ajeng Kusumaningtyas; Daryono, Budi Setiadi
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology Vol 17, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Magnaporthe oryzae B.Couch is a host-specific fungi, certain strain only infect certain host plant species. Genetic variety among M. oryzae isolates was explained by dendogram which was constructed using similarity data of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Dendogram construction was achieved by computer software, Numerical Taxonomy System (NTSYS). The aim of the research were to study the genetic variation among M. Oryzae using RAPD and to construct a dendogram of genetic similarities among the ten isolates from green foxtail (Setaria viridis L.), finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.).RAPD was performed in 30 cycles using 5 primers (OPA-02, OPA-03, OPA-04, OPA-05, OPA-07). Polymorphism data was used to constructed dendogram using Dice index and Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) in NTSYS software. There were 68 polymorphism fragments from 74 amplified fragments.Three clusters were formed in the dendrogram, based on host pathotype: foxtail millet type, finger millet type and rice type. There were two subclusters in foxtail millet type based on mating type, MAT1-1 dan MAT1-2. Thus, RAPD could be used as a method for genetic variation analysis of Magnaporthe oryzae to show host-specific specificity.Key words: Magnaporthe oryzae, RAPD, mating type
Co-Authors ., Sudarsono Abiyyayumna Rif’at Chasnaurosyiqoh Abrory Agus Cahya Pramana Achmad Amzeri AGUS HERY SUSANTO Agus Nuryanto Agus Setiawan Ajeng Kusumaningtyas Pramono Ajeng Kusumaningtyas Pramono, Ajeng Kusumaningtyas Al-Mughni, Eka Wasi? Alin Liana Anahtadiya Nurfa Shochicha Anak Agung Gede Agung Andra Jausa Salsabila Angga Bintang Narzassi Anisa Parazulfa Annas, Muhammad Sabri Aprilia Sufi Subiastuti Arfa, Namira Nur Ari Indrianto Arimarsetiowati, Rina Asep Rizal Ibrohim Asep Rizal Ibrohim, Asep Avia Purnama Saputri Ayyu Rahayu Bernardinus Pratama Budy Wiryawan Catur Ahda Darojatun Charisma Asri Fitrananda Darmastuti Deris Trian Rahmandhias Desi Oktaviani Diah Rachmawati Diah Rachmawati DIAN ARUNI KUMALAWATI Didi Usmadi Didik Indradewa Dinar Nugroho Pratomo Dwi Umi Siswanti, Dwi Umi E. Suharyanto Eka Wasi’ Al-Mughni Eko Agus Suyono Elysia Mutiara Azizah Endah Retnaningrum Endang Semiarti Erwin Prastowo Estiyani Indraningsih Esty Nidianti Fadilah Husnun Feren Putri Sholiha Fitri Nadifah Fitri Nadifah Galuh Tresnani Ganies Riza Ariestya Ganies Riza Aristya Gebby Agnessya Esa Oktavia Hani Christin Yambise Hendry T.S.S.G. Saragih Hendry T.S.S.G. Saragih Hendry Tri Sakti Saragih Hendry Tri Sakti Saragih Hetty Nopianasanti Hidzroh , Faridatul Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus Hindarsah, Ida I Dewa Putu Darma I Dewa Putu Darma I Dewa Putu Darma I Dewa Putu Dharma I Made Yudana I Putu Agus Hendra Wibawa I Wayan Suardana I Wayan Swarautama Mahardhika I Wayan Swarautama Mahardhika I Wayan Swarautama Mahardhika I Wayan Swarautama Mahardhika IKA MUSTIKA Ikhsan Nur Huda Ikhsan Nur Huda Irma Nofitahesti Ishak, Muhammad Alif Ismail Ismail Isna Mustafiatul Ummah Issirep Sumardi Iwan Gunawan Iwan Roosdianto Iwan Roosdianto Iwan Satibi Joko Prastowo Joseph Chohansandhika Keiko T. Natsuaki Keiko T. Natsuaki, Keiko T. KENJI WAKUI Linda Oktavianingsih M.Pd. ., PROF. DR. I MADE YUDANA, M.Pd. M.Pd. ., PROF.DR.A.A. GEDE AGUNG, M.Pd. Mahfut Maryani Maryani Maryani Maryani Muhammad Bima Atmaja Muhammad Dylan Lawrie Narzassi, Angga Bintang Nata Dwi Annisa Nizma Nia Fararid Askar Nugroho Nofriarno Nurachmad Bagas Indriarto Ovami, Debbi Chyntia Paristiowati, Maria Polikarpia Wilhelmina Bani Prabawani, Ratri Lila Prastiyanto, Muhammad Evy Probowati, Wiwit Puji Wulandari Purnomo - Purnomo Purnomo Purnomo Purnomo Purnomo Purnomo Purnomo Purnomo Puti Hana Ramadhani Putu Ayu Damayanti Rahmadani, Wenny Deisshinta Rahmadilla Salsabila Mahdison Rajif Iryadi Rajif Iryadi Ratri Lila Prabawani REFLINUR REFLINUR Restiyanti Restiyanti Retnaningrum, Endah Ridesti Rindyastuti Rina Sri Kasiamdari Rini Etika Ranis Rizko Hadi Rizko Hadi, Rizko Rozikin, Rozikin Rugayah Rugayah Sahni Damerianta Salma Mutiara Tsani Satria Wahyuni SEDYO HARTONO Seonarwan Hery Poerwanto Shita Tiara Sigit Dwi Maryanto Sigit Dwi Maryanto Sigit Dwi Maryanto Sigit Dwi Maryanto Sigit Dwi Maryanto, Sigit Slamet Widiyanto Soenghoe Jang Sonjaya, Rasman Sri Darmawati Sri Wahyuningsih Sudrajat, Rochmat Tri Sukarti Moeljopawiro Sumarmi Sumarmi Supriyadi Supriyadi Susamto Somowiyarjo Susilawati Susilawati Sutomo Sutomo Sutomo Sutomo Syamsul Arifin Tara Puri Ducha Rahmani Taufik Hidayatullah Tety Hartatik Teuku Nanda Saifullah Umar Hafidz Asy’ari Hasbullah, Umar Hafidz Asy’ari Utin Elsya Puspita Utin Elsya Puspita Vera Hermawan Wayan Tunas Artama Wayan Tunas Artama Wenny Deisshinta Rahmadani, Wenny Deisshinta Widya Asmara Wiko Arif Wibowo Wiko Arif Wibowo Wisnu Nurcahyo Yasir Sidiq Yohana Theresia Maria Astuti, Yohana Theresia Maria Yuanita Rachmawati Yuanita Rachmawati, Yuanita Yuliara, I Made